Te Papa gutlessly cower to Chief Culture Censor Paul Goldsmith


Vandalised Te Papa treaty exhibit to be taken down

    • A Te Papa exhibit that was defaced during a protest is being taken down, months after the incident.
    • The museums co-leaders said leaving the exhibit up had sparked good conversations, but it was time to take it down while they made a new exhibition.

The Te Papa Treaty of Waitangi Exhibit, which was vandalised in December, is being taken down.

Goldsmith wrote ato Te Papa and illegally demanded the art work be taken down and he has gotten his way because the Te Papa Board are as gutless and cowardly as the TVNZ Board, they have acquiesced to his illegal demands!

Both Boards are terrified by the wrath of this new hard right racist climate denying beneficiary bashing Government and rather than defend the values of Te Papa and TVNZ, they back down like cowards.

At a time when religious fanatics are painting over rainbow crossings, when the rich are giving other rich $19billion in tax cuts and tax breaks, when this Government are attacking Queer Space, Women’s Space, Māori Space and Pacifica Space on Auckland Campus, we now get Paul Goldsmith acting as the Chief Art Censor?

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There is a creeping Authoritarianism oozing alongside this Government as workers, renters, Māori, beneficiaries, the disabled and the environment all get trashed and harmed.

The Right are vandalising the Egalitarian State and calling it perforce art!

In barely 6 months this country is barely recognisable in its values.


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  1. Why wouldn’t it be taken down, it’s been vantalised/defaced.
    Fix it as it was, put some clear Plexi glass over it, hang it again….sorted.

    Replace the Plexi glass each time the ‘born again tangata whenua’ decide to deface it. (And facing prosecution each time)

    • 100%. It is delicious how the hypocrites and handwringers see Brian Tamakis relative’s vandalising a rainbow crossing as a crime but see this debacle as art. Both are an act of vandalism. Both sets of vandals should be held to account.

  2. This authoritarianism was predictable … which is why Dipshit Seymours comments about Jacinda Ardern were so damned hilarious. At worst, Jacinda was authoritative but never authoritarian. She was the same politician that espoused the benefits if being decent human beings to one another. This is not the behaviour of an authoritarian individual.
    What make Seymours comment so ridiculous is that he himself demonstrates authoritarian tendencies toward anyone who disagrees with his dogmatic neoliberal view of the world. Winston is definitely authoritarian – while Luxon appears to be too much of a wimp (it could be a cunning perception management thing by his minders so watch this space) to behave in this way. I guess it makes for interesting discussions when the 3, so-called, leaders meet to discuss ‘issues’.

  3. It’s weird …. it’s like this country is psychotic. I am flummoxed how Jacinda ever got voted in, who the hell did that? That population seems to have melted completely away. Was the disillusionment with Labour’s lack of ‘transformation’ so great? However, they seem like a government who brought change for the better of epic proportions against what is happening now.

    • I don’t think the gullible ( or greedy ) voter knew what they were doing. They thought they were getting nirvana but they and we ended up with a place akin to the USA southern states full of racists rednecks and cookers. Can someone please tell me what Luxon is actually doing in Asia all I can see is gadding about at the taxpayers expense while the public service burns .

    • Was the disillusionment with Labour’s lack of ‘transformation’ so great?

      The answer is yes.

      To the point over 750,000 plus didnt vote.

      Or couldnt bring themselves to party vote Green or Te Pati Maori to bolster the Left and force Labours hands.

    • The key word in your comment is “they seem like …” It might have seemed that way, but that “seem” turned out to be misleading. They had 6 years, 3 with a majority unseen in MMP times and they didn’t, in reality, bring change for the better. Nearly every possible measure of how we’re doing (even their own) went backwards…everywhere.
      The example I give is that after spending 1.9b on mental health there was nothing to show for it. In their first week in power the 3 headed beast gave Mike Kings Gumboot 5m. I haven’t met anyone of any political strip who doesn’t think that 5m will go further than the 1.9b.
      They were simply incompetent. Which in my view is good – because had the indebting us to global paymasters, COVID authoritarianism & feudal regression of co-governance continued we’d be beyond lost.

