The problem with what this hard right racist climate denying war mongering Government has done by signing us up for a military adventure against Yemen is the risk of escalation.
Today Iranian proxies bombed and killed American troops…
U.S. troops killed, wounded in Jordan attack blamed on Iranian proxies
A militant drone attack killed three U.S. service members and injured at least 34 in Jordan on Sunday, officials said, marking the first deadly military action against American service members since the war in Gazatriggered a steep rise in violence across the Middle East.
…Fox News is calling for Iran to be directly attacked in response and because an elderly Biden is so desperate to look tough against Trump, he’ll feel pushed to respond with force which in turn will only escalate tensions, not de-escalate them.
Despite the UN ruling against Israel’s ethnic cleansing war crime, New Zealand has tied itself to America’s war on the Houthi and in turn, is supporting Israel because the Houthi are only attacking shipping lanes BECAUSE Israel is committing an ethnic cleansing war crime.
America now wants to bomb Iran – what will a weak Luxon do?
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Luxon is beyond the reasoning of the International Criminal Court ruling. He’s worse than unsympathetic. He’s an idiot. We’ve got a bunch of no brains running the place couldn’t even string a few links in a kill chain together let alone run foreign policy.
We desperately need someone in cabinet with Helen Clark’s understanding of international, especially middle east, affairs before we get sucked any further into this conflict. Sadly there would appear to be no one currently in government (or parliament?) with the knowledge or wisdom to do anything other than what USA requests. I’m not saying yes or no to being involved, just that I don’t see anyone with Aotearoa’s best interests front and centre.
Yes, agree. Helen Clark had and still has a deep understanding of international issues. Unlike Luxon, and Hipkins and Ardern (who was buddies with Tony Blair).
Luxon would be looking in the index of a world atlas trying to find ” overseas “.
Winston is the foreign minister and has already started grovelling to the US so expect the same old line from Biden ” if you aint with us your against us rhetoric.
We just do as were told and have someone else do the thinking for us.
America’s passive and self-interested policy in the Middle East has led to this situation. This policy, which was less fragile during the Trump era, has reached its conclusion in the Biden era.
All NZ politicians and their senior military and public servants are tied to the old “West”. By old West I mean the US G7 UK Euro complex. It exists economically, institutionally and most importantly as a state of mind. It is not questioned because it is so entrenched, it doesn’t occur.
Against this attitude of blindness there can be no notice of change. Yet in the real world change has occurred leaving us in a dire position. We will need an event such as China shutting her doors to us, or Saudi oil failing to reach us to wake us up.
He does what he’s told just like the other mob did. Likewise, we do what they all tell us to do…the naughty people aside.
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