It wasn’t an inauguration of a President – it was the funeral for a nation! Trump’s American Midnight is upon us


Jesus wept, Trump used Families of Israeli hostages as a background to the most insane rant ever given in American history.

If that rambling fuckwittery of a speech doesn’t scare the bejesus out of you, you are the problem.

This isn’t an inauguration of a President, it’s the funeral of a nation!

This is America…

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…take a moment to appreciate the madness of where we are at.

4 Years on from inciting an attempted insurrection against his own Government while promoting the Big Lie that he had the election stolen, the Orange Fascism of Trump has taken back the Presidency and been sworn into power.

Trump attempted to violently refute the legitimacy of the American election and called upon his feral MAGA acolytes to storm the Capital Building.

History doesn’t repeat, but it rhymes and Trump’s nickname should be Bitler.

I have always been fascinated by Hitler’s rise.

I try and think about how the fuck such evil was allowed to occur, how educated people with values and true moral and ethical character could so blithely turn a blind eye to hateful and evil policies.

I read a lot to try and understand those things because the rise of the Nazi’s is one of the great lessons civilisation needs to carry with it.

I want to understand the similarities between Hitler’s rise and Trump’s rise because I sincerely think Trump’s win will usher in an Orange Fascism and begin an American Midnight that could take the planet down a path we fought World War 2 to prevent and seeing as NZ is part of the Washington Consensus (that none of us consented to) our Government has to answer to the American Government.

The Queen may technically be the head of State in NZ, but we all know it’s really the President of the United States of Western Paranoia who we have ultimately answer to.

So who runs America matters to us.

There are many cultural red flags in terms of genuine comparisons with the rise of Hitler and Trump.

Use of Resentment as a Political weapon: Trump understands resentment as well as Hitler did and Trump manipulates it in the same way.

Failed Putsch: Both attempted take overs by violence and both were defeated.

Using Court Trial as propaganda tool: While in jail for the Beerhall putsch, Hitler realised he could use the Court process as a propaganda tool and he was on the front pages of German Newspapers with all his anti-immigrant and anti-Semetic attack lines, in the exact same way Trump has also used those Court cases.

Realising violent over throw can’t work: While in prison, Hitler realised he couldn’t over throw a Democracy by violence, but that you had to get elected. Trump learnt the same lesson

Big Lie and the Other: Both Hitler and Trump use ‘Big Lie’ mind control tactics, Hitler described it, Trump used it with his Election theft claim.

The Cartoonish manner in which Trump embodies a Criminal President Supervillain is part of his appeal.

He has tapped into working class resentment because Free Market Capitalism has robbed them of the promise of democracy.

All the Democrats had when the working poor turned to them for solutions was cancelling people for misusing pronouns.

The working poor turned away in disgust and voted for a nightmare instead.

A burning Tesla exploding outside Trump towers – is there a better metaphor for America in 2025?

Trump has used the Undermensch to empower the Ubermensch as his manipulation of the United Staes of Wounded Masculinity has elected a naked plutocracy.

Trump is a sexist racist homophobic joke made amongst friends who won’t be offended and most importantly won’t snitch on you.

This gallows humour will be used to gloss over the Militarisation of ICE, the massive detention camps and the numerous acts of violence Trump will keep pushing until the laughs are cold and empty.

Trump is a fascist who is a threat to all Western Values, but he is also the President America deserves.

Welcome to Late Stage Capitalism on a burning planet, would you like fries with that?

Trump is a bloated, tyrannical, sexist, racist, violent narcissist, which when you think about it is the prefect manifestation of what America really is and what it truly represents because America is a bloated, tyrannical, racist, sexist, violent narcissist of a Nation.

America loves Trump because Trump is America.

People of conscience face an inflection point as the MAGA book burners lash out in resentful hate at all that is greater and bigger than them.

Trump’s American Midnight is upon us.

The barbarians have entered Rome.



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  1. Trump Promises RULE BY BILLIONAIRES In Gruesome Inauguration

    2 hours ago
    The profound sin of genocide is a historical stain that the United States can never clear, and the painful tragedy of Indians is a historical lesson that should never be forgotten.

    3 hours ago
    His speech sounds like the start of “Game of Thrones” with all the rich ready to watch on screen. This ain’t about the people, so scary

    2 hours ago
    In our country, bribery is legal. It is easy to say that the U.S. is dominated by an oligarchy, but what kind of oligarchy? A plutocracy.

  2. Donald Trump Is The Empire Unmasked

    2 minutes ago
    I think this country is going to plunge into something so deep economically that Trump will fall hard. We’ll see what people have to say about him in four years. You can thank the Democrats for Trump’s victory because they were more horrible .

    During his inaugural address, the new president of the United States was refreshingly open about the fact that Washington is the hub of a continuously expanding empire which is ruled by billionaire plutocrats.

  3. To get power Trump won votes across the divide of race ,sex ,religion and class .
    I would hate to be an American today as you know you have 4 years of lies and injustice coming but America has survived other Presidents with poor moral values.
    It will be fun watching from the sideline.

