MEDIAWATCH: When Verity Johnson is calling for Chippy to be rolled, Labour are in trouble


This. This is not good…

Verity Johnson: Labour, don’t waste this crisis

It’s time to roll Chippie….

Seriously. They know they can’t waste this crisis. What with the state of general malaise as bad as it is right now, Labour could very well stop this Government getting a second term. Sure, they’d be the first party in 50 years to do it. But honestly, given how pissed everyone is, I think they could pull it off.

But they won’t do it with him as a leader. Sure, he polls about the same a Luxon does right now in approval ratings – but that honestly isn’t saying much. (Jacinda Ardern is still our most favourable political figure.) Even if his approval rating was higher, even if he had that star power fairy dust, the fact is that he lost the last election because we wanted anyone but him and his Labour party. So, can they really get back with him as Boss? Nope.

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…Verity Johnson is not given much respect as a columnist, where as I think she’s one of the most insightful.

I think she is very much middle New Zealand in Auckland, and if she is thinking it, the majority of Auckland is thinking it.

Labour have utterly failed to propose any solution to the Hard Right Blitzkrieg rammed down our throats by this anti-Treaty, anti-Māori, anti-environment, anti-worker, anti-renter, anti-beneficiary, anti-disabled Government!

Without any genuine solutions to the large scale problems we face, without a staunch defence of their Covid response and acknowledgment that they failed to build back better, without any vision whatsoever, Labour have become a spent intellectual force.

The calls to replace Chippy will simply become louder if Labour refuse to meaningfully engage in solutions.

Right now they are in a pointless policy debate over CGT vs Wealth tax when the reality is we need both taxes!

The fight between CGT and a Wealth Tax isn’t a genuine appraisal of the problem of underfunded public services and infrastructure, not is a power fight between factions.

We need to stand for the Egalitarian State by removing the yoke of tax from the poorest and resetting it on the richest so that we have revenue to properly fund the public services that are the skeleton of our egalitarian nation!

If Verity is saying Chippy should be rolled, the majority of Auckland are saying it.

Chippy either steps up with legitimate vision or he is doomed to cost Labour the 2026 election.


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  1. The sad truth is that if all the Labour’s MPs disappeared no one would miss them. What does Labour’s stand for. What is their political philosophy and what are the policies that will achieve their aims. If Chippie can’t tell us then perhaps they do need a new leader.

  2. Didn’t you notice? There’s a revolution going on. It’s already happened in the USA, Argentina, Poland, the Netherlands and Italy. 2025 will probably see it continue in Germany, France, Canada the UK and Australia.

    After years of control by ‘mean girls’ from private schools and castrated men, the working class are finally abandoning what little remains of Labour.

    So, if NZ is to follow this tend not only will Labour fail to win the next election, a sclerotic National will bleed support to ACT and NZF. Most likely the former because ACT is the more youthful option.

    • Agree Andrew. Strong medicine – perhaps emetic needed. But something that doesn’t leave us weak and helpless to more of the faint-hearted Labour Party we see now which is a continuance of past decades. Jacinda gave a window of opportunity but the fat cats at the top were just too busy preening their fur and waiting for dinner to stir.

      Don’t waste money on Labour, support Beryl Cook’s art; her fat cats look better than the Labour bunch, with the same self-satisfied look.

    • The voice of the millionaires, billionaires and landed gentry……Andrew. And those of his ilk would really want everyone to have better life, economically, which is why they believe in trickle-down economics. I mean, after 40 years of it (and globalisation), all citizens are wealthier, healthier, happier, and can look towards an even better future if we stay ‘ on track’. And now for the real picture…. Neoliberalism = we are fucked!

  3. When there are no solutions to offer, then the only other card to play is personality, but right now, we have Mr Drab leading the Left, so no wonder the current mob in office are ramming through all sorts of shyt through parliament. They know, they’ve gotta make hay while there is no viable opposition to them. The problems here are obvious, but the inaction to them makes me wonder just how real NZ politics actually is. I know that on a foreign affairs level, NZ politics, like our fellow Western brethren, is co-opted by US influence, but on a local level, I’ve never been too sure as to whether this level is compromised, somehow, also, but right now, what is happening here, to put it nicely, does not make a lot of sense.

  4. So Labour should spend more, tax more and regulate more? That’s always your solution – and it’s being rejected around the world (see Andrew’s comment above).

    • Yeah, funny how “around the world” everyones rejecting more tax and regulation being they’re all doing so well…..hehe! Oh, thats right, the millionaires and billionaires don’t pay tax and as they comprise a very small percentage of the population they also consume a disproportunate amount of resources. Oh, thats right, they also own media and social media to control the narrative and they also donate to the hard right wing parties to ensure their success at elections. The great neoliberal, right wing con. Whale oil beef hooked!

