The response from the Right Wing ZB Trolls at complaints the new corporate food is slop has been as predictable as it has been jaw dropping, and now where has it been articulated better than from Taxpayers’ Union own Jordan Williams, aka The more Evil Draco Malfoy…
…that’s right, it’s the ‘how fucking dare you poor people complain about the slop we are giving you just because we had to cut costs to afford tax cuts for the rich’.
How about you try serving this dog food in Bellamys inside Parliament for the politicians and you see how quickly they change the fucking menu!
The Right wing HATES that we feed hungry kids at school because that admits the true level of poverty in NZ and it highlights ho social policy is failing.
They despise that they have to feed other people kids because they are selfish and cruel.
Despite knowing hungry children perform poorly educationally, the Right don’t care.
This level of privilege is blinding. These 2 images from the same day…
…dog food for your children, yummy food for David.
At some stage this is all too ugly to behold.
We have mutilated a feed the kids programme that was working and replaced it with corporate slop and corporate welfare for those making the slop.
This is the land of milk and honey and this is what we feed our hungry children…

…we should all be collectively ashamed that this is what we have degrade ourselves to.
PS – Check out these right wing trolls on Dunedin’s Hospital…
…wow the Right are cruel and evil.
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Everyone’s too damn fussy and school lunches just another political football. We once did ok with jam sandwiches and an apple or a carrot and lived to tell the tale. I also enjoyed raw onions ( healthy healthy) carried salted in a tobacco tin, and the free school milk abolished by the Nats would have also helped, and the nuns making it into lovely hot cocoa in winter was both heart and body warming.
The gloriously unhealthy Brit school dinners will never be emulated in this cold little country of serial hair pullers and whiners, so maybe time to just belt up and give each kid a chocolate fish with whatever’s in the shiny dish.
Have you seen the obesity rates of over 50 year olds in this and many other countries now…
That is a direct result of being brought up eating white bread jam sandwiches and chocolate fish and other such like food…all washed down with Coca Cola or Fanta.
Those bad habits are engrained early and then passed on down through generations….hence the high obesity rates in even small children now.
The reheated upchuck muck meals now being presented by Seymour are rubbish compared to the fresh, highly nutritious, interesting food that was being made by local communities around the country.
He and the Coalition of Chaos are know nothing,shortsighted, ignorant Dinosaurs ..
Penny wise and pound foolish…but
not even penny wise…
You put crap fuel in a car you’ll get a crap performance…
The human body is no different.
Does anyone know the nutritional content of the food?
Surely that is a critical factor
Your self righteous nostalgia is boring and is an advertisement to your ignorance.
It should be an advertisement “of my ignorance,” not “ to my ignorance,” ignoramus. Nostalgia or not, abolishing primary school cooking and nutrition classes has doubtless played a big part in the fattening of the populace. Nutrition also used to be an optional choice in the School Cert general science paper.
The amount of processed food people eat, is appalling. I cook from scratch, and grow my own veges, but most don’t, and although I enjoy a certain amount of junk food, am still petite. Never drunk Fanta, Coke etc and it is astonishing to see supermarket trollies laden with them.
Chocolate fish are pretty harmless, mainly marshmallow, which is gelatine/protein, and the light chocolate coating can be quite nutritionally good.
You sound like a Monty Python sketch, except not funny.
Extend yourself sack. When Hollyhock talks about actual experience, criticism should include your experience that is relevant.
With all due respect Grey, the insidious subtext to Hollyhocks post is deserving of only criticism, She/He posits that anyone who complains about inedible food is kicking a political football and is a whiner. I might not have grown up in the fifties but I am sure that HotV reminiscences of a past long gone, and that has no resemblance to the 21st century, is irrelevant and I am more than certain is being overly romanticized.
But here is some lived experience for you, when I was in prison, the food we got was better than whatever that crap in the photo was. And if whatever that crap is was served day in, day out, in Waikeria, there WOULD have been a riot. No joke.
“The amount of processed food people eat, is appalling.” That comma is not required, ignoramus.
“I cook from scratch, and grow my own veges, but most don’t, and although I enjoy a certain amount of junk food, am still petite.” Run-sentences with many clauses are not good syntax, ignoramus.
The plural of trolley is trolleys, ignoramus.
“Chocolate fish are pretty harmless, mainly marshmallow, which is gelatine/protein, and the light chocolate coating can be quite nutritionally good.” Chocolate fish contain a lot of sugar, ignoramus.
You sound like a beneficiary.
Well at least we have established Simon Anderson is a complete wanker. Does Simon the dipshit remember that National supported the hospital until they started manipulating the numbers for their stupid tax cut.
There are some dark nasty bastards in NZ for sure. What the “parents should feed their kids” brigade should remember (or learn for a start) is that hungry kids do not learn well, it has been proven for years, teachers and principals and teacher aids know this.
Many Scandinavian and European countries provide nutritious free meals to all students–and these nations are well off financially–they see it as a benefit for society.
Basically Seymour does not support feeding the kids at all but he took the gutless option of reducing cost and quality which no one benefits from apart from Compass. Does he then intend to say–no one is taking up the slops, so it will be cut completely?