    • Only thing is …it won’t be from the sideline …

      Add to that Luxon and Seymore are salivating ‘working’ with Trump…he will smell their tail wagging naivety a mile off …

      Just like China did with Key and English..

      They will be easy meat!

    • Ahem the Ardern govt pited,

      The vaccinated vs the unvaccinated
      Urban vs rural
      Renters vs landlords
      Māori vs non-Māori
      Public sector vs the private sector
      Auckland vs the rest of the country

      The most divisive govt in NZs history

      • Those with money, those without.
        Those with jobs, those without. Maori vs Pakeha.
        Renters v landlords
        Public sector v private sector
        Road transport v rail

        National, the most divisive govt in NZs history.

  4. The real worry is from right now there are millions of Americans, women particularly, literally in danger of their lives, for no crime greater than going about their lives.

    Not all yanks own guns–but MAGAs disproportionately do–US has had a previous civil war blasting away at their fellow citizens. Trump has green lit the proud boys and all the rest to go for it. Anyone think they won’t?

    US Unions and all progressive organisations have a big job in front of them, but maybe non MAGAs should just head for the coast and leave the hillbillies to it…except for the small problem of Silicon Valley CEOs now being in Trumps pocket too!

    • Trump has big pockets, built for holding people and money. One could call him a Trumparoo as he has pockets and can jump in big bounds from one undying statement of policy to another like a kangaroo which gets the best grazing going at the particular time.

  5. Trump is the chosen one to restore American values and bring the Lord’s blessing to his country once again. The United States new golden age starts today.

  6. Why did I become a unique NZ confederacy model activist many years for years ago. Because after staring into my crystal ball for a longish time I saw the post-globalisation writing on the wall. The future of humanity is not a “back to the future” one but a “forward to the past one”. Confederations have always been the most successful & less troublesome way for large groupings of people to coexist & prosper.

    What’s just around the corner is a multi-polar world composed of more localised, loosely organised groupings of peoples, provinces & regions. No more nationalistic madness, big power/tech dominance or trans-national vice like control, just maximum autonomy within a sustainable, universal confederacy model.

    It could & should begin right here in NZ as we’re the best & safest place of earth to put a radical model like this into practice. I know, a wilderness prophet is never appreciated in his or her homeland, but dreaming outside the Overton window is my business, so why stop now.

    Funnily enough, I read this RT article last night which outlines very similar themes;

  7. What a great day, the lefties in USA in meltdown….lefty tears make me smile.
    Thank you all, TDB and The Standard is hilarious reading, haven’t stopped smiling, please keep it up, don’t stop.

  8. Is the sun shining just a little brighter on my back? The air seems warmer as well – and there’s a shimmering golden haze? And those sweet smells – like that cold beer, which is surely the best tasting beer I’ve ever had. Could this be Elysium?

  9. Personally, I don’t think we have much to worry about and now far more to laugh at.
    Zany old Trump is a work of art really. Honestly, I think we’re over reacting. If he was a solemn, grey be-suited normalite like our own collage of secretive neoliberal psychopaths I’d be concerned but he’s not. He’s painted orange! I mean c’mon. He dances to The Village People for Christs sake. He stormed the Whitehouse because the White House is a Nut House full of dangerous nuts so why not? He’s The real *President Camacho! In 3D! I think Trump’s exactly what the world needs right now but not for why loony @ Zelda thinks.
    Imagine if Hitler stood there back in the day waving his wee fist about wailing and howling while wearing lipstick, stockings and high heels? What if Hitler came out onto some ominous podium with the swastika and the funny bird and started singing something by Cab Calloway while doing a fruity wee dance?
    That’s what Trump’s doing. He’s making a mockery of the very things he’s being accused of fomenting. Whether or not that’s his intention is another matter but that IS what’s happening. So relax, sit back and enjoy the show.
    Remember: Russia/Ukraine. israel/ Palestine. China / Taiwan. Iran/ Syria/ + Everyone else. But NOT Trump. Or. I could be entirely wrong and so we’re all hilariously fucked.
    * Idiocracy.

  10. “Labour leader Chris Hipkins congratulated Trump on his inauguration, saying the party wished him and the American people success.”
    However there remain a few on the left in New Zealand who can see that Donald Trump’s offer of a utopian future for the American people (and only the American people) must end in tyranny. Trump is a businessman and a rhetorician, not a magician. He cannot conjure wealth out of nowhere, and he has no way to ensure that what wealth the United States does possess (which is immense) will be shared among all its people with any degree of equity.
    So when the hopes of an excited American public are dashed (probably within the year) Trump will need to find a scapegoat. Someone or some group that he can point to as having sabotaged America’s swift return to greatness under his superb leadership. That could be someone close to himself, like Elon Musk, but it is more likely to be some marginalized social group.
    It is the very audacity of Trump’s promises which make failure inevitable, and some form of tyranny will be his only possible response to failure.
    Hipkins did not need to say anything to Trump. After all, he has had very little to say about the past year of Luxon-Peters-Seymour rule. He could have kept his mouth shut. He did not need to associate the New Zealand Labour Party in any way with the second presidency of Donald Trump. The one good thing about his congratulatory message is that we now know for sure where the NZLP stands.

