ACT screamed Māori and Pacifica Space at Auckland University amounted to ‘segregation’.
Luxon cried that it was ‘separatism’.
Winston roared that it was exactly the same as the KKK and Nazism.
Here’s what actual segregation in NZ looks like…
…that’s the 10 richest CEOs in NZ and they all be a whiter shade of beige!
When Elizabeth Rata coined the phrase ‘Ethno-Nationalist State‘ to describe attempts to share power with Māori as promised by the Treaty, every right winger wanting to be racist found glee in the shielding of their bigotry by the pretence of intellectualism.
What is most hilarious about Rata’s claims of Ethno-Nationalist State is that she is 100% right, it’s just that she’s right in a way she doesn’t want to admit to, which is NZ is an Ethno-Nationalist State, it’s just a White Ethno-Nationalist State.
Our systems of power and control are all white, our dominant culture is white, our benefitting from colonialism is white, our purposeful laws aimed at taking more Māori land were white, our confiscations are white, our dominant narrative is white.
So sure, NZ is an Ethno-Nationalist State, but for white people.
Any attempt to rebalance the damage caused by taking 90% of Māori land in less than a century and any attempt to live up to the promise of the Treaty must be denigrated and appallingly decried as apartheid.
The backbone of the economic success story that is NZ, is in stealing Māori land and NEVER paying the full price back!
On top of this is our reliance on a low wage economy using migrant labour to exploit.
So indigenous land theft alongside exploiting migrant labour, alongside exploiting basic bitch milk powder and basic agricultural product alongside and a self delusion that selling each other houses will lead to universal wealth is what holds our ‘economy’ together while white fragility dominates our culture..
We are a shallow juvenile settler country with all the cultural maturity of a can of day old coke, we are a low horizon people who lash out at others who see stars.
Our imaginations are glued to cow udders, rugby and cars.
To attempt a debate about identity when so many micro aggression trigger snowflakes are screaming is a feat beneath our collective dignity.
Co-Governance is the EXACT model that National and ACT developed, to now decry it because post covid stress has exacerbated economic anxieties isn’t leadership, it’s gutless capitulation to the lesser angels of our nature. What I find most hilarious is those screaming that Māori are taking over can’t name 3 councillors on their own local council.
3 Waters was an attempt to serve two maters, the Waitangi Tribunal ruling into water ownership triggered by Key selling 49% of the hydro assets and the need to find a way for Local Councils to fund water infrastructure. The way it has been manufactured into a racial smear on Nanaia Mahuta and her family DESPITE DECLARING ALL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST is proof positive that the angry and confused trump any attempt at rational debate.
What its most egregious is how these small attempts at creating basic consultation between the dominant culture and the indigenous culture they signed a Treaty with is now portrayed as a giant attack on the values of Democracy!
We are too brittle a people for the challenges in front of us.
The issue of 27 000 on emergency housing wait lists, 200 000 kids in poverty and a million being spent daily to kettle beneficiaries into unsafe motels are still here begging to be solved. Our inequality, our damaging mental illness crisis, the underfunded health system and education systems – all these things are demanding attention from the new Government and all they are providing are austerity and job cuts.
This National/ACT/NZ First hard right climate denying beneficiary bashing racist Government is the most extreme right wing Government this country has seen since Roger Douglas and the damage they are about to cause the NZ State will leave no fat, no muscle, no nerve endings and no bone.
They are mutilating the Egalitarian State and calling it performance art by using white fragility to manipulate voters into believing their worst redneck fears are about to be realised.
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Yeah righto Houmza Yousef, we get it you hate white people.
I thought I had seen arrogant, ignorant comments at their best but Pedro yours tops the lot.
Martyn is simply pointing out the truth as it is today, and if you can’t see the racial divide in this country, you must be blind.
If David Seymour wants to look at Te Tirity, by all means look but don’t touch the founding document of Aotearoa.
Maori are the minority population of our country and rightly should have a voice in all aspects of governance.
