Unemployment up 4.6%, Māori Unemployment up 9.1% and why OCR cut won’t happen


Unemployment jumped up to 4.6%

15-19year old Unemployment is up to 20.7%

20-24year old Unemployment is up to 8%

Māori Unemployment is up to 9.1%

Pacifica Unemployment is 8.3%

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Disabled Unemployment is 11%

When Key faced economic meltdown, he pumped billions into the Economy and job programmes and that saw 6% Unemployment.

This Government has borrowed for tax cuts and generated enormous cuts into public services that is sacking Public Servants while throwing 50 000 beneficiaries off welfare.

The unemployment rate will explode and with the market meltdown, I can’t see the OCR wanting to commit to any cuts until it sees inflation come down.

We are caught between a rock and a hard place and the social carnage this will generate will be enormous.



  1. An extra 100k people thrown on the scrap heap by this government .Another 100k they can label as useless lazy cunts .
    NZ is back on track alright except the track is a massive u turn toward the cliff of ruin .
    How is it good to make 100k unemployed ?how much is that costing us per week in borrowed money.?Oh no word on that is there .Remember all the bleating before the election about all the bottom feeders>no mention of them now as we are on a mission to get to 200k bottom feeders by years end .
    Imagine the social cost we are now creating as a lot of these newly unemployed and under employed will have whanau that they support who will now be added to the living in poverty .

  2. We need to bring back Victorian style workhouses. By doing this, we can reduce the unemployment rate and provide work experience. If individuals refuse to work within the workhouses, particularly those ‘vermin’ who have been receiving benefits for more than six months, they should lose their unemployment benefit.

    • We need to manufacture guillotines and the people (who are most likely parasites and thieves), who wank on about, or want to reintroduce workhouses should get something chopped off …

      … Zeldas is a bad piece of trash who supports the very worst criminals and the most blatant thieves ,,,, she/it’s so demented they think God is with trump, rather than the Devil looking after his own …

      Maybe we need re-education camps for the likes of Zelda ,,, and if we can’t fix them we chop something off ,,, her poison tongue and internet connection deserve cutting if she’s beyond help.

    • I’ll happily provide my contact details to the administrator should you ever feel brave enough to bring some friends over and come explain your plan for my future face to face.

    • Zelda needs to be put in a Victorian work house.

      Unemployment is evil. Those who purposefully create unemployment or support the creation of unemployment are evil personified.

      The government can give $2.9 billion to landlords for overseas holidays and investment property bidding wars with first home buyers or it can invest $2.9 billion to infrastructure to create jobs and economic stimulus.

      Rising unemployment is just complete NAct government FAILURE.

      Any government that doesn’t ensure ALL its people have something useful to do is FAILURE.

    • Well said Zelda
      Also some deal with PNG to ship long term NZ prisoners there for some hard labour, 2 year stints in PNG then 2mths back in NZ. Also, prisoners get minimal rations, should be up to their family and friends to supply them with food on a daily basis otherwise they get the minimum rations to survive.

      Ohhh this is fun Zelda….NZ would be a great place if we were running it.
      Fuck the lefty hand wringers hard right is what we need.

  3. Given the potential anger and violence that could be unleashed by this ideologically straitjacketed govt., disinvesting in the “thin blue line” – amidst all the slashing and burning of health, education & infrastructure – is looking particularly unwise.
    Melodramatic? Look at what is happening overseas, where similar far right policies have been inflicted. And yes, we should be worried.


        • I hate to be picky on such a serious and sad subject but as far as I know the boy is born in UK with Rwandan parents which means he would not be white .
          You are ad bad as the rabble from the right if you do not get your facts right.

        • Google “southport killer identified” and feel like the right dick that you are. Don’t forget to use capital letters when stare into the mirror and say “BOY AM I A STUPID DICK!”. Folks, this is how disinformation happens – it comes from the gordon walkers of this world.

        • In future Gordon if you are to accuse people of being ‘dumb fucks’ you might want to spell immigrants correctly.

      • @Bob the first. To answer your question; no. You have misread ‘far right’ as ‘left’ (I appreciate some folk struggle with reading and comprehension – please don’t be embarassed by your disability).
        Far right austerity, disinvestment in public services, privatisation and concomitant wage suppression / price greedflation has produced a very angry constituency in many parts of the world.
        It would be no surprise to see the same formula applied here produce similar outcomes.

  4. Maori unemployment is climbing and social unrest is inevitable. This could affect people with mental health issues that has the potential to cause harm to others and the justification used is Maori dispossession. These policies could open a whole new can of worms when its unnecessary because the “Treaty of Waitangi” doesn’t oppress non-Maori NZers it actually protects “US” and is addressing historic Maori issues in a peaceful manner.

