Unruly neighbours occur everywhere – not just at social housing – why kicking more into homelessness isn’t a solution!


Watching Luxon’s gruesome face this morning on Breakfast TV justifying why he was going to kick the children of unruly state tenants out onto the street was almost as galling as listening to his supposed solution for those he was about to kick out onto the street, which was ‘go live with family’.

It’s a similar line his Ministerial butcher Louise Upston over at Welfare has been using when asked what happens to the people National cut off welfare, her answer was exactly the same

When pushed on the question, she responded: “They might go with family, they might go with friends, there might be others that look after them.”

…mysteriously she added or ‘others’, so if your family can’t help, some mystery other person will arrive to care for you???

National are attacking state tenants because they know their voters despise them, this isn’t social policy, it’s a revenge fantasy!

Unruly neighbours fighting between themselves is not unique to Social Housing, Kiwis hating their neighbours and starting a low level civil war against them is part of our DNA as a colonised culture and is a far wider issue than just with state tenants.


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Is it infuriating that desperate and damaged people are ungrateful?

Sure is!

Is it angering that anti-social behaviour and damage to state houses costs us all?


Should we capitulate to our anger and punish these people?

Of course not!

Throwing damaged people out onto the street and expecting family who are already holding on by their fingernails to be able to pick up the extra strain will only generate a tsunami of domestic violence and homelessness that will metastasise into social harm far more crippling than current neighbour disputes!

We are fucking adults here, punitive counter productive bullshit masquerading a social policy is for muppets who need the endorphin hit they receive when they think of people they hate suffering.

State Tenants needs wrap around services that are not being funded, they require extra resource and help to navigate very complex and fucked up situations!

The solution is 50 000 new state houses! Not throwing desperate and damaged people onto the street in some wanker Puritan knee jerk move against the ‘undeserving’.

Having National who are giving the richest landlords a $2.9billion tax break lecture state tenants about their obligations is nothing short of class war propaganda!

We are a better people than this! Our values have mutated in just 100 days of this hard right racist climate denying beneficiary bashing Government!


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      • I understand you struggle with your name now with dementia settling in, you peculiar fellow but all of society’s ills are created by National government reforms. And crime has skyrocketed under National in it’s first hundred days.

  1. I thought it was interesting hearing Luxon quoting 300 or so complaints per month, in KO housing. It turns out those complaints include parking on grass, loud noise etc. I am not saying that wouldn’t piss people off but it sounds like the majority of the complaints are not about violence. Then there was Luxon’s example of getting someone’s laundry dirty. Wow that sounds like the work of a 501….not. I guess spending time in the coalition, dirty laundry is front of mind.

    • Exactly. There are a going to be a lot of people evicted for little things like sneezing, talking to loud, playing music, naked sunbathing etc. Disruptive tenants need to be moved on, but we need some kind of threshold for what warrants an eviction. I dont want to go down the USA road where grandmothers in their 60’s can be thrown out because a kid hid a bag of week in their ceilings.

  2. If KO better managed their trouble tenants, then there wouldn’t be so much community opposition to new KO developments and the last government could have built much more social housing.

  3. Neighbours are the bane of many peoples lives, whoever they are. The funny thing was when I lived in Whangārei for several years, state tenants were dotted among other privately owned houses in my middle class suburb and few even realised it–partly because the bourgeois multi property owners had many of them rented out to working class people. But little if any substantial issues arose because of good property management by Kainga Ora.

    Now back in my beloved long time Far North beach settlement, we had a neighbour–a Tribesman associate–who owned his property and was a crawler playing Mr Nice, but a right arsehole, a stolen property fence and groomer of young kids on trail bikes, along with open truck loads of home kill carcasses parked overnight in his ungated spread with two pitties roaming free. This in a basically suburban layout. He bulldozed a track through the vital protective sand dunes for boat launching and told us our lives were going to change…well most of us did not back down and we got his dogs removed, and him prosecuted for the environmental damage by the Northland Regional Council–convicted with a substantial fine and reparations to rebuild the dune system. He moved shortly after.

    Some neighbours are great and others right pests, but you have to either engage with them, I get on good with Manga Kahu and some MMM members, or deal to them by any means available.

    The Natzos rattling on is a raw meat feeding exercise…unless linked to a major public house build…and how likely is that? Yes a few here have outlined historic upsetting situations and I acknowledge these are no fun for those in fear, but also no reason to support an authoritarian campaign that will become an NZ Gaza, push people out with no where else to go except the streets and more mayhem for others.

  4. Of course it applies to other tenants. Sometimes they’re not damaged or desperate. Sometimes they’re just narcissistic, inconsiderate arseholes. The important thing is not to pander to them but set boundaries based on your legal rights. Email their property manager. Remind their property manager that their tenant is in breach of the quiet enjoyment clause of their tenancy agreement. Log noise complaints with the local council.
    I lived next door to a tenant who claimed that council bylaws did not apply to him. For two years he was causing egregious noise issues due to his love of internal combustion engines and his disregard for residential zoning laws and the effect his behaviour was having on his neighbours. He couldn’t care less. He is not there anymore. His family still lives there and are no problem.
    If you use the legal tools at your disposal the problem can be solved given time and effort.


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