PSNA has written to Prime Minister Christopher Luxon today seeking an assurance New Zealand military export orders to the US and Israel have been halted following Friday’s United Nations Human Rights Council resolution calling for a halt to all arms sales to Israel.
The United Nations Human Rights Council has adopted a resolution calling for Israel to be held accountable for possible war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in the Gaza Strip, and demanding a halt to all arms sales to the country.
Friday’s vote marked the first time that the UN’s top rights body has taken a position on the nearly six-month war, highlighting warnings of “genocide” in the conflict that has killed more than 33,000 people.
New Zealand has significant exports of military equipment to the US, in particular via Rakon which provides crystal oscillators to the US military which incorporates them into weapons which are provided to Israel. The Rakon website indicates clearly its products are used for “defence purposes”. Previously it has been widely reported Rakon products are purchased by US defence contractor Rockwell for incorporation into guided missiles and guided artillery shells.
All exports orders from Rakon must be stopped immediately.
The wanton killing of over 33,000 Palestinians – mostly women and children – by the Israeli Defence Force has been widely described as a likely genocide by the International Court of Justice and human rights groups around the world.
John Minto
National Chair
Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa
John – and in return, what will Hamas do?
Gee Nathan, even Winnie over night pointed out the situation is bullshit. He’s only about 20,000 dead too late but there it is.
Wheel – True…however, Winnie pointed out the attack of October 7th by Hamas as well.
Hamas will agree to lie down and give up all claims to historical Palestinian land first documented over 6,000 years ago because after all God (Not theirs) promised it to the Jews.
Hamas will agree to allow Israel full control of the 3rd most holy site in Islam allowing them to raze it to the ground to build a Jewish only temple that has no historical evidence of existing in that area or at all.
Hamas will agree to stop posting videos of Palestinian infants with half their head missing from bombs from the “Most moral army” in the world.
Hamas will agree Israel is the “only democracy in the middle east” whilst watching their youth be imprisoned without trial.
Hamas will agree that Israel is an Apartheid racist state and that its OK because after all they’re Jewish and “One Jewish fingernail is worth more that a 1000 Arab lives”
Hamas will agree to remain silent while Palestinians carrying white flags are murdered when unarmed.
Hamas will agree to not be outraged when Israeli bulldozers disrespect their dead by digging up Palestinian bodies.
Hamas will agree to lay down their arms allowing further massacres of unarmed civilians.
Hamas will agree to release all Israeli hostages in return for the estimated 14,000 Palestinians held without charge or trial in some cases for decades.
Hamas will agree to not hide behind civilians in the most densely populated area in the world.
Hamas will agree that the IDF has the legitimate right (not extended to Hamas) to place the IDF headquarters in a civilian area in Jerusalem.
fingrinn – Okay then…Hamas can start a war, then cry victim…
Your knowledge of history needs to extend past October 2023 as Israel has been at war with the Palestinians since 1948.
Bonnie – True….and in nearly every situation, it was either PLO, or Hamas breaking ceasefires
Not the 1948 Jewish take over of Palestine. Pushed large numbers of Palestinians out of Palestine and declared the same lands as Israel the promised lands given to the Jews by their mythical diety.
Little wonder this weeping sore has been and will continue to fester for years.
Joe – The Jewish community has been living in modern day Israel for years…no one got “pushed out”…Palestinians were free to live within Israel, and still are.
Hamas did not start this war. This war did not start on 7 October 2023. Everyone knows that. So why do some people keep making such a ludicrous claim?
I think we can agree on your take on the situation between these two opposing sides.
I am no lover of Winston but his speech was excellent and covered all bases .It is a bit late but better late than never.
Geoff Fischer – You, and I saw what happened on 7th Oct…and did much of the world…so stop this “what about this” silliness.
We all saw what happened before 7 October as well as what happened on 7 October, but some of us – the State of Israel and the US, Winston Peters and “Nathan” – want to pretend that 7 October came out of the blue and that there was nothing to see for the 75 years preceding 7 October 2023. That is not just silliness. It is criminal complicity in genocide.
“Geoff Fischer” – Spare me your criminal complicity in genocide rant…and look carefully at the planning of Hamas, and associates for the October 7th attack for genocide.
The State of Israel was shocked by the scale and success of the Hamas action on 7 October. It then set out to misrepresent the actual nature of what took place with many false allegations about rape, beheading, immolation and so on. So Israel never has been interested in telling the truth about either the planning or the execution of Operation Al Aqsa Flood. Al Jazeera has done that reasonably well, and that is where matters should rest for the moment. But for Israel, 7 October has been nothing more than a pretext for committing genocide in Gaza and the West Bank. Which is exactly how Nathan is using it here.
Good coin in dead children though.
List of companies
This is a list of the world’s largest arms manufacturers and other military service companies, along with their countries of origin. The information is based on a list published by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute for 2022.[4] The numbers are in billions of US dollars.
Has the PSNA written to Iran insisting that they stop arming Hamas and Hezbolla.
Why would the PSNA attack human beings?
