Human Cost Of National’s Tax Cuts Becoming Clear – Labour Party


Hundreds of jobs could go as the impact of public service cuts hit the Ministry for Primary Industries and the Ministry of Health.

“The human cost of the Government’s tax cuts is becoming clear and it will have an impact on the services New Zealanders rely on,” Public Service spokesperson Ayesha Verrall said.

“Cutting biosecurity and public health officials will expose New Zealand to imported pathogens that can be catastrophic for our health and economy. Labour strengthened these services to fight Mycoplasma Bovis and COVID-19, but this government is undoing that good work and leaving New Zealand vulnerable.

“Nicola Willis’ fiscal plan didn’t add up before the election, and now vicious cuts to valued jobs and services are the cost of her fiscal incompetence.

“This government has its priorities all wrong – it has offered tax breaks to landlords while threatening to cut school lunches and disability services. Cuts to public services will take New Zealand backwards.

“These cuts will have impacts across the country and are particularly threatening to the Wellington economy.

“These are the public servants that step up during emergencies and go above and beyond to support communities through outbreaks and natural disasters.

“I am appalled that there are some politicians who see the loss of livelihoods and capacity within the public sector as a good thing. Labour values these workers’ contribution to our country,” Ayesha Verrall said.

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  1. It would behove all politicians to see all the people who they’re meant to represent as living breathing normal sort of human beings and in many cases much nicer than they are Brooke’s gloating, “ Good”, verged on sadism, but it was a self-serving Labour government which kneecapped the independent Commissioner for Vulnerable Children needed now more than ever with pollies happy to snatch food from kids, dump on impeded people, and malign just about everybody they can.


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