6 months of war crimes in Gaza and what do we get? A hollow speech from Winston Peters and 3 magic beans from the American Military Industrial Complex


Look, we all loved Matua Winston laying down the law at the UN with his speech, but these words become hollow if not followed up with deeds.

We should have expelled the Israeli Ambassador, we should have opened up Palestinian refugee and whanau immigration rules, we should fund peace camps here where Israeli and Palestinian Youth can meet outside the conflict.

If all we are prepared to do in the shadow of 33 000 dead Palestinians is make a speech, where is our mana?

The speech also acted as political cmamaflague because right after that Speech, Winston was meeting with America to desecrate David Lange’s legacy by signing us up the Military Industrial Complex.

Our strength is our independence, not the pretence of independence.

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Winnie is barking our independence on one hand while chaining us to America with the other hand.

The drum beat for war across the Pacific is getting louder so why ignite things further?

I agree NZ needs to boast our military spending to protect the Realm of NZ, but blindly following America into its latest Military Adventure is not what our focus on a climate warming planet should be.

Winston has sold our independent foreign policy for 3 magic beans he’s bought off the Military Industrial Complex.

One of our largest media companies just went under.

No one is paying attention.

If Israel invades Rafar it will be a massacre and that will spin things beyond any control.

Winston is tying us to this.

UPDATE: Iran has launched a drone strike on Israel.

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  1. Martyn – Far too many so called “peaceful” pro Palestinian activists, were visible excited during, and immediately after the 7th Oct terrorism attack…that needs to be addressed

    • Blah blah blah, 40 imaginary beheaded babies, imaginary rapes, other made up blood libels no human being on earth believes, yes yes you’re very mad when anyone fights back against you murderers. We know. We don’t care.

      • Mohammed Khan – What is this “You murderers” bit about? I am not Jewish/Israeli…I simply cannot stand groups like Hamas putting others at risk, including Palestinians, while hiding in Qatar, and I can think for myself.

        • Members of the government of Palestine (Hamas) have repeatedly been murdered by the zionists in Qatar and the UAE. They’re not ‘putting anyone at risk’. If there was no resistance, the zionists would simply murder every single Palestinian (and Lebanese, and Syrian, and any other gentile who refuses to be their slave).

  2. Wait a minute..?
    “Winston is tying us to this.”
    What has piss-taking the Crown got to do with the american industrial complex thus why the piss-take?
    ” Our strength is our independence, ”
    No it’s not. You try being ‘independent’ when an aggressor sails up. We’d get the shit kicked out of us if it were not for us still being a crown entity. The only way we might be able to defeat any military turning up is by hoping they all died laughing at us.
    What the fuck are you up to @ MB?

  3. Bugger. Now the missiles are flying.

    And I miss the outbreak of World War 3 cos I’m out doing errands for me Ma’am at the New World.

  4. Bunch your panties all you want, Mo. Even the antisemitic UN has conceded that October 7th happened and the atrocities – rape, murder, torture, beheading, abductions – were definitely committed. Hundreds of journalists have also viewed the footage, including what the gleeful terrorists themselves posted online from their body cams. You can’t conceal the truth with your hateful, deranged rantings.

  5. The racist seige of Warsaw ghetto was horrendous.

    The racist destruction of the Gaza Ghetto is worse.

    Eighty years later the world should have learnt to stop its racist murdering.

    • If Humanity didn’t learn from the racist destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans or perhaps Saladin’s sacking of the same place about a thousand years later, why on earth would you expect anything to be any different there today?

          • He’s a bit like Richard I in that he’s been turned into a figure head. From my recollection Saladin fought a lot more battles against other muslim leaders then he ever did the Crusaders (kind of like Richard fought a hell of a lot in Europe)

            Both interesting characters, but both also somewhat skewed by a lot of history.

      • Assertions have been made about fake news spread about Oct 7 like 40 beheaded babies. That unfact was spread by Biden and he walked it back the following day when the USA realised its falsity. Those who initiated the false news have not denied that its false or that its simply war propaganda.

        Oct 7

    • ” At least Winston stood up and said something, that’s a first for an nz politician. ”

      Deeds not words Daniel.

      Winston is a wind bag who has no interest in applying his influence in holding Israel and the Americans to account for what Netenyahu and his killing and torture squad the IDF are doing every day and night to the Palestinian people in their own country.

