If Simeon Brown as Health Minister is the answer, what the Christ was the question?

You’re not in Te Puke any more Dr. Ropata!

If Simeon Brown as Health Minister is the answer what the Christ was the question???

Our new Minister of Health was president of anti-abortion group, ProLife Auckland, at University FFS!

National are in so much trouble and the first political poll of the year spells that out and in a move of desperation, Luxon throws the luckless Dr Shane Reti under the bus for the massive political headache public health has become BECAUSE OF NATIONAL’S HEALTH BUDGET CUTS!


The crisis in health funding is a manufactured one!

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In the Budget, National allocated just 2.9% increase to health services but inflation was 3.3% and population growth 2.6% while an ageing population adds more to costs.

National gave 2.9% for health but we needed 8% to stand still, is the electorate dumb enough to fall for National’s latest manufactured public service crisis to introduce more failed free market reforms?

The Finance Minister says we can’t afford $1.4billion for health but we could borrow $14billion for tax cuts?

Is the electorate dumb enough to believe this?

I don’t think people appreciate just how radical our neoliberal reforms were to public services and no where can you see the grim truth of throwing out egalitarianism and progressive fairness for money and profit margins better than this brilliant Stuff article that highlights the terrible legacy of fucking over our public health system.

Look at these stats and gasp in horror at what we have wrought…

…people claim this can’t be true, but the facts stack it up and it is true.

We have progressively decreased taxing the richest to fund out public services until the public services fall over and the public scream ‘something must be done’ and the Right ‘here’s something’ and they privatise a little more and you get even less.

Believing Simeon bloody Brown is the solution to this manufactured crisis in public health is not serious politics!

Simeon Brown is currently raising speed limits around schools to ‘lift productivity’ FFS!

His literal Christian Faith creates a level of self belief utterly at odds with his actual talent and has only met expectations because he’s 4foot 11 and looks 14 years old!

The Kiwi public are only now waking up to his plan to weaponise our impatience (thanks to roading gridlock) by quietly privatising the roading network.

If sneaking road tolls and congestion prices while slashing public transport subsidies past sleepy hobbits who are triggered every time they see a cyclist is considered ‘competence’ in National, Chris Luxon is in more trouble than were have realised.

Making Simeon Brown the Health Minister is an act of desperation.


It’s ‘Bring your grandson to work day’

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    • Tolled 6 lane Drive through tunnel
      for speed surgery.
      Make CUTs count, take out all organs at the same time, not just the appendix.
      Insert microchips for surveillance big data at births.
      Put unemployed nurse grads
      on work scheme- filling potholes.
      Close epidemiology, reassign disease data as playground accident.
      Traffic light/3 strikes approach denying
      healthcare to repeat patients.
      Close gynaecology. Laying of hands faith healing instead with Simon O’Connor as head cleric.

      • Dear Simeon,
        You look very handsome on TV. I wish you well in your new health portfolio. As a recent arrival from over the Tasman, I noticed that the medication Suvorexant isn’t available here. I’ve used it for insomnia, which is a very common condition, and found it helped me, and helped my productivity at work. And poor sleep is apparently also a risk factor for alzheimers. So if it becomes available, it could reduce future costs of people in care. Hope this gives you some ideas from fresh eyes, compared with the health bureaucrats you’ll deal with.

    • Mike Walker Bill English tried that. He proposed a $50 per day charge for public hospital patient stays. You know and I know this would financially cripple many families, but slimey wee English didn’t care, and it won’t be number plates it’ll be microchips.

  1. Putting it bluntly if Simeon Brown is the answer to health then the coalition is doomed, we the citizens of this country deserve better than this, they must be voted out asap.

  2. They chopped Reti’s ball off with smoking Costello she stays he goes. It seems that the 14% of coalition ministers are untouchable no matter what they do or don’t do. Looking at Willis for a brief second today she is feeding very well at the taxpayers expense in more ways than one

    • Yes and the fixed grimaced smile says it all….

      Her stupid naivety hubristic decisions has fucked the country in just 12 months and the chickens are rapidly coming home to roost.

      Luxon claiming that it was she who brought interest rates and inflation
      down is just pure delusion or straight our lying….

      It was such an obvious lie…Why didn’t the media challenge that?

      As the tide goes out on their disastrous tenure Luxon and Willis
      looked completely at sea without a
      lifeboat in sight.

  3. The question is who the hell thought National were better than Labour?

    The intelligent knew the answer was that National were worse by a significant margin. They see health as a profitable business. That is completely flawed.
    Labour has always seen health as non negotiable necessity.
    We can now say with certainly that Labour were well on the right track prior to the last election and now National and it’s ideology has destroyed Te Whatu Ora NZ

    • What a contradiction as a person you are Squeaky making things up all the time to support your erroneous opinion.
      The National led Coalition Government has achieved more in just over 12 months than the Labour Government achieved in 6 years,in fact the Labour Government were in reverse gear for 6 years.

