If we are going to take Māori MPs doing a Haka to the privileges committee, what the Christ should we do to Shane and Winston for their astounding racism against migrants Kiwis in Parliament last night…
NZ First refuses to back down over ‘xenophobic’ comments
New Zealand First Ministers are refusing to back down from comments they made towards immigrant MPs in the House this week.
MPs were debating the Prime Minister’s statement on Tuesday when Shane Jones yelled “send the Mexicans home” across the floor.
Winston Peters then told Green MPs Lawrence Xu-Nan and Francisco Hernandez to “show some gratitude” for being in New Zealand.
The Green Party has now written to the Prime Minister and the Speaker of the House asking they take action, saying the comments are “outwardly racist and xenophobic”.
“[The Prime Minister] needs to show leadership and be really clear that this sort of behaviour is unacceptable because it emboldens people outside of these four walls who wish to cause harm on our migrant communities and wish to delegitimise migrant communities’ participation in our democracy,” Mexico-born Green MP Ricardo Menéndez March said.
Neither Minister is backing down.
In a text to RNZ, Jones called the Greens “flakes” and said the party’s MPs liked to dish it out but couldn’t handle the return fire.
Mexican Trump jokes?
Are you fucking kidding me?
Were they drunk?
To attack Green Party migrant Kiwis in the way Shane and Winston did is really fucking deplorable.
We all get Winston and Shane are arseholes, but there’s just no way they can be allowed to say this hateful shit towards Migrant Kiwis!
Look, is Ricardo Menéndez March a grumpy woke bitch?
Sure is…
…but he’s a Kiwi eh?
He is a Migrant New Zealander.
He is one of us, and he also does a very good job of highlighting the cruelty of welfare policy while standing up for the rights of migrant workers as well!
He is not only one of us, he is a very excellent one of us!
To pretend that he is somehow less of a Kiwi because he’s a migrant is the very mindset that allows for so much migrant exploitation in this country.
The manner in which Ricardo, Lawrence Xu-Nan and Francisco Hernandez were attacked by Winston and Shane demands Parliament step in and take them both to the privileges committee because if we are going to send Debbie Ngarewa-Packer, Rawiri Waititi, Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke and Peeni Henare to privileges committee for doing a Haka, then surely we have to send Shane and Winston there for what was a totally unprovoked hateful attack on their supposed ‘New Zealandness’ as migrants.
This was really unhinged shit here and it’s not a political point scoring exercise, Winston and Jones were really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, out of line here.
They need to apologise and withdraw or be taken to privileges committee because this wilfully hateful stuff isn’t on.
We are Kiwis, not Americans! This kind of politics is ugly and imported which is ironic because that’s what Matua Winston accused the Green MPs of!
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Only those born in New Zealand should be allowed to serve as members of parliament! Immigrants, no matter how long they’ve lived here, must be barred from holding these crucial positions.
We must ensure that those making the laws and policies have no divided loyalties or outside influences. It’s time to put natural born New Zealanders first. No exceptions!
Totally agree zelda.
We certainly don’t need advice from Mexicans given the deplorable state of their country.
Yeah same with poms
Well well well….had better inform Seymour about this…afterall…
…when you look past the attack on Menendez, the messaging and the precendent now set by Peters et al, flys directly in the face of what Seymour is hopelessly trying to achieve with his Treaty thingy whatever its called bill.
Winston has said immigrants should show some respect and gratitude to the people who have been here 1000years…i.e.Maori…
He also used the term “Sunshine”, which is Seymour’s nickname, because everyone knows he thinks that the sunshines out of his own arse.
Popcorn anyone?
Peter’s and Jones will win favour because of this issue.
Now here’s a fantastic immigrant posing his values on kiwi kids; More IQ, EQ and creative ability than the CoC and Bob1 put together …
Subash Chandar K was described as “an innovative mathematics educator whose inspiring journey from academic struggles to teaching excellence exemplifies resilience and passion”.
The judges also noted he leverages technology and creative teaching methods to make maths accessible and engaging for thousands of students every year.”
Meanwhile Erica buys a stack of books from a private provider and calls it a curriculum – believing one sile teaching method fits all.
” From there, he was selected from over 5000 nominations and applications from 89 countries around the world.
Subash Chandar K is already a multi-award-winning teacher.
