Sanitarium have lost their social license – tax those rich scumbag Christians!


Sanitarium drops Weet-Bix from The Warehouse, blaming supply issues

Sanitarium will no longer supply Weet-Bix to The Warehouse, citing supply issues.

But The Warehouse Group chief executive Nick Grayston says Sanitarium’s claims do not stack up and has questioned why Sanitarium would not ration its supply among all its retailers instead of dropping The Warehouse completely.

Sanitarium will no longer supply Weet-Bix from September 30 but it will continue to supply other products such as Marmite and Ricies cereal.

In a written statement provided to Stuff, Sanitarium said details of its commercial relationships were confidential, and their practice was “not to comment on Sanitarium’s production capacities and stock levels”. There was no further comment made.

Christian scumbag grifters Sanitarium have removed weetbix from the Warehouse because they get higher prices with Supermarkets!

I say Christian scumbag grifters because that’s what Sanitarium are, Christina scumbag grifters!

They don’t pay tax because…

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Sanitarium was established by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 1898 to promote and produce plant-based health foods..


So these scumbag Christian grifters don’t pay tax because they promoted breakfast foods.

Well, they aren’t any longer are they?

They were set up with tax free status to make cheap breakfast foods, well they are now making market moves to lift their profit margins so they have breached their social licence, and as such, these scumbag Christian grifters must now start paying tax!


How dare they remove the reason they were set up and gifted tax free status while you aren’t noticing?

In the face of a 30 year high food inflation rate, Sanitarium pulling stunts like this when they don’t pay tax because they produce cheap breakfast food!!!

Sanitarium have lost their social license – tax those rich scumbag Christians!

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  1. Agree. Sanitarium, Gloriavale, Destiny Church, the Bretheren et al. All complete scumbags. And they’re just the obvious ones. Tax the scum out of them.

  2. How on earth does anyone justify this bullshit. It’s a food company full stop. Can I declare myself a practicing Jedi and refrain from paying PIT?

  3. How the f*** can they call themselves ‘christian’? They so give christianity a bad name, when someone declares, “I’m a Christian!”, run. These people believe the hoi polloi, the goyim, are here to be used & abused; the fact they don’t pay tax is proof of the pudding. This, at a time when supermarkets groan with food that people can’t afford to buy. Disgusting, really. Good call, Martyn.

  4. Sanitarium have long been dodge pots. Back in the days of compulsory unionism, and unqualified preference clauses, their sizeable staff always had an automatic bulk exemption from union membership.

    For most other workers who objected to union membership on the basis of religious or political belief, they had to undertake an individual case with the Labour Dept. which was not an easy or enjoyable task.

    Sanitarium’s product was probably a reasonable alternative to the NZ meaty heart attack diet of the 50s–70s, but it is still laden with salt, sugar, and various additives not so fit for 2023.

    Sod ’em.

  5. To be fair to the Brethren, their companies pay tax, they employ a lot of people, it’s their church that’s exempt just like the holy Roman kiddie Fidlers.

    • The Brethren companies are businesses – they are very strong on business and I think they try to have good standards in the work they do and how they do it. But still they have an advantage that’s not god-given.

  6. ” In a written statement provided to Stuff, Sanitarium said details of its commercial relationships were confidential, and their practice was “not to comment on Sanitarium’s production capacities and stock levels”. There was no further comment made. ”

    That answer is part of the problem. All the big corporates and other entities use it as an excuse when they are asked to explain!

    Basically they have the power and can do what they like including the obligation and responsibility to pay tax like the rest of us.

    • ( Correction )

      ” Basically they have the power and can do what they like including avoiding their obligation and responsibility to pay tax like the rest of us “

    • Sanitarium may have power, but so do we. Back in the 1960 the Campaign Against Rising Prices or CARP motivated the housewives of NZ to boycott all those products that were a rip off. Containers with false bottoms, meat and vegetables packs without weights showing, oversize packets etc were highlighted to the thousands of women doing their usual weekly household shop. We saw big changes, we can do the same again. Boycotts work.

