Judith Collins, Winston Peters and a feckless Luxon have just led us into a war – wake up sleepy Hobbits!

Spot the Prime Minister

Well I don’t think anyone had ‘Join US war in first 100 days’ on their bingo card!

Ethnic Cleansing War Crimes we are fine with, shipping lanes is where we make a moral stand???


Let me be very clear to our more sleepy hobbits.

Yes, as a trading nation it is essential for our interests to see shipping lanes free and open.

No issue with that.


The solution we have jumped to by signing up to bombing one of the poorest countries on the planet is a fucking disgrace and moral abomination!

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Let’s be very clear what we’ve signed up to. In the words of one of the best analysts in NZ, Dr Paul Buchanan…

…that’s right.

We are in the “kill chain” now. That’s what our NZDF deployment will be doing.

We are helping select targets for America to bomb.

We may as well be pulling the fucking trigger ourselves, so don’t you dare flinch when hear ‘kill chain’, don’t you dare pretend we won’t be killing people and destroying shit.

Again – want to keep sea lanes open, but bombing the Houthis isn’t the fucking solution!

REMEMBER: We claim we are doing this to support the Rules based Order, yet Israel is committing an active ethnic cleansing war crime and we aren’t doing jack shit about that!

REMEMBER: The Houthis are attacking Red Sea shipping lanes BECAUSE Israel is committing a current ethnic cleansing war crime! If we want the shipping lanes open, we should be demanding an immediate Israeli ceasefire!

REMEMBER: Bombing the poorest country in the Middle East is not a fucking solution, it’s an act of war!

Aside from the moral crime, the whole strategy is counter productive bullshit!

The Washington fucking Post isn’t a card carrying member of the Communist Party, and their assessment is that the current bombing campaign we have just enabled and signed up to will actually only strengthen the Houthi…

Analysts contend that this new phase of hostilities may strengthen the Houthis, rather than weaken them. The aftermath of the Oct. 7 terrorist attack on southern Israel by Palestinian militant group Hamas has seen Israel conduct an operation unprecedented in its scale and ferocity, reducing much of Gaza to rubble, killing more than 23,000 people and immiserating Gaza’s population. The Houthis are part of the so-called “axis of resistance,” a network of Iran-aligned militant groups around the Middle East. While militias like Lebanon’s Hezbollah seem to want to avoid a direct escalation with Israel, the Houthis thrust themselves into the spotlight by taking up the mantle of the Palestinian cause. They insist their actions in the Red Sea will stop when Israel ceases its bombardments.

…so we are bombing a poor country and using tactics that will only strengthen the group we are attacking?

Well that’s all splendid isn’t folks?

This entire adventure is an escalation in a region that desperately needs de-escalation and because Luxon is so weak, we have war dogs like Judith Collins and bloody Winston Peters (who loves America almost as much as he loves himself!), signing us up to a conflict where we are on the side of evil!

You heard me!


This expose by the BBC hilariously came out at the same time as our decision to sign up to it. The special investigation shows how our side in this conflict have conducted illegal political assassinations FFS…

UAE has funded political assassinations in Yemen, BBC finds

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has funded politically motivated assassinations in Yemen, a BBC investigation has found.

Training provided by American mercenaries – hired by the UAE in 2015 – has then been used by Emiratis to instruct locals, sparking a surge in targeted killings, a whistleblower says.

The findings come as conflict in Yemen has returned to the international spotlight following attacks on ships in the Red Sea.

The UAE government has denied the allegations in our investigation – that it had assassinated those without links to terrorism – saying they were “false and without merit”.

The killing spree in Yemen – more than 100 assassinations in a three-year period – is just one element of an ongoing bitter internecine conflict pitting several international powers against each other in the Middle East’s poorest country.

The deadly atmosphere has discouraged the permanent return of Yemen’s internationally recognised government. This, it could be argued, has indirectly helped to embolden the Iran-backed Houthis. Washington has announced that it will now re-designate the group as “global terrorists”.

…that’s right!

