Obama and Trump laughing at Jimmy Carter’s funeral highlights all that is wrong with America


The Hampton Institute is a proletarian think tank founded in 2013, they provide Commentary, analysis, and theory on social, political, and economic issues from a working-class perspective and their recent post on Obama and Trump laughing at Jimmy Carter’s funeral highlights all that is wrong with America…

…America is and always was a facade of Democracy.

It is and always will be a Military Industrial Complex that sells weapons to the highest bidder to lock into place Corporate interests and ensure authoritarian regimes control access to American oil supplies.

It is an Empire of ruthless armed capitalism that worships the military while dumping homeless and broken Veterans on the streets to rot.

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It is the United States of Venal Greed, the right to bear arms and corporate malfeasance masquerading as one person one vote.

Obama and Trump laughing at Jimmy Carter’s funeral highlights all that is wrong with America, especially when you consider how Republican operatives went to Iran at the end of Carter’s Presidency and bribed the Iranians with $40million to hold onto the American Hostages to ensure Carter lost to Reagan.

Laugh it up chumps.

America has always been and will always be the problem, never the solution.


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  1. Yet another rare peek behind the curtain. We kinda know what they are but because their control of mainstream media is so overwhelming, our suspicions are soon drowned out by their mainstream media propaganda machine and we’re back to believing their actions, yet again. Mind you, the Marmalade Mussolini, as one poster here brilliantly called him, he makes belief in this propaganda machine, in US motives, a little harder to sell, this is one good aspect about him, at least. Nonetheless, this relentless mainstream media machine and our illusory democratic representatives, typically wins over our understanding in the end.

    In short, we see a problem, but if we want to see it clearer then we need to break away from all illusory democratic representatives and the mainstream media machine that supports them.

    • Not that rare a peek. Important persons’ funerals are often filmed or televised, there’s nothing secretive about it. President Carter’s was also historically significant.

      • The event isn’t as important as the realization we often take away from these, rare, or perhaps, not so rare, occasions. We have a (brief) moment of clarity that we need to build upon, but we rarely do, thanks to reasons mentioned above. The politicians can’t be trusted, the mainstream media can’t be trusted, but despite their illusory facade dropping every now and then, we still default to their messaging, more often than not, anyway. As such, what is happening in Gaza – death, destruction without consequence – will find its way to our very own doorstep before the end of this century. This is because that tragedy boils down to big money interests v money-less interests, class war in other words, and this is a toxic recipe that without doubt, will spread, if not stopped in its infancy!

        • Now, if only the majority of us held the same view towards politicians and the media, that you have. Damn, the world would be an infinitely better place if they did. But they don’t, and this is the biggest problem in the world today, thus my main point here. Secondary to this, are the two laughing gallahs. To some, this means nothing, but to others, two people who are iconic within the political sides they represent, in a context where these two sides are typically at odds with each other, and yet here they are, as thick as thieves, then yeah, as this article points out, this all means something. And from here, we all get to weigh on, agree or disagree with the conclusion reached and throw in our on few pennies worth, thereafter. Now, after all this rigmarole, I can conclude that you are dead right about one point and dead wrong about the other, with the latter point clearly showing that we are all living within a political illusion. The Left and the Right are an illusion, a concoction created to keep the only threat to big-money capture of politics and media, divided, therefore too weak to challenge this capture!

  2. Excellent Post @ M.B.
    You will have noticed that we have that attitude here in AO/NZ too. The nuanced psychopathy of greed. Those creatures shown aren’t human in the sense that we humans feel comfortable with. They’re cunning yet unintelligent. They’re devious and secretive and use those unfortunate characteristics to exploit us then when we fail, which according to their rules, we must then they blame us for falling victim to their eccentricities then spend the salaries we must pay them. I sometimes wonder if they’re ‘human’ at all.
    Ask yourselves? How can luxon walk past homeless people when, as our PM, he has, or at least had seven houses just to sate his greed and his ego. How can a human person do that when in public office? When there’s homelessness and hungry kids !
    Being a psychopath doesn’t come close enough to an explanation.
    And where the fuck is Chippie? Where’s chris hipkins??? He gave luxon leadership and now he’s vanished! WTF is going on!? ( I’ve just had that image of winston peters slurping all over don brash outside that Wellington restaurant back in the early 90’s come to mind. )

    • Yes, just like on Kauri Cliffs when John Key bet Obama USD 1m he could get the flag changed.
      These are the silly games these fuckheads play.
      And the rest of us suffer as a consequence.