In 2018, he awarded the National Excellence in Education Awards (NEiTA) top honour for his inspiring work as a mathematics and statistics teacher. He is a current semifinalist for the 2025 New Zealander of the Year Local Hero Award “
Bob the firste…
Yeah they will win support from the red neckers the same ones putting the boot into our TOW.
I would suggest that doctors especially specialists along with other skilled/professional workers from overseas are far more crucial than most politicians to our future so how many jobs are you going to restrict access to?
You have lived through over a year of a government that puts it’s donor interests ahead of the national good (landlord subsidy, no ferries, pro smoking etc) so your talk about divided loyalties is extremely two faced.
Those who have spent a large part of the adult lives outside NZ, such as Luxon and many high-powered business people, should also be disqualified then. Their knowledge of NZ and our recent history is extremely poor.
In Luxon’s case, it’s clear he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know, and foolishly exhibits great gaps in his NZ experience, almost every day.
People who have abandoned their heritage and ancestry should also be disqualified. Oh, there goes Seymour’s relevance.
Peters and Jones don’t show much ‘respect and gratitude’ when they promote fast track consents for dirty mining and exploitative industries for their donors’ benefit.
How is that respectful to the land and to the people who make the land beautiful?
How is the promotion of smoking respectful to people.
How is appearing to be drunk in parliament, showing respect to the people who put you there?
it’s time for hypocrites to look in the mirror and for everyone, including millionaires and billionaires to show some gratitude to the ordinary people who make this, a country that others might like to live in.
We have seen that gratitude and respect are not very common among the CoC.
That Joy is a rant based only on your warped sense of what is true.
The fact is we were well on our way to third world status under the Labour Government.
The fact is we are now on the road to recovery under the National led Coalition Government.
Bob you just talk rubbish, pure and simple. There’s no basis for what you have said given Labour would have had the books balanced earlier because they weren’t taking a punt on the economy like National have. The coalition have cut the governments income through a tax cut and then completely rooted the economy they were supposed to be collecting revenue from. Of course they have probably manufactured this stupid f’ing situation to justify hocking off the silverware.
Here here.
In the last article, bomber says immigration is hurting our country (the one about speed limits), but in this article, any mexican who moves here is a kiwi
any mexican who moves here is a kiwi WHERE DID HE SAY THAT?
And yes immigration, OR RATHER the way immigration in this country is used hurts us
BUT if you move here and have residency etc then of course you should be treated the same as other Kiwis!
Psycho zelda! Are you some kind of nutty old white farmer in drag? A high heeled Hater?
Are you Maori? If not, then, by your logic, fuck off
Psycho zelda! Are you some kind of nutty old white farmer in drag? A high heeled Hater?
Are you Maori? If not, then, by your logic, fuck off
Agree, only those born in NZ should be able to work in the public sector and they should be required to stay in NZ or if they quit pay back the earnings appropriated from their gated comfortable life. NZ needs to grow what is already here not import a secondhand bureaucrat who dictates life skills to families who have been here for millennia. And we don’t need parliamentary shoplifters earning ten times the average person rubbing it in our faces.
@Ethan Bouquet – so, are you saying that all the Muslim, Asian, Pasifika and other nationalities born in their native countries but who moved to New Zealand to live and work in the public sector here should be sacked?
So you don’t need nurses,doctors, teachers from overseas
I don’t know who you are but I am appalled by your comments. With that name you have I could be reasonably sure that you are not Maori. So like me your are Pakeha. I am not sure what gives you the mandate to decide if your born out of this country you shouldn’t be able to stand for parliament. DUMB DUMB DUMB
It’s a little late to strip Dick Seddon and a host of others, or do you mean only those without pale faces?
Whoa … just uniformed comments. Not only misses the target but I’d say in legal terms is unconstitutional and violates human rights. Taking on citizenship – not just having PR – yes for sure, but I’d be surprised if citizenship is not a criteria for political candidacy.
I’m not sure banning overseas born Kiwis from being MP’s would help when weve got Kiwi MPs born in this country actively supporting terrorist organisations.
Then NZ Fist shouldn’t have chosen Samoan born Asenati Taylor to be one of their MPs back in 2011
Given you’re German you have no right to comment on this site Griselda!
Would you say the same for Pakeha kiwis who some refer to as “colonialist, white settlers”?
