It’s sad Chippy feels so confident of retaining Labour Leadership


Camp Chippy cautiously confident ahead of looming leadership vote

Camp Chippy is feeling confidently chipper that their guy has the numbers to retain the leadership of the Labour Partyand there’s a desire to call for a vote to cement Chris Hipkins’ dominance as soon as reasonably possible.

The party’s next caucus meeting is on November 7. It will be the first time Labour MPs will gather after the special votes are released on November 3. They had agreed not to hold a leadership vote until after the special results were in.

Under Labour Party rules established back in 2012, a vote must be held to endorse the leadership of the Labour Party within three months of a general election.

Whipsmart Tova reports Chippy feels confident that he will survive a leadership challenge which is terribly sad because it highlights what a pack of cowards the Labour Caucus are, and it flies in the face of market dynamics.

Chippy’s lacklustre policy directions that cost Labour the election shouldn’t be rewarded!


‘Captain’s call????’, and who were you the Captain of Chippy? The Fucking Titanic!

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Every single step in the campaign Chippy fucked up because he was cut from the exact same timid incrementalism Jacinda was locked into.

When the GST off fresh Fruit and Vegetables was leaked, Chippy had a chance to save this insipid meaningless policy by extending it to ALL Supermarket bought food, but he didn’t because he was too weak.

He killed the bloody Wealth Tax, something that would have been funded by the mega wealthy to give every Kiwi their first $10 000 tax free, but he refused to do it because he’s weak.

What the fuck was the point of Bread and Butter politics if no one could afford the Bread and Butter?

Look, I’m not saying there wen’t some gains over the last 6 years: Free school lunches, trust tax, new top income rate, free prescriptions, most state houses in 50 years, record investment in housing, healthcare and investment, regulate property managers, clean car discount, apprenticeship scheme, benefits to wages, FPAs – all great first steps, but after 6 years of ‘first good steps’, you realised you were just jogging on the spot!

We were promised transformative, what we got was less left wing than the British Tory Party!

Labour are over run by the Professional Managerial Class, they see the solution is better bureaucratic structures rather than an upgrade of the Capacity of the State and so spent 6 years recreating bureaucratic structures without the necessary upgrade of capacity.

Labour refused to explain what the hell 3 Waters or Co-governance meant because Jacinda hated conflict (her Cabinet meetings were nicknamed ‘The Good Ship Lollypop’ because she wouldn’t tolerate any negativity) and wouldn’t engage on co-governance or 3 Waters which allowed astroturf dark money to take over the debate and manufacture it into an existential race issue.

Fundamentally Labour needed to tax the rich to pay for the social infrastructure we needed, but because Labour at heart are intellectual cowards, they refused to engage in that, which left voters asking, ‘why bother voting for Labour’.

Why indeed.

Labour need a deep dive into what the fuck went wrong, and they’ve put together a team to do that, but I’ve already heard from people involved that it is a huge waste of time and won’t answer any real questions or throw up any real solutions.

Labour needs to tax the rich to build the social infrastructure society needs and it has to be able to articulate that vision!

Chippy should agree to stay as leader to stabilise the situation with the agreement that he will open a leadership challenge later next year and allow those Labour MPs wishing to challenge to debate the direction of the Party  and open that to the members because his bullshit refusal to increase the capacity of the State to deal with the challenges we are all confronted with by taxing the rich, is inexcusable as a Labour Leader.

He can not remain as the Leader of Labour with that position. He’s as philosophically impotent as Phil Goff.

PS: I don’t care about Chippy’s new love interest, stop asking him questions about that and start asking questions like, ‘how did you fuck up the wealth tax so bad you ginger numpty”?

PPS: I don’t wan to see another fucking sausage roll for the rest of the fucking year.

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  1. “It’s sad Chippy feels so confident of retaining Labour Leadership” MB

    It’s sad because it reveals that Labour has zero new upcoming leadership potential, capable of rebuilding the Labour Party’s hopes for the next election.

    • You’re right Pat.
      My first thought was: “If you think he’s bad, take a look at all the other total twats in their lineup”
      He’s a shoo-in! LOL

      • Yet the new leader of our country doesn’t know where he is, Te Puke or Hawaii, we are seriously fucked and Andrew you are responsible, you tosser LOL!!!

  2. I hope he does! Then there will be a few teachers, retired teachers. his mum and girlfriend and a few others that’ll vote for him in 2026!

    LINO will be the 4th or even 5th uber to be called up if needed. His mate cindy surely did give him the ultimate hospital pass.

  3. Labour needs to hand power back to the ordinary members, rewrite the rules so that the “Parliamentary Wing” effectively the Caucus and MPs, cannot veto the decisions of the party at large. And, most of all “Captain’s Calls” whereby the leader can even veto the Caucus as Chippy did to David Parker and Robbo’s wealth tax proposal needs to be banned.