      • I agree @ bob tf.
        “The National led Coalition Government has achieved more in just over 12 months than the Labour Government achieved in 6 years”
        Where labour was, and still is, is struggling with the traitorous actions of its neoliberal ACT daddy roger douglas disease, national has still managed to achieve almost universal loathing from an increasingly awakening voting public. So yeah, well done national. You’re making new enemies hourly by awakening the otherwise sleepy hobbits to a maggot infested carcass that was labour and its underworld fascist natzo enemies fuelled by lies, misleading comments and a funny little thing called luxon who was quoted as saying he fakes it until he makes it.
        One day soon, I bet, labour will come out and spill rogers beans. If I was don brash, derek quigly , roger douglas or any other parasite dug up into old Labour I’d be booking tickets to countries that don’t speak English and have no extradition agreements with AO/NZ in place.
        Labour? Are you there? Are you reading this? If not, then why not? Labour? This is what you must do. Let the truth be your guide because we’re all getting sick and fucking tired of your same lame old bullshit. We know you were fucked without the kissing back in the late 80’s. We know that far right wing sociopaths lured Lange into a dead end ally then murdered him. We know that national is in reality a criminal underworld organisation that’s been enabling con artists and swindlers to steal our primary industry generated money then pocketing that money into privateer, well, pockets actually, for generations. We know that. We know national are liars but worse, they’re are boring. National? You. Are. Boring. We know what national party people have done and still do to us. We know those things. What you don’t seem to know is what to do about the horrible cunts.
        Well, as a dreaded old white farmer who should have his tongue up luxon I do. Farmers? Maori? Strike. All you have to do is to do nothing. How hard can that be? Farmers and Maori striking would revolutionise our AO/NZ and it’d cost not that much so why not give it a go. Oooo little red dot…?

      • Evidence Bob, provide the evidence, you are full of shit as usual.
        Every high ranking health official say we are worse off and it took about 12 months by this coalition of chaos so much so Shrek just sacked his health minister because he failed.
        Now once you can provide detailed evidence to back your childish response I suggest you and your trolling fuck off, you idiot.

        And yes Grant I am 100 % correct, thank you.
        It pays to know what you are talking about when you work in the health sector unlike Bob the idiot who is clueless on such matters.

      • Yes Fisted, the statistics back up your deluded attempt at intelligence. Government debt up, unemployment up, business failures at ten year highs, healthcare in crisis, record migration to Australia. Let me know if I’ve missed anything out.

  4. Because of National the holidays pay act for hospital workers has been delayed by two years. Health workers should sue National for lost interest.
    National are a disgrace .

    • Labour and National have both fucked health and both have consistently failed to sort their fuck-ups, and given that Chris cares only about himself being sorted and is such an idiotic dilettante, he should fuck off ASAP too. The question is: “ Where to ?” The answer: “ Who cares? “

      • I agree Auntie, but Chris Hipkins can’t go anywhere, he has to wait till the Labour top table give him a role where he will be well paid and keep quiet, middle of this year should be about the time.
        So yes….’where to’ and really ‘who cares’

          • Funny how some people keep criticising the opposition when the sitting government is fucking up the health system. NACT supporters, of course, and probably landlords and Meridian shareholders.

    • For sure ‘ Im right’
      In lieu of doctors and staff at A&E, Nacts will be handing out little Dave’s private provider $3 type kits of bandaids, a laxative, needle and cotton and directed to ” youtube ” self-fix videos.

    • National have fucked health( once again) and will require Labour to fix it.
      Brown is yet to go through the acne stage. Anyone thinking Reti has done well and now Brown has a very low IQ.

    • Labour had to deal with Covid …National didn’t…

      All they did was snipe away cowardly from the sideline trying to cause trouble wherever they could even to the point of making up fake stories… totally irresponsible.

      Simeon Browne should no be a senior minister… has no experience
      in the complexity of the health sytem and will make things even
      worse still.

      He has been impotent in his role as Transport Minister …relies on hot air ,virtue signalling and straight out bullshit.

      Increased speeds around schools… to increase the country’s productivity..

      Removed some existing speed bumps… to increase the country’s productivity..

      Removed some cycle lanes…to increase the country’s productivity..

      Increased open road speed limits…to increase the country’s productivity.

      Wasted several million dollars investigating the viability of putting a tunnel through one of the most earthquake prone parts of the country….obvious result…not viable.

      This is a naive god-botherer who had a job doing the books at his parent’s church.