  5. nactnz is manufacturing unrest so they can unleash the police on the population .The problem is there will soon be very few police to unleash as they will be working in AUS or retired .Mitchell will have to call in his team of mercenarys he used to work with over seas .
    We are on the race to the bottom once again

  6. The Government are on track to improve the economy of New Zealand which amongst other things does not involve creating jobs that aren’t necessary.

    • Bob First thinks jobs are unecessary.

      What are the 90 percent of people who aren’t investors or landlords going to for money? What are people going to do with their idle time? Ram raids, pitch forks.

    • Blah blah I hope you donate to the TDB as it provides you with a reason for living Bob 1st and keeps your turgid blood pumping with the excitement of putting us all on the RIGHT path or highway if the reader is on the Right Side.

  7. Interest cuts wont come as fast as people want .Remember when the rich cunts were spending all that cheap money and abusing the RBNZ .Well now kama has arrived to all those fuckers that went on a spending spree .Willis was vocal in the abuse of Adrian and his team so now she has fucked the country big time she wants him to drop interest rates again .I would be raising the middle finger to her and the big spenders if I was him .

    • Orr recommended sponging up the free covid money that ended up with the rich by taxation of the rich. This government rejected that economically sensible plan.

      The population now has austerity reduced services (same as a tax increase). Nact are borrowing more and giving it directly to the rich via $2.9billion tax cut for landlords plus an accomodation supplement subsidy for landlords and working for families subsidy for employers. All this paid for by a shrinking middle-class whose kids can’t afford to buy a home.

  8. If jacinda and grant hadnt blown so much cash, we wouldnt have the inflation, and our public finances wouldnt be in such bad shape.
    This is a hang over from our worst and most prime minister and finance minister. Jacinda and Grant!

    • What published figures are you referring to (pertaining to the end of term for the previous government) that indicate “public finances wouldnt be in such shape (sic)” please?

    • Your a brave poster to tell the truth about Jacinda on this blog.Be prepared fir a back lash from those that have her picture beside the one of Savage.

      • Hahahaha Trevor and MIB, she of the unkind kind who says she is kind but is not really all that kind but kinda useless at running a country. That kind. She presided over a kind-er-garten.

      • Just like when people say this is the worst unskilled and uneducated Government in our history, be prepared for a back lash from those that has Luxon’s picture beside the one of Shipley or Muldoon. And in future because Bob the first is a maggot troll and fails to pick up poor grammar, it is You’re” and “for” not fir.

    • that cash probably saved your life and other whanau as well .Also the same cash kept people in work and saved businesses .Now as a wave of revenge sweeps the country those jobs are going at the rate of 300 per day and businesses are closing even faster than ever before .20 people a week are dying of covid and you are happy and say nothing .If Jacinda was still in government you would be bleating for her to be hung drawn and quartered .But your silence is deafening and you can only blame labour and turn a blind eye to the waste that is happening daily .Young lives are being wasted every time they are made unemployed or under employed .But no doubt you find it easier to call them lazy bludgers .Even nurses and teachers are being told there are no jobs how is that even posable .

  9. Charles Waldegrave was always on the nub of things about our society IITT.
    So though haven’t read this of his it will have some depth, maybee fathoms down, level of perspicacity. (I throw in the odd rare word to show off!)
    New Zealand has some of the least affordable housing in the OECD and is experiencing a “collapse of tenure,” says Charles Waldegrave.
    Waldegrave is coordinator of the Family Centre Social Policy Research Unit, a former member of the Welfare Expert Advisory Group and recently authored a report for the Waitangi Tribunal on Māori home ownership.

    It wasn’t always this way, Waldegrave told RNZ Nights. Up until the early 1990s there was bipartisan support for homeownership and secure social housing, he said.

  10. Maninblack Running down Jacinda and Grant – which of the below do you relate to?
    In popular culture and UFO conspiracy theories, men in black (MIB) are government agents dressed in black suits, who question, interrogate, harass, threaten, allegedly memory-wipe or sometimes even assassinate unidentified flying object (UFO) witnesses to keep them silent about what they have seen.
    Men in black – Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Men_in_black
    ‘The Matrix Resurrections’ review: The Keanu Reeves film …
    Good Morning America
    https://www.goodmorningamerica.com › … Whakamāoritia tēnei whārangi
    24 Tīh 2021 — He’s John Wick, a fresher, fiercer man in black. And yet “The Matrix Resurrections,” directed by a wowza Lana Wachowski for the first time …

  11. Repeal the Reserve Bank Act. Jacking up interest rates to combat inflation only hurts the workers and first home buyers,

  12. Manninblack, $50billion was given out so businesses, jobs, banks and landlord mortgages didn’t evaporate. That’s roughly $15,000 for every adult in the country. Did you end up with $15,000 in your bank account at the end of covid? If you did please give it back, its needed for cops, doctors, teachers and roads. That $50billion is sitting in bank accounts or on a set of books somewhere. The government needs to get that $50billion back to balance the its books.