      • Well put. It is hilarious that those that supported Labour still do not know why they lost and that goes for the leaders as well .Until they can work it out they will stay in second place and thet could change to third if Chloe can perform.

        • Trevor They know alright, but won’t admit they were wrong. The duplicity of politicians proclaiming “ transparency “ while engaging in ledgermain isn’t new, and the current bunch are just as slippery. Different overcoats, that’s all.

    • the population have decided to give the 6% the majority say in what happens in NZ .94% did not vote for them and 92% did not vote for act and 62% did not vote national but the silence is deafening

    • I envy you the sense of wonder you must constantly experience in a world you clearly don’t fully comprehend.
      Explaining the fall of Ardern to a “progressive” believer is like explaining sight to the blind.

  4. Martyn – Perhaps the protesters/vandals would like to pay for another display to replace the one they damaged?

  5. The changes taking place are in the main a correction to the ill considered Labour Government policies and actions.

  6. This guy could not win his electorate. National gifted Epsom to Seymour and sold its soul. The last election National put up Goldstain and because he is so incompetent, lost easily.
    I disagree that it’s creeping authoritarian though, it is a mass dictatorship.

    • National Partyites want Seymour and Act because he says what National Partyites in their heart of hearts really want to say. Their problem is its not what most National voters will go along with.

  7. The key word in your comment is “they seem like …” It might have seemed that way, but that “seem” turned out to be misleading. They had 6 years, 3 with a majority unseen in MMP times and they didn’t, in reality, bring change for the better. Nearly every possible measure of how we’re doing (even their own) went backwards…everywhere.
    The example I give is that after spending 1.9b on mental health there was nothing to show for it. In their first week in power the 3 headed beast gave Mike Kings Gumboot 5m. I haven’t met anyone of any political strip who doesn’t think that 5m will go further than the 1.9b.
    They were simply incompetent. Which in my view is good, because had they continued indebting us to global paymasters, COVID authoritarianism & feudal regression of co-governance we’d be beyond lost.

    • “After spending 1.9 billion on health they had nothing to show for it.”

      You clearly have no idea.

    • 76Kiwi you are of course correct even with a majority they didn’t do anything simply because they didn’t know how or what to do. They were as you say inept.

      • NASC. It is clear that those of us that work in health have seen where the money went. It went into retaining and improving incomes for the health staff as our population increases. It went into the new hospital infrastructure new builds.
        It is clear that Labours health direction was to move us forward and it is also clear that the simple minds that are oppositional for the sake of being oppositional actually do so because they do not understand nor have the capacity to comprehend how our health system works.
        There are many thousands in the health sector who are appalled by the gutting of the health system. This is familiar territory for National governments.
        I would suggest to the very uneducated making silly comments on the good work Labour has achieved in health to speak to those of us in the health system as the cutbacks that have been made set a very dangerous precedence for the outcome of patient’s quality of care.

  8. Psychotic…. to me it seems it’s more a matter of ‘frozen’. Whenever the topic of the 3 wankers comes up, I hear and say: we need to get rid of them!
    And then: but how?
    What can we do?
    I fear that National will blame the two criminals by his side when the next elections come around and voters might even believe that.
    Labour/green/tpm need to step up but again: how?
    The feeling is getting close to despair especially when I see the environment of our paradise being devastated.

  9. We are on the road to prosperity with a literate Governmet, in the form of the Coalition.
    Taking down the vandalised Treaty of Waitangi is the correct thing to do and it’s respectful to all parties to do so.

  10. Those that voted against Labour saw a country going backwards .Radical groups, gangs and public servants were allowed to grow and the man in the street felt threatened. This new government is doing what it said it would do on the hustling which is why they were voted in .Some of the moved forced in National to form a coalition I do not like but that is the cost of democracy

    • Those that voted National will see more suicides as they vandalise our once great country as more and more kiwis leave for Aussie.

    • “Hustings” Trev bro but a good Freudian slip. I largely agree with you on this post but for your persistent love of the Nats. The right has far worthier champions in parliament, and the country badly needs them.

        • Unfortunately so, squeaky but we were forced to choose them and personal freedom and democracy with a side serve of wealthy property owners, or an ethno state and self perpetuating unelected bureaucracy.