  7. While the decision not to supply weetbix to the warehouse is incredibly stupid as far as I know they still pay some company tax along with GST and there is payee collected from the employees as well. They also help food banks and breakfast in school programs while helping finance church programs that change people’s lives. I suspect the major control from Australia has more to do with the current fiasco but have no evidence of the source of the problem currently.
    While it is fashionable to run down religion it should be easy enough to check the number of people from the SDA faith that are caught up in negative statistics to establish if they are a benefit to society.

    • Fair enough Bonnie I can understand you wanting a fair debate on this. Would I be correct in assuming any profits donated back to the Church from their businesses would be money their businesses wouldn’t pay tax on.

      • I did a stage 1 accountancy paper in 1981 & while I passed I am not privy to all the details about how Sanitarium structures its affairs. I do remember that the golden rule of accountancy was that tax avoidance was good & tax evasion was bad though. Obviously, it is to their advantage that they can use a charity structure but there will be many other methods used by the big end of town to avoid tax so I suspect that their contribution is similar to other big corporates.
        They have totally failed over this issue though as if there was a supply shortage then a pro-rata basis should have been used to allocate stock. Given their size in Australia I would think that the next ship from there could solve any shortage which has me wondering if there is another issue? I don’t have any inside knowledge about that though so we will have to wait to see what unfolds.

  8. Just something else – Sanitarium comes from Oz. One of our major supermarket is Oz. I’m not sure if the capital-dope-smokers have infiltrated NZ Foodstuffs, the old GUS which had a co-operative base.
    Foodstuffs (NZ) Ltd is a New Zealand grocery company owned by the retailers’ cooperatives, Foodstuffs North Island Limited and Foodstuffs South Island Limited. Together, the two cooperatives collectively control an estimated 53% of the New Zealand grocery market.

    Now and then the Australian supermarkets in Oz do a nationalist thing and stop offering any NZ goods. This Weetbix withdrawal is a sign of what could happen if there is a grain undersupply which could happen with climate change.

    (We have put more dairying on the Canterbury Plains. Smart strategically for the country?) We are in a dual position with Oz as Ireland was with Brit which country did a Pontius Pilate when the second Irish Famine occurred, because they hadn’t been completely decimated by the first one. The Brit nobility, pollies and officials couldn’t get enough fatheads to mobilise for the starving requiring a sacrifice of resources; they couldn’t get away from their grouse shooting or whatever. In Oz they would probably be shooting kangaroos. How can we ensure we are using our resources intelligently? Contact Groundswell and Gnashunal?

    The warm aroma of freshly baked bread is hard to beat. But surprisingly, even though we grow 452,000 tonnes of wheat in New Zealand, we import about 70 percent of the wheat we use to make our bread from Australia.
    “New Zealand was self-sufficient in milling wheat until 30 years ago,” says Ivan Lawrie, general manager at the Foundation for Arable Research.
    The arable industry is centred on the Canterbury Region; production of arable crops in formerly important regions including Manawatu and Southland has declined over the past 20 years. A diverse range of crops are grown including cereals, pulses, herbage seeds and vegetables. Cereals account for most of the area planted in crops each year. In 2012 the total area in cereals (wheat, barley, maize, and oats) was 145 000 hectares producing about 1.1 million tonnes of grain.

    However, production is not sufficient to meet domestic requirements, requiring ongoing imports of milling wheat and feed grains (wheat, barley and sorghum). More recently, forages supplied to local dairy farmers and vegetable seed produced for export, principally peas, radish and carrot, have become important sources of income; production of pulse crops has declined.

    (Pulses are a type of leguminous crop that are harvested solely for the dry seed. Dried beans, lentils and peas are the most commonly known and consumed types of pulses. Pulses do not include crops which are harvested green (e.g. green peas, green beans)—these are classified as vegetable crops.


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