The criminal purpose of Zionism


Every time Israel grabs yet more land for illegal West Bank settlement, it should be seen for what it is, another step in the achievement of Zionism’s ultimate ideological ambition. David Ben Gurion, the national founder of the State of Israel and its first prime minister, stated in a letter to his son in 1937: “A Jewish state must be established immediately, even if it is only in part of the country. The rest will follow in the course of time. A Jewish state will come.”

Zionism’s racist contempt for the Palestinian people is made clear in the following passage from that letter:

“Of course the partition of the country [Palestine] gives me no pleasure. But the country that they [the Royal (Peel) Commission] are partitioning is not in our actual possession; it is in the possession of the Arabs and the English. What is in our actual possession is a small portion, less than what they [the Peel Commission] are proposing for a Jewish state. If I were an Arab I would have been very indignant. But in this proposed partition we will get more than what we already have, though of course much less than we merit and desire. The question is: would we obtain more without partition?

What we really want is not that the land remain whole and unified. What we want is that the whole and unified land be Jewish. A unified Eretz Israeli would be no source of satisfaction for me if it were Arab.”

Plainly – a twostate solution is contrary to the Zionist purpose and Zionism’s land-grabbing intent is undeniable. Ben Gurion wrote:The establishment of a state, even if only on a portion of the land, is the maximal reinforcement of our strength at the present time and a powerful boost to our historical endeavours to liberate the entire country.”

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Military superiority

Ben Gurion stated that: “We shall organise an advanced defence force—a superior army which I have no doubt will be one of the best armies in the world. At that point I am confident that we would not fail in settling in the remaining parts of the country, through agreement and understanding with our Arab neighbours, or through some other means.”

That is agreement achieved, of course, through intimidation. For the Zionists, “Palestine is grossly under populated. It contains vast colonisation potential which the Arabs neither need nor are qualified (because of their lack of need) to exploit.” Ben Gurion added, “Our ability to penetrate the country will increase if we have a state.” Very honestly he actually admitted that he thought: “We must expel Arabs and take their place.”


The formation of the UNRWA humanitarian relief agency was a direct result of the urgent need to deal with Zionism’s criminal inhumanity. Illegal Israeli settlements continue to grow.


  1. Very true. Nothing illustrates this better than the ‘israeli’ rage over bomb shelters, what they and their puppets in the media call ‘Hamas tunnels’.

    They literally consider it ‘terrorism’ that people who they have been murdering for sport for more than 75 years, DARED to dig bomb shelters so that the zionists can’t shell and bomb them directly. The zionist dream is for their victims to be herded into a single crowded camp naked, with no structures, so that they can machinegun or bomb them for fun, or drag one out to rape or murder in person without them being able to run and hide.

    • Have you been taking lessons from your doppelganger reason – otherwise known as B Awakesky? He, too, has this abnormal ineptitude for divining others’ motives. Fortunately most of use can discern Islamofascist lies.
      Did you support the use of child labour during the building of those “bomb shelters”? Or Hamas theft of cement and steel intended for civilian infrastructure projects? Requisitioning I think they called it. Ain’t language revision a wonderful thing Mo.

      • lol, imagine pretending that the human population of Palestine don’t want to be protected from the bestial genocidal monsters who you support murdering them. You must be a real piece of work.

      • Anne the Extremist talks out of both sides of her mouth, and her saggy arse for that matter,,, when she speaks and lies about the crimes of Israel, the critics of these crimes, and a host of other things to do with Israel including repeating zionist propaganda about things like Islam…..

        … For instance I’m against Islamic extremism and terrorism,, but I also don’t spread lies about Islam ,,,, or try and pretend the conflict ever since the creation/formation of Israel, which was brought into being through terrorism, ethnic cleansing and land theft,, is a religious conflict.