No, only the racist German Zelda and in response to her racist comment. Why does this trigger you Anne E or is it Bob the firste?
By Winston’s skewed (stewed?) rhetoric, pākehā should have to be thankful for being here too then!
This was an appalling little tirade that new gens will totally get and keep supporting the Greens. Send Mexicans home–pathetic. Just when there is a chance of playing a positive role in lining up Baldrick and Atlas Dave, Winston reverts to type–the old soak Uncle with a bad attitude.
And let’s just forget the maori party shameful and decisive speeches and outbursts, haka…the special people are exempt but all others not?
It’s rather hypocritical to praise and enjoy maori party (and the greens) outbursts as being brave and honest, but not anyone from the right, as that’s just not on! ?
Yes, im right whose often wrong and the Maori party members got reprimanded but will our cowardly PM say or do anything I doubt it he has no balls
We need to step back from the nationalist exclusive bullshit promulgated by the Winston First (NZF) rednecks – Hitler would be proud. I do find it ironic that the 2 Winston First politicians involved in this furore conveniently allude to their Maori ancestry when it suits them (Mexican foreigners trying to tell us who have been here for 1000 years what to do in our ‘own’ country).
Jones has tried to justify his and Winston’s deplorable behaviour due to “foreign” ideas of the 3 targeted. The “foreign” idea was revealed as the prevailing climate science agreed by anyone who actually understands the science – opponents are irrational skeptics like Trump and those of his ilk. Clearly Winston and Jones are trying to position themselves (in typical personality politics) in alignment with the truly flaky opposition to the accepted science that we can see playing out in our increasingly extreme and unpredictable weather.
Zelda, by your logic, taken to the nth degree, Maori only should run the country and be able to vote and establish laws in this country. Okay, clearly overkill, but Birthright should NOT be the only consideration for being a lawmaker. Remember, even though the 3 politicians being attacked for something outside their control, don’t make up policy by themselves, they are part of a democratic party and represent the party rather than themselves … although given the way Winston and Jones behave, you need to wonder how much of their reactionary activities reflect their parties position (nobody within Winston First would dare say anything against their leaders) or shit they just make up on the fly.
NZ First (aka Winston who is coming to the end of his DPM) are setting themselves up for the next election. He saw Trump’s big – and successful – con-game and he’s already, with help from his blow-hard mate, looking to be Trump II, NZ-style.
Got to give him marks for his political stamina but gallons of whisky and millions of smokes have got to take their toll sometime – and his aging organs won’t help.
MNZGA doesn’t have the same ring to it, Winnie. Give it up while you can!
The Australians do……
Poor Zelda she must lead a very lonely life in her right wing troll world in cyber space.
‘Only those born in New Zealand should be allowed to serve as members of parliament! Immigrants, no matter how long they’ve lived here, must be barred from holding these crucial positions.’
So all you Pakeha bastards piss off!
Think you will find that most of us ‘Pakeha bastards’ were born here.
And many of us have intermarried with Maori over the past 160 years that we’ve been here. We may even have more Maori blood then some of those that call us “pakeha”
They may well have but through their heritage they haven’t James. That is lost on you and Bobby the first troll with his racist comments against the Maori party.
Coming to New Zealand and within a very short time becoming a member of Parliament doesn’t sit comfortably with me.
The Maori Party surely don’t like the situation.
Even worse that the fuckwit became PM
You’d better tell the Blue Dragons lurking incogneto within the National Party…
I’m with you on this point. Both labour and the Nats got rid of their Chinese MPs. One of them made a statement, suggesting they were looking after the interests of China first and foremost. And of course we know they are big donors primarily for the right side of politics. They are privileged Chinese who had dosh to enable them to come here. We are only interested in importing monied people.
Yeah and winstone and his lacky shameless jones they can tell all the many Indian dairy and bottle store owners selling alcohol and vapes too to wuck of
Why, he came here he settled here, what is wrong with that. He pronounces the Maori language – one of our official languages – better than many many whiteys who were born here.
‘Only those born in New Zealand should be allowed to serve as members of parliament! Immigrants, no matter how long they’ve lived here, must be barred from holding these crucial positions.’
Good for you Zelda!
While we are at it- some other annoying things.
Fucking idiots telling us what a great bloke Trump is and why God personally selected him as U.S. president. Why should we have to put up with morons like that?
