New Taxpayers’ Union Poll: Luxon, National and ACT crash

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

Latest poll: Christopher Luxon’s popularity crashes after allowance blunder, now trails Chris Hipkins

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has been dealt a blow as the Government wraps up its 100-day plan, with his favourability crashing 16 points in the latest monthly Taxpayers’ Union-Curia Poll.

That puts his net favourability at -5 per cent, well behind Labour leader Chris Hipkins on +2 per cent.

Act leader David Seymour rose 6 points to -8 per cent and NZ First leader Winston Peters rose 10 points to -22 per cent.

The poll was taken from last Sunday, meaning it captured the fallout from revelations Luxon had been claiming a $52,000 accommodation allowance in Wellington, despite owning an apartment in the city and having the use of Premier House. Luxon dug in, but eventually u-turned.

National’s popularity has dipped, but only slightly, down 2.2 points to 37.4 per cent. Labour is down 2.6 points to 25.3 per cent, its lowest performance in the poll, which began in January 2021.

The Greens are up 2.4 points to 11.3 per cent and Act is down 3.7 points to 10 per cent.

NZ First rose 2.4 points to 7.4 per cent and Te Pāti Māori was up less than a point to 2.5 per cent.

TDB Recommends

National 37.4

Labour 25.3

Greens 11.3

ACT 10

NZF 7.4

Māori Party  2.5

The blitzkrieg of hard right legislation and right wing grievance masquerading as social policy has shocked many Kiwis, especially National voters who were just wanting their house price to go up 10%.

This new hard right racist climate denying Government will use the State to beat the bejesus out of the people and I don’t think Kiwis remember what it’s like to have a State that is out to get us all the time.

Fast tracking Trans National Mining Interests to raze our Environment.

Throwing the homeless off emergency waiting lists to make the emergency waiting lists look better.

More meth precursor drug access.

More sub machine guns.

8000 tobacco deaths for tax cuts.

13000 more children in poverty for tax cuts.

Disability benefit cut by $2300 per year for tax cuts.

Getting us involved in a new American war.

Ramming through laws misusing urgency.

Gang Patch bans that are against the Bill of Rights.

Attacking worker right, renter rights and environmental rights.

Taking free lunches away from poor children.

New ACT Party school lunch policy

This is what we have become in just 100 days – if you voted for this you must own this malice and spite.

Aotearoa New Zealand is better than this Government is making us and National plus ACT dropping so hard is the first warning of that tide change against them.

NZ First’s investment into the Qanon Conspiracy Swamp Kingdom is paying real dividends now as Winston continues to flirt with the antivaxx movement. NZ First at 7.4% shows how polarised the fringes of NZ society are now.

Labour continue to crash because Labour doesn’t stand for anything, have no vision whatsoever and are point blank frightened of taxing the wealthy to pay for the social infrastructure.

The Greens under Chloe will be a force to be reckoned with.


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  1. If the Nats had any sense they’d give Luxon his dopey knighthood now, and tell him to vamoose. Hopefully they won’t, and he’ll continue as his hapless hopeless self and drag them into oblivion.

    • I agree…it’s all over for Luxon. .

      He’s not turning that perception around anytime soon….not with the pile of unmandated crap he’s got lined up over the next 3 years..
      and his massive sense of entitlement at the taxpayer’s expense..

      It’s just not good enough for him keep saying .. ‘well i don’t agree’ ..every time he is presented with damning facts.

      I know quite a number of DNA Nat. voters and they have all gone very quiet on it..

      His goose is cooked…

      Started , farted, slipped and fell…

      • Ha, ha, love that Grant. Very descriptive and accurate too.

        Yes, they sure have gone quiet. The smugness they exhibited before the election and immed. after seems to have gone limp.

  2. How can any opposition party especially Labour win any brownie points under urgency. Parliament is a disgrace, Jerry Brownlee is a disgrace because he allows the government not to answer questions. He is not impartial, both Peters and Seymour are getting away with murder and Luxon is hardly ever there because he is a liability. Any descent media we had is almost gone. At this stage any opposition win would be good. My prediction is that there will be some Nats who will cross the floor, they didn’t sign up for this shit show and they go back to their electorates on the weekends. Potaka will not last, he’s been given the job of making people homeless ,when asked a question in parliament about the policy he didn’t have an answer on how he was going to do it. So the real question is HOW is he going to do it ??. HOW CAN ANY OF THESE POLITICIANS SIT BACK AND LET THIS DEBACLE HAPPEN, WHERE IS THEIR INTEGRITY,FAIRNESS AND CARING GONE. IS POWER THE MOST IMPORTANT THING OVER ANYTHING ELSE. DEMOCRACY IS DEAD RIP.

    • Every single issue comes down to what this government is…CORRUPT

      To create fast track legislation to bully through policy is an abuse of power

    • Wait a minute, Mallard shielded Ardern for all of her leadership in parliament by deciding what questions were valid or not, hell even Martyn posted about how awful he was.
      Get your rose tinted glasses off and just accept your side lost and suck it up, the lefts turn will come around in another 6-9 years when NZ is socially and economically back on its feet after the Labour destruction of NZ over the last 6 years.