        Anne the Extremist on the other hand raves on with anti-Islam propaganda but refuses to condemn Israel partnering up and giving direct help to Muslim extremists/terrorists ,,, as shown here in a bad zionist joke she claims it’s ‘antisemitic’ to point out her and Israels two faced hypocrisy …

        It’s also ironic but somewhat fitting that Israel should be backing intolerant extremists against Syria, as Syria an Arab country having multiple different religions co-existing in their society ( Syria contains Shia & Sunni Muslims, Christians, Druez etc ), has religious supremacy or religious discrimination.

        Israel insists on both religious supremacy and discrimination within it ,,, including against christians who they shoot, bomb and harass ,,, ie, ‘Israeli sniper ‘shot in cold blood’ mother and daughter in Gaza church’

        “Jesus Would Be Killed in Gaza”

        Some sects Jewish extremists are so backward they do animal sacrifice and want to turn the dome of the rock into a giant slaughterhouse ,,, for their god ,,,,, ‘Israeli Politics Decoded’ (Warning animal sacrifice photo’s) ,, these backward extremists form part of Israels ruling Govt

        Anne the Extremists pushes the same message about Muslims that Brendon Tarrent believed ,,, and that murderous fool may well have been suckered and indoctrinated by a anti-Islam network amplified and largely funded by zionists ….

        Israel Lobby Ties to Islamophobia

        To sum up Annes an out of tune zionist trumpet ,,,, who like Israel directly supports Islamic terrorism/extremists when they can use it ,,, and then uses the example of Islamic terrorism that they help empower and make far more deadly ,,, to denounce Muslims in general and pretend the conflict in Israel is religious based.

        Remember Anne E supports this ,, ‘If I Don’t Steal [Your Home] Someone Else Will’ ,,, which is what the Israel conflict has always been about.

        ,,,,as for the mass murder of Palestinian women and children, by Israel, just makes her go ‘Yawn’ …. because she’s a Extremist and the ends will always justify the means to that type.

        • Couple of Typos

          ….as Syria an Arab country having multiple different religions co-existing in their society ( Syria contains Shia & Sunni Muslims, Christians, Druez etc ), has NO religious supremacy or religious discrimination.

          Whereas Israel insists on both religious supremacy and discrimination within it ,,, including against christians who they shoot, bomb and harass ,,, ie, ‘Israeli sniper ‘shot in cold blood’ mother and daughter in Gaza church’

          Some sects OF Jewish extremists are so backward they do animal sacrifice and want to turn the dome of the rock into a giant slaughterhouse ,,, for their god ,,,,, ‘Israeli Politics Decoded’ (Warning animal sacrifice photo’s) ,, these backward extremists form part of Israels ruling Govt

          ,,,,as for the mass murder of Palestinian women and children by Israel, This just makes her go/post ‘Yawn’ …. because she’s an Extremist and the ends will always justify the means to that type.

          • That’s just these people’s thing. These monsters have contempt for all of us. The same ‘israeli’ politicians who celebrate mass murders at mosques and want to conduct pagan sacrifices in the Al-Aqsa Mosque endorse spitting on Christians.

          • What a surprise Anne E is telling lies by omission …. again

            She’s trying to fool people that her example is worse than the backward Jewish/Zionist zealots , due to the number of Animals killed and claiming ” the streets run red with blood”

            However the bit she left out puts things in a different perspective and normal people can decide which is worse/more backward ,,,, here’s what she left out — “The meat of the sacrificed animal is divided into three portions: one part of the meat is consumed by the family that offers the animal, one portion is for friends and relatives, while the rest of the meat is distributed to the poor and the needy.”

            Versus her favored Zionist extremists sect ,,, “The slaughter of an animal sacrifice is not considered a fundamental part of the sacrifice, but rather is an unavoidable preparatory step to the offering of its meat to God;” …..

            … Compare her example where ‘one part of the meat is consumed by the family that offers the animal, one portion is for friends and relatives, while the rest of the meat is distributed to the poor and the needy.’, versus what she thinks is less bad, ” the offering of its meat to God;'” …

            To me it seems obvious ( and to most other people I’m sure) which is the worse reason to cut a animals throat…..

