Waatea News Column: The political attack on Māori is a naked unnecessary cruelty


The scale and brutality of anti-Māori policy being rammed through by the new hard right Government is an unnecessary cruelty being passed to appease angry voters wanting some culture war revenge.

Using race baiting tactics to win an election is ugly, going through with that agenda is malicious.

Dumping the Māori Health Authority despite all the research clearly highlighting the necessity for one because of poor Māofri health outcomes generated by poverty and colonization is an obscenity!

Dumping 7aa from Oranga Tamariki because it is cheaper and quicker to uplift a Māori baby without having to deal with Iwi groups who will find culturally appropriate wrap around services to avoid the damage the State has historically caused stolen generations is criminally short sighted!

Demanding Waka Kotahi use NZTA because it is too confusing when many National Party MPs couldn’t name what NZTA stood for is offensively ridiculous!

Going ahead with 8000 preventable tobacco deaths to fund tax cuts in a move Hone Harawira described as, “They’re happy to let Māori die so that they can get more money for tax cuts for their rich friends, that’s the horrifying thing, that they are so naked in their charge for cash.”

On top of this is the desire to move legislation that will redefine the Treaty Principles to entrench 19th Century White Settler privilege.

The sheer scale and size of the political attack on Māori saw immediate nationwide protests alongside an unprecedented Royal Proclamation for a National Hui against this new hard right Government’s anti-Māori agenda, in what will be the most important political event of the year.

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The backlash to this Government’s very racist agenda that has extreme consequences for the poorest and most vulnerable amongst us will revitalise the Left like a lightening rod because many, many, many, many, many Pakeha, migrant NZers and Pacifica will unite with Māori on this because this policy agenda is not what the vast majority want!

Climate change, poverty, inequality, housing, good public health and properly funded public services and infrastructure THESE are the things we demand political attention and solutions for!

What we are getting is unnecessary cruelty as public policy.

Treaties are to be honoured, not settled.

We are a lesser people for this Government and it’s barely been a week..


First published on Waatea News.


    • Good article yes the mostly white people (pakeha) aren’t oppressed as they claim calling maori people racist when maori suffer extremely from this vile act. European exceptionalism is ova and about fucking time!

      Free Aotearoa

  1. This is a no ethics government in power as we speak Nicotine Willis is searching for money to pay all Luxons promises and pay our countries bills. I wonder how many NZers will lose their jobs so she can deliver tax cuts for the rich and landlords. Local councils are putting up rates by so much due to no money for infrastructures they are pricing people out of ever being able to own a home and many will struggle to service rates, mortgages and insurances for a home. Something has to change the council need the governements help.

  2. This is a no ethics government in power as we speak Nicotine Willis is searching for money to pay all Luxons promises and pay our countries bills. I wonder how many NZers will lose their jobs so she can deliver tax cuts for the rich and landlords. Local councils are putting up rates by so much due to no money for infrastructures they are pricing people out of ever being able to own a home and many will struggle to service rates, mortgages and insurances for a home. Something has to change the council need the governements help.

      • From Bob the simple and his far-right supporters that gonna see harm happen to our society as we know it. The Natzo talked about Labour sowing division in our society however the real division is happening under this govt early in the election cycle!

      • JB, racist

        characterized by or showing prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized:


        a person who is prejudiced against or antagonistic towards people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized:

  3. The only positive is that Luxon seems to have indicated that the Act referendum policy will die in the select committee process. But when push comes to shove we shall see.
    The bad(der) news is that the attacks on beneficiaries, the poor, low wages workers and renters are still to come.

    • I don’t think Luxon will be able to control the narrative he has unleashed with his select committee ‘deal’ to become PM. The coallition agreements prove the ACT & NZF called the tune and they will continue to so.
      Luxon has only got platitudes to cover up what is about to be inflicted on the country, and if he renegs on a referendum the response from ACT will be brutal.

    • So, this new government is wasting money doing a referendum when they have said we need to be saving money (austerity)

  4. Poor Maori health outcomes has nothing to do with colonisation and instead a lack of personal responsibility – there are other ethnic groups in NZ that are generally less ‘well off’ than others but you will find recent Indian immigrant families cooking nutritious and very cheap meals for their families for instance which as everyone knows contributes massively to their ‘own health outcomes’.
    Everyone in NZ knows full well that a good diet and regular exercise are essential for ‘good health outcomes’ but if you can’t be bothered guess it’s just easier to blame someone else.

