Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa – Open letter to David Cumin of the Israel Institute


Kia ora David,

I hardly spend any time on Twitter as you know but yesterday was alerted to this filthy, racist tweet on your twitter account.

I saw lots of other similar racist tweets you’ve made as you try to use the appalling killing of Israeli civilians to conflate Palestinians with terrorism. Your tweet is an example of despicable anti-Palestinian racism.

I think you are being deeply disrespectful to the families of the Israeli civilians killed by using their deaths to promote race hatred against Palestinians.

You are certainly no stranger to anti-Palestinian racism – your twitter account is full of it.

And then there was the time you quoted former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir to the effect that “there will never be peace in the Middle East till Palestinians love their children more than they hate Jews”.

You thought that was fine to quote as an attack on Palestinians. It was vile racism which denigrated Palestinians. If anyone said the same thing about Jews you would scream it was anti-semitism and we’d agree with you. So why do you think it’s OK to dehumanise Palestinians in that way?

Sadly, the New Zealand Jewish Council spokesperson Juliet Moses said she saw no problem in what you had said. The Jewish community was badly let down by Ms Moses as well as yourself because the many Jews I know want to see justice for Palestinians, not racism against them.

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I’m inviting you to do the decent thing and take down this tweet and all the other similar tweets and issue a public apology to Palestinian New Zealanders and to Jewish New Zealanders. Both communities are suffering as their families, relatives and friends face appalling loss of life in the Middle East.


  1. Thanks John,
    The dreadful death toll of people in occupied Palestine continues only because the rulers of western colonial countries encourage and promote propaganda like that spouted here by David Cumin and Juliet Moses. RNZ and Reuters pro-Israel daily lies make the ground for fascism to grow in Aotearoa. Thank you for your continuing efforts to expose and combat this crap

  2. Thank you, John Minto, a brave and solitary voice for humanity against the seemingly invisible apartheid state of “Israel”, many real rabbi who voice the opinion that this jewish state does not, in fact, exist are cancelled systematically. I believe by now we all understand that anti-semitism and anti-zionism are two quite different animals, to the extent of being polar opposites.
    As the so called ‘Hamas atrocities’ occurred almost fifty years to the day of the Yom Kippur war and Gaza is now being decimated right before our very eyes, the objective overall points to a false flag operation in order to commit genocide on a broad and indiscriminate scale whilst celebrating a la fiddler on the roof. This sounds cynical but then, given the known involvement in the movie and music industries which claim the bulk of copyright revenue by the zionist lobby, more of a probability.
    No better analysis than that of Yannis Varofakis because we, in our human form, must shed the umg blinkers from our eyes and come back to earth before earth rejects us as being too dumb to tell the art from the artifice.

  3. Thank you John for your principled support of Palestine against the indefensible apartheid Israeli occupation and ongoing genocide.

    It is shocking to see the same fake news being pedalled by Israel as was pedalled against Saddam Hussein – the lies about babies being killed have already been exposed by Israeli journalists and defence forces as having no evidentiary basis, and most western media have already retracted them. Similarly the false reports of 250 killed at a music festival.

    We must be vigilant to protect the truth.

    David Cumin and the Israeli Institute’s blatant falsehoods – such as posting a photo of the Israeli flag projected onto the Auckland Town Hall with a caption thanking the Auckland City Council when in fact the Auckland City Council neither knew about nor approved it – is a classic attempt to wilfully mislead the public.

    Such Israeli propaganda must be resisted, and exposed. It seems you are the only one in the NZ media prepared to stand up for truth, and call David Cumin out on his frankly despicable attempts to manipulate NZ públic opinion by dubious or downright evil lies.

  4. David, please plant the seeds of justice for every person on the planet. Peace will then begin to flower
    Denis O’Connor

  5. Thank you John for bringing David Cumin’s comments to our attention; as Dennis O’Connor said, there can not be peace whilst Mr Cumin stokes the fire of hatred. It is horrifying that Ms Moses believes his comments to be OK. Do they have shares in Munition Companies?


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