  13. Zelda I love the tongue in cheek approach you voice, you have caught the attitude of the ultra-callous from the past.   I suggest anyone taking note of your style of diatribe actually read about the trials and tribulations of the poor in the time of the industrial revolution – a time of great social upheaval and clever men adopting and refining new technology, building ships etc – changing from sail and wood, to steel and steam etc.  

    All accompanied by sternly repressive attitudes to conception outside marriage, which was the major role for women.   If she couldn’t find a husband she skivvied from 5am to 10pm.   The men who got sick or had an injury lived on what their wife and family could earn or winnow.   The workhouses provided work and kept a pregnant or widowed woman with children until the last child was 14 and put to work – however at one time 7 or 8 would be regarded as a good age..  All in sad conditions poor food, poor clothes, poor warmth and little friendliness or love.  
    (The Magdalena laundries run by Anglicans and Catholics were similar and were ‘effectively operated as penitentiary workhouses…Laundries such as this operated in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Sweden, Canada, the United States, and Australia, for much of the 19th and well into the 20th century, the last one closing in 1996.)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magdalene_asylum

    The first Magdalene laundry or asylum in Ireland, an Anglican or Church of Ireland-run institution, Magdalen Asylum for Penitent Females, opened on Leeson Street in Dublin in 1767, after two years of preparation.
    Magdalene asylum – Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Magdalene_asylum

    Perhaps Zelda has similar feelings to this Italian queen from the 1300s.   This article tells how NZ Magdalene premises were set up and the history of the institutions.
    …n September 13 1931, the sisters [Sisters of the Good Shepherd] opened the old house [Auckland, Corner of Hillsborough Road and Dominion Road] as a home for girls, catering for 35 girls and 10 sisters. “Any child who misbehaved in any form whatsoever was taken there,“ according to one long-time Mt Roskill resident. “They could go to a borstal or go to the convent … under supervision of the nuns.“
    Laundry work was the main occupation of the home’s residents, although they also made lace, linen and church vestments.
    …Firstly, the Magdalene convents were birthed in Naples Italy, around 1344, by Queen Salencia, who had philanthropic impulses and was looking for a solution to the overwhelming amount of prostitutes within her city.
    She designed and personally funded three convents, with the intention to retire in one of them, as a nun, when her husband died….

    What would men do in the workhouse?
    The Victorian Workhouse – Historic UK
    Whilst many inmates were unskilled they could be used for hard manual tasks such as crushing bone to make fertiliser as well as picking oakum using a large nail called a spike, a term which would later be used as a colloquial reference to the workhouse.8 Āku 2019
    The Victorian Workhouse – Historic UK  https://www.historic-uk.com › HistoryofBritain › Victor…

    What is the workhouse cry?
    Workhouse Paupers in Oxford – Museum of Oxford
    Being a ‘pauper’ involved great unhappiness. The ‘workhouse wail’, an animal-like scream of pain and despair, was described by Henry Mayhew. Such misery is well described by Charlie Chaplin.20 Āpe 2021
    Workhouse Paupers in Oxford  Museum of Oxford
    https://museumofoxford.org › workhouse-paupers-in-ox…

    If all this is read there should be no more comments like Zelda’s or any male-type name!
    Henry Fielding’s Plan:   ‘Fieldings’ proposal in 1750s UK involved new buildings for workhouses.  It sounds the type of policy that would appeal to present NZ politicians.
    Much of the programme of reform in these pamphlets was eventually implemented in the following decades. The Middlesex-wide workhouse they proposed was designed to accommodate 5,000 paupers (3,000 men and 2,000 women), and a further 600 petty criminals in the associated house of correction.

    One nineteenth-century commentator, C. D. Brereton, accused Fielding of attempting to, “effect the reformation of manners and the employment of the poor, by brick and mortar, and architectural devices”.  The house was never built, but its proposal forms part of a major building programme that eventually resulted in the rebuilding of Newgate Prison, and many of the other major carceral institutions of greater London.

  14. Luxon is the worst PM this country has ever had, he makes Jenny Shipley look like a genius. Nicotine Willis is a plain fake as a finance minister and just does what she is told to do.

  15. I’ve been recently made redundant again, and I’m feeling EXTREMELY FUCKED OFF.

    It saddens me that our chosen economic system requires job losses and recession to drive down inflation. (Which is more about corporate greed and consumer price gouging)

    Now the future of my family is compromised due to shitty financial policy.

    I was made redundant during COVID and had just recovered before this second redundancy.

    I can easily imagine people in a similar position lashing out with violence.

    The economy is obviously rigged and blatantly unfair.


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