WAATEA NEWS COLUMN: 2025 is the Year of Resistance against Government’s anti-Treaty agenda


2025 is going to be a very angry year in terms of race relations in New Zealand.

We will see the 6 month Treaty Principles Referendum Bill create unprecedented friction.

Local Body Elections will face the challenge of having Māori representation stripped from them.

And NZ First will push ahead with attempts to remove the Treaty from dozens of pieces of legislation.

These attacks on the Treaty will coincide with deep economic pain as the Government’s austerity budgets hollowed out to borrow for tax cuts start to collapse important public service infrastructure.

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Public Service Infrastructure that many Māori, Pacifica, working class, renters, beneficiaries and pensioners rely upon.

Communities will be asked to fight back at a time when they feel most economically vulnerable.

2025 will also see a dangerously warming planet continuing to throw up catastrophic weather events that require urgent adaptation, budgets for which this Government has cancelled and re-allocated.

The fact that the Prime Minister will not front up at Waitangi Day after allowing ACTs deeply divisive policy through to Select Committee speaks ill of the Government.

As Prime Minister, he is responsible for this and must front to face the people over that decision.

Side stepping the issue is political cowardice at a time when leadership is required.

2025 is going to be an intense year in race relations where the heart and soul of Aotearoa New Zealand will be fought over like never before.



  1. Beware the REGULATORY STANDARDS BILL, which is much more insidious than the Treaty Principles Bill, and with more chance of being passed into law because a) Luxon is too thick/lazy to read and understand its implications or b) he supports it.
    This Bill will emphasise the individual and corporate over the collective good of NZ, and if there is one thing we should all be aware of by now, in the coming/already here climate catastrophe, we need to be able to act as a collective if we (humans) are to have any hope of coming out the other side of it.

  2. In 2026 the PM will not go to Waitangi, but the Deputy PM will, where the will deliver a speech in Te Rep. it will make no-one happy.

    • Why and to whom is it “beneficial” that political opposition should be confined to forms of communication that the oppressor treats with contempt?

    • you’re a bit light on the logic front aren’t you. the rational argument is right in front of you – fundamentalist thinking and debased morality are taking NZ into a very dark place of inequality and segregation. Never mind that Maori deserve and are guaranteed participation – these acolytes are taking us to a corporatist police state. I suggest you read or re-read some Orwell and Huxley. If NZ was the wild west – National are the Mormons.

  3. Is it just me or can anyone else see a correlation between attempts by the cadre of fat lazy israeli arse licking natzo’s and their little coalition minions with their attempt to bin The Treaty and israeli murderers and torturing child rapists coming here to ‘holiday’?
    AO/NZ = 29 thousand square kilometers larger that the UK.
    UK population = 70 million. AO/NZ population= 5.2 million.
    Our only planet = Greed fucked.

  4. Dont worry Luxon is rushing home from another of his overseas holidays to attend the funeral of the murdered police officer in Nelson .Clearly his publicists think it will be a good photo op and make him look as tho he gives a toss when really he does not .

  5. Increasingly trying to tie everything back to the treaty is a huge drag on this country and one that is spiralling out of control – feels like we are all increasingly living within a weird cult with zealots everywhere.

  6. The year ahead will be a bold year for NewZealand as the sound legislation enacted by the National led Coalition Government reaps benefit.

  7. From what I’ve gathered on SM especially tiktok is that the content providers surrounding these bills have done an amazing job marketing their message and getting people activated showing how to make submissions etc..

  8. The local bodies who opted to retain Maori wards (a majority of them did) should fight to do this. In other words demand that their Council decisions stand! It is simply a racist policy, as evidenced by the fact that those councils (a minority) who opted to lose Maori wards have their decisions endorsed. Where is the “one rule for all” in this?

  9. The same PM said our women should have more babies then cut midwifery services to next to zero. Go figure!
    But never fear, he’s got it ‘sorted’. Yeah right!

  10. Chippy doesn’t know what a woman is?
    An honest person of integrity Prime Minister Luxon,integrity that certainly doesn’t exist in the Green/Labour/TPM parties.

  11. RSB poses a much bigger threat to all NZers . This will strip all rights with people ,land, envoirnmet,and law. Only a few rich people will benefit out of this and giving the govt full control over all. The undemocratic stand. It’s only purpose is liberalism and greed


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