As Dame Whina Cooper said “all people in Aotearoa should live together in harmony and share the wisdom from each culture” wise words that need listening to and respecting.
It is not hating white people to tell the truth, Martyn has written many articles around the injustice of poverty which includes all colors of people however as demonstrated wealth is mostly genetic & not based on ability which is never going to develop a highly productive economy.
Pedro, you need an intercranial rectal removal. To get your head out of your arse.
It was the Labour government of Lange that ushered in neoliberalism. The Clarke government continued the same economic system but ran it efficiently for the benefit of most citizens. The Adern government did face some distractions but focused its attention on the grim pursuit of structural centralism and did nothing to help those people not benefitting from neoliberalism. It was the Bolger and the Key governments that provided real impetuous to Treaty Settlements.
It’s been a strange 40 years.
The groundwork for treaty settlements was laid by the Lange government in 1989, following the court ruling that all surplus crown land should be offered to iwi.
Fair call on Key and Bolger. Pity we have this iteration of, for the most part, total wankers in the National Party.
It was the Labour government of Lange that ushered in neoliberalism. The Clarke government continued the same economic system but ran it efficiently for the benefit of most citizens. The Adern government did face some distractions but focused its attention on the grim pursuit of structural centralism and did nothing to help those people not benefitting from neoliberalism. It was the Bolger and the Key governments that provided real impetuous to Treaty Settlements.
It’s been a strange 40 years.
Absolutely correct Martyn.
Those people earning boatloads of money are the people that, in a previous era, didn’t have a day off school to protest climate change, or anything else for that matter.
See what I did there? LOL
Ackshully being involved in the protest and taking an interest in our environment is a great learning opportunity for our rangatahi who will inherent the mess.
or who’s mummy and daddy could give dimwits advantages huh andrew?
> What is most hilarious about Rata’s claims of Ethno-Nationalist State is that she is 100% right, it’s just that she’s right in a way she doesn’t want to admit to, which is NZ is an Ethno-Nationalist State, it’s just a White Ethno-Nationalist State
This is a prime example of what I call ‘political gaslighting’. Defending an injustice by decrying any attempt to address as being that injustice. It’s the classic tactic of charging a protester with assaulting a cop’s knee with their face.
A white ethnostate? With a Maaori governor general, Maaori heads of several political parties, Maaori mayors of at least two major towns? Ethnostates have legally enshrined racial privileges for the dominant ethnic group. What legal privileges do white people have in NZ? Examples of ethnostates include Israel, China, Turkey, and USA in the Jim Crow era.
> What is most hilarious about Rata’s claims of Ethno-Nationalist State is that she is 100% right, it’s just that she’s right in a way she doesn’t want to admit to, which is NZ is an Ethno-Nationalist State, it’s just a White Ethno-Nationalist State
This is a prime example of what I call ‘political gaslighting’. Defending an injustice by decrying any attempt to address as being that injustice. It’s the classic tactic of charging a protester with assaulting a cop’s knee with their face.
> What is most hilarious about Rata’s claims of Ethno-Nationalist State is that she is 100% right, it’s just that she’s right in a way she doesn’t want to admit to, which is NZ is an Ethno-Nationalist State, it’s just a White Ethno-Nationalist State
This is a prime example of what I call ‘political gaslighting’. Defending an injustice by decrying any attempt to address as being that injustice. It’s the classic tactic of charging a protester with assaulting a cop’s knee with their face.
That’s one of my favorite types of Whittaker’s chocolate.
I worked with this guy who wrote and directed this film which I want to draw your attention to specifically and it’s based on [reality], what ever that is.
He also directed this film starring Margot Robbie, Chris Pine and Chiwetel Ejiofor which was shot in and around Canterbury just after the earthquakes.
Z for Zachariah.
His name is Craig Zobel and he’s a bloody interesting fellow and during my time in his company I had many metaphorical doors flung wide open.
