We say we want to talk about crime – but we don’t really do we?


Vote Compass: Kiwis want stronger punishment for youth offenders

Three-quarters of New Zealanders support more prison sentences and harsher penalties for young offenders, according to new data from Vote Compass.

The results show an overwhelming majority (73%) either strongly, or somewhat agree that too many offenders avoid prison sentences.

Only 12% of the 170,000 people sampled from Vote Compass respondents said they either somewhat, or strongly, disagreed with the rest either neutral or didn’t know.

We say we want to talk about crime – but we don’t really do we?

Society has been freaked out by ram raids and they are screaming for their sense of safety to return despite Covid generating uneven sacrifices in an unequal society!

There were 886 ram-raids in 2022.

There were 57 murders in 2022.

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In 2022 there were also 175,573 domestic violence investigations.

Ram raids and murder are terrible crimes, but they pale into insignificance when you look at the cicvil war being committed in terms of domestic violence, yet the entire political debate is over who can put ankle bracelets on children youngest.

We love punishment and suffering and revenge fantasies in this country over justice, mercy and rehabilitation because we are a low imagination horizon people who are fixated on udders, rugby and alcoholism.

We are a juvenile Settler culture with all the maturity of a can of day old coke.

Think I’m wrong? Remember what happened when those kids climbed up on the roof?

When youth offenders climbed onto the roof of an Oranga Tamariki detention centre and were coaxed down with KFC, the New Zealand ZB Lynch mob went into a feeding frenzy.

‘How dare we use KFC to coax these kids down’ screamed the New Zealand ZB Lynch mob who seemed to feel that snipes should have been used to bring the children down.

Turned out that the kids had escaped onto the rood because hilariously the staff were arranging Lord of the Flies fight clubs that they were then filming.

These staff get 2 weeks training…

Two men charged with organising fights between children inside Oranga Tamariki

Two Oranga Tamariki staff members have appeared in court, charged with organising fights at a secure youth facility.

…mungo no understand?

Where’s the outrage ZB Lynch mob? Where’s the rage that these kids were being forced to fight club each other and that it was this violence that drove them to the roof in protest?

The New Zealand ZB Lynch mob were so aroused by screaming at the use of KFC to coax frightened kids protesting at the violence staff were meting out on them, that no one cared why the kids were up there in the first place!

This Fight Club is the very reason why the Children’s Commissioner should have oversight rather than a faceless useless panel inside the Education Review Office which is what Labour changed it to!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s almost as if there was no warning that children in state care are being abused, oh wait – there was – last year, the headline reads…

Almost 500 children, teenagers in Oranga Tamariki care harmed during 2020-21

…that was published in March of 2022.

It is now September of 2023.

How is this acceptable after the Historic Review into State abuse of children?

The Minister has called for another bloody inquiry when the bleeding obvious is confronting us – these detention centres are obscene and grim and violent and underfunded and under resourced because no one gives a fuck about these kids!

These are the broken children who are awaiting trial or the broken children already abused by the State!

There has not been the investment into the facilities, and there are no plans to do it either!

They will create the smokescreen of an inquiry when the bleeding obvious is the answer – MORE FUCKING MONEY!

Labour will cry out they don’t have the money to do that, which is a lie. They could properly regulate Capitalism and Tax The Rich and we would have the money for this social infrastructure.

Allowing poverty and abuse to co-govern our detention facilities into operating Staff supported fight clubs is an obscenity.

Pretending to not know this is happening when report after report has highlighted all the conditions exist to create these exact abominations is an obscenity.

Removing the Children’s Commissioner as independent oversight of Oranga Tamariki is an obscenity.

Not taxing the rich to properly fund these facilities is an obscenity.

Blaming kids being filmed by staff to compete in fight clubs for climbing onto the roof of their detention centre is an obscenity.

The Minister’s response that more metal detectors at the detention centres is the solution is an obscenity.

Nothing will get better under National or ACT, it will be far worse.

Oh, you want solutions?


Tax the fucking rich and properly fund these centres so that staff have more than 2 weeks training!

