Let’s thank the woke for their demented critical race theory reading of Oranga Tamariki 7AA (another woke home goal)


Just like the bizarre manner in which the Public Service Woke overplayed their dogma in the Sex Education curriculum, they did it inside Oranga Tamariki with their demented Critical Race definition of 7AA.

Look at how NZ First have now manipulated the Trans debate because the woke handed them so much ammunition

An open letter is calling on the Government to keep the current relationship and sexuality education guidelines in schools and kura, despite coalition promises to do otherwise.

…now one would have thought in NZ that the pressing issues for sex education was, biological facts, consent, consent, consent, consent, consent, consent, biological facts, consent, consent, consent, consent, consent, consent, consent, consent, consent, consent, consent, consent, consent, consent, consent, consent, consent, consent and some more biological facts, look at what the woke pushed through as the sex education…

Level 1 – recognising body parts; knowing about appropriate touching; being able to accept and celebrate difference; and understanding the relationship between gender, identity and wellbeing.

Level 2 – understanding what consent means in a variety of contexts, including online; recognising other people’s feelings and respecting them; being able to identify gender stereotypes and understanding the difference between gender and sex.

Level 3 – knowing about pubertal changes; understanding different types of relationships; understanding consent, pressure, coercion and rights; being able to critique the ways in which people’s bodies, relationships and gender might be represented in the media and online.

Level 4 – further knowledge about pubertal changes and how they relate to social norms around gender and sexuality; understanding approaches to conception and contraception; learning to manage intimate relationships; understanding how to get help if needed.

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Level 5 – knowledge about cultural approaches to gender and sexuality; gaining skills for enhancing relationships; analysing representations of sex, sexuality and relationships.

Level 6 – examining how gender and sexual identities can change over time; gaining knowledge about consent and safe sexual practices; critiquing heteronormative messages or practices in the community.

Level 7 – understanding physical changes across people’s lifespans; identifying risks in intimate relationships, both online and offline.

Level 8 – reflecting on their personal identity; exploring things like desire and attraction as interpersonal and ethical concepts; critically analysing issues that affect relationships, gender identity and sexuality.

…it’s all gender identity, gender identity and more gender identity!

Surely consent is far larger an issue to NZ than gender identity?

Surely domestic violence and anger management needs to be discussed well before gender identity?

The trans community represent less than 1% of the population, why has gender identity become a far larger issue than consent?

When you consider the unbelievably scathing Cass Report has been on puberty blockers why is gender identity being promoted Uber Alles?

Likewise, the woke definition of 7AA inside Oranga Tamariki unleashed a tsunami of counter productive outcomes.

Look, our colonised past has seen the same mistakes many colonised country’s have made when uplifting indigenous babies into State care.

7AA is an attempt to redress that social mutilation.

Instead of uplifting Māori babies into a State care system that abuses and damages them, 7AA forces Oranga Tamariki to work with Māori Community Groups and uplifts Māori children to those groups rather than State care so as to keep Māori kids culturally anchored in their identity while providing on going wider whanau support.

THAT was what 7AA was supposed to facilitate.

Māori children, uplifted by the State, would go to these Māori Community organisations and (most crucially) the funding for that child follows that child to the Māori Community Organisation.

This was going to be a means to fund Māori Community Support and provide material resourcing, this was an actual solution and a way to get the abusive State out of the picture.

So what actually happened?

Woke Public Service activists inside OT decided to define 7AA using critical race theory rather than common sense!

The reverse uplift saga that OT embarked upon and Newsroom bravely reported on saw OT define 7AA as ‘no white foster family could raise a Māori child’!

OT didn’t start sending newly uplifted Māori children to these Community Groups, they started taking the Māori children who had already been placed with white foster families back to whanau!

These Māori children had been told that were in a forever home, and that they would be living with these foster parents forever.

These children had enormous jumps in physical well being, emotional well being and material well being.

The child psychologists were clear that removing these Māori children from their white foster families would be traumatic and damaging.

OT did it anyway.

Not only did they do it, they did it with the zeal of the woke.

Staff members lied to the white foster families about what they needed to do to retain cultural competency of the Māori children in their care.

Staff members deceived the white foster families, and Staff members falsified reports to fail them.

All of this came out in Court remember, and what did OT do once the scope of their falsehoods and manipulations were outed in open Court?

OT then privately went to friendly Judges and asked them to speak to the judge hearing the case in an attempt to sway Judicial Independence.


The reason OT was willing to go as far as illegally influencing a Judge was because their woke critical race theory dogma had become established policy and they had done this 16 other times!

We urgently need the Public Service Woke to go back to sleep because the millisecond they’ve gained power they’ve embarked upon alienating social engineering campaigns that exclude via their inclusion.

This pure temple nonsense is what is driving voters away from progress, not persuading them.