      His whole woke right wing world is based around a delusional thinking disorder….

      Simeon running the Health portfolio…what a joke!…only it’s not.

  5. When someone with an English degree is running the economy, it doesn’t matter what the question is. The last lot also had an Arts graduate wrecking the economy. The current crowd are anxious to compete.

    • A former tax lawyer, Barbara Edmonds was head hunted from Inland Revenue in 2016 to work with then-ministers of revenue Michael Woodhouse and Judith Collins. In the last Labour govt Barbara Edmonds held the ministerial portfolios of Associate Finance, Revenue, Economic Development, Internal Affairs, Pacific Peoples, Associate Health, Associate Housing, Associate Immigration and Associate Cyclone Recovery and is now labour’s finance spokesperson. The current crowd have no one that can compete.

    • I think this one’s funnier…
      ” Police Minister Mark Mitchell adds Ethnic Communities, formerly held by Lee, and Sport and Recreation to his responsibilities.”

  6. If Simeon Brown is the coalition’s go to fix it man we really are screwed. So let me get this straight. We have an English degree holder running finance and business growth (a misnomer if there ever was one), a bank teller running health with a lying tabaco lobbyist as his associate, and a lying gun nut in charge of firearms reform. Throw in the liar in chief Chris Bishop, Mr I’m Sorted and Entitled apparently running the show, and Incel Dave running a Stasi style dob in a regulation hotline and you can see why people are becoming disillusioned to say the least. Utter shitshow.

    • And why 80,000 fled the country in the past 12 months because they could see the rapid deterioration of N.Z. and the ensuing clusterfuck which is now well upon us…the writing is on the wall and seeped into every crevace

  7. Labour left health in a brilliant state. Nationals coalition of chaos had killed it, just like the Cook straight ferries and unemployment figures and the cost of living. We are now in a recession all because of National.
    Brown is Luxons bum boy, clueless.

  8. If inflation is 3.3% and population growth is 2.6%, then you need 6% to stand still, not 8, right?
    Things can’t rise at 8% p.a. forever.

    TBH I think this is Luxon giving Brown a poison pill.

  9. Chris said “ the world is wash with cash” ergo the question is, “ Whose world, Luxon, whose world is awash with cash?”

    Yours? Off-shore banks ? Foreign investors ? The boys from Davos ? Come clean, Christopher.

  10. “Simeon Brown is currently raising speed limits around schools to ‘lift productivity’ FFS!”

    Appallingly running over more kids and having them treated by the same number of doctors and nurses does increase the productivity of the hospitals.

  11. Being Minister of Health is a fool’s errand. It’s a financial black hole that can never be filled to meet everyone’s expectations. The legacy media will always be able to find a case of someone who died because they couldn’t get surgery or a cancer medicine, then use it to beat the government over the head with it.

    So, I see the latest shuffle as a sign of desperation by Luxon & Willis because their ‘tinkering around the edges’ approach isn’t making much difference. She wants to grow the economy but that cannot happen until the bureaucratic barriers are removed both in local and central government. The ‘fast track’ legislation thing is OK to get some roads built, but beyond that it smells a bit like picking winners to me: A thing that politicians of all shades are very poor at.

    • Orrs and Nationals war on the construction industry
      creates losers of us all. 5% fall in gdp.

      Having a go at creating some winners can’t hurt. Most industries or companies of consequence almost always have or have had some level of govt support.

    • Andrew In a small country like New Zealand, with an historically small population, a free national health service is achievable, and it once was. We were probably better than the Brit’s NHS, and once were world leaders with our low infant mortality rates, good in-house maternity services, no elective surgery waits, free routine dental care for all primary school children, in-hospital geriatric services, and various out-patients’ procedures now also gone, or privatised out. I think the regression started in the early 1980’s; the reasons why aren’t too complex, and more than just a matter of cost- effective medicine.

      • Totally agree and so to the regressive selling off of all the govt assets such as electricity, railways, airways, banking, telecommunications, NZ Steel, Petrocorp, Postbank, Shipping Corp, National Film Unit, Rural banking and Finance Corp, Govt Printing Office, and the list goes on.
        Putting it bluntly New Zealand has been raped and plundered.

    • Andrew promotes the con that privatisation of health and utilities will benefit the population despite 40 years of evidence to the contrary.

  12. Simian’s goal is to turn NZ health system into USA’s profit driven nightmare.
    Assassinating health insurance CEOs has proven to be popularly supported by the US population.
    At least we’ll soon have easier access to deadly armory in order to follow suit.

  13. Pothole Brown, will just fill in the Dunedin hospital site with pothole mix, mixed with bullshit. Raise the speed past accident sites to, 50k to help the country with productivity.


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