    • JB, When Pakeha dominated our country after only being here for a short while they destroyed most of maori natural food sources. .Maori suffer significantly from diabetes another european introduce disease that comes from the european diet. Your pakeha analogy is obvious bias and is part of the reason our country is gonna go through some race-baiting trauma especially with this far-right govt amping up racial rhetoric to pakeha like yourself that could see people being hurt seriously.

      Free Aotearoa

    • Yes James Brown, everyone knows that the life choices most maori choose leads to poor health outcomes….but it’s much easier to blame colonisation than point fingers at themselves.
      Then blame ‘racism’ when the health statistics show maori are dying earlier.
      Damn colonialism lol

    • Is that right James and our Indian immigrants do they speak their native language, and can they go home to visit their whanau or have they been colonised and their land mostly taken and they have to try and learn their language as an adult and be a second calls citizen in their own country? And can we move to their country and insist on changes to their countries policies?

    • It is easy to see the problem regarding health but you would have more credibility if you identified the cause of the poor diet also. When people are in poverty or without a clear path to succeed in life it is easy to get trapped in a poor lifestyle, this is not helped by the commercial interests pushing alcohol, fast food and other recreational drugs. I would like to see those in distress live better but they need role models and people that care about and encourage them to improve. This new government has shown that profiteering is more important than protecting people from exploitation and simplistic slogans about freedom etc are just BS.

  5. Is that right James and our Indian immigrants do they speak their native language, and can they go home to visit their whanau or have they been colonised and their land mostly taken and they have to try and learn their language as an adult and be a second calls citizen in their own country? And can we move to their country and insist on changes to their countries policies?

  6. Another great Article Martyn, thank you, I particularly like your line that Treaties are to be honoured, not settled, that really resonated with me because the Treaty of Waitangi should not be subject to debate or renegotiation via a Tyranny of the majority Referendum, its a sacred Founding Document & shouldn’t be put on the block just to satisfy the idealogical ramblings of a Maori hating weasel like David Seymour to renegotiate, this spineless little toe rag who’s never worked a honest days work or had a real job in his entire life! As a person from mixed Heritage, my Father was white & my Mother Maori, I can see both views, my Great Grandparents on my Fathers side fought against the Maori in the Taranaki Land Wars, my Great Grand Dad had British Troops stationed on his Farm as a fortified Redoubt but the Farm got burnt down by the Maori’s, but rebuilt after the Wars, it was a shameful period & it was a direct result of Settlers & the British reneging on the Treaty? My Great Grand Dad & my Dad wasn’t proud of this History & prior to the Wars, they got on well with Maori. On my Mothers side, my Maori Great Grandparent’s fought against the British at the Famous Gate Pa engagement which saw a strategic defeat for the British with Mum’s Relatives using Trench warfare to even the numbers? My White Father & his immediate Family detested racism of any kind, especially Maori racism particularly, he married a Maori girl against the advice of some of his Friends & my Maori Mother faced the same opposition! Mum was a full blooded Maori who was beaten as a child for speaking her own Language & had Te Reo beaten out of her which was distressing, it was a shameful period in NZ History, a fucking disgrace a travesty & now this mongrel Right Wing Govt wants to do the same thing? At the end of the day, against the odds, my Parents thrived as a equal partnership & that’s how I see Pakeha & Maori moving forward together, from my point of view, judging from my Parents example, a Relationship based on mutual respect & love for each other & overcoming the differences that way? I am absolutely disgusted by this Right Wing Coalition, even John Key & his Govt wasn’t as mean spirited & racist towards Maori as this current batch of NACTZI & that quisling NZ First Leader Winton Peters, a Traitor to his own Race! Key even went into partnership with the Maori Party even though he didn’t have to, that’s what we need here, partnerships & respect for Maori, not a return to this Colonial mindset of domination over the Maori people! If Luxon’s Motley Crew of Right wing misfits want a Race War, they will bloody get it, be careful what you wish for if they persist in their Racist oppression of Maori & their War against the poor, prepare to reap the Whirlwind, that’s all I can say!

    • Well said Antforce62. I believe there are many full blooded ‘whites’ both ashamed at what has eventuated from the coalition agreements and very sympathetic to the Maori cause. I find the journey we have been on since Hinewehi Mohi sang the National anthem in Te Reo, and the attempts to in a small way redress Colonial atrocities inspiring.

    • Same with me Antforce re Gate Pa
      My British ancestors part of the Naval brigade fired cannon on Gate pa , my Maori ancestors were there defending, it was a wipeout for the British

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