Just consider the incremental political Left when in power vs the Blitzkrieg Right


Chris Hipkins calls Govt ‘dictatorship’ for ‘ramming’ through law changes, advice shows it could breach international obligations

Newshub can reveal Treasury warned the Government it would breach international obligations by suspending proper advice on policy to meet its 100-day goals.    

Christopher Luxon denies he’s riding roughshod over democracy but refused to commit to a one-year review of all policy passed without proper process as recommended by officials.   

Labour leader Chris Hipkins has gone out on a limb accusing the Coalition Government of being a dictatorship – a word he previously refused to use to describe Chinese President Xi Jinping. 



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    • @ Castro. This cricket’s chirping “Exactly dead on the bulls-eye @ Castro.”
      “We need a revolution at the ballot box and we need an Opposition Summit.”
      We also need to mandate voting and we need a royal commission of inquiry to go up everything from about 1936 but specifically from about 1984.
      We of us who are normal, human, human-beings must come to understand just how abnormal our perception of normality has been reduced to.
      Agricultural AO/NZ = 14 multi-billionaires, 3118 multi-millionaires and four now *foreign owned banks reportedly being some of the most profitable in the world. Then there’s 600,000 people living in hardship and 200,000 kids living in poverty within a society of the working poor alongside old people forced into menial work as rapacious greed is lauded by politicians more resembling the mafia but without the class while desperate survival is marketed as an abhorrence to be despised by those who make survival in a rich country all but unsurvivable for their obscene wealth grabbing.
      *The Press.
      October 19, 2023
      NZ banks ‘some of the most profitable in the world’
      I’m sure the wretched homeless living in the streets of our capital city would be very proud of our wonderful, now foreign owned banking institutions.
      Chris Hipkins? How come you never mention the above? Surely, the stats above would warrant closer inspection from a Left Wing ‘gubbimint’ ?

    • Voting for the party that took over the ‘Labour’ name in the 80s is like a man hanging by the neck from a noose a metre off the ground asking bystanders to loosen the noose up just a bit. It might provide a little more comfort but you’re still going to die.

  1. If we had a proper lefty worker’s party it would be unrecognizable compared to what Labour is now.
    Castro, above, hits the nail on the head.

    What we can conclude, is that NONE of them is there for the benefit of ordinary NZders.
    Luxury Laughing Boy Luxon denies facts and has no idea what ‘good faith’ means. His deputies consider him no threat to them and what they want to do.
    It’s clear, he’s out of his depth and the National Party is slipping further and further into eventual oblivion.

    That was Federated Farmers begging to have a drought declared in Marlborough the day before yesterday. Govt. hadn’t done it, incompetence. Or not wanting to waste money on real people.
    Suddenly, yesterday, it was done. A bit of bad publicity from their usual supporters was what got action.
    Who did you vote for Marlborough farmers, Federated farmers???
    Did you blindly follow your usual path and vote for this travesty of a govt.?
    It shows that some things don’t get done quickly by this lot. So busy inflicting pain on their perceived enemies, they forget to look after their supporters.
    It’s not really governing, is it? In trying to find tax cut money they are setting themselves up for huge failure in the not too distant future. Can’t come soon enough.
    When is the left going to use these situations to point out Luxon’s daily failures?

  2. What are you on about EN? Cryptic crap to the fore …

    “The Left’s cowardice vs the Right’s ego means the Right will always beat us if we aren’t ready to implement policy the moment we win” … I would prefer to describe the Left (Labour are NOT that left and that is part of the problem) as more timid than cowardly … and the Right for bolshy with fascist tendencies than “ego”, but your point is currently valid. Labour need to grow some balls and actually follow through with much more urgency when given the opportunity. i.e. Implement many more of the recommendations of the Welfare Reform group than they did – and moving away from being partially bound by the neoliberal austerity etc.