    Only in extreme circumstances such as a terrorist event or disaster should a Captains Call be permitted.

    If NZ Labour does not dump Rogernomics in favour of a “For the Many not the few” approach they will be overtaken by the Greens and TPM in 2026, and will be already as opposition in the next Parliamentary term. This is not be a bad thing at all if they are pushed by Fraser House dickheads into remaining a neo Blairist non event for working class people.

    There will be plenty of buyers remorse when free prescriptions and all the rest start to bite for all the dick heads that voted Nashnull to take a swipe a Jacinda. So, the fight back starts tomorrow when the Specials are announced.

    It will be hilarious as things deteriorate over the next several years asking the tory trolls–has the price of petrol gone down? has the minimum wage gone up? how do you like the street battles when cops try to remove patches? How is that weekly rental price going–oh, up…?

  4. Martyn – His 2nd (Kelvin Davis), and his 3rd (Carmel Sepuloni) are not up to it based on their poor performance…who is next?

    • Surely David Parker is a candidate – stepping down from his ministerial role before the election is a sign of having some principles, or at the very least a sign that he’s preparing the ground for when they chuck Chippy out.

  5. When Jacinda cut a ran, it didn’t give Chippy enough time to make any meaningful changes. He could see that 3 waters and co government was killing them and lack of action on crime and cost of living was going against them to. He put the unpopular policies on the back burner but didn’t replace them with anything except 3bucks off a cabbage. To me that was the killer. The general population saw once and for all that labour had no imagination, no idea and no future. Chippy should go but there is only a few capable of taking the job. Tough times for labour. When thinking about a wealth tax National are just as one eyed in my opinion. They won’t have a wealth tax because they don’t want to upset big business but I believe a well thought out tax that was fair, would bring them more votes from the middle left. They are also unimaginative and are cutting their nose off despite their face. However even with no nose they will do a better job than this last labour government. IMO.

  6. What’s sadder is that we couldn’t see a nice enough guy. He has his faults. He’s pink. He’s gentle. He’s not a guy who will spontaneously punch you with a blind sider for no particular reason. ( Here’s a thing. When at, say, a pub and you’re hanging with your besties, try this. Focus on your peripheral vision. Look ahead, sure, but what’s happening at the very edges of your vision while looking directly ahead? ) He’s got hair. I assume he has a belly button, unlike seymour. He’s not a lawyer like Whinny so he is an Earthling.
    The problem Hipkins had was that he was trying to lead us without two-way coms’ I.e. our orchestration. We lot are not only dumb as fuck but worse, we think we know everything but in fact we know fuck all. Our stupid has given us luxon The Bald, seymour and peters. Once you come to realise that those three are in fact Satans arse farts it’ll be too late. *So we’re to blame. Remember that.
    *You, are to blame but not me. I didn’t vote for those awful bastards.

    • “He’s gentle. He’s not a guy who will spontaneously punch you with a blind sider for no particular reason. ”

      That’s very definitely not the Hipkins I remember from noting his glee and enthusiasm for organising the knifing and twisting of the blades driven into David Cunliffe’s back.

      • Christ was he the leader of ABC club? No wonder he achieved nothing – he’s literally the last line of defense for neoliberalism.

        Like Chris Trotter said; Chippy knew it was his job to lose the election in order to preserve the neoliberal order.

        I wish someone had mentioned this earlier, it explains everything!

        • Yep, he and Patrick Gower used to gloat together every evening as the blood was dripping out of Cunliffe’s soon to be carcass, at the party conference.
          Hipkins was basically giving hourly updates to Gower on how the numbers were looking.

    • As ever , gentleman, I threw my head back in laughter, in this case hitting my head on the hard backwood of my armchair.

      Magnificent prose poem, can’ t fault it. I.e. you congested the truth, and much better than straight prose talkers.

    • Stupid voted for Luxon. Judged by whom? The Luxon votes come from those with laser-like vision, pointing at piles of money and advantages. It makes perfect sense to vote for extreme capitalists and their prawns, fellow travellers. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. They can afford the best food etc with Gnational politics. Therefore in their eyes they are not stupid; it would be irrational to want anything different. TINA.

  7. I want to see the government consultant work these losers spent a billion dollars on per year. These consultancy gods should have advised Hipkins to accept life failure and step down. They should have presented to him the stark reality of inequality and rising costs, and the need for fairness in wealth transfer. They should have ridiculed his little Hitler covid pantomime and shaken him out of his dead eyed inertia when it came to accepting lawlessness. They should have reminded him of New Zealand’s sovereignty and independence in foreign policy, and that condoning the killing of poor, innocent, defenseless people overseas is tantamount to a war crime. Maybe we should just designate these faceless consultants as the true Labour party, possibly replete with kindness, hoop earrings, soft denial and hard inaction, but definitely lacking in achievement and results.

