The Cruelty of National/ACT/NZF social welfare spite


National’s ‘plan’ isn’t trickle down economics, it defies political gravity and demands trickle up!

They are taking $2b from the poor and giving it to the rich!

This isn’t a plan, it’s Egalitarian vandalism!

Why take billions from the poor and hand it to the rich? The State’s job isn’t to cause more inequality, it is to erode it!

We all suspected National’s tax plan was a joke, their fiscal plan is a nightmare!

National will throw thousands out of state homes with no where for them to go, while cutting 14 000 public service jobs while cutting 140 000 off welfare with sanctions!

Let’s be very clear what National’s Housing policy will actually generate.

TDB Recommends

They have had millions in donations form the Real Estate Pimps and it is the speculators and the mega Landlords who will benefit while renters suffer.

National will give Landlords back their tax loopholes and give them the right to evict.

National will stop building State Houses and will start kicking unruly tenants out onto the street.

This is a recipe for National Party homelessness and ACT are promising to build the prisons, so state tenants get kicked out onto the street, straight into the prisons?

It’s the Right wing circle of life.

National’s acquiesce to Landlords on top of tax cuts funded by robbing 2 year olds, mutilating public transport and literally stealing from the climate change funds are compounded because National is setting the stage for a mass privatisation and real estate feeding frenzy which will lock generations out of home ownership.

This is becoming a spite election…

More sanctions for unemployed beneficiaries under National

National has pledged to introduce more sanctions for unemployed beneficiaries who “persistently” do not meet benefit obligations.

The sanctions could include mandatory community work experience of up to three months, benefit suspensions or reductions, and Work and Income having a greater role in managing a beneficiary’s money.

National would also require jobseekers to reapply for the benefit every six months, require documented proof of job applications and interview attendance to continue receiving the benefit, and impose a one-month benefit stand-down for people evading arrest warrants.

…this follows on from ACTs attack on the mentally ill and drug addicts…

NZ election 2023 live: ACT announces welfare policy, targets drug addicts and mentally ill

The ACT Party has released its welfare policy today, which calls for benefits to be taken off people who can’t work due to drug addiction or mental illness and aren’t seeking support.

…ACT and National are slipping in the Polls, so they do what the Right does best – bash the dirty filthy bennies!

Targeting drug addicts and the mentally ill is so on brand for ACTs petty fascism, what the play is privatisation of welfare.

Private welfare companies will be brought in to take contracts and they get bonuses from either transitioning the mentally ill and drug addicts into work or cut them off welfare altogether for breaking some bullshit rule they invent.

This is welfare privatisation using drug addicts and the mentally ill as the punching bag.

Once established they will come after solo parents, the unemployed and the disabled with the same cruelty.

This is where we are in the election cycle right now, beating up on drug addicts and the mentally ill.

This isn’t social policy from ACT or National, it’s a fucking Right Wing Revenge Fantasy!

Not to miss out on beneficiary bashing, Winston announces a 2 year limit to all welfare so that in the 3rd year of a NZF/ACT/National Government, all beneficiaries will be thrown off welfare!!!

This isn’t an election, it’s a grudge fuck and racist, beneficiary bashing antivax conspiracy theorists are about to take over.

If you are voting for this cruelty because Jacinda saved NZ from a. mass death event, you need to take a hard long look at yourself in the mirror before you vote!


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  1. If there was a real opposition, they would point out that unemployment was deliberately reintroduced after it had already been abolished. And that the Tories, who formerly supported the Full Employment Policy, are therefore attacking the people thrown out of work BY the Tories themselves (together with the Wall Street infiltrators that took over Labour — who started it all, of course).

    There is no comeback once that has been exposed. Any attempts by the Tories to claim that their attacks on workers “saved” and “modernised” the economy would be laughed out of town — living standards have clearly been collapsing since the 1970s. Their new globalist utopia consisted of all advanced production being deliberately eviscerated (to satisfy transnational sweatshop owners), crumbling Third World infrastructure (because only corporate tax cuts matter), and hordes of young workers permanently fleeing from this descent into backwardness.

  2. Since one of my Children is a lifetime beneficiary, bottom feeding bludger I’m looking forward to them finally getting to work.
    HOWEVER, since the lovely politically correct MSD classifys them as “Retarded” good fucking luck with that.
    For every hour of forced labor (in this case impossible) taxpayers will have to foot the bill for one on one support.
    Now that’s when the word “retarded” should be applied.
    Fuck National. Fuck ACT, Fuck NZF and fuck what NZs about to become.


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