More beneficiaries need to start secretly taping their WINZ case managers and sharing them with media

experiencing WINZ

Full audio: Frustrated Work and Income case manager tells client to ‘go rob a bank’

Newshub has obtained an explosive phone call recording of a frustrated Work and Income (WINZ) case manager telling his client to shut up and to “go rob a bank”.

WINZ is a neoliberal weapon used to punish, intimidate and terrify those unfortunate enough to require their assistance. It’s not built to actually help people and as Jacinda’s Kindness legacy is buried, WINZ can go back to being the problem knowing their new political masters want them to be abusive.

The underfunded nightmare of our public prison system that only manages to turn damaged men into worse monsters has an appalling history of actually helping prisoners transition into the community.

These former prisoners are pushed to the underfunded margins where state policy is part of the problem.

Here’s an article from 2018 highlighting how counterproductive prisoner housing is…

Lawyers back minister’s claims people on bail blocked from homes

Criminal lawyers are backing up the Justice Minister’s claims that people on bail or parole are being routinely blocked from staying in state houses.

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…these state agencies are purposely obtuse and punitive in the extreme so that the process of getting help is made so painful and so damaging that you never interact with them in the first place.

As the new Prison Industrial Complex kicks off in NZ, expect released prisoners to be routinely sent straight back to jail after they fall over in these underfunded punitive organisations.


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  1. The arrogance of that so-called ‘public servant’ is astounding. Why are beneficiaries expected to know landlords must be registered for starters. Then of course Councils and MBIE should be doing their jobs as well and inspecting shitholes and taking enforcement action as necessary. In many cases, probably most, they’re not.
    Apparently it’s now “an employment issue”. One that should result in dismissal

  2. Yes it is the same for men that are kicked out of the family home because the mrs can see a quick buck to be had if he is not there .They are thrown onto the street with no where to go form experience with a family member .I had to provide motel accomodation for him till he could find a place to live .No wonder there are so many angry men in the society now as they are treated worse than the family dog which now have their own branch of womans refuge .Where is the mens refuge .

    • While I understand your point about men needing support and agree that things need to get better it is only when men stop thinking about women as sex objects and learn that the world does not revolve around satisfying their every desire that real progress will be made. Obviously women need a similar transformation. I should make it clear that it is some men and some women that I am referring to as there are decent men and women in the community thankfully.

    • It’s true Gordon W – that men don’t get fair treatment often. It is just that women and custodial mothers have the same need and problems multiplied exponentially if trying to care properly for their family.

      The system should change, and people treat each other better starting from babyhood, even before as bad habits can affect a coming baby. This is known but ignored by those in power and able to remain in their positions despite not delivering the work output of high standard commensurate with their salary level and authority.

      And many are taught through their growth period in ways of how to be ignorant, and become as adults a little sub-human depending on their actual potentials for better.

  3. WINZ incoming calls are recorded, and archived for a set period of time. Ascertaining this period of time is impossible. A seemingly random percentage of incoming calls are also monitored live, but direct intervention seems unlikely or impossible. Clients need to know these things in the event of untoward happenings. The IRD has supervisors at hand who can assist with complex calls, but the calibre of WINZ floor managers is questionable, and nor will they necessarily respond to, or be available to speak with a client if requested to. Waiting for a callback is waiting for Godot.

    • People are waiting on phone lines for up to 2.5 to 3 hours to get thru and or being cut off.
      If you dont ring by 7.05 am to get through your day is screwed with a 50/50% chance of not getting help.
      Some case managers are back to being the assholes of the John Key era.

      Hence why we need the Greens GMI at at reasonable rate.

      If we want change the Legacy parties of National Labour NZ 1st and Act are not going to change a damn thing.

      • Geoff Lye. An acting MSD Service manager told me a while back, that call centre workers will flick calls off to keep up with their KPI’s; hence long waits and then cut-offs. They’re under pressure too.

  4. At a low point of my life caused by bad timing and ill health I needed to get help from a social agency. I am a white male well educated and reasonably articulate and I found it hard to deal with the forms and the arrogance of the young staff. I thought at the time how hard it would be for someone who English was a second language and who were scared of people in authority .

    • Ethan Woke. Better do a phone around and see which bank branches have money then. Some carry none at all. It’s part of the globalist agenda to have a cashless society.

  5. WINZ/MSD remains a sadistic punishment maze-largely staffed by PSA union members.

    A basic income for all citizens delivered by IRD would enable the end of case managers and the whole rotten set up.

    In the meantime people should record the fuckers on their phones to help build an incontrovertible data base and campaign for beneficiaries rights.


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