On sending sick children to school so they can go hungry

New ACT Party school lunch policy

David Seymour is quickly finding the issue of Truancy is far more complex than just getting out the belt for a whipping.

Reactionary NuZilind is screaming for him to fine the parents of truant children but the ramifications of a puritan approach is a burning bridge too far even for Seymour.

Taking food out of hungry kids mouths he’s fine with, paying for a Truancy Stasi is a cost too great for someone focused only on amputation.

So after looking at the stats it’s sickness that has kept kids home.

This should surprise no one.

Post Covid we have all had weakened immune systems and the plague of sickness that has swamped us has resulted in far more kids staying at home.

The reality Seymour faces here is that the enormous true level of poverty in wider society is first harvested at school.

Forcing parents to send their sick kids to school so truancy rates fall WHILE removing free food from those very same schools is going to be fun to watch.

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  1. The awful living conditions of families sleeping in garages, laundries, sheds, and cars, or crammed together into one room with bedding over the floors, has also contributed to the re- emergence of third world medical conditions like TB, and a cycle of re-infection of whole families, which privileged persons like Seymour know nothing of. Kiddies in motels also have few free spaces to run around in outdoors and do the normal healthy game-playing which is an essential part of childhood. Yep, there are some shocker parents, but most want what’s best for all children, even if government doesn’t. A Commissioner for Vulnerable Children could help too, but that role was axed for no good reason.

    Fortunately, there are some decent people out there voluntarily catering for the children which government won’t feed because the children of the poor have zilch political clout and there’s nothing in it for them.

  2. Seymore is the sick one who should take himself out of the school of politics…Only there by dint of rigging the political system, a vacuous , shallow, entitled, ignorant, electorate and a handful of wierdly unhinged billionaires.

    Clearly he is clueless….a dweeb looking for an ego to hang his coat
    on ..
    Even an ounce of critical thinking unearths the sheer lunacy and impracticality of the stream of
    verbal garbage that spills forth from
    his mouth on a daily basis .

    Not a day goes by without the media, in some form or other ,breathlessly reporting his next line of idiocy…

    His biggest problem, is that he actually thinks that he is the oracle…the font of all wisdom …
    despite having little, to no, real-life experiences..

    He’s a human pyramid scheme built on nothing more than hot air, bullshit and bravado, and the false promise of greater riches …with no science to back it up….the collapse is inevitable!!!

    • I agree, the electorate that allows a person like Seymour to be their MP, really needs to examine itself. They agreed to the electoral system being hi-jacked by this man, while their real PM turns the other cheek and pretends it doesn’t matter that he is sidelined. Seymour is a cuckoo in many peoples’ nests. He pushes the rightful occupant aside and makes it all about him.
      He’s doing the same to the Minister of Education. Next he will be doing it to Luxon. In fact that process of undermining him began the day after the election.

      Use some brains Epsom. What are you frightened of? Are you really all that unfeeling and hateful as to think Seymour knows best for the poor and displaced.
      You think you will be the ones getting all the goodies while others suffer. That makes you all complicit in this awful, cruel govt.
      When the end comes, will your comfy little world remain unscathed? I doubt it.

  3. Again, excellent work @ MB.
    ‘Compliance’ is a film based upon fact. You must watch it. And yes, it’s a metaphor for we AO/NZ’ers who can remain deliberately oblivious to the fact that we must acquiesce to 14 multi-billionaires, 3118 multi-millionaires each with a minimum $50 million after tax and four now foreign owned banks literally stealing $180.00 after tax every second 24/7/365.
    We’re not mean, vile or evil people. We’re good people, we really are. Well, most of us are, so what is going on here? Something isn’t making sense. There’s only 5.2 million of us on a paradise of a country who’s expertise lies in creating then exporting food. What is going on? Why are we so compliant when we’re so obviously being crushed down and exploited?
    Kids are going to school hungry and we have a government who knows that and yet our MP’s are more than ok with that as they bank their massive salaries that we must pay them. Why do we accept that from the government? What psychological mechanism/s is deployed and is working against us so that we remain powerless to resist such a macabre situation of blatant abuse and exploitation.
    I’m absolutely serious when I write that we need outside help urgently. Our situation is similar to where there’s an abusive partner in the home. They come home drunk and smack the Mrs then beat and abuse the kids and no one can intervene until there’s a dead body lying on the front lawn.
    We’re allowing narcissistic sociopaths to bully us. We have to step up.

  4. Both issues are separate. First, not all schools get free food. Second, people who can afford lunch also get sick. The issue of food wastage could be sorted by parents ordering free food a day prior and giving Koha or small charge. Free food looks like charity, a small charge makes it respectful and affordable.

    • Benny. Unfortunately parents don’t always know the day before that a kiddie may wake up sick next morning, or worse, have bronchial spasms at 2am and be not well enough for school, so there may always be some “ wastage “, which can be usefully disposed of otherwise, and it sometimes is. A bigger difficulty is some parents having to take time of work that they’d not planned on; not everyone has supportive whanau who they can call on.

      Koha is a jolly good idea, and perhaps having kiddies present it could pan out rather nicely. Most telephone out-calls made from workplaces were found to be made by parents/carers concerned about their kiddies, but texting may be replacing that now.

    • That is nonsense Leftorium many of the bosses,as you call them,came from humble backgrounds.
      You are a product of left wing propaganda.

  5. There’s nothing like sickness and starvation to get the kids in shape to sweep the chimneys or go into the pits and the great thing is we don’t need to pay minimum wages and we can just fire them when they get to that point as there will be plenty more coming along. Ain’t market forces a thing of wonder?

    • Apologies, Mohammed, but I got as far as Guy Fawkes, and I couldn’t watch any further. What a sicko Seymour is. The whole notion of a man, never pater familias, lecturing parents about children is obscene.


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