We had a number of opportunities to talk about the nuanced nature of politics and in particular that kind of politic that requires far less involvement from the people and far more compliance instead at the insistence of those in who’s best interests it is to keep the general populace functioning for the wealth creation of a tiny minority of what I would describe as sociopathic narcissists who’s joyful perversions are satisfied in how they can and do maintain control over we, the general populace, while exploiting us mercilessly. Sound familiar? It should.
Psychologically, we’ve been manipulated into compliance. We must comply. If we resist complying then we must be dysfunctional and in need of correction and the act of correction can, and will, come from some very abstract yet highly effective means of ultimate control and that’s why we have poverty, descriptions and hopelessness specifically amongst racial minorities. 600,000 AO/NZ’ers living in poverty while we must accept 10 individuals being paid, by us, massive rorts aka salaries to be our masters and controllers is ‘Compliance’ 101.
We’re so far into [it] now that we can’t see reality for the abstractions foisted upon us. We’re entirely brainwashed, our minds are no longer our own and when some of us try to shine the light on what’s happened and is happening the same victims of the crimes become the policing mechanism so in effect they become their own worst enemies. There’s nothing new in, say, a family member defending abusers who come from within their own family.
We can see the now dire consequences of our manipulative abusers within our AO/NZ then we get agitated and make angry threats but we can’t act because we’ve been psychologically immobilised by those same abusers and that’s why I argue for our farmers, who are our primary industry, to take direct action and by direct action I mean to starve our lazy abusers of their ill-gotten money.
It’s interesting to read here that the most feverish defenders of our abusers are farmers. Watch ‘Compliance’ and then see if the view has changed for you.
Martyn – Slightly amazed at how much some of those CEOs get based on their poor performance, for example, Air NZ, Fletcher Building, and A2 Milk share prices have fallen over.
What about fonterra and the dutch guy was earning like 9 million and yet farmers were crying as profits were down sending them into a spiral sickos.
covid is pa – correct.
NZ – the land of overpaid CEOs.
equanimouse – 100% right
We are more interested in league, soccer, basketball and hockey. Rugby union is a bit player.
Ackshully being involved in the protest and taking an interest in our environment is a great learning opportunity for our rangatahi who will inherent the mess.
They contribute to mess the same way everyone else does. They drive cars, they fly in planes and worse, they push rampant consumerism more than any other population group. Ask them to get rid of all the devices, wear only NZ made clothing, stop eating fast food, and only have 1 or two kids instead of 3 or 4…see what answer you get. They are more hypocritical than anyone else. And here’s the best bit: Teenage Loudmouth Chloe should have told them to do all the above instead of wagging school, but she is just as bad.
At the school I go past, the young people don’t even pick up their rubbish (mostly plastic). If they can’t even do that simple task, what hope is there for the environment?
Are you really this stupid Jonzie? How are young supposed to get around when people like you, let’s just assume you are loosely defined as an adult, have an unbelievable sense of entitlement that says f*ck everyone else. Do you actually have any solutions? Do you actually believe in the impacts of global warming or are you one of the knuckle draggers that think it’s all a scam for their inconvenience. The consumerism is not being driven by teenagers it’s being driven by people much older.
Yes but a day off school is a major achievement.
Unfortunately the rich will always be amongst us. I’m fine with that when they drag us forward by doing something we all benefit from. I’m not fine with it when we allow wealth to dictate politics, when the wealthy get too much, when wealth seeks rent or extortionate profit.
In Aotearoa division by wealth is pakeha rich versus the rest. That’s poor pakeha, poor Maori, poor Pasifika. It might look racial, that’s what the rich want, to divide and rule. But it’s not, it us the poor versus them the wealthy.
“In Aotearoa division by wealth is pakeha rich versus the rest.”
Just a bit racist! The list was of CEOs receiving over remuneration.
Don’t worry there are very wealthy Maori, Chinese, Dallies, Indians, Indonesians, Russians, Poms, Americans, Scots and Aussies living here.
And dont forget the largest group of poor people in AoNZ are pakeha.
obviously my comment on boys failure in education and how safe spaces could help was unacceptable
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