The Government are deceiving you about workers getting more and they are tricking you about our debt


The media are reporting the increases in minimum wage without giving you the context!

The minimum wage is going up 2% while inflation is 4.7%, this represents one of the lowest increases in the minimum wage this century…

…Luxon claiming the Minimum wage is too high and it puts workers into the top tax bracket is a lie.

A 40hr week, 52wk minimum wage income is now $48,152. That puts $152 of that income in the 30% bracket.

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This is all happening while Stephen Joyce is getting $4000 a day to sell out infrastructure to the Trucking Industry, $19Billion in tax cuts and tax breaks for the rich are being rammed through and CEOs are creaming it

…why do we have all this money for rich people but not hungry children at school?

The same is happening about debt…

…National are not giving you the context of how much a pittance the increases in welfare and minimum wage are and they aren’t giving you the context around debt.

No wonder this hard right racist climate denying beneficiary bashing Government is allowing Newshub to die and TVNZ news to be gutted because the less critical Journalism there is, the easier it is for them to manipulate and trick you.


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  1. Minimum wage goes up but we will increase your bus and train fares and charge your kids to get to school .We will charge EV users the same RUC as a ford ranger .We will also fine you if your kids dont go to schooll now it costs $40 a week to send them when it was free .Just the tip of the iceburg

  2. This is all part of a wider strategy to gut the public service and then claim that government involvement in the economy ‘distorts’ the ‘natural’ working of the free market and how inefficient this is. This then adds weight to the government reducing service funding further and then expanding the ‘inefficiency’ dogma further.

    As can be clearly seen in Luxon’s 100 point plan for the next 3 months – further privatisation of previously publicly funded activities (they still get the funding but rather than being directed into service provision they are there to ensure the business “bottom line”) – if this is unchecked we end up with massive privatisation of all but the very unprofitable actions of a government being privatised (if you can’t afford there services then that is your touch luck). Those government activities left over are then sucked dry of funding to ensure that the wealthy “class” in NZ have access to all they wish and, for them, life is sweet. For the rest of the huddled masses we are left to put up with taunts from the right of laziness and inflexibility – and benefit penalties for those who wish to keep some level of integrity from employers so lazy they sack for the hell of it. It is disgraceful but the norm now – especially now that the media have been undermined by the likes of the Orange Bomber (Trump) and Winnie the Shithead.

  3. Yes, Gordon too many dumb dumbs falling for the same old lies and now we all pay some more than others.
    And how many years will it take to fix the f…n mess they will leave.

  4. And traitors like Anker voted for this government. I would love her to try and justify to the supermarket workers and cleaners that she deals with why they should have their wages held down.

  5. Our dumb PM said he can’t tell ASEAN who they can bring into our own country yet him and Mitchell won’t talk to our violent gangster, but they will invite murderers not democratically elected into our country sickos!

    • Again, they have been advised that it’s not a good look and will mean certain things in certain places.
      But they know best, like Willis, they have all the answers and don’t need to listen to cautionary advice.

  6. Evil prevails when good people fail to fucking act and I don’t give a fuck who said that. It was said and that is all that matters.
    When one can walk past the homeless and wretched lost to get into one’s $100k car to drive to $40 cocktails, then to $400 hookers then home to the wife and kids in your $4 million dollar Remuera Mc Mansion, you know you’re fucking evil, but wait there’s more. We, do nothing about you and that’s pathetic so what’s worse? Being evil or being as pathetic as we’re being towards our over-stuffed politicians.

    • The Crown – you jest – the barons have taken control.
      A soupcon of history – watch the soup disappearing now with only the con left
      Raising taxes made John increasingly unpopular with the English barons, whom the king relied on to assist him in governing the kingdom. The immediate cause of the Barons’ rebellion was the decisive defeat in battle of King John’s army at Bouvines in 1214, by the force of the king of France.
      How did Magna Carta come about? – UK Parliament › birthofparliament › overview

  7. Evil prevails when good people fail to fucking act and I don’t give a fuck who said that. It was said and that is all that matters.
    When one can walk past the homeless and wretched lost to get into one’s $100k car to drive to $40 cocktails, then to $400 hookers then home to the wife and kids in your $4 million dollar Remuera Mc Mansion, you know you’re fucking evil, but wait there’s more. We, do nothing about you and that’s pathetic so what’s worse? Being evil or being as pathetic as we’re being towards our over-stuffed politicians.

  8. The CEO wages are high but they are players in an international market .If we do not pay enough we will.lose them and will get second rate leaders who could make a good company a bad one with lose of jobs etc.
    Despite the high wage some still make errors and we have seen the results of that happening.These are high demand high stress jobs which only a few can handle .

    • Again, if they listened to people at the coalface of their companies, they might not make obvious mistakes, and thus becoming highly stressed. But they prefer to listen to their ‘yes men and women’.
      They go to the shop floor when they are new, someone asks a tricky question and they never go back. They choose ignorance, to truly understanding the business they are CEO of, despite having no previous relevant experience in that industry. You’d think they’d want good information, but they don’t.

      • You are right Joy when my last CEO started he was told all the department heads were prepared for a meeting .He said he wanted to speak to the cleaners first as he felt these 3 guys knew how staff felt .He was a great boss and I enjoyed everyday I was there and the business was a great success

    • Come on Trevor. Are you saying that air nz would have suffered if we hadn’t payed penis head 4 mil to be a caretaker quasi public servant

    • You’re playing a dangerous New Zealand’s economy doesn’t reward great ideas. Like you can go after a tiny section of the wealthy but not all of them because those guys coming up will probably move overseas if there taxes are to high it can’t be to broad its got to be targeted.

  9. Last job interview I was at was with a local small fish in smaller pond type company, after sitting through twenty minutes of how wonderful a company they were and how well they were doing, got told the job was minimum wage and did I have any questions.

    So I asked if they were so successful why are they paying shit wages? and did they think that’s why the other staff looked so fucking miserable?
    Told them I’d accept until something better came up for the living wage, no 90 day trial and never to be tested for weed unless they catch me with a joint in my hand, parting with they could get back to me when they’d stopped shaking.

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