Wearing a Pink T Shirt to stop bullying is the level of sophistication we seem to have reached in this country.

We wonder why liberalism is being attacked globally in the West, it’s because Culture Wars have trumped economic issues and the Left can’t win that battle.




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  1. Martyn – The Waitangi Tribunal should be lobbying the High Court to get to the bottom of why so many Maori children die, or get seriously injured in State Care.

  2. As a maori person I thought that was a bit fucked up taking Maori children from pakeha families especially if that whanau had good intentions for that uplifted Maori child. Sometimes you’ve got to wonder what going on with the people that manage CYPS (OTT)

  3. The “Relationships and Sexuality Education ” is just one part that comes under the  entire Health curriculum.
    It ” focuses on consensual, healthy and respectful relationships as being essential to student wellbeing. ”

    The whole RSE curriculum is linked on here.


    What you have presented here MB is just partial overview statements of each level.

    At every level the AO is consent, consent, consent,  CONSENT and includes a range of contexts and the concept is delivered age appropriately. eg. understanding that no one should hit you. No one should touch you without consent and make you keep a ‘ bad secret ‘ and not tell.
    That’s why understanding body parts is taught young at level 1.. to be SAFE.  Not this inference of being woke at all !

    Identity is not just as portrayed slamming the two words together ” gender identity ” . Egs. respecting ethnicity, language, religion of others in order to have inclusive environments.

    Relationships are a big part too of the objectives , not just
    ‘ sexual relationships ‘; concepts such as getting along, having friends, being a good friend, bullying, my place in a community, roles and responsibilities so in effect young kids understand at their level in their contexts that they shouldn’t be subject to any form of abuse or violence .

    The overview documents are in two parts on the link and NOTE the word overview. The classroom programme of RSE topics such as the KOS programme are done with parent information input and consent.

    • Well said. When I read the article, then followed your link to the WHOLE document, I realised just how misconstrued Martyn’s expressed views are. He’s cherry picked one issue and labelled the whole process – just the very thing he decries others from doing. A bit like the pot calling the kettle black or sooty, I think. Not that I disagree with the exposed hypocrisy, but it should have been set against the intent of the whole document and ALL the factors involved, not just the narrow item at issue.

  4. Teachers know that they object to this fascist woke agenda at their peril. Never was such draconian bullshit imposed upon a trusting population with less public support. You think vaccine mandates were unpopular? Canvas working people on contemporary gender theory.

  5. Teaching teaching teaching. Not questioning, discussion, and working out intelligent best practice that the young person understands and agrees with. Does the teaching mention passion anywhere?

    Going through these Queen love songs and talking about their words and how Freddie Mercury came out as a homosexual though he was in a close relation ship with a woman and perhaps why, and what it involves. And having a session of mixed gender learning and discussion run by someone with a balanced outlook who has a medical and social science background and doesn’t actually despise sexuality? or veer to one gender only. Talking about Jan Morris’ experiences, Georgina Beyer and others, and Oscar Wilde too. And others who never have changed ‘sides’ also; we aren’t all AC-DC or whatever.

    Passion arises unexpectedly and can take your breath away and your sense of what is good to do at the present. The way that we are wired with nerves all over the body and just bare skin touching and kissing can be a thrill enough when one is attracted to someone without more interaction, though it has to be agreed what to do to manage the results. Is that mentioned?; – watch out for hasty decisions and not wanting to spoil the moment, or get out of a sticky situation with someone you are drawn to. So one might get drunk and avoid responsibility for one’s own welfare and sexual activity in the future.

    How many different ways can humans have sex? Having good sex is an art that can be learned to give one’s partner a wonderful feeling and vice versa. It would be probably better to try and hold off altogether until say 18 years rather than carry out the experimentation that can start around or before 14. Because one can have the experience spoiled by early ham-fisted happenings brutalising the experience. Does the teaching talk about that sort of restraint, and contraception, and avoiding sexual disease. The rigid rule about a certain age being decided like 16, and youngsters charged with rape when they are teens is bonkers. There could be enforced sexual education classes for the pair or group, so they are punished by having to learn what they should have known at their age; that it is a responsibility as well as a being a thrill.

    I think many people are prudes really and couldn’t talk openly like this; that business about the Greens and proper language making a fuss over c..t. FGS. Syphilis used to be bad and though under control, there are all sorts of others. Is disease mentioned in the classes, the little I have seen for teenagers tended to be so informative, so technical, so authoritarian.

    Why not go through the Queen songs. Musicians seem to be into sex and loving, singing about emotions a lot and are more open to them than perhaps the dried-up economic, university intellectuals and monetary types are. They know everything and are so lacking in empathy in ordinary life I can’t imagine them bothering to learn to help the young generation.

  6. Choosing to use the word “community” instead of “people” is a perfect example of woke Orwellian doublespeak. What’s next? The blonde community? FFS.


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