Waatea News Column: Truancy and pacifying racist reactionary New Zealand


Let’s be very clear.

Truancy is incredibly damaging to all our children.

We must endeavor and strive for high school attendance and high educational achievement of that there can be no doubt, but the problem facing Truancy Tzar David Seymour is that his reactionary right wing voting base hate truant children for far more angry and damaged reasons.

To these voters, ‘Truant children’ is code for Māori the same way ‘gang member’ is, and they don’t want a culture of support for those truant children, they want punishment.

These reactionary voters fear truant kids and want fines to the parents.

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The irony of the right taking away one of the silver bullets for truancy, free breakfasts and lunches, while demanding more school attendance would be funny if the stakes weren’t so high.

David Seymour may well want to solve the problem of Truancy with well thought out social policy, unfortunately his reactionary voter base want harsh sanctions and retribution.

Bashing Māori, Pacifica, beneficiaries, renters, state tenants, the disabled, gang members, prisoners and renters has political ramifications beyond the immediacy of the Election, it permeates into policy and creates counter productive outcomes that only manage to make the problem worse.

New Zealand requires political leadership, not the implementation of punitive measures to punish the people voters despise.

What we have at the moment is mob rule, not good Government.


First published on Waatea News.


  1. There is no way that Seymour, or glib Chris, any politician, or public servant, or law, or regulation, should or could decide whether any child is sufficiently unwell to attend school. This is tyranny.

    And were they to force such upon families, this government would need to ensure that appropriately qualified health practitioners exist, and are available, at short notice, to certify children as unwell. Can they do this ? No they can’t.

    Am I the only responsible reasonable adult angry about this barbaric proposition ? No I’m not.

  2. Typical maoridom, just call it racist….never discuss the elephant in the room, useless Maori parents not giving a toss whether their kids attend school or not.
    Yes, blame racism, the panacea of all Maori problems….ohh and colonialism, can’t forget that nugget, never look at the problem and how to solve it, just bat away the solutions.

    • Fuck off im right and do your homework, we now have an education system forced on our people by our coloniser and it’s been failing us as a people for over 180 years. As for truancy it’s been an issue for many decades its nothing new. Who stole our land our land THIS WAS our economic/social base. Stop batting way the effect of colonialism look at other countries, Hawaiian prisons are full of their indigenous peoples many are homeless, yet they owned all the land many have the same problems as us and why is that? Now ask yourself or is it too much for your fogged brain.

      • That’s silly covid is pa there was no Maori equivalent to education before the arrival of the colonisers.Without that education Maori could not succeed in the modern world.
        I realise you feel aggrieved and have empathy for that feeling.

        • Really Bob when I looked the NCEA passing rates before covid the Māori total immersion schools success outshone many of our private /boarding schools. And the other groups that did well was the all-girls Catholic colleges in Auckland.
          So, culture improves and is proven to be beneficial to educational outcomes as does religion. What do you base your diatribe on Bob.

        • Really Bob when I looked at the NCEA passing rates before covid the Māori total immersion schools success outshone many of our posh private /boarding schools. And the other groups that did well was the all-girls Catholic colleges in Auckland. So, culture improves and is proven to be beneficial to educational outcomes as does religion. What do you base your diatribe on Bob your inherent bias.

        • Really Bob when I looked at the NCEA passing rates before covid the Māori total immersion schools success outshone many of our posh private /boarding schools. And the other groups that did well was the all-girls Catholic colleges in Auckland. So, culture improves and is proven to be beneficial to educational outcomes as does religion. What do you base your diatribe on Bob your inherent bias.

        • That is like me saying you poms had nothing until the Romans came the black plague was due to inadequate tiolet, waste systems and drinking water all going to the same place.

          • Yes I agree but what you say serves to support my argument.
            (Actually I’m not a Pom albeit I attended schooling in the UK)

      • what would maori education system look like covid, what would the syllabus be and bwould it prepare kids for work domesticallyn and or internationally

        • We were given cooking and woodwork classes at mainstream schools we were being groomed for dumbed down roles by our colonisers. No culture no Māori language in colleges and at intermediate level we had French and German only.

          • Really Bob when I looked at the NCEA passing rates before covid the Māori total immersion schools success outshone many of our posh private /boarding schools. And the other groups that did well was the all-girls Catholic colleges in Auckland. So, culture improves and is proven to be beneficial to educational outcomes as does religion. What do you base your diatribe on Bob your inherent bias.

      • ” Hawaiian prisons are full of their indigenous peoples”. Agree they are indigenous. Something Maori can’t claim to be.

  3. Pay the schools for kids attending. Review sum every 6 months
    The attendance rate would rocket very quickly

    • Anne. The insidious issue here is actually an authoritarian government trying to usurp the rights of parents, and seemingly of medical professionals, by laying down the law about whether pupils are well enough to go to school.

  4. How about we look to those countries who have education systems which work.
    For example Finland.
    Free school food for all.
    Enter school system at 7.
    Only one exam in entire time at school.
    No uniforms.
    5hours per day in class.
    School teachers are among the highest paid professionals in Finland.
    I could go on.

  5. Really Bob when I looked at the NCEA passing rates before covid the Māori total immersion schools success outshone many of our posh private /boarding schools. And the other groups that did well was the all-girls Catholic colleges in Auckland. So, culture improves and is proven to be beneficial to educational outcomes as does religion. What do you base your diatribe on Bob your inherent bias.

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