Horror of Taylor Swift Knife killer and lessons in lying to the public

Poster Boy for the far right

Teen admits to Taylor Swift-themed dance class murders in UK

A British teen pleaded guilty today to murdering three girls and attempting to kill 10 other people in what a prosecutor said was a “meticulously planned” stabbing rampage at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class in England last summer.

The crime shocked Britain, and misinformation about the attacker sparked anti-immigrant violence across the country. The government announced it would hold an independent public inquiry into the attack, which was carried out by a UK-born teenager with a troubling fascination with violence.

Axel Rudakubana, 18, entered the surprise guilty pleas as jury selection had been expected to begin at the start of his trial in Liverpool Crown Court.

The July 29 stabbings led to a week of widespread rioting across parts of England and Northern Ireland after the suspect was falsely identified as an asylum-seeker who had recently arrived in Britain by boat. He was born in Wales to Rwandan parents.

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Originally the far Right attempted to exploit the depravity of this vicious little girl murderer for xenophobic islamist purposes. They falsely claimed he was a fresh of the boat refugee when he was really the offspring of migrants.

Such nuance meant little in the terrifying Pogram that followed with anyone not white targeted for vicious beatings and intimidation by far right hooligans and a working class of white poverty seething at the gridlock migration and refugee placement has generated in their communities.

It now turns out that the worst fears of that white mob are slowly crystallising as the extent of this vicious little girl murderer’s violence fetish emerges.

Like many migrants living in Western culture, the alienation and exclusion many feel leads to lives of isolation and online extremism. Hell, many white kids do the same thing and become Incels, but cultural isolation leading to extremism can be easily seized upon by the Extreme Right as proof positive their most extreme Islamist fears are legitimate.

The horror of the Taylor Swift-themed dance killer becoming the monster the far Right exploited has been made so much more worse by the Authorities purposely lying about Axel Rudakubana in an attempt to shut down the racist rioting.

Alienation and isolation is causing young men to commit horrific violence. and that violence causes more anger and fury in our communities.

It is a terrible terrible mess.

An ugly, septic wound has just become re-infected.

The riots that followed this terrible cowardly violence is but the beginning.

God Save The King because the angry white mob won’t.

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  1. “The riots that followed this terrible cowardly violence is but the beginning.”

    Damned right!

    The UK is a pressure cooker waiting to go explode and what’s making matters worse is Starmer’s legalistic clampdown on dissent. The brits have had multiculturalism shoved down their throats ever since Blair was PM and it’s turned large parts of the country into ethnic shitholes. As an Englishman who travels home to visit friends and relatives quite often, there’s a long list of places I won’t go near because of the likelihood of being stabbed. It’s bad!

    I don’t know how it’s all going to turn out in the end, but I suspect it won’t end well. Glad I moved here!

  2. Same forces of white thugs are here but less potent as most are pussies and can only be found on segs in Paremoremo, Waikeria, Rimutaka, etc.. Some may join the mainstream and get on with Maori/PI inmates and change their stance on white nationalism

  3. Martyn – Great points raised. It’s a shame the UK Government continues to spread misinformation regarding this mind-numbing tragic case.

  4. And Starmer seems to be trying to blame … the ability to buy a knife. Ridiculous, bringing in more restrictions on knife purchases.

    Maybe try addressing the causes as discussed here, Keir

    • Starmer’s own role in initially expediting this “ Welsh”. boy’s parents’ refugee status to the UK may not stand up to close scrutiny, nor the murderer’s father’s role back in the blood- drenched tragedy that was Rwanda, nor his parents failing in basics like making that sure he attended school in the country where UK taxpayers are supporting all of them in more comfort than they, the workers, may ever experience themselves, nor his parents’ disinterest in the monster’s library of violent and extremist Islamic literature. The list goes on and on.

      • Ennius And the Middle Kingdom flourished well, and advanced and led in many fields, until it’s borders were forced open by the Brits, acting, per usual in their own interests, as do the advocates of diversity. Starmer has stated that his first allegiance is to the WEF, not to the UK. That alone should render him unsuitable to be its PM.

  5. I hope for your sake the poms don’t start extraditing you horrible people for saying such nasty things about that nice Mr Comrade Starmer.


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