            Given Annes dishonesty to defend backward Jewish extremists needless throat slitting of animals she’s shown she will go to far lengthssupport their right to do so ….

            It should also be noted that years ago when the Taylor Preston meat-works in Wellington set up a Halal killing chain for Muslim buyers the use of stun guns which makes the killing of the livestock slightly more humane was ok to Muslims.

            That was not the case and stun guns were not to be used for Kosher meat,,,, which involves continuous cutting of the esophagus and blood vessels using a special sharp chalef knife, with the length of the straight blade being at least twice the diameter of the animals neck.

            It’s all enough to give Anne the Extremist the ‘Yawns’ again ,,,

            Supporting ISIS like an Israeli, while condemning Islam,,,, is one of her few joys in life…. she likes telling lies.

            P.s Have you ever met a WCNSF covered in blood Anne?,,, It’s happening NOW and on a large scale

            Soon to be WSC’s ,,, with the S standing for starved thanks to Israel and its Dirty Alliance.

          • Hahah, keep on trying to spread your hasbara. Every human on earth knows what you’re up to with your chicken swinging rituals.

  2. Zionism, according to a recent encyclopaedia, is a worldwide political movement launched by Theodor Herzl in 1897. Equally it might be said that Socialism was founded in 1848 by Karl Marx. It is clearly difficult to do justice to the origins of a movement of any consequence in a one-sentence definition. The Jewish national revival which took place in the nineteenth century, culminating in political Zionism, was preceded by a great many activities and publications, by countless projects, declarations and meetings; thousands of Jews had in fact settled in Palestine before Herzl ever thought of a Jewish state. These activities took place in various countries and on different levels; it is difficult to classify them and almost impossible to find a common denominator for them. They include projects of British and French statesmen to establish a Jewish state; manifestos issued by obscure east European rabbis; the publication of romantic novels by non-Jewish writers; associations to promote settlement in Palestine, and to spread Jewish culture and national consciousness. The term Zionism appeared only in the 1890s,* but the cause, the concept of Zion, has been present throughout Jewish history. A survey of the origins of Zionism must take as its starting point the central place of Zion in the thoughts, the prayers, and the dreams of the Jews in their dispersion. The blessing ‘Next year in Jerusalem’ is part of the Jewish ritual and many generations of practising Jews have turned towards the east when saying the Shemone Essre , the central prayer in the Jewish liturgy. Source : History of Zionism | Walter Laquer

    • Even the Jews know that they descend from Abraham so how come you ignore that part of their history. It is critical information because it describes why they existed, their purpose and that they are no longer needed as a separate race. Obviously I do not wish them harm but it is incomprehensible that they use the harm they suffered in Germany as an excuse to justify trying to destroy the Palestinians.

  3. The tunnels are not for civilians they are for Hamas, Mousa Abu Marzouk, a member of the Hamas Political Bureau has said this. They were built with stolen aid money meant for Palestinians.

    • Well that makes your position even more bizarre. You have just said Hamas are ripping off the Palestinian population….but all those women and children deserve to die anyway?

      And which tunnels are we talking about? It’s bollocks to say they were all built with aid money

      • These zionist shills are always mad about anything that protects the Palestinian population- whether it’s health services, medicine, food, or the heroes of the Palestinian resistance who stop their fellow zionists from being able to rape and kill Palestinian kids at random.

        How DARE the Palestinian people have a military, which fights back against the ‘idf’ which murders and rapes their little kids for fun! Such a thing is disgusting, to the zionist.

  4. Just can’t forgive the Jews for the Holocaust, can you Bravery? In your twisted universe the new Nazis, Hamas, are the good guys.

    • Pretty sure Martyn has a very applicable saying for this whole conflict… work oit which side the Nazis woul dbe on.
      If you’re on that side, it’s the wrong one… well now who would the Nazis be backing in this conflict…

    • You liars aren’t getting away with your nonsense much longer. Everyone knows the evil Nazis collaborated with the zionists to send jews to invade Palestine under the Haavara Agreement. Inarguably one of Hitler’s worst crimes.