      When you lay with dogs you end up with fleas.

      The price we pay for being in the five eyes group is to relenquish any humanity that we were once famous for and have sold our collective conscience like we have sold everything we as a country used to own.

  6. The airstrikes targeting Palestinian children stopped last night. Not because of zionist morality- they have none- not because of zionist stooges like Winston Peters crying crocodile tears as they help the zionists- they’re filth- but because the heroes of Iran, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, struck back against these genocidal childkillers.

    This is the only way to deal with this entity, the most evil one the world has ever seen. To quote from ‘The Terminator’- “It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.” There is one way to stop the genocide by the zionists against the children of Gaza, and it’s the heroic operation that unfolded last night in Palestine/this morning in New Zealand.

    • The “heroic operation” that resulted in the death of a Muslim Bedouin child? What a peverse logic you have. P.S. Better add Jordan’s King to your list of Uncle Toms.

      • You zionists always love to trumpet the fact that your ‘iron dome’ defence system is designed to defend only targets that are legitimate military targets of Iran and other human militaries, and does not retarget missiles that are diverted into human areas by near misses.

        You will be hold to account for all those crimes too.

  7. ‘Come out, you animals’: how the massacre at al-Shifa Hospital happened
    Human heads eaten by crows, unidentified and decomposing body parts, and hundreds of corpses piled up and buried in mass graves are all that remained of the victims of the massacre at al-Shifa Hospital. The grim scene was something out of a dystopian movie, the product of the two-week siege of Gaza’s largest hospital that ended in its total destruction.

    Executions of doctors and suspected government employees

    One of the ‘largest massacres in Palestinian history’


    April 13, 2024

    Sick, Nazi Israel will never live this horror down. It will define that vicious monstrosity of a country forever.

    April 13, 2024

    This confirm that my opinion about destroying Israel is correct, who can believe that there is redemption for such coward monsters. No mercy or pity for the whole population of this land of merciless assassins. They are repeating the massacres related in the bible like when they sacked Jericho, and run through the sword men, women, children and even dogs and cattle.
    I’m not saying so, is in their holy book, who can make that up?

    The U$ has fully supported and enabled these crimes.
    W.P. is rubbing shoulders with these criminals such as Anthony Blinken

  8. ” At least Winston stood up and said something, that’s a first for a NZ politician. ”

    Deeds not words Daniel.

    Winston is a wind bag who has no interest in applying his influence in holding Israel and the Americans to account for what Netanyahu and his killing and torture squad the IDF are doing every day and night to the Palestinian people in their own country.

    When you lie with dogs you end up with fleas.

    The price we pay for being in the five-eye-group is to relinquish any humanity that we were once famous for and have sold our collective conscience like we have sold everything we as a country used to own.

  9. Israels war plans for the middle east can be summed up in 5 words ,,, ‘The United States of America’ ,,,, that’s it.

    Their war criimes slaughter upon the war-sore ghetto of Gaza is no more a war than the Nazi’s destruction/elimination of the Warsaw ghetto…..

    … Although western weapons sponsors, primarily the Usa & Germany certainly helped with the scale of destruction and numbers killed ,,, Israel could have achieved much of this without help as they were attacking a prison Ghetto created and surrounded by them which has no air-force, armor, heavy artillery etc…. so Israel is committing a ghetto liquidation and certainly not fighting a war in this instance.

    Now with Iran striking back at Israel for years of bombings, assassinations, Israels terrorist proxies attacking them,,,, and the latest Israel bombing of their Embassy ,,,, Iran decided that the lawless impunity that Israel operates under needed a response ,,,,, and it gave 72 hrs notice before launching it’s retaliation ,,, and not against civilians as the Israeli child butchers would have done,,, but against military targets.

    “- President Joe Biden warned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the U.S. will not take part in a counter-offensive against Iran,” ,,, a red line in their support of Genocide? … a war with Iran would probably lead to $10 per liter petrol prices and the breaking/crashing of our and western economies ,,,,

    Idiots like Im right on this site ,,, crusher Collins, Peters, Seymor and Luxon in parliament ,,,, are dumb and bad enough that they’d like to have us stand with Israel.

    How low will we go? ,,, and will the consequences of being in a war crime coalition catch up with us …..

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