I put the descriptor “Cook/chill” slops in my posts on this to make the point this is processed industrial food that bears no resemblance to fresh, cooked on the day, local ingredients etc. Cook/chill is subject to various contamination and safety problems and has been the bane of hospitals and aged care.
Feed the kids PROPERLY and support local contractors and kitchens should be the call. And put the MPs all on slops too!
“Many Scandinavian and European countries provide nutritious free meals to all students”
As do *most* countries, even the US. Providing meals in schools is normal practice, and as with the lack of a CGT, NZ is an outlier.
Absolutely true…France also have lunch in schools and tge vhildren are educatex about what is in it ,awhere it comes from and hiw to make it…it’s all part of their education…
We …unfortunately…are a pretty dumb ignorant country…and the likes of Seymour are trying to make us even dumber and more ignorant..
Remember ..we’ve been here before when National’s dumbarse Tony Ryall cancelled
the Healthy Food in Schools policy introduced by Labour..
Have soft drinks and pies replaced with healthy sandwich options and fruit…
It was embraced and working well so true to National form it was immediately labelled ‘nanny state’ and cancelled.
Seymour is the new fuckwit on the block….soon to be gone…
He had better dust off his C.V….for what it’s worth!
Someone needs to tell these greedy grasping parasites that the precious rich folk don’t carry the tax burden that “pays” for this slop. The rich elites of the Tax Evaders Union bleat about tax money *they* don’t pay.
We do, and most TDBers (ie. normal human beings who recognise that the benefits of a healthy community are shared by all) are happy to see *our* public funds help the disadvantaged.
Feed the poor, starve the parasites.
The hypocritical TPU are pissed jealous they are missing out on getting a free lunch like the kids. “They get free lunch and we dont we?”, they say. They want the good times back when they were happy to accept a free lunch from Grant Robertson all through the pandemic.
The food could be better at an affordable cost if it just went to kids from families with a CSC.
But the progressives said that was stigmatising so every kid at the school gets a free lunch that is the equivalent of a train replacement bus in the public transport system.
If we target those families most in need, we should do the same at the other end so target the pension also to deal with the issue of intergenerational inequity.
No the richer taxpayers would feel their kids were missing out on a free lunch. Universalism. Treat all kids the same it’s not their fault their parents are rich or poor.
Ada universality is not to be sneered at. If we could get the rich to stop regarding themselves as superior beings but just clever people seizing opportunities within their grasp at a lucky time, not gods at all, then we’d be on the up.
Well, if it really looks like the meals in the pics the kids won’t eat it, even if they’re hungry. You’d have to be in a war zone or some famine for that.
The photos on the Ministry of Education website indicate Martyn’s photos are a select few.
Thought as much. Journalistic license you might say. I’m sure the MoE photos will give a very different impression. But they would. The image is so crucial to the message.
The tax payers are paying for these awful meals and it will be wasted money. David Seymour needs to be held accountable for this because he is putting a generation of children on the scrap heap and a whole lot of school community kitchens out of work at the stroke of a pen This ironically to pay a multinational company whose profits go overseas. Isn’t it the economy stupid maybe Willis should get some emails about this waste of money, loss of jobs ,loss of learning and let’s add in a sexual predator president for added ACT value
Meanwhile Seymour will take the “free lunch” that is a politician pension for life when he leaves politics, that and free air fares. Hypocrisy at it’s highest.
Darren Hughes. Goriz. Turei Shaw – the shady list goes on …
“The Right wing HATES that we feed hungry kids at school because that admits the true level of poverty in NZ and it highlights ho social policy is failing.”
The right wing despises poor people full stop and will do nothing to better their lives, and love the fact that you are bickering about social policy instead of focusing on the root cause which is neoliberalism which was designed to create exactly the situation we are in where capital flows to the wealthy and inequality increases exponentially.
The only difference between National and Labour in NZ is social policy, they are both joined at the hip economically and locked into a system that enriches a select few, as well as themselves.
No politician ever pays for their own lunch. We should be force feeding them with all the uneaten school lunches stuffed down their gullets.
Why is some consultant in Auckland wasting time mouthing off about Dunedin Hospital on Social Media? Does he not have a job to get on with?
Confirms my dad’s view of consultants. Bastards too lazy to work but too cowardly for crime.
“Consultants: bastards too lazy to work but too cowardly for crime.”
That is pure gold – thanks stevie 🙂
If we target those families most in need, we should do the same at the other end so target the pension also to deal with the issue of intergenerational inequity.
If you really are hungry (started the day with saveloy soup anyone) you will eat just about anything.
The funniest thing was a past Labour Minister of Education complaining about the quality of the food, getting caught using a photo of food her Department had supplied.
I remember when Jenny Shipley tried to force beneficiaries to eat her soup, we called it beneficiary soup; typical right wingers take from our government hands out as it’s alright for them.
Stop running down my type of meals! Takeaways on the run are basic and kids have only a small amount of time commitment for eating. All you gourmets just shut up and let the system get going and stay. This is kiwi nit picking as usual so bloody moany and sarky.
It just the bitter left.