  5. Johnson has overlooked the fact that Labour’s rules make choosing the best person impossible. Labour only got Ardern as leader because the proximity of the election stopped unions and other busy bodies from interfering.

    • And what an outstanding selection in Ardern. My god don’t we wish we had her experience now instead of Shrek.

  6. Until the New Zealand Labour Party learns to pick its friends better they will forever be in opposition…Keep up the good work Labour, you’re doing great……

  7. Labour, isn’t that. The Natzo’s and labour’s historic agent of doom finance minister roger douglas inseminated labour with the disease that’s neoliberalism back in 1984-ish remember that? The roger was excreted out of Labour after spending two terms as minister of finance. Then roger the [It] went on, up and out to form ACT with the inclusion of don brash and derek quigly etc. And now ! We have rat faced ( No disrespect to actual rats or their faces intended.) david seymour, the adept liar and traitor and one day david I’d like to point that out to you face to rat.
    It is a fact. That since 1984-ish there has been no Labour party. I repeat. THERE IS NO LABOUR PARTY. The labour party you see is a lie, a scam. Just like nationals introduction of mmp. MMP is a poverty tax and this labour you see, the chip you see blubbering about holding onto his little white cock is NOT FUCKING LABOUR! THERE IS NO LABOUR Left left. AO/NZ = 14multi-billionaires, 3118 multi-millionaires each with $50 mil net after tax and four now foreign owned banks stealing your money via the house price scams and swindles YOU blindly betray yourselves into at a cost of $180.00 net a second 24/7/365 YOU FUCKING MORONS! The crooks we pay to lie to us who own our politics are bleeding us into someone else’s hands as our only planet goes on fire.
    So. What to do? Luigi the fuckers? No. Out them then humiliate them then imprison them is a far better vengeance.
    We need Crown intervention and thank God we have that, and we need Maori. More than ever, we need Maori on side.
    A word on Verity Johnson. Stick to flouncing. Trying to be intellecshul doesn’t suit you.

    • I agree with the thrust of your argument, but I would add that what we have now is a labour party that reflects over three decades of legislating, and regulating the unions out of existence… Where are the real leaders coming from now? I agree that it isn’t a particularly flattering answer, but “out of our arses” is the only term that comes to me repeatedly…

  8. Perhaps there is not sufficient support within the parliamentary party for a wealth tax, otherwise David Parker could make a play for the leadership. Kieran McNulty may be a better choice, it seems he does not want the leadership.
    We don’t need a capital gians tax since capital gain forms part of wealth, though the brightline test in some form should be maintained.

  9. “If Verity is saying Chippy should be rolled, the majority of Auckland are saying it……”

    Doesn’t say much for the majority intellect in Auckland then does it.

  10. Amazing how everyone is quick to slag Chippie but say nothing about Luxon who is minister of nothing in his government .At least the chip stepped up and took on the hard jobs and did the hard yards with harsh results to his private life .
    Luxon has done not a single days work on any portfolio in this term of government ,yet you all think he is the bees knees .WTF is wrong with you NZ .

    • The chip plan, sit back and let the tide turn and roll back in, in 5 years. Governments get voted out, just wait for a turn. How uninspiring. How lack of fight. Cannot remember one memorable sentence from Hipkins.

      Labour need to remember “IT’S THE INEQUALITY STUPID”

      and first rule of Labour Club “you do not talk about Trans”. (Don’t even say trans-national mining company, its multi-national).

    • Luxon is doing a grand job whereas Chippy is a busy fool not knowing what it is he should do.
      Another election landslide for the Right looming.

  11. What a load of shite. Why would you take any notice of Verity Johnson (who?). Can’t ever recall her being at a Labour Party meeting. Who made her an expert? Wasting our/your time on stupid speculation that is not gonna happen. We have more important things to be getting on with like the current CoC, the shift to the right all over the world. Have a look at Austria, Germany, Farage and co. Catch up Martyn and Co.

  12. The chip plan, sit back and let the tide turn and roll back in, in 5 years. Governments get voted out, just wait for a turn. How uninspiring. How lack of fight. Cannot remember one memorable sentence from Hipkins.

    Labour need to remember “IT’S THE INEQUALITY STUPID”

    and first rule of Labour Club “you do not talk about Trans”. (Don’t even say trans-national mining company, its multi-national).

  13. Chippys brand is damaged from the Covid response and the last election, whether you agree with it or not.

    In a world of insecurity, Labour need an affable strong-man (or woman) with a strong personality, a strong vision, and an ability to counter the weak nonsense on the Tory bench with logic and reason.

    They also need a youthful forward looking outlook to counter the pale and stale backwards looking whingers, moaners and entitled takers.

    McAnulty and Williams would be my picks for PM and Deputy

    persona, propaganda and persuasion.


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