People who defend Zionist murderers by pulling stuff out of their arseholes about how Palestinians threaten world peace so it is all right to kill the adults and rape their children. Why kind of sick pervert does that?
People whose parents had to go to the very last letter of the alphabet before they could select a weird name for their whelp.
Don’t these folks make you sick Zelda?
peters and jones. Sounds like a Gay sit com. Oh, wait?
Those two half wits don’t deserve our serious debate. Also, they’re playing us. Willis is promoting a tourism landslide into a country who’s agrarian economy was sabotaged to hide ancient crimes while we mindlessly go out and buy the garbage advertised on our favourite all black. Bread and Circuses?
Who was it who said ” In times of peace we must be most vigilant ” Sun Tzu, was it? While we focus on the rats in the wood pile the wolves are eating our babies inside.
mmp’s a scam promoted to we, a mindless mass of consumers mesmerised by the natzos.
Always be mindful; labour, national, nz first, act, @ The Maori party etc… all the same fuckin’ thing man.
We need a very public royal commission of inquiry into out politic and our economy urgently.
MMP is not a scam at all. I have not voted for either of the main USELESS parties since 1984. The future is Te Pati Maori and the Greens.
Did someone have their feelings hurt? Did someone else say something unkind?
Is our Parliament now a kindergarten where bad-speak is banished?
Bad speak, well incredibly rude to someone who is not born in Aotearoa. It raises the hackles for some people who don’t want any immigrants.
Remember that the New-Xenphobia-Land-First MPs, Winston and Shane are also descended from migrants, if you believe in the DNA reseach that polynesians originated from Taiwan. Those two MP’s are pretty old to still be acting like they are in kindergarten.
But since New-Xenophobia-Land-First has historically been voted adios after one term, maybe they want to go out with a hiss and a racist roar, knowing Acts treaty principles debate is eating into their redneck support, so attacking migrants is the kneejerk response. The lower their polling goes, the more crap you’ll hear. It’s hypocritical after bad hombre Winstons criticism of the psna Isrealli soldier hotline, he said could stir up racism, and in the next breath stirring up racism with his mexican comments. Two legs good, for legs bad, Isrealli genocide soldiers good, mexicans bad…
Remember back when Paul Henry was a thing on TVNZ Breakfast with Prime Minister John Key, in which he questioned whether Governor-General Sir Anand Satyanand was really a New Zealander? Well guess who wanted that TV presenter sacked for his xenophobic racist rant? Shane Jones!
Good one, I remember it all.
Pita Sharples and Shane Jones were united in wanting Paul Henry sacked…Shane Jones is clearly looking to the Trump playbook to secure his future…
“Last night Dr Sharples said Henry should go, as he defended the Maori Party against criticism from Labour MP Shane Jones over the party’s lack of reaction.
Dr Sharples said his party had responded appropriately.
“I’ve said publicly that it’s not on and he should go because you can’t have, no matter what you say, the underlying inference was racist – therefore you can’t have that as a front person being paid by the public to do this show,” he said.
Mr Jones, who celebrates his Maori and Dalmatian heritage, also said Henry must go”.
Shane Jones who kept his job while he used tax payers money to watch porn, that Shane Jones?
Yes, im right whose often wrong and the Maori party members got reprimanded but will our cowardly PM say or do anything to shame and stone, I doubt it he has no balls
Why the PM?
That’s the speakers job PA, did the PM admonish maori party and the greens or was it the speaker?….c’mon, think hard
Peters and Jones are not of the National party, not the PMs job, speaker has overall say in what is allowed or not in the actual parliament.
Oh look a plank if I’m right it must be thick
Thinks – no-one over 50 should be able to stand for Parliament and no-one over 60 should remain in office. Then the MPs involved in government will be more aware of conditions and the effect of their past and present policies.
People in power need to show some responsibility in their words and actions. There is absolutely no excuse for this behavior. If these so called leaders call people names and shout out racist ideology how can they set an example. These are supposedly grown men with responsibility’s for government actions but their behavior is of school yard infantile’s. As for people agreeing with these behaviors you are no better and you are showing yourselves as racist in aiding and abetting these ideals that have no place in our country.
Actually have met Ricardo via union stuff, he’s woke as fuck, but having said that he’s quite a decent chap and very likeable.
Obviously Jones and Peters channelling Trump, lol