A poll taken last weekend showed 83% of Israelis back the war until Hamas are eliminated. And Israel is not concerned about weapons supply.
So no mention of the hostages then Gaby? The supposedly last push to track down Hamas is probably more about destroying what remaining infrastructure there is left. The likes of Jared Cushner are just waiting for the next real estate opportunity
Not to worry, Haniyeh will beat Kushner to the deals – he’s highly practised in scamming the humanitarian aid sent to Gaza. And domiciled in the vicinity.
The pigs behind Rocket Lab need to be very… closely… examined.
Rocket Lab does no more than experimental communications works in the military sphere, basically technology demonstrations.The payload of the electron rocket is way too small for any sort of operational military payload. Rocket Lab has also said they will not be involved in any actual munitions work.
Communications are vital to the NZ military given the distances involved.For instance the P8 Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft have to operate thousands of miles away from New Zealand, but they will still be in New Zealand’s area of responsibility (Nuie, Ross Sea, Tokelaus, Northern Cooks). These aircraft need to be able to transmit video, radar profiles and data across these distances on secure communications. That means military communications satellites.
The NZDF obviously also works in with the military of our one and only ally, Australia. Again that requires advanced and secure communications across thousands of miles. The two countries, between them and counting their adjacent maritime domain, account for nearly a sixth of the world’s surface – mostly ocean.
The paper New Zealanders of ‘Rocket Lab’ have launched several US/zionist spy satellites. You’re full of it.
Wayne where have you been it is well known that the one ‘inventor’ got out beause it was being sold to the american military for their use in wards.
Is this one of the human beings there?
I am pleased to see that apparently blasphemy is still on the death penalty books
But thankfully they don’t use the death penalty often
Bibi has announced he has a date for going into Rafah. So, Israel is giving the hypocritical, antisemitic world the finger and will finish the job. Bring it on.
Listen to you and your stupid anti semite rubbish. I love the way you refer to that repulsively corrupt individual so affectionately. He’s f’d when the conflict is “over”
Sorry Gaby the antisemitic get out of jail free card has expired after the recent butchery ..
It is not antisemitic to protest about the IDF murdering innocent people. Scoop has a good article regarding the evil acts of Israel so you are only fooling the ignorant.
Bibi has a David complex.
All ‘israelis’ support what he’s doing. It’s silly to make these distinctions between Netanyahu and the fake ‘left’ or ‘centrist’ opposition.
They all support the mission of ‘israel’- the genocide of Palestinians- some just think that their control of the American regime and influence operations in other countries are threatened by the open barbarity of the current regime, so they want to take on more of their classic ‘shoot and cry’ nonsense where they pretend to be so sad that they ‘have’ to kill the people whose homes they invaded.
Just interested. Have you a petulant Arabic term for those you would deem “Uncle Tom’s” in the IDF and other Arab supporters of Israel? Arab members of the Knesset for example?
We don’t need terms for traitors, zionist. Why invent a new word for those who betray the human race to a terrorist group that will be gone- forever- erased from history a decade hence?
So murdering babies and children and mothers is high on your list of Israel’s can do is it.
You are evil!
What obligation does the Government have to give assurances to the PSNA a self appointed I’m my brother’s keeper organisation.The arrogance is staggering.
Self appointed. The Palestinians asked for support and have continued asking for 70+ years, similar to SA people of colour who were 25m dominated by the 5m white people.
What will we do if those of us with red hair are deemed not really human, eradicate them, they aren’t like us.
I think we can agree on your take on the situation between these two opposing sides.
I am no lover of Winston but his speech was excellent and covered all bases .It is a bit late but better late than never.
When it comes to politicians Look at what they do rather than what they say Trev ,,,,,
and in gaby, the internet nobody case, his entire posting history here at TDB has been him calling for the ethnic cleansing and elimination of the Palestine people….
And now the compulsive liar thinks his pretense about Hamas fools people … what a nasty zionist idiot.
Clarity time. What New Zealand, and for that matter, any other nation appalled at the appalling excessive brutality of the IDF in Gaza needs to do to defuse the situation is specifically target particular elements of Benjamin Netanyahu’s War Cabinet, specifically Itamar Ben-Gvir and his Otzma Yehudit Party, and Bezalel Smotrich of the Religious Zionist Party. Ben-Gvir is a nasty piece of work in particular- as a lawyer, he used to defend ultra-zionist terrorists who massacred Palestinians. Take a look at these backgrounders on Wikipedia:
And newsflash to those who think Hamas started this war. What about the intensive provocation of illegal Israeli fundamentalist ultra-Orthodox Haredi and Hasidism settlers in the Occupied West Bank, much to the displeasure of the Biden administration and European Union, let it be added? These illegal settlements need to be dismantled and the international community needs to ban any funding support to these parties from our countries, as well as prohibiting Ben-Gvir, Smotrich and any members of Otzma Yehudit and the Religious Zionist Party. Enough half-arsed wet bus ticket slaps against a handful of extremist ultra-zionist West Bank settlers. And the same parties are planning to recolonise Gaza once the dust has cleared.
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