    • Geoff, you are late saying Trumps rule will result in tyranny. That tyranny has been in place for years. The real question is will he do anything about it? I’d suggest not.

    • 4 times a failed businessman, he’s where he is because of his daddy’s money as are Trumps own children.
      Sad really.

  11. The crony politics of NAct are right on track to turning us into a corporate oligarchy, hot on the heels of the already fallen USA.

    Heed the warning of George Monboit, resist. It’s time to get serious.

    Posted on20th January 2025

    Trump’s presidency is a reversion to autocratic tyranny. Only concerted resistance can stop it from spreading….

  12. Social anthropologists or some sort of apologists, have found that what people watch on tv and videos gets mixed up in their memories with real or lived experiences. So getting Trump in is just another USA extravaganza to watch and he looked as if he had a great lineup.

    Get informed on the run from these books. These explain and seem on the ball; and see if you can get books, don’t bow down to the machine completely, our brains may atrophy if we don’t read and our publishing houses will do so if we let modernity take over.
    These are ‘Introducing’ books. They’re worth their price, new may be over 30. but some secondhand too. You get top minds giving straight explanations. Could perhaps have discussion group and send the books around the group so each person buys only one but sees them all. But have to keep to schedule or someone will not keep up and break the chain. This is stuff we should have been introduced to when we were 11 or so, at intermediate.

    I’m reading through Continental Philosophy at present and it is something chilly to accept. Sometimes you can see that the idea is going over the top, and then I think, so are we now.
    The illustrations are great, and the whole thing is a work of art, science and commitment to facts (as far as I can tell). But commenters here may get insights – we may find a way to survive. They did in the ice age.

    For a change down to lighter reading of fantasy there is Young Adult Ruth Park’s ‘My Sister Sif’. It pays to take time out from coping with present for a sweeter line of reading.
    nz –

  13. “So who runs America matters to us”.
    Yes, but it is just one of those external factors over which we have no control and about which we should not fret unduly, though it is a factor of which activists need to take account in their broad political strategy. From my perspective “who runs Wellington” is another one of those external factors. What matters to me first and foremost is what happens in my own rohe, where the general trend happens to be positive. We should keep our main focus on that local situation.

  14. David Seymour also congratulated Donald Trump in a rather weird fashion which illustrates the far right’s distorted world view. Seymour noted that the US is “the world’s largest democracy” a cachet usually assigned to India, which has a population four times that of the US. But the US has a larger economy that India, and since Seymour chooses not to see any distinction between “capitalism” and “democracy”, the world’s largest economy becomes in his mind the world’s largest democracy. That is why the far right regarded General Pinochet’s neo-liberal Chilean military dictatorship as being constitutionally superior to any society that normal people would regard as a democracy. If Trump was to turn the US into a fascist dictatorship Seymour would still regard it as “the world’s largest democracy”, and if Seymour managed to turn the Realm of New Zealand into a fascist dictatorship (something he would dearly love to do) he would still define it as a “democracy”. Perhaps more of a “democracy” than it is now, so long as the Treaty Principles Act and the Regulatory Standards Act were in place.
    The other rather strange note struck in Seymour’s message was his acclamation of the “peaceful transition of power” in the US. This is ironic given that Trump himself had resisted the “peaceful transition of power” and revealing that even the most devoted lackeys of the supposed “leader of the free world” can be surprised when it undergoes what appears to be a relatively “peaceful transition of power”.

    • Geoff, you are late saying Trumps rule will result in tyranny. That tyranny has been in place for years. The real question is will he do anything about it? I’d suggest not.

      • It is a matter of degree. Trump would like to create a paradise within the fifty states of the US. He wants to be idolized by a grateful people. But he cannot achieve those goals by rhetoric alone. Social conditions in the US will become even more dire, the vain hopes and expectations of Trump’s election campaign will be dashed, the pot will start to boil over, and and Trump or his successor will be obliged to to impose an even harsher form of tyranny.

    • Is that a voice of reason Geoff F? I hardly know how to recognise reason these days but connect it vaguely with you. So presume what you say is as right, and correct, as it seems.

  15. Well, a ceasefire deal that was first proposed just over a year ago, that the Biden govt refused to sign off on, was finally implemented in no small part thanks to Trump. So hats off to him, thus far.

  16. Trump is a pig of a man who often appears to be out of touch with reality but if I was an American I would have voted for him over the alternative.
    Woketards have no one but themselves to blame.

  17. Even a hollow laugh is better than a full bucket of woe.
    From my book of exquisite graffiti:

    Keep things as they are. Vote for the Sado-Masochist Party.’
    Swiss Cottage (North London)

    Democracy is too good to share with just anybody.
    Auckland think North England one.


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