Just when you couldn’t start feeling more sick about what this new hard right racist Government has signed us up to, ‘our side’ has been conducting a wave of political assassinations that hilariously have only made the Houthis more powerful.

What the fuck are we doing getting involved in this orgy of malice?

Obscenely the NZ mainstream media have done sweet fuck all in holding these war numpties to fucking account here!

It’s more important to shame Golriz for shoplifting than hold this Government to account over why the fuck they have signed us up to a new American war!

I get everyone still feels like they are on holiday and the C Teams are running the newsrooms, but sweet fuck everyone, Judith and Winston just led us into a fucking war and no one seems to be paying any attention.

What happens if we wrongly target something?

What happens if us targeting something escalates this conflict?

What happens if we kill civilians?

See we all need answers now because Judith and Winston signed us up and we need to know what the hell the exit strategy looks like.

I love you all, I really do, but sweet Jesus we are an easily led and easily distracted people!

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  1. Traditionally pirates are hung from the yardarm
    The Houthis striking non Israeli ships in international waters are pirates. Using drones and missiles instead or masts and ropes to stop them is legal and appropriate.
    As good international citizens dependent on clear sea lanes we have no choice but to join the coalition

    • Ah? @ t-s. Please tell me you’ve looked further into this than your underwear? Hint. Truths, facts and solutions are not in there.
      Don’t you think the Israelis constant needling, murdering, humiliating, demonising, impoverishing and profiteering from killing Palestinians has something to do with Houthis doing what the Houthis are doing?

      • Sorry, but Tribal+Scot’s undies only extends as far as allowing business as usual to continue, whether that be clear sea lanes or Israel doing what Israel does. He thinks like most good international citizens think. Can’t blame him for that.

        This is why there’s always war somewhere and now, even to the level of genocide. This is why we have never solved hunger in the world, despite the ability to easily do so, and I could go on. But, when we live in a world where – money rules – we enviably end up thinking the way money wants us to think. Tribal+Scot is a model example of big-money influenced good international citizen thinking, where their bottom line, therefore their interests, is at the forefront of citizen thinking at the expense of all else. Lovely jubbly.

      • *Why* they’re attacking international shipping counts for shit. Motives are something taken into account at sentencing, not when you’re sending the AOS out to take down the armed loon.

  2. I watched the press stand-up on the news. It was awful. Collins is awful. Whenever I see Luxon’s blank stare I am reminded of John Goodman’s character in The Big Lebowski when he yells at Steve Buscemi “Donny! You’re out of your element!”

    • He look’s more vacant and dare I say it scared by the day. He’ll be doing a Todd Muller before the time is up, but he probably doesn’t have even the most basic integrity for his inner self to take action on his outer shell. It’ll be full on Luxbot. I do not compute will seem like an intelligent statement in comparison to his total inner wasteland of comprehension.

    • Yes it was a cringeworthy, toe-curling, seat squirming performance by the Coalition of Clowns….but not unexpected…

      Luxon is clueless… a wide – boy bogun at heart with zero cultural capital..as was his best friend Key….

      Prepare for one clusterfuck after

      Next thing they’ll be wanting to bring back the free use of sub-machine guns for any old Jack Harry who fancies one and the live exporting of animals in thise floating saunas

  3. Who will defend the propertied class from the filthy lumpenproletariat if half the army is offshore? *clutches pearls*

  4. These attacks will have an economic effect on our country and I am glad to see we have a government that stands with its Allies. These Houthis rebels are modern day pirates using the Israeli/Hamasaki war as a cover.

    • They’re not taking goods.

      For modern day pirates, look at what the US and UK have been doing to global shipping and gold deposits of countries thy don’t like. Not even counties committing an outright genocide.

    • Right Trevor, but if we are ( as Tribal Scott laughing put it) ‘good international citizens’ it’s quite possible to condemn the absolutely corrupt Netanyahu and the IDF, for breaking how many international conventions and laws (?), and retaliate against the Houthis. How f’ing stupid are people in this country?