    • Did you comment on the wrong article, there is no mention of the holocaust in this article. In your twisted universe the ‘good guys’ murder women and children, dress in disguise to attack people in a hospital plus numerous other instances that fail to follow the instruction to love your neighbour as thyself. The 70s with its limited media availability that only reported the Israeli lie is over, most of us know both sides of events there now so you should expand your source’s of information so that you don’t constantly come across as out of touch.

      • The zionist Gaby is just engaging in what its people call the ‘big lie’. They know that decent people tell little lies in the course of their lives… a bloke might tell his missus that he made a sandwich before she woke up (he bought a pie). People don’t expect to be told absurd, disgusting, completely immoral, entirely unjustified, absurd lies. And so the zionists tell them, knowing that excessive compassion and controlled media will delay their disgusting filth from being exposed. And even as their earlier lies are exposed, they will simply tell more lies.

        • Which of taqiyya, kitman, tawriya, taysir, darurua or muruna is the ‘big lie’ that Zionists evidently use Mo?

        • Clearly, you’re something of an expert at lying, Mo. No surprises there. Your namesake gave it his blessing. LOL.

      • Can’t you spot the Evans cartoon heading the article and chosen by Bravery? Should have gone to spec savers. LOL.

  5. The term Zionism appeared only in the 1890s,* but the cause, the concept of Zion, has been present throughout Jewish history. A survey of the origins of Zionism must take as its starting point the central place of Zion in the thoughts, the prayers, and the dreams of the Jews in their dispersion. The blessing ‘Next year in Jerusalem’ is part of the Jewish ritual and many generations of practising Jews have turned towards the east when saying the Shemone Essre , the central prayer in the Jewish liturgy. The longing for Zion manifested itself in the appearance of many messiahs, from David Alroy in the twelfth century to Shabtai Zvi in the seventeenth, in the poems of Yehuda Halevy, in the meditations of generations of mystics. Physical contact between the Jews and their former homeland was never completely broken; throughout the Middle Ages sizable Jewish communities existed in Jerusalem and Safed, and smaller ones in Nablus and Hebron. Attempts by Don Yosef Nasi, Duke of Naxos, to promote Jewish colonisation near Tiberias failed, but individual migration to Palestine never ceased; it reached a new height with the arrival of groups of Hassidim in the late eighteenth century. Saying the Shemone Essre , the central prayer in the Jewish liturgy. The longing for Zion manifested itself in the appearance of many messiahs, from David Alroy in the twelfth century to Shabtai Zvi in the seventeenth, in the poems of Yehuda Halevy, in the meditations of generations of mystics. Physical contact between the Jews and their former homeland was never completely broken; throughout the Middle Ages sizable Jewish communities existed in Jerusalem and Safed, and smaller ones in Nablus and Hebron. Attempts by Don Yosef Nasi, Duke of Naxos, to promote Jewish colonisation near Tiberias failed, but individual migration to Palestine never ceased; it reached a new height with the arrival of groups of Hassidim in the late eighteenth century.ancient homeland abounded in England in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. During his Egyptian campaign Napoleon published a proclamation calling the Jews of Asia and Africa to join him in restoring the old Jerusalem. Colonel Pestel, the leader of the first Russian revolutionary movement, the Decembrists, suggested in his programme the establishment of a Jewish state in Asia Minor. Even earlier, in 1797, Prince Charles de Ligne developed the same idea in a private memorandum, and Manuel Noah, an American-Jewish judge, writer and former diplomat, proposed the establishment of a token Jewish state (Ararat) on Grand Island near Buffalo. Beginning with the 1840s, Jewish newspapers frequently discussed the return to Palestine as a laudable ( independent state in Syria and Palestine, envisaging the mass settlement of Jews. The Globe was a mouthpiece of the Foreign Office and the project was known to have Palmerston’s support. The author of this series, as another writer in The Times pointed out (17 August 1840), did not assume that the masses of European Jews would immediately migrate to Syria, but he thought that a concentration of oriental Jews in Palestine was by no means an unreal vision: the European Jews had the money to buy (or lease) the country from the sultan, and the five big powers would provide a guarantee for the new state. Some of these policy planners were in favour of an independent monarchy, others of a republic, but all were convinced that with England taking the initiative in returning the Jews to Palestine, like Cyrus in antiquity, a sufficient number of them would settle to make the project a going concern.