  8. It’s quite simple there isn’t anyone in the Labour ranks capable of leading the party.
    Chippy will most likely be retained as leader in the meantime but not beyond next year.

    • Funny though, anyone and I mean anyone in Labour or even third for geography knows that they’re either in Te Puke or Hawaii?
      I guess that’s what a great education, being literate and being in business gets you, right?

  9. ” We were promised transformative, what we got was less left wing than the British Tory Party! ”

    NACT will be in office for at least the next 6 years maybe longer and Hipkins will be the first of many LINO leaders as part of not leading the opposition.

    He is a flyspeck on our ongoing class war and unregulated capitalist plutocracy and will never be remembered for doing anything except passing the baton to Luxon to maintain neo liberal policies and his selling out of so many of the volunteers , true believer LINO party members and bottom feeders who voted Labour in the hope they would stand for the below the six figure salary club.

    This post should remind every left leaning voter of the hypocrisy and arrogance of the neo liberal free market ideology that has consumed what was once a stalwart, advocate and defender for the victims of capitalism and entrenched privilege and greed that now are the driving force in the control of our country and the rights of so many without a financial voice who Hipkins pretended to appeal to with all this bullshit of bead and butter policies that are just marketing slogans they have paid hundred of thousands of dollars for but in reality mean zero.

    ” Labour needs to tax the rich to build the social infrastructure society needs and it has to be able to articulate that vision! ”

    Bomber until the the NZLP recognises that the rich mans unregulated capitalist doctrine is the enemy and roadblock to providing what they think they stand for they are dead in the water.

    ” Labour are over run by the Professional Managerial Class, they see the solution is better bureaucratic structures rather than an upgrade of the Capacity of the State and so spent 6 years recreating bureaucratic structures without the necessary upgrade of capacity. ”

    The PMC and all the other pretend I care about inequality to sooth my conscience property club should be shown the door to the National party and finally allow the NZLP to stand for the people and against the corrupt plutocracy that is the real enemy.

    Hipkins is nothing more than a servant of the elite monied class that hides behind LABOUR to allow the continuation of policies that protect their position at the expense of the serfs who think by voting LINO will somehow allow them economic rights and protection.

    That is the biggest lie of all.

  10. ” We were promised transformative, what we got was less left wing than the British Tory Party! ”

    NACT will be in office for at least the next 6 years maybe longer and Hipkins will be the first of many LINO leaders as part of not leading the opposition.

    He is a flyspeck on our ongoing class war and unregulated capitalist plutocracy and will never be remembered for doing anything except passing the baton to Luxon to maintain neo liberal policies and his selling out of so many of the volunteers , true believer LINO party members and bottom feeders who voted Labour in the hope they would stand for the below the six figure salary club.

    This post should remind every left leaning voter of the hypocrisy and arrogance of the neo liberal free market ideology that has consumed what was once a stalwart, advocate and defender for the victims of capitalism and entrenched privilege and greed that now are the driving force in the control of our country and the rights of so many without a financial voice who Hipkins pretended to appeal to with all this bullshit of bead and butter policies that are just marketing slogans they have paid hundred of thousands of dollars for but in reality mean zero.

    ” Labour needs to tax the rich to build the social infrastructure society needs and it has to be able to articulate that vision! ”

    Bomber until the the NZLP recognises that the rich mans unregulated capitalist doctrine is the enemy and roadblock to providing what they think they stand for they are dead in the water.

    ” Labour are over run by the Professional Managerial Class, they see the solution is better bureaucratic structures rather than an upgrade of the Capacity of the State and so spent 6 years recreating bureaucratic structures without the necessary upgrade of capacity. ”

    The PMC and all the others pretend to care about inequality to sooth my conscience property club should be shown the door to the National party and finally allow the NZLP to stand for the people and against the corrupt plutocracy that is the real enemy.

    Hipkins is nothing more than a servant of the elite monied class that hides behind LABOUR to allow the continuation of policies that protect their position at the expense of the serfs who think by voting LINO will somehow allow them economic rights and protection.

    That is the biggest lie of all.

  11. Chippy is the best man for the job.

    Mike Moore came within a few votes/seats of winning in 1993. The next 3 years will be a shit show, as NACT+NZF will try and hack away what is left of the country’s welfare system and social services. There is only one way from here on in: UP.

  12. I can’t remember the lists of facts, why I rely on you. Your tripe attacking minorities, aside.

    One of my first comments on Twitter post-election was I never want another neoliberal to lead Labour. One (non-sexbot) tick. They’ve been fashioned this way. Unless ‘Chippy’ gets a boob and bullshit job, it’s over for a party as thin as the Liberals in the 30s.

    Keep up the good work as ever, and cut off the bad work.

  13. The attacked by a ‘ bed leg’ comment in the debate was pathetic. We all know both parties have the same amount of bullies.

    Parker the pick of a bad bunch. With Peeni as deputy.


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