The average age of these ram raiders (80% of whom are known by the State already) means their formative years were under John Key. These are the broken kids from a broken society, they were the kids living in cars, they were the kids Key threw out of State Homes using false meth tests.

When we talk about victim rights, then let’s mean it by fully funding court costs and providing free counselling!

When we talk about organised crime, let’s focus on the exacerbating factors of the 501 syndicates and legalise Cannabis and ring fence profits for all drug and crime rehabilitation!

Rather than force prisoners to admit guilt, give them free counselling and skill based training in prisons free of violence.

Let’s talk about how too many of us use our fists and rage on our loved ones, because domestic violence is by far our largest crime, yet ram raids and gang violence trumps all debate.

We don’t care that the boot camp policy is counter productive, we only care that those we hate suffer and are punished.

This is Nu Zilind, this is what we is now.

Bring on the book burnings.

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  1. I happen to half agree with you Martyn. The big issues are Housing and enough money in the pocket for people to live with dignity. The ram raids etc are the festering sores seen on the outside while the sick system try’s to hide whats behind closed doors. The festering sores will get some antiseptic but the system remains sick. The solution though is a ten year wait if we start today repairing social injustice. We also have to agree on what sort of society we will put up with or enjoy, and we can’t agree on it. The people can see the violence on the street and just want it to stop. Even though it’s not the right answer to the solution we have to clean up the streets or society completely breaks down. Then you have to fix the housing and the social problems, a good combination of both, but it will take a long time and in my opinion you can’t do that back to front.

    • “The solution though is a ten year wait ”

      At least that I think. There are likely to be improvements after 10 years, but a solution that lasts will take a couple of generations. Humans can’t think in these timescales. They want problems fixed now – which is the appeal of the NACT stick-waving. Of course, nothing NACT suggest will address either the short-term or the long-term problem, it’ll just create a timebomb of dangerous, recidivist young people.

  2. You have written a good explanation of why we have problems in society. The unfortunate reality is that people are all different so we will not get peace in society unless we can all agree on a common set of values. We all know that that is never going to happen so we rely on the state to curb the worst excesses of some of us. As you say, domestic violence is a hidden epidemic that is also responsible for other problems. I grew up in the 60s when families could live on 1 parent’s wage while the other took care of the children, that changed as I was growing up & 2 parents were required to work to raise a family & being financially stable is progressively harder for many in society. It seems self-evident that the way children are brought up will influence their future behavior so it is in the interests of all of us to make those early years conducive to developing happy, loving, faithful, grateful children who want to & have the ability to contribute to society as they grow up. In the 70’s the DPB was introduced to solve the issue of irresponsible fathers & while support for mothers is necessary it seems that society wants to condemn them while ignoring the father’s role in the situation (yes I know that females are not perfect & sometimes it is not the man’s fault). Education is the next stage in preparing young people for society it seems to me that the quality of education in the public system has slipped from when I was at school/university. Student fees are one obvious difference but even the basic start of being in a happy family is obviously going to get children involved in education in a way that many seem to miss out on today.
    Since we now live in the best democracy money can buy I doubt that our elected leaders will ever do any more than patch the most obvious breaks but at least Martyn provides the opportunity for us to share our views which is not possible in some countries around the world.

  3. Equality for criminals, youth offenders should be forced to wear tracking devices like old offenders! Not that slave anklets make any difference, these people can still stab you in the face whether on monitored bail or not. Maybe send the judge who gave bail to jail as well if his boy commits an offence while out on release?

  4. “Let’s talk about how too many of us use our fists and rage on our loved ones, because domestic violence is by far our largest crime, yet ram raids and gang violence trumps all debate.” YES MARTYN! – now you are getting to the nub of the issue – which is why do we have so many shit parents in NZ, and fatherless families and welfare dependency? How do we make it less easy to be a shit parent, an abandoning father and to stay on welfare? How do we start making shit parents partially responsible for their kids willful damage to others? Only when we deal with these issues will crime be truly addressed. In the meantime all we can do is build more prisons to keep the rest of society safe until the rest of society wants to deal with these uncomfortable questions.


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