Dr Pork, NZ First and the art of the side hustle

What the fuck are you talking about you weird creepy clown?

Greenpeace explain the farcical situation of conflict Shane Jones has hilariously gotten him self into…

Shane Jones Recusal From Seabed Mining Shows Corruption Of Fast Track Process – Greenpeace

The recusal of Resources and Oceans Minister Shane Jones from being involved in a government decision on a possible seabed mining application under the new fast-track legislation is evidence of how corrupt the process is, say environment and community groups today.

“That Jones finds himself caught between two industry lobby groups is highly disturbing and exposes the corruption behind the Government’s new fast-track consenting process. The mining industry got seabed mining for vanadium into the NZ First coalition agreementpurely because it lobbied earlier,” said Cindy Baxter, chairperson of Kiwis Against Seabed Mining.

“Now, Shane Jones has essentially had to admit that seabed mining is a threat to the oceans – but he’s done it for all the wrong reasons – simply because another lobby group has gotten to him first, or made him a better offer. Whomever lobbies hardest wins. Is this the way we should be deciding on potentially hugely damaging projects like seabed mining?”

Greenpeace spokesperson Amanda Larsson says, “It’s telling that Shane Jones was backing seabed mining up until the point he realised that the fishing interests behind his campaign oppose it. This is a clear sign that the proposed fast-track bill is incredibly vulnerable to corporate lobbying.

“Nobody wants a dead and empty ocean. We all want to be able to catch a fish for dinner, swim, surf and enjoy thriving, healthy oceans both now and into the future. We need to prioritise the health of the ocean over short-term economic interests.”

At least 100 people gathered outside the TSB Hub in Hawera this morning, where the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) is reconsidering Trans Tasman Resources’ bid to mine the South Taranaki Bight for iron ore (and vanadium). The hearing will continue until Friday and resume again next month.

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…Shane is so hopelessly compromised that his fishing interests are clashing with his mining interests.

It’s so funny.

Because NZ First were out of politics we don’t know how many side hustle consultancies they had with the very same interests who are now publicly funding them.

It is totally possible Shane and Winston had a private side hustle consultancy with Big Tobacco but we will never know.

One thing is for certain, Dr Pork, Shane Jones and the rest of the NZ First porkers, are all laughing  to the bank.

We are about to see a level of conflicted self interest never witnessed before.

Giving Dr Pork, Shane Jones, the power to fast track corporate welfare for his rich donor mates will end up being the worst political decision ever.


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  1. He needs to go. I don’t care where you are on the political spectrum. Bent is bent, and this guy can’t lie straight.

    • Shane Jones? You have to be joking. He’s just demonstrating more openly that he can be bought. Luxon is just more subtle

      • “Luxon is just more subtle”
        You’re being charitable @ Wheel. I’m not sure He understands ‘subtlety’.
        He does understand the art of survival, as does a shit house rat. I suspect fear drives him to keeping His trap shut until He determines which way the wind is blowing.

  2. oh how the noose is getting tighter already and we are only 3 months in .The pork barrel will soon be rolling into the sea the resulting pollution will take a decade to clean up

    • @ kirk28 . Oh my God ( Face fan ! ) How did you know? It’s also entirely possible that we’re all rearward projections of future selves AKA we’re The base reality according to Elon Musk so there you go.
      On a serious note; I’ve always feel fluffy when tickled. No. Wait? That’s not what I was meant to say. I’ve always suspected that Wee Jimmy Shaw was a bankster plant, no pun intended because he was Green and plants are green an’ that.
      If you want to talk about people smugglers lets think of who might most benefit from more low paid slaves to be grist for the mill? The banks…. The dreaded now foreign owned banks of course.
      The Press. 2023
      NZ banks ‘some of the most profitable in the world’
      so then we must ask… who’s money is it that they steal? Tourism? The Mongrel Mob? Cash spillage from the pockets of the homeless? Park benches are slatted so highly likely right? But who else is there? Let me think? Meanwhile I’ll have a hearty breakfast of potato’s, sausages, broccoli, beans and carrots while all snuggled up in my woolly socks, jersey and codpiece. But seriously, where the fuck does our money the banksters steal come from??? Oh look? Our farmers, all 52 thousand of them can feed 40 million people so it’s reported here. Yeah, well what ever But I still wonder where the money comes from that the banks can, with the help of corrupt politicians, help themselves to in an unrestricted, all bought and paid for msm normalised fashion? Weird aye? Aliens maybe? Deep sea fish people drop money off at the beaches? Or could it be from when the fundamentalist God bother’s God does his/her/its house keeping and just sweeps all that cash from down on High. It makes sense! God’s sock drawer’s stuffed with trillions of US dollars that needs to be laundered! Of course! Kirk28. You’re onto something.
      Writing of cash, you must watch ‘The Gentlemen.’ https://www.netflix.com/browse?jbv=81437051 It’s a Netflix series directed by Guy Ritchie. Is excellent IMO BTW.

      • Ae!
        I’d quite like to know if hubby is a citizen yet, or a PR, and duality.
        It’s time we “pivot” towards a “reset” in”this space, going forward”

        The old “good Character” condition for immigrant pathways to utopia n needs review.

        Problem is, it might capture too many of the ‘rich’, the nouveau riche, and a shitload of others that we should be able to flick off unto the wilderness
        They’ll fight to the death (well not actually the death – maybe till they begin crying mummy mummy)..
        This lil ole cuntry that punches about it’s weight could ctually start expelling the exploiters and the usuers where duality exists.

        They’re probably not that concerned at the mo, but I were one of that ilk, I’d start to be becoming a little scared and worrying about where best, and where next.

  3. Stop talking bullshite Kirk it is one member of their party you moron. Worry about the lies and selling out of our country (the coalition) already some dumb National voters are saying they shouldn’t have voted for the bald one.

      • Ok. You’re new here and have decided to act like an imbecile. Don’t be suprised if people just ignore your infintile comments.

    • I know it is one member but as with most political storms it the way it was handled is what is attracting attention. They kept it quiet for a long time before it came out in public.

    • Kirk your comments are those of the type Luxon and Jones and Peter and Seymour make when they know they can’t lie and get away with it.
      Jones corruption has nothing to do with the Greens unless you think he was party to theirs.
      Reality is you are just a ideologically driven fuckwit like the bloke is was talking to half an hour ago who said He was pleased because 3 waters was repealed. When asked what he thought of the alternative he attacked the local iwi. When asked why he was doing this he went quiet. Again asked about what he thought of the alternative for 3 waters he admitted he didn’t know what the alternative was but anything was better than having the Maori in control.
      You are the same type of unthinking knob who doesn’t deserve a vote because you are anti anything or anyone who isn’t male, racist or just a self serving arsehole of a human.

  4. I know it is one member but as with most political storms it the way it was handled is what is attracting attention. They kept it quiet for a long time before it came out in public.


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