      • Rangi. Key, IMO, seemed more of the nouveau riche shyster smitten by Hollywood the way that teenagers sometimes are. I think he had our employment laws changed to ingratiate himself with Hollywood moguls, but domestically, National’s heartless machinations to embed a low wage economy in New Zealand should have had God smoting them ruthlessly, and hopefully they’ll never get through the Pearly Gates and will spend eternity wailing and gnashing their teeth at each other.

      • Yeah!!! Obama woh what a traitor to the people who really believed in him. Yeah, he did not spend that political capital, he hoarded it, then turned it into gold for himself. What a fuckin waste of an opportunity to uplift the people. And he should backed Bernie at the moment it woulda mattered most, instead he patted him on the back and told Hillary yo go for it..going under his breath..’no way’ …wow what a colossal fuck up. And now…here we are…Trump. 2.0 and also, everyone has given up.

    • Stevie. This was the first anniversary of Melania Trump’s mother’s passing, so it was a sombre time for her. There are often reasons why people may smile or laugh at a funeral. Political opponents doing so doesn’t necessarily signal some sort of conspiracy as some may think, and it could be seen as a normal civilised interaction.

  3. Anybody flying out of Wellington on a Friday can see politicians of all parties except TPM and Greens talking to each other and sharing laughter despite call each other out at Parliament.

      • Trevor didn’t get off the point. He gave an example of how, outside of Parliament, political adversaries can behave in a mature and civilised way, excepting, unsurprisingly, TPM and Greens. Hence Obama and Trump interacting in a diplomatic or non-hostile way at President Carter’s funeral. Had they not spoken to each other people would still be sniping at them. What they may have been smiling about is their business, but I daresay the lip readers will soon be reporting on that too.

  4. “Remember Donny when the Republicans sent Jimmy a box of exploding cigars and being the gentleman he was he offered the first one out of the box to the new incoming president, Ronny Raygun was never the same after that…”

  5. Carter highlights what is wrong with Ammurica too. He ordered the Operation Eagle Claw terrorist attack, in which Iranian civilians were murdered.

  6. Well the commentary is on the money but you’d be a pretty useless human if you couldn’t find something to smile about while remembering Jimmy Carter, The Peanut Farmer.

  7. Obama: The seating options they gave me were either next to you, or next to Hilary. By the way Mike Pence in the row behind us sends his love.

  8. The late & great Comedian George Carlin perfectly summed up this Elitist Global Oligarchy Class made up of corrupt Politicians & greedy Corporate billionaires who fund them, you can view it on YouTube either via his Channel & also on the highly recommended After Skool YouTube Channel, the Video is called “YOU HAVE NO CHOICE”? The gist of this Video explains that you only have a semblance of what is called Democracy, it’s a illusion & just a sham & that this Oligarchy Class is just a Big Club & you aren’t a part of it as this Photo from Jimmy Carter’s Funeral demonstrates? The fact is Jimmy Carter was one of the most decent & dignified President’s America has ever had, he’s one of the few who never used the Office of the President to personally enrich himself after he left Office unlike the greedy Clintons, Obama, Trump, the Bush’s 1-2 & Biden who personally profited by millions of dollars by orchestrating the Ukraine War, both as a VP then as a POTUS, he was the most corrupt ever! Carter started up the Homes for Habit Charity & many other Charities, he was a decent & kind Humanitarian who gave back to Society unlike the Snakes & War criminal Politicians & Oligarchs who went to his Funeral & had a good laugh at President Carters decency? Carter is remembered as a honest, honourable Humanitarian but the other POTUS’s at his Funeral will be remembered as War Criminals, Genocidal maniacs of the evil US Empire & of Zionist Israel, apologists & enablers of Israel’s ongoing Apartheid & Genocide!


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