It’s now no-cause eviction open season on Renters as National reopen country up to digital nomad hyper tourism


The war on Renters continues as no-cause evictions declare open season on Renters…

No-cause evictions return, landlords warned against misuse

No-cause evictions are back from today – and landlords are being told not to see it as “carte blanche to end tenancies at will”.

Amendments to the Residential Tenancies Act passed last year and brought a number of changes.

While the changes to bond lodgements, no longer requiring signatures for lodging or topping up a bond, took effect immediately, others are still being rolled out.

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From January 30, landlords can end a periodic tenancy without a specific reason if they give 90 days’ notice.

…this while National open country up to digital nomad hyper tourism…

Thousands eye NZ’s digi-nomad scheme, MPs challenge the policy

More than 8000 people looked at Immigration New Zealand’s webpage on working remotely yesterday – and 1500 more viewed its visitor visa and visa-waiver pages.

MPs today quizzed officials on issues they fear will dog the digital nomad visa, including skyrocketing demand for temporary housing – or travellers taking local jobs.

The visa policy change means all overseas visitors, including tourists on visa waiver (ETAs), can now work here for up to nine months.

A parliamentary scrutiny committee examined the change with INZ staff and immigration minister Erica Stanford. She told the education and workforce committee it had attracted a massive amount of interest and coverage since Monday.

“We have been missing out on a whole market of people that other countries are taking advantage of, which we have not been able to do, and it was great yesterday and the day before to see the digital nomad headlines for New Zealand on the BBC and on the New York Times. I mean that is absolutely phenomenal.”

But opposition MPs questioned Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment officials earlier in the day about potential unintended consequences of the policy.

“Did you check with overseas examples or with other government agencies around the risk of the proliferation of things like Airbnb in communities where perhaps these so-called digital nomads would be concentrated?”, asked Greens MP Ricardo Menéndez March about the potential for pressure on rentals and temporary housing.

…so total acquiescence to the Landlord Class alongside a $2.9billion tax loop hole WHILE National open the floodgates to  Digital Nomads who will spike the rents up.

New Zealand rentals are already globally high…

New Zealand among the most expensive places to rent in the world

As rents have pushed up in recent years on the back of high migration, New Zealand’s rental market has achieved a record that tenants would rather not set, and global distinction the country would probably prefer not to achieve.


  1. I clearly must be missing something because how would we know if some tourist here, on a tourist visa, wasn’t working remotely?

  2. We would prefer harm to our fellow citizen just in case we don’t get something they might.

    30 years of downward deunionised wage pressure has created a working people who are so poorly paid they look at welfare with envy.

    Meanwhile the megalandlords and property speculators laugh all the way to the bank as homeownership continues to fall.

    Well said Martyn.

  3. The landlords: the parasites that infect NZ society. Given the housing market in Nz is ideally set up for a parasitic host the characterization is not far from the mark but I’d feel better if the term came with nuances. Who are these parasitic landlords that we should target our anger and disgust. All landlords? Savvy investors with a few properties in their portfolio? Fat cats with hundreds if not thousands? Corporate bodies? Mums and dads with a retirement plan? It’s now old hat to say NZ has a housing market with bits of an economy tacked on, but it’s just this that turns good meaning folk into parasites.

    • @ bozo.
      ” The landlords: the parasites that infect NZ society.”
      Well, yes they are. Like supermarket cartels and banks. And real estate industry Rats and booze barons.
      Where ever there’s a demand causing anxiety there’s a profiteering parasite supplying to it and that kind of phenomenon has been around since our arseholes pointed downwards. And that, dear boy, is why the democracy plus the vote was invented. To far too many, exploiting others for their time, energy and resources had been a blood sport for those same soulless. Then, we good fuckers became complacent then the roger popped out of the arse hole of society and fucked us all and there’s nothing new in that. Is that why the gallows was invented?
      There will always be some arsehole ready to take advantage of those good people who just want to have fun and it’s at that zenith in society where good people must instinctually re-act when scum like douglas and his acolytes shove their narcissistic and sociopathic way into our beautiful lives.

  4. The tech nomads are on a roll around the world, both enabled and destabilised by the tech and its unattachment to real human need and enterprise. They virtually originated from Silicon Valley, which is their motherland. Here’s some facts to help understand the pheno-men-on of the moving cavalcade flowing around and over us.

    Silicones are “slippery” by nature. This is due to the particular structure of the siloxane polymer, characterised by wide bond angles between silicon and oxygen that determine one of the main properties of the lubricating grease in which it is contained: the static and dynamic coefficient of friction content.19 Jan 2023
    6 unrivaled properties of a silicone grease – Macon Research
    Macon Research

    (These facts inform and show science working for You!)

  5. Ah, so now they can kick me out. My 16 years in this place, always rental agents who hated being approached, 7 years ago they began squeezing me economically. 2 days a week to pay them off now.

    I admit I have a 2 bedroom flat for just one person and I don’t enjoy work.

    My bruv got a kid at 18 and learnt the work ethic, now 6 figures income. But why should you care about the work nonsense? No good reason unless you like that sort of thing. It’s mostly all fear of the overdraft. What I enjoy is a good project.

  6. Ah, so now they can kick me out. My 16 years in this place, always rental agents who hated being approached, 7 years ago they began squeezing me economically. 2 days a week to pay them off now.

    I admit I have a 2 bedroom flat for just one person and I don’t enjoy work.

    My bruv got a kid at 18 and learnt the work ethic, now 6 figures income. But why should you care about the work nonsense? No good reason unless you like that sort of thing. It’s mostly all fear of the overdraft. What I enjoy is a good project.

    • “I admit I have a 2 bedroom flat for just one person and I don’t enjoy work.”
      What does that mean ‘i don’t enjoy work’
      1: you hate your current job?
      2: you CAN work but prefer not to?
      3: you enjoy it better on welfare than actually working?

      Please enlighten us, you sound like a poster boy for National and why able bodied people refuse to work!

  7. This is terrible news for renters. Elsewhere digital nomad tourists have caused rents to skyrocket, pricing local renters out of the market and out of their homes.

    Off the top of my head I think Spain is now rethinking this “ tourist “ service, which has also resulted in over-tourism impacting on local facilities, and if these temporary residents are allowed to vote, the outlook is decidedly bleak, and a further erosion of New Zealand’s democracy and perhaps autonomy.

    • Well, that’s not a bad question. But there are multiples answers.

      The government is working for the people, full stop. Find ways to benefit the economy so we all (presumably) can benefit. Afterall, as a nation we have ‘expectations’, yes?

      The government is working for the people and groups that put them in power. Self interest, full stop. There’s quite of bit that in democratically elected governments and surely its not hard to see in the current government (although under MMP a troublesome coalition) – indeed in all governments, irrespective of their hue.

      Looking at from another angle, tempting digital nomads here is simply the bait on the hook, no different to the work-to-resident schemes but configured for the digital age. Without knowing the details of the initiative, some might actually like the place and decide to physically stay, put down roots, raise bambinos (ooops… no Mexicans allowed!). Win win. The country needs clever, educated, innovative people – and their (future) kids. If only to grow the super fund! Bleeding so many to Australia and beyond. But of course, no guarantee newcomers won’t bugger off as soon as they can. Its their pejorative. Part of the global world we now live in.

    • Oh … then there’s the unintended consequences, what MB is getting at (or they they simply intended consequences to feather the nest of landlords)


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