Political Caption Competition


Nothing enrages a Christmas Cracker more at Christmas than a little Māori.


  1. Fabulous view of Piha and Lion Rock.

    Te Piha means the divided ripple at the bow of the canoe.
    If you love Piha, you will have stood and admired the ripples of water created by the incoming and outgoing waves.
    The Lion lost quite a bit of fat during last summer’s storms. This, with other slips and damage in the area have made it a difficult year.
    Please all, respect our beautiful places, take your rubbish home and take care.
    it’s not Piha’s fault if you are stupid. Or Muriwai’s or Te Henga’s. The west coast is unforgiving so use your brains.

  2. This actually offers an english translation. Had that been done this whole time (~37 years) there wouldn’t be a problem, but of course that would undermine the whole point of socially engineering bilingualism.

    It’s not Te Reo Māori, it’s how we Te Reo Māori. But then missing the point and calling people racist is just more social engineering.

    Social engineering is a form of gaslighting, there’s the real problem and cause for backlash.


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