Māori King’s Hui a strategic victory but tactical failure

David Seymour is winning

There can be no doubt the Māori Kings Hui was a strategic success.

No political movement in NZ could field an attendance of 10 000.

The backlash against this new hard right racist Government’s agenda is real and furious.

The message of Unity is important, but what the Hui lacked was any tactical response to what is happening.


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Luxon is so weak, he has promised to hear ACTs redefinition of the Treaty principles to its second reading, so he’s prepared to create massive civil disruption and racial disharmony for an empty promise to ACT.

What the Hui should have declared was National dump this support immediately, or there would be a Hikoi to Wellington come March.

Failure to create a declaration beyond, ‘Be Māori’, won’t derail the Settler agenda, neither will depoliticising the debate.

Immediately Seymour is expertly dancing to the issue and playing the media.

The reality is that it will take far more than a depoliticised Hui called by the King to actually stop this agenda.

The truth is that NZs most monumental Māori movements have always come from the flaxroots and not the tables of the elites.

If the symbolism of this Hui is to mean anything, a tactical response must be immediately plotted out or else the Settler agenda will win.


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  1. Doesn’t matter how many turned up, the amount who actually vote is about 50-60%

    Maori talk a big game, but when it comes to actually casting a vote..yeah na!

    • “The message of Unity is important, but what the Hui lacked was any tactical response to what is happening.”
      The message of Unity is fucking vital and as for the Hui lacking any tactical response…? 10 thousand people turned up to the Hui, is that not a tactical response? If nothing happens at any second Hui? Then we’re fucked.
      AO/NZ farmers. You know that lot right? They put the food in your guts and the money in your pocket.
      Maori and farmers must unite then have that other Hui. Imagine that?
      im right?
      “Maori talk a big game, but when it comes to actually casting a vote..yeah na!”
      “A June 2023 estimate gives the Māori ethnic population of New Zealand as 904,100, or 17.3% of the total population you fucking Dick.” Before you puff out a brain fart, double-check the stats.
      10,000 people turned up to the Hui the Chrome Headed loser PM wouldn’t go to because he’s a fucking coward who’ll be snivelling at the feet of his Masters.

    • You presume being maori automatically precludes you from voting for ACT. What you should have said is that there are more TPM supporters than ACT….if that was true.

      • Those Māori who vote ACT are counterbalanced by an increasingly large number of Pakeha who will support the weekend’s Hui and any further tactical plans which are decided.

        I feel we’ve come too far, too painfully, to allow a mean-spirited, 9-day wonder govt. to take it all away.
        The recent example of Australia’s NO vote should have reminded us how far we’d come and how fragile that progress is. For us to end up back where they are still, because a few power-hungry politicians cooked up a scheme for themselves, makes me sick. Personal power is a dangerous thing.
        Look at the various mad leaders around the world who would ruin their own countries for the sake of personal power? There are so many examples at the moment it’s almost certain that our little problems in A/NZ will soon be overwhelmed by much greater threats.
        Why allow politicians to manipulate us into trouble we don’t need and really don’t want?

    • I was reading a bit of history regarding US Civil War as to why poor white southerners, many of whom lived in worse conditions than black slaves, who fought for the Confederacy in order to maintain their social status. Their fear was they could end up being lower class than freed slaves. I think this is a factor preventing Pakeha supporting Maori political action. Just a thought.

  2. The solution is to stop electing Neo-Liberal governments. Is Neo-Liberal the right word anymore?
    What I mean is the the kind of thinking that says if you can’t be as rich as fast as you’d like, impoverish your employees and import cheap labour, while claiming the market will respond adequately to tidy up the mess… that sort of thinking has to go. A lot of annoying residual problems would evaporate if that happened. Someone will have to create a new party to do that, but the point is that “big loud tough guys” don’t have to demonstrate their cowardice to reach the desired win/win.

    • Excellent comments UB. Currently TPM, and the Greens minus the woke, would seem to be the closest to the utopia you see.

  3. Where are the gatherings to condemn the young Maori killed by their family. Where is the protest that targets parents not sending their children to school or getting free vaccines.

    • Do Pakeha have those Trevor? They turn up on mass sometimes with bat shit crazy ideas, and probably should have stayed at home.

      • Yeah the Anti vax movement is led and funded by pakeha.
        All the misinfo is fed by pakeha.
        To maintain the status quo.

    • Trevor, you are identifying an area where government solutions have failed since forever, and through multiple governments, and not just for Maori.

  4. I beg to differ. The hui was intended to bring people together and to create a spirit of kotahitanga. It did that. The ways forward from here will be determined at hapu and iwi level. It would not have been appropriate for the hui to lay down a kaupapa binding on all iwi.

  5. The purpose of this Hui was to rally the opposition to the assimilationist agenda, boost morale, and refresh the relationships – both personal and institutional – that effective resistance will depend on. Also to demonstrate the flaxroots’ capacity to mobilise (eg for a mass hikoi). All of which it seems to have done very effectively if Mihi Forbes’ piece is anything to go by;


    No tactical response to ACT’s bill is required at this point. It’s not supported by any other party in Parliament, except maybe Winston First, and will most likely fail on its own. But it’s a convenient symbol of the assimilationist agenda that National intends to pursue in a more piecemeal way. Which is the use the Kingitanga have made of it with this hui.

    Good stuff.

  6. A lot of non-Māori would quite like to have their say on the tiriti/Treaty – rather than leaving it to activists, progressive judges and academics, and what passes for political leadership in the political parties.

    • Then Ada I suggest you do the research and make submissions to the Waitangi Tribunal, that’s the process. We are seeing what uninformed open discussion is achieving. There are lots of vested interests pushing to move the debate into an open free-for-all, none of them have the well being of ALL of Aotearoa as their agenda.

  7. I think trying to keep te reo in all schools was the wrong fight. If a one term government wants radical change Maori should give them one term. I think the better fight is keeping it all out of the courts and deal with the government directly to assume management rights for ourselves. A kind of separate system.

  8. What was achieved? I’m still waiting?

    As for Unity, even if there were 10,000 there (highly debatable), more people attended the Foo Fighters.

    The NZ Grievance Industry rolls on and on

      • Exactly Sam. Apparently, they are just complaining for no reason when some who has already ripped them off, then tries to change what was signed up to.

        Then we are all told this bullshit that we need to have this discussion by some little free loader that has grown used to being gifted Epsom.

      • NI’m but it is find to debate, discuss, clarify and even vote on The Treaty especially as it was signed nearly 200 years ago

    • What wwas achieved? Well clearly you didn’t attend. But it’s easier as a right winger sitting on the sideline spouting your own grievances or commonly known as having a moan just for the sake of it. Can you tell me that even though you didn’t attend you still have the ability to tell us the number in attendance was debatable? In a court of law you’d be laughed out the rom.

  9. Wai, water,, river, understand, ana, water, river,, ana. Waitei, ana sea, ana whenua you. Ana.
    Who!, owns,, te wai.

  10. 10,000 munters at a music event are a little different from 10,000 politically conscious Māori and supporters with links from one end of Aotearoa to the other.

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