    Labour (despite the massive funding disparity versus their right wing opponents – this has always been the case) must take what they learned from all the expert advisory groups they established during their time and build decent policies that reflect a left wing leaning rather than neolib light a that have in the recent past. Take the opportunity to actually have policy ready to put into government plans (complete with different strategies depending on whether they will need to share with the Greens and Maori parties or be able to “go it alone” – I strongly suspect this will not often be an option – that is the going it alone thing).

    Not so much as a BS 100-day plan – which gives the excuse of passing legislation under urgency – but still which allows for (at least key policy platforms items) policy developed to be implemented quickly.

    I hope Chippy gets his shit together quickly on this – and also with being a vocal critic of all the many wrong things the current administration are pushing through. Of course, if they manage to get back in next election, they will need to spend time and resource fixing all the damage the current lot are doing – a key part of this MUST be the urgent implementation of a Capital Gains Tax and possibly other wealth taxes to redistribute wealth in this country to alleviate the pain most of us have to endure under the neolib right tards.


    • Labour is Neo-liberal as hell, so Castro is correct. But hey as a true blue Labour supporter, you can feel free to carry on with the charade if you wish.

  3. Labour (despite the massive funding disparity versus their right wing opponents – this has always been the case) must take what they learned from all the expert advisory groups they established during their time and build decent policies that reflect a left wing leaning rather than neolib light a that have in the recent past. Take the opportunity to actually have policy ready to put into government plans (complete w

    They couldn’t do this they all believe in neo liberalism and the market, it ain’t ever going to happen. I cannot understand why Chippy is ‘still in charge’, really in charge, seriously boot him out and get someone with some spine.

    The election act should be changed so that there is a cap on funds a cross the board, it is just wrong to be put in a position of voting for the one that has access to all the dosh, disgusting, more like the US every day.

  4. The day of the contracts act was the day the real worker died. I mean the worker who was constantly standing up for themselves. The right killed the unions. The unions are now just a figure head to blame when they don’t get a good pay offer. The workers be warned don’t shut your eyes, don’t even blink or it will all be gone. Act is seeing to that as we speak. The day the worker died was the day they thought themselves too good to be left and they voted right. How sorry are they now. If the worker doesn’t realize that now they never will and they are doomed to servitude at the beck and call of the neoliberal drongo.

    • That’s right NMG. ‘the day the worker… thought they were too good to be left and they voted right’.
      As someone else pointed out manual workers were getting silly ideas about Labour, because they haven’t made themselves very clear!!!!, and siding with the right instead, without knowing a thing about political ideologies.
      They don’t know what communism, socialism, fascism or any of those other ‘isms’ are. They just stupidly jump on a bandwagon. How they imagined Laughing Luxury Boy Luxon was the answer to their problems, I don’t know. Did he look like an answer? He doesn’t even know what a fact is.
      There’s some snob value and a lot of ignorance attached to voting right. That’s all I can think of to explain it.

      Also agree with Stuart below. A summit would be good. Lay out some clear plans but please, don’t let the Labour Party run it. He’s exactly on the money, it would become a love-in for divisive non-questions like gender and hate speech. They are not part of this battle. This is a simple haves versus have-nots situation and how the ToW can be used to protect all of us.

  5. A Left summit would likely be a love-in for identity politics – divisive shite that will keep opposition parties in opposition for as long as they are stupid enough to make it their overwhelming priority.

    But sure, we’d love to see them get their act together.

    More likely we’ll see an inverted King Canute act though, spineless medusae flopping on the beach, stinging passers by and waiting for the tide to wash them back in.

  6. Jane Kelsey warned us about the enmeshing of the State when signing up to trade agreements. we were allowed some exceptions but we can’t call our soul our own.

  7. Spot on Martyn.

    No pissing around next time with multiple committees. Sign binding contracts with break clauses that NACT won’t be able to break. Use urgency with precision and undo the facist policy immediately on regaining power. And for the love of god please promote people who have a half a brain and can get the job done.


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