          • Thankyou, so we are now South Africa thanks to National, barbed wire around our properties and our children stolen from our cars at traffic lights. I’m pleased you are content with your lot.

  11. Goldsmith is your classic National Party ticket-clipping seatwarmer. .

    I mean, what a waste of space…he rivals Seymore for talking absolute drivel…half the time completely incoherent and the rest are National Party spin lines repeated over and over…that’s it.. that’s all he does…in short…he’a grifter!

    That whole Epsom electorate is an embarrassment!!

    • It seems the entire Labour Government voter base cannot accept defeat so instead use vulgarity to make their case.The Coalition are bringing to light their election promises which is wonderful after 6 years of broken promises from the inept Labour Government.

      • Don’t push it, Bob. John Key was vulgarity personified, and Luxon of the matching pyjamas and big black shiny Mercedes, is shaping up worse. Auckland may tolerate them, but the Pearly Kings and Queens would run the dubious pair out of the market place without a blink.

        • So National have kept their promises and our country has been crippled. New Zealand are now realising what a massive mistake they made voting in a corrupt, immoral and uncaring government.
          When Bob is admitted into a mental health or hospital facility and the staff are the shell of what they were under Labour don’t expect the qualitative support to be there.

      • Bobby boy Thanks for the laugh. You don’t really have the skill set, nous, or brain cells, to be commenting on the intellect, or lack thereof, of others. I did have a giggle though.

    • I guess Seymour makes an effort to seem like a good local MP to Epsom but what are they thinking?
      Why can’t they see what a travesty he is? Why do they trust him and can they see now, that their trust is misplaced.
      Goldstein or whatever his name is, has sat there pretending he doesn’t care but he looks completely toothless and cowardly to put up with being sidelined.
      The numbers add up for them but why does Epsom stand for it. Hypocrites, supporters of anti-democratic practices, manipulators and dunces for going along with such nonsense for so long.
      So, I guess their rents will go sky high, their posh cafes fail and close, their snooty exclusive grocers will struggle and their jobs dis-establish just like everyone else’s. Not everyone in Epsom will escape trouble from these imposters. Can’t happen soon enough. Then they might get it.

  12. the treaty like it or not is a part of nz history like vandalising war memorials it’s a petty childish and stupid act

    oh this or that public display doesn’t agree with my ideology..EXTERMINATE…EXTERMINATE….EXTERTMINATE

  13. the treaty like it or not is a part of nz history like vandalising war memorials it’s a petty childish and stupid act

    oh this or that public display doesn’t agree with my ideology..EXTERMINATE…EXTERMINATE….EXTERTMINATE

    a deep and well reasoned argument..NOT

  14. One thing i learned in this whole debate is BOTH versions are enshrined in law therefore only displaying one version is a lie. If they want it to be only 1 version they need to make that official…. maybe a referendum?

  15. So, the national museum is finally taking down a vandalised exhibit. It‘s a shame the minister had to state the obvious to the board.

  16. We will overcome this National government just like how we overcame every National governments before them.

    • No you won’t. It’ll just be the usual after two of three terms the voting public (mainly the swing voters) will get bored/annoyed and vote for the other identical party and NZ will continue the same as it always has.

      • A Government that needs overcoming means it has failed. So yes, we will P.Carran. Like all their National leaders in the last 5 years, so many they cant be counted.

      • We could put a monkey up against bobble head and it would still win. And it wouldn’t embarrass us on the world stage like Luxon has.

  17. “At a time when religious fanatics are painting over rainbow crossings”

    Rainbow crossings are a political statement. Whiting out a political statement written on a road at rate payers expense is a political statement.

    $16,000 to re-paint a pedestrian crossing! Any honest painter could still paint a rainbow and make a decent profit at $6000.

    One of the problems with rainbow crossings is drivers (including tourists) dont realise its a pedestrian crossing because it’s not the international safety standard black and white so requires $50k of traffic lights (none of which are pink) to make it safe.

    One of the good things about a Zebra crossing is half the crossing is unpainted naked road.
    More safety at half the price. Where is Lord Mayor Brown and the TPU?

  18. Carran, the soccer Mum’s and house husband’s ( swing voter’s) usually take about 9 years to get annoyed with a government.

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