There is a double hypocrisy, righteousness and irony of shutting down TikTok.
Double Hypocrisy of shutting down TikTok
There is an obscene double hypocrisy in shutting down TikTok.
The first is that since the Snowden revelations, we know the NSA has the ability to gain back door access to all internet platforms. To point out China’s mass surveillance as a reason to shut down TikTok utterly ignores the truth that the fucking American’s have had this level of mass surveillance far longer than the Chinese!
If we don’t want the CCP having access to our data, why are we allowing the American State to have it?
The second hypocrisy of shutting down TikTok is the reasons for the reversal! Trump has simply argued that TikTok helped him win young Americans, so the threat of China using mass surveillance over Americans is fine, as long as Trump can use the platform to win young people?
What sort of twisted logic is that?
Righteousness of shutting down TikTok
Let’s be clear, shutting down TikTok is utterly righteous. The enormous surveillance powers given to the CCP when you agree top download the App gives them unprecedented access to domestic data and use that data against American interests.
Banning an App that is controlled by the Chinese State who have terrible human rights records is totally legitimate.
Irony of shutting down TikTok
Finally, the true irony of banning TikTok is that the platform bypasses mainstream media gatekeepers in the West and shows the truth of Western Foreign Policy blowing little Palestinian children to pieces.
The powers that be want to kill TikTok off because it shows the truth of their lies.
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Social media, period, is the only media that is capable of bypassing the gatekeepers, this is why it is under constant attack and derision. As the newest big kid on the SM block, Tik Tok,will also be reigned in, derided, undermined as much as possible, like all the others, in an effort to limit push back against our increasingly obvious, morally bankrupt, political class. The dots are growing but the big picture still remains the same, we still believe in the political system and its mainstream media echo chambers, far more than we disbelieve in it.
Apparently the American’s on tiktok are experiencing shadow banning and other limits on what they can do from what I’m observing
Martyn – Good News – President Trump has overturned it.
If I was china I would pull the pin on buying anything from the USA and call in all debt that the USA OWES CHINA within 7 days .
If you were in China you would be executed for suggesting such a stupid move.
Your ignorance laid bare yet again.
China holds a mere 7% of the US debt.
We do hate competition. There is no hypocrisy in the land of the free.
The greatest irony is that it has been a spectacular own goal by the US. Tik-Tok users are flooding to Rednote and seeing how they have been lied to by the deep state and they are pissed.
Better standards of living, beautiful open spaces, modern cities and infrastructure and the biggest kick in the teeth cheap food. Taking into account the exchange rate Americans are openly questioning how the Chinese only pay $2 to dine out and have free medical.
The staff are paid as little as $3 per hour in China that’s how.
Improve your relativities before making nonsense comments.