    • James Brown is the same poster who wanked on about cowards ,,,, while defending the slaughter/bombing of women, children, the elderly, hospitals etc etc ,,, done by brave Israeli pilots in the safety and comfort of their Usa made warplanes ….

      The only thing James knows about bulls is their bull- shit ,,,, and he pumps that out in a big foul shit staining manner.

      Hopefully one day he’ll drown in his own muck …. 😉

    • Fuck you’re a dick. I mean What. A. Dick. ” Mess with the bull get the horns.” Oh my God. What a fucking dick you are. Are you one of those hideous little americans who prance about like a puffed up barbi doll but when shit gets real you’re the first under the Hummer with your little balls tingling away like tiny little wall nuts in panic mode?
      “Mess with the bull get the horns. ” Oh no. After reading that I feel like I need to wash my brain with borax.
      ” You poor princess” Oh my God! How do you do it? You just keep coming up with them don’t you. I bet. You’re a chubby INCEL with a three whisker chin ‘stash with mummy issues and you shoot blow flies with an airgun. Am I correct? Not sorry if not. You’re still a dick and a tiny one too I bet.
      Judith Collins. For a beady eyed rat wearing lipstick and frocks that once covered pallets of turnips you’re just fucking hideous. How the fuck did we come to this? Chris the Barbi Troll, Winston a traitor the pin stripe suit ate and seymour. Roger Douglas’s blood-boy. It’s taken roger’s brain vomit 40 years to get us to this point on our beautiful, idyllic, Aotearoa / New Zillind.
      As I’ve written many times here before. We need help from the Crown. The Crown is our last hope before we become an extinct people. @ Maori, you’ll probably sympathise.

      • Called out by B Awakesky + Countryboy + Antforce62 – three muppets all hiding behind pseudonyms and all voted most likely to hide under the bed wearing a tin foil hat.

        Sorry to disappoint Countryboy but not even close to being cubby or an incel (married with 6 kids for start).

    • Oh Yeah James Brown, HOO-RAH, just as the US Bull has gotten it’s Horns cut off & its Ass whipped, real good in Ukraine against the Ruskies, Yemen with the Houthis, one of the poorest Nations of the World has defied the so called Military might of the US & it’s Western vassal states, including NZ & shut down 80% of the Shipping going to Israel, International Shipping has not been cancelled, only those going to the murderous Zionists & it’s the Insurance Companies who are the main cause of Ships bypassing the Red Sea because they won’t insure ships in a War zone! And for the record the Houthis never killed anyone in their Ship highjacking acts, but the Yanks & Poms have killed Civilian Yemeni’s who are trying to stop Israel’s genocide in Gaza!

  5. The Yemenis look to be stopping only shipping which is complicit in ethnic cleansing and genocide. Any shipping not supporting mass murder are free to travel.

  6. I’m waiting for the 3 Stooges plus 1 (Luxon, Peters, Seymore and Collins) to start referring those “hard working Kiwis” as ‘The New Zealand People’. It’d be nice if they all just fucked off to Florida

    • Or Te Puke!
      Next Luxon will be using language like ” mum and dad investors” like Key. You know the ones, the ones earning 3 mill a year!!!

  7. We urgently need an upper house. We should not be able to get into wars without checks and balances. The House of Lords has thwarted parliament trying to enact illegal deportations to Rawanda so it’s a system that works when the government of the day needs reigning in. We could have 50% hereditary (Maori) and the other 50% elected.

  8. How did our last overseas adventure in afghanistan work out? A dozen nz casualties, many afghans killed often in circumstances were not allowed to know about, huge costs – and it didn’t change a thing. Oh and it wasn’t National who sent them.

  9. @ MB. You write :
    “Yes, as a trading nation it is essential for our interests to see shipping lanes free and open.”
    Ah… what is our Greeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaat Naaaaaaaaaaaaation trading in again? That’s correct. Refrigerated tourists. We harvest them off floating farms called ‘cruise liners’ then we take their clothes off to be sold through Op Shops, then we harvest their watches phones and computers to be sold to South America then we freeze them to sell as ‘Special beef’ to Africa and the middle east.
    Our farmers are all old and nearly dead so they’re not a problem and our farm lands are perfect for housing developments for the hoards of soon to be arriving Israeli hoards. Is that not correct @ MB?