      • Wait a minute wank wank wank Carter shieled Key for years wank wank wank.
        deciding what questions were valid or not, hell even Martyn posted about how awful he was.
        Get your rose tinted glasses off and just accept how corrupt the right of politics is. Lucky to last 3 years whist they socially deconstruct the fabric of NZ

      • I am not sure what the latest plan is from the supposed steady economic hands but not so long ago National were forecasting to be back to surplus the same time as Labour. So it’s all bullshit when you say that National are the economic saviours. Saviours would not be giving tax cuts if the books were as bad as you say.

      • I sure hope so.
        The younger under 30 generation is much more informed than that generation even 10 years ago.

        They all see the Nats and Act for the assholes they are.
        The right is going to burn in 2026 if not before.

        The non voters have to wake up a non vote in 2026 or before is not an option this country can afford.

  3. That sneer is a ‘distraction’. It’s the sneer of contemptuous entitlement.
    This is the man who would represent us abroad.
    With friends like that, who needs enemies.

    • Joy. The sneer is chilling. For a while, he simply looked a silly man, especially with his idiotic pr media stunts, presumably intended to impress the great unwashed. Others have referenced the absurd commandeering of the Mercedes to go up Bowen Street, and his behaviour patterns seem to resemble the Third Reich, but without Hitler’s oratory skills. It’s his, and the National Party’s domestic impact which is being reflected in the polls.

      Decent people within the Nats, if there are any, won’t be comfortable with his questionable leadership, and the ramming thru’ legislation under urgency, without due process has to be seen as an insidious undermining of democracy. If he wants to swan around abroad playing the big man from the small pond, who cares ? It’s what’s happening here that counts, and most importantly, every child counts.

  4. Luxon is like a metronome with blinkers on – boring, predictable and entirely focussed on his task, to the detriment of everything else outside his field of vision.

    You may not like the song or believe in the ceremony, but as PM he’s practising what he’s been preaching and has all his congregation singing from the same hymn sheet.

    As for the collection plate, it probably wasn’t even in his blinkered field of vision let alone his prayers.

  5. NZ First has gained 2.5% of National votes, as Winston and Shane skillfully call out all of Labour s previous Kindness.

    The not staying at Premier house debacle perception has hurt Luxon.

  6. Luxon (opposition leader):
    During this election campaign, I solemnly swear to the people of NZ, that I will not be raising taxes. In fact, I stake my reputation, job, career, on this fact being a fact, and I will be sticking to my word 100%, because I know how to keep my word, you can all be assured of that. Of course, if I’m lying about keeping my word, then I could be lying about everything, but thems the breaks.

    Luxon (private citizen):
    Excuse me Nicola, how can I increase govt revenue to pay for all our election spending promises?

    Luxon (prime minister):
    Taxes will be coming down under my watch. They will not be going up, I can assure you. Now Nicola has forced me to bring in a range of measures to stabilise inflation, including across the board massive increases to govt levies fees and surcharges, that will be financially crippling to the average person. And if you don’t reduce your consumption to bring down inflation, I shall be increasing my increases to eye wateringly high levels, but rest assured no new taxes, because my word is my bond.
    Expect to see unemployment balloon, as I make it more and more difficult for business to survive. And I’ve decided that GST, will from now on be known as the GSF, which stands for the Goods and Services Fee, so it definitely cannot be classed as a tax, when I decide to raise it to 20%…standby, I mean 22%…holdon, someone is telling me 24%. If I know how to run an airline into the ground, then how difficult will it be to run a country into the round!

  7. Easily fixed Cluxfuck needs to start pointing the finger at the brown people which is what the 2 stooges have ova this muppet remember maori are the political punching bag to gather political support in Aotearoa.

  8. Chris Hipkins is a last deep shit from Lange and Douglas. And bankrupt Labour can go to Hell too. Foulities, both.

  9. I have had the pleasure of hosting national party voters this week .Amazing the turn around in their thinking ,and they did not mention Luxon once but both parties are very concerned with the rise in poverty and the effect it is having on society now and going foward .They were happy to critizise Jacinda and her kindness ,but now they see where she was comming from .They are not looking foward to the coming increase of homless kids living in cars and on the street .One who has been a rampant bennie basher in the past now works for an agency that is tasked with getting women off the bennie and into work .She is totally shocked with the situation of a lot of these women and how badley treated they are by social services and is not looking foward to the next few years under her prefred national government .

    • I hope they are all feeling thoroughly sick at what they have unleashed on our country and their own countrymen and women.
      They banged on about Jacinda being ‘divisive’. They need to take a look around now, even after only 100-odd days. Divisiveness is taking on a whole new meaning.
      Derisively calling people bottom-feeders, while not understanding the true meaning of the term yourself, is about as divisive as you can get.

      From what you say there are still Nat supporters who have a decent and realistic view of NZ people. Let’s hope there are Nats in parliament who still have a few shreds of integrity left too. They need to know that we want them to relieve Mr. Luxon of his position. He’s not up to the job. He’s a manager who didn’t have much to manage ever. It was all done by the people lower down who knew what they were doing. That made him look good which we now know, wasn’t the case.

      Power hungry people who refuse to lead by example, never make good leaders.
      At the moment, that’s all we have – three pretenders. They scoffed at Jacinda’s ‘team of 5 million’. Not one of them could muster anything like that. Just a shame their pompous, self-importance doesn’t translate into real leadership.


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