Free Speech Union rages against 440 Christian Leaders using their free speech


The Free Speech Union is an astroturf organisation from the Taxpayers’ Union stable of clients that oscillates from proZionism to ZB talking point.

Hilariously here they attack 440 C historian Leaders for using their free speech.

The hypocrisy is priceless.

It’s like that time the Taxpayers’ Union took Government subsides after attacking everyone else for taking them.

The Free Speech Union is a front for zionist apologists masquerading as Civic Crusaders using the same small dick energy the Taxpayers Union uses to claim they are a real Union and MAGA supporters that Trump isn’t a racist hateful narcissist.

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In the FSU world being called racist is worse than being racist.

The Free Speech Union’s Twitter feed reads like the frenetic timeline of a 26 year old Incel white male virgin who hasn’t masturbated to Hentai anime porn for 24 hours.

If they don’t like that very funny joke, too fucking bad.

Free Speech Bitch.

I can’t work out whose social media feed is more nauseatingly arrogant – these clowns or Shane Jones.

Thanks to the woke cancellation mobs of 2016, the Free Speech Union has managed to take all the culture war ammunition our middle class identity politics clowns gave ACT and turn it against us.

Thanks Wokies, now we have to put up with these pseudo-intellectual arseholes pretending they have some moral high ground.

Most vanilla orgy ever

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  1. Martyn – If Churches go political – all fine…except for the fact they, the Churches, do not pay taxes…Pay taxes, and get involved in the political process

    • Do you extend that to Destiny Church, the would be COVID regulation disrupters? Paying taxes is something the vast majority of us do including religious leaders in a personal sense, people on Jobseeker pay tax as do those on National Superannuation as well as those in employment.

      Linking paying tax to freedom of speech and advocacy is a bogus argument. Freedom of speech, assembly and association is not like “pay per view” in a democracy. A number of rich listers effectively pay no tax, but…they are influential and publicly outspoken.

      • Tiger Mountain – Of course Destiny Church should pay tax.

        Churches trade on moral authority, while Rich listers trade on Capital…Churches need to pay taxes to maintain this moral authority, as Rich Listers need to as well.

    • You shall not steal, you shall not kill are 2 basic principles that the church should upholds so their involvement in this issue seems fair, it is when they want to use the government to force worship that is wrong.

    • Do political parties pay tax on their income. I think not as they are not set up as businesses as evidenced by recent court cases.
      They hide behind foundations and charity status.
      So using your logic is illogical.
      Did you make the same comment when John Key was working with the exclusive brethren a few years ago. They don’t vote but were funding political advertising.

      • Uncle Tom Cobbly – Just more evidence why Political Parties tend to be regarded by many NZers with contempt.

        And, yes, I believe that the Exclusive Brethren need to start paying tax too…

    • I don’t think they are going political Nathan. I think they are entitled to express their opinions. if they all happen to agree then they all happen to agree. I have no doubt there are some who don’t and didn’t add their names to the open letter.
      You don’t have to be a tax-payer to have an opinion and to be free to express it.
      They are not forcing people to do anything, they are simply saying what they think. We don’t have to pay to say what we think…yet.

      • Joy – Disagree…They, the Churches, are using a Political Lobby group called ‘Good Grace’ – funded by the various Churches to influence Policies and Politicians…this is Political.

    • Churches are primarily interested in souls not politics. All souls are equal. In any case, there are lots of charities that are political. Greenpeace and rainbow charities aren’t exactly apolitical.

      • Ennius – Most are, but, not all…Scientology, the Moonies, and the rest are not…and sadly, the 400 Church Leaders are using and funding the Political lobby group ‘Good Grace’ – to attempt influence Policies and Politicians.

    • Nathan Yep. Churches et al which are registered charities are required to be non-politically partisan. Many of them receive govt funding, ie yours and my taxpayer contributions, and if they want to be politically partisan then they need to get themselves deregistered and forgo those rather large sums of money. Can’t see it happening. The days are long gone when clergy could instruct the faithful about how to vote, and could be it is better that way. They better watch it though in case the non-accountable Dept of Internal Affairs’ uncivil servants don’t like what they say, and deregisters them anyway.

  2. Free Speech Union website: “We protect, expand, and fight for New Zealanders’ rights to freedom of speech, conscience, and intellectual inquiry. We envision a flourishing New Zealand civil society that values and protects vigorous debate, dissenting ideas, and freedom of speech as cultural cornerstones.”

    Church and State are separate in NZ we don’t have Bishops or Tohunga sitting as of right in the House of Lords. We get an occasional moral guidance view from the house of the lord whether that be Jesus Allah Bhuddha. (Recently we had an Imam speaking out against the proposed more military assault rifles law)

    “I may disagree profoundly with what you have to say but will defend to the death your right to say it.” Evelyn Beatrice Hall

    And now FSU doesn’t support church leaders having a dissenting view?
    freedom of conscience?
    freedom of religion?
    freedom of speech?

    FSU a great idea turning into a joke.

    FSU calls out anti-zionists for attempting to cancel zionist views but when prozionist organisations mis-use “anti-semetism” as a powerful slur to cancel the free speech of anti-war groups – crickets.

    @Nathan does the FSU pay tax?

  3. The churches , waiperera Trust, Greenpeace, Helen Clark Foundation, and the other political lobby groups masquerading as charities need to have their status reviewed and removed
    Any private organisation can be a political lobby group but the law says taxpayers shouldn’t pay for it

  4. Nathan you have a point which you have made without the need for obscenities.
    Introducing “ masturbation “ into the subject is childish.

        • Bob the bullshitter proves my point by having to revert to childish trolling. For someone with self proclaimed business acumen you spend a hell of a lot of time trolling with your childish immature posts. Get back to work you idiot.

        • Did you actually read Uncle Tom’s brilliant post or was your aim just to come on here and wank off as usual with your immature posts Bob the bullshitter?

    • Jerk off leads to jerk,
      Toss off leads to tosser,
      Wank leads to wanker.
      Ever since the dawn of time the act of masturbation has been associated with unpleasant, self centred, narcissistic pricks.
      And as Martyn says, if they don’t like the play on words they can either bend over or fuck right off.

  5. It’s so funny that all of you automatically think it’s political when these church leaders are speaking up against racism not political at all they are just informing you that it’s racist .

    • The other funny aspect to this is that it’s only free speech when ACT and The Free Speech Union says it is. Oh the irony.

  6. Most of the self-proclaimed champions of free speech are not even slightly interested in actual free speech. i.e. a roughly equal hearing given to the opinions of all citizens, provided such speech does not constitute an existential danger to other people.
    Instead, these bogus champions of free speech seek the continued dominance of their preferred speech through the power of money and the control of platforms for the widespread distribution of speech.

    Therefore they hate the churches for having a platform that is based on the moral authority of spiritual reflection and which falls outside their sphere of control. And this authority exists, however battered it is by the churches’ very dubious record on child sexual abuse.

    A rule of thumb is useful here: every libertarian is actually an authoritarian.


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