MEDIAWATCH: How desperate has Chippy become by appearing on The Platform?


Who on earth is running Chippy’s media right now?

Why on earth is he appearing on The Platform?

Why would Chris Hipkins join Sean Plunket on The Platform?

Search Hipkins on The Platform’s YouTube channel and on the first page of results is one clip posted seven months ago titled, “Chris Trotter calls Hipkins a Nazi”.

Sorry, what was that post called again?

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“Chris Trotter calls Hipkins a Nazi”.

This is where Chippy’s PR people believe Chippy should be? The Platform?

It’s like Obama agreeing to be interviewed by Tucker Carlson.

Will Chippy be appearing on Cameron Slater’s Reality Check Radio redneck jamboree?

I wasn’t aware that Chippy had so much political capital that he could spare it for The Platform.

It opened Chippy up to the best burn of the month from Ben Thomas…

But when asked about Hipkin’s appearance on The Platform, Thomas said, “the practicality of politics is if you’re on 28% the only way is up”.

…shouldn’t Chippy be on BHN instead of feeding the beast?

It’s continued missteps like this that are making it very difficult to see any improvement in the polls if this is where he thinks he’s going to win over votes.

It’s the Platform!

“Chris Trotter calls Hipkins a Nazi”.

…they are metaphorically cheering for your lynching mate, I’m not sure there are many swing voters here unless it’s you who is the one doing the swinging!

Enormous coup for The Platform, self inflicting mutilation by Chippy.

He’s aware the Political year has started right?


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  1. It’s been obvious for some time that Trotter doesn’t like Hipkins. Although these days he’s a bit erratic about just about everything and he has changed his mind occasionally. But Trotter once described Hipkins as “waspish” in one of his columns. Honestly though, I’m all out of fucks to give at the moment.

      • If Hipkins went on the Platform to win back voters or recruit new ones, he failed on both counts. He was evasive, non apologetic and uninspiring.

        • Probably speaking to the audience of the platform who are , evasive, non apologetic uninspiring and i would add racist

    • They do Snow White however whilst I agree, they do it with a right wing slant always at the forefront. That is not a balance view therefore.

      • I think alas that is the way of the world these days. All major news outlets seems to now take a left wing/right wing slant on their reporting, probably that main thing that damages the “MSM”. And it’s a shame, because there are some really good journalists.

  2. He is showing himself to be a complete numbskull. Not least for not quitting and blaming the cat and the kitchen on the catastrophic Labour loss. He probably just thinks he is spanning the media spectrum here. What a dork. I must say, he has an overweaning sence of self confidence that simply doesn’t translate to any understanding of his pathetic role in the policy burnouts and his boring middle guy bullshit in the whole debacle. He’s a tenacious little buggering functionary that looks like he wants to remain in the role until retirement.

  3. Labour needs a clean out. The election was oddly helpful in getting rid of a few Ministers who were good as useless like Carmel Sepuloni, but it also got rid of a few M.P.’s before they got to shine like Vanushi Walters – I know Vanushi from Amnesty International days when she was on the International Executive Committee. Very smart lady who would have gone far advocating for human rights and international law.

    Chris Hipkins has to take responsibility for this. The best way he can is by resigning the leadership. Not doing so ensures that the rabid right get another term in office.

  4. Very disappointed in Hipkins. Not sure what he is trying to achieve. I weep for the Labour Party I have supported since the 70’s and with which I was very active for many years.

  5. Well you can personalise things in terms of the Chip, the main deal really is the neo Blairist nature of the Labour Caucus and Fraser House head Office. Ordinary NZ Labour members need to get their power back if anything is going to change significantly in terms of rejecting Rogernomics.

  6. I missed Trotter calling Hipkins a Nazi on ‘The Platform’. Hipkins is a rogernome who I hate but what was that about? It suggests Trotter has left his senses.

    Thanks, Chris, for the good times, now you’ve left the planet with the other dolphins.

    Martyn, the US Left blogs are very big on debates, could you arrange a debate between Chris and our best Leftist? Maybe the guy at Otago University. If we had a good Leftist we wouldn’t be here.

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