  10. Agree entirely. What is more, if the International Court of Justice comes up with finding against Israel, even in the interim something that points to that, then it could prove the Houthis are on the side of the angels doing their best to prevent ethnic cleansing or even genocide, as countries are enjoined to do, and that we are aiding and abetting it on the other hand.

    And shipping lanes are also important for Russia, and in particular China. Yet they are not taking part in this aggressive action. Its more than just about shipping lanes.

  11. This is like a hard right wet dream since the government has been formed
    Attack maori
    Attack te reo
    Attack te Tiriti
    Roll back workers rights, tenants rights, climate mitigation
    And send troops to the Middle East to kill more Arabs
    The three wank stains are in heaven.

  12. I’m disgusted by our (NZ official) stance. First we correctly denounce violence (Hamas). Second we fail to denounce exponential violence (Isreali response). Next up we go to war (are party to extreme violence) on behalf of Isreal (currently in court for genocide)…… The optics are not good.

    Need I remind anybody we are a tiny trading nation in a rapidly changing world whose “allies” buy sweet f a from us. Our buyers and suppliers really don’t like Isreali violence and our stance. You work it out.

    • It’s “Israel.” If you’re going to shit-talk the place, at least spell it properly. And yes, the fact that NZ is a “tiny trading nation in a rapidly changing world” is exactly why we have a strong interest in protecting international shipping lanes from terrorists and pirates.

  13. Couldn’t find boring RNZ on my transistor today so time with talkback.

    6 people don’t matter. Not sure why you think they do. In the broader real reality central to the rational Left. The tsunami is here.

  14. Fact: any and every NZ govt would participate in action to prevent disruptions to international shipping, because they have a responsibility to act in NZ’s national interest. That’s why we participated in actions against Somali pirates a while back. Hipkins can afford to quack on about peace to the assembled journos because he’s no longer in govt. If he were still the PM, he’d probably do the same as Luxon is.

    • Fact: Pscho Milt from The Standard once claimed that Libya (a now destroyed country) was better off after/for the removal of Gaddaf ,,,,, His opinions on the correct course of Western actions ( and AoNZ’s) in the middle east should be evaluated with this in mind……

      I doubt he has any good advice to offer on AoNZ opposing Israels genocide/ethnic cleansing against Palestinians in the war-sore Gazza ghetto or the west bank.

      The least AoNZ should be doing is officially condemning Israels ongoing war crimes https://thestandard.org.nz/netanyahu-accuses-new-zealand-of-committing-a-declaration-of-war/

      • Yep. Authoritarian leftists never saw a dictator they had a problem with, just as long as the US govt doesn’t like him. Their opinions on the course of Western actions (and AoNZ’s in the Middle East should be evaluated with this in mind.

  15. http://werewolf.co.nz/2024/01/gordon-campbell-on-how-christopher-luxon-is-turning-nz-into-a-us-proxy/
    “Our government is not merely refusing to call for a Gaza ceasefire. We’re actively joining up with the Americans who – on three occasions so far – have vetoed UN calls for a ceasefire. On Monday, Luxon professed himself to be“proud” of the New Zealand deployment he has launched.

    There is no reason for pride. We will be helping to bomb a desperately poor country that has been ravaged by war for the past decade, or more. Yemen is the only country that has taken significant action to bring about a Gaza ceasefire, and to make the West pay an economic price for its active and passive encouragement of Israel. The Houthi leadership in Yemen have repeatedly said that they will cease their attacks on shipping, once a Gaza ceasefire is declared.

    As pointed out this week on social media:

    Let me get this straight. Yemen says “We blockade the Red Sea because of the genocide in Gaza. We are obligated to do so under the Geneva Convention. Stop the genocide and we stop the blockade.” The US immediately calls them terrorists. The US denies this has anything to do with Gaza. The US starts a war with Yemen.”

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