  6. The various plans were not devoid of political vision, but the link between the dream and its realisation was missing, and for that reason, in the last resort, they were bound to have no effect. They were premature, just as the ideas of the Utopian Socialists had no lasting impact because they were propagated in a vacuum, without reference to the political and social forces which could provide leadership in the struggle for their realisation. Even Moses Hess’ Rome and Jerusalem , the most important by far of these appeals, belongs to this genre. Published in 1862, it had no immediate effect. Isaiah Berlin, who compared it to a bombshell, exaggerated its impact; 160 copies of the book had been sold one year after publication and soon after that the publisher suggested that Hess ought to buy back the remainder at a reduced price. When Herzl wrote his Judenstaat more than thirty years later, he had not even heard of it. And yet Rome and Jerusalem stands out in the literature of the time for reasons that will be immediately obvious.

  7. Israel should be pushed back to the 1967 boundaries .They have been stealing land every year since then that is not and has never been theirs.Any person who thinks that it is ok to have 6 million refugees from Palastine in other countries needs to take a long hard look at them selves .Yes the palasitinians fight back every now and again but what would you do if you were in their situation .One can only poke the tiger so many times before he fights back .

  8. Great work @ Leslie Bravery. The incursions onto Arab lands by zionists is sickening and depressing for it’s arrogant aggression. Perhaps worse still, it’s dumb and greedy. It seems to me that Zionists are becoming increasingly hated by the rest of the world. Perhaps a moon base [ for them] isn’t such a mad idea after all?
    Gaby? Bob the first? Can you get into a space helmet or are you too fat in the head?

    • I hear the Jewish Autonomous Oblast is nice this time of year. But that area is underdeveloped. As we who have studied history know, the World Zionist Organization looked at many potential ‘homelands’ they could hijack for a ‘jewish state’, and rejected them because, as in the case of the ‘Uganda Scheme’ (in the highlands of modern day Kenya), there wasn’t sufficient infrastructure developed by the native population for them to steal.

      That’s why they stole Palestine, which they have no historical connection to. Simply because it was the best deal, in terms of stealing arable land that had been cultivated since time immemorial by the actual native inhabitants, that they could steal in exchange for some very dodgy political favours.

      • The ancestral lands were Judea and Samaria which the Jewish people have an historical connection to, continuous existence in, archeological and written evidence of. No need to steal anything from imperialist Arabs.

        • hahahahahahhahaah
          That must be why you people and your ISIS puppets destroy all archeological evidence wherever you find it. There has been no ‘continuous’ zionist infestation of Palestine.

  9. The Jews have a lot of experience with the Leslie Bravery’s of the world standing by while they got slaughtered. As the Jews see it, fighting, even it’s forever, while incurring the condemnation of the Leslie brigades and even the rest of the world, is preferable to death at the hands of Hamas and company.

  10. Hey, Mo, you’ll be pleased to know that Israel has now destroyed three quarters of Hamas’s battalions. Am Yisrael chai! The war is won.

  11. Over 50% of Israelis are descended from Mizrahi, ME Jews. So there goes your fundamental ‘Zionist’ argument straight out the window. LOL.

    • And there are guys like Ahmed Abu Latif, who was fighting for the IDF.

      “As a Bedouin-Israeli, serving in the IDF Bedouin Gadsar (Desert Reconnaissance Battalion) was an honor that revealed my strengths and introduced me to lifelong friends. I love connecting with people and bridging cultures, whether it’s hosting friends for a meal or visiting friends from Kibbutz Shovel and playing guitar songs by Yehudit Ravitz.

      I say “was” because he was killed by Hamas a couple of weeks ago.

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