TVNZ Poll – NZF+ACT+National Alliance of Arseholes


National have peaked, Labour is still trying to find a floor.

ACT have stalled, NZFirst have clawed their way back into Parliament, Greens keep rising and the cavalcade of fringe antivaxxers show us they will gladly never cross the 5% threshold but points out how cray cray part of the political spectrum has become.

I don’t believe the Māori Party are doing as poorly as 2%.

NZFirst, ACT and National are an Alliance of Arseholes.

Winston won’t give Luxon the Foreign Buyers Tax, and National has built all their tax cuts on that. David hates Winston, Winston hates David and Jesus loves Luxon.

If NZFirst slips below 5%, and that is a real possibility, then ACT and National are at the mercy of the specials and overseas vote.

This election is far closer than the Polls are painting out, but if they are accurate we will have a Government that hates itself as much as it hates the Left.

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  1. I have to ask …… is there any possible way I can vote for Putin in this election ? ! ! ? 😉 hehehe haha

    More seriously though I’m voting in a manner for those who like to Be Awake ( I only tagged the ‘sky’ onto the end of my user name to trigger the Russian haters ,,, and give me a laugh)

    Is a vote for National a vote for Mr Chinese Xi ??? :O ,,,, that must be a conflicting situation for some National voters ,,,, and they can’t vote for Winston as he’s claiming to be one ,,, so confusing ! 😉

    Back to serious again ,,,, A vote for the Nacts should ensure Judith Collins and her Chinese affiliates are able to unlock a whole lot of wealth/money ,,, zoom in to see'07.9%22S+174%C2%B027'52.5%22E/@-35.8689573,174.46526,643m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m15!1m10!4m9!1m3!2m2!1d175.8279175!2d-41.1697088!1m3!2m2!1d175.8278918!2d-41.1696578!3e2!3m3!8m2!3d-35.8688611!4d174.4645833?entry=ttu A little quite law change will do the trick ,,,, or the usual Nact governing way/form, do not enforce existing annoying regulations….

    After all Judith and co worked hard for their money ……

    • Just my opinion here. I still feel that TPM will be the king-maker. Have you seen Hana in the young leaders debate? I’ll vote for her all day long! A mighty leader! And Chloé and Arena. We have some real powerhouse young kiwis rising up to represent us. They have mana and they are staunch. I’m enjoying watching them shine 🙂

  2. After their shenanigans you think TPM is worth more than 2%?

    It’s heartening to see that most Māori can see straight through them, and it may be that they get wiped out by Labour in the electorates thus removing them from Parliament. Hopefully forever, because this country is no place for divisive race-based politics.

  3. I agree the election is a lot closer than the party votes would have us believe. If NZ1 doesn’t accept the National tax budget they are in trouble with Winston in charge of negotiations. It would either be a no go, or Winston name his own position in cabinet and how that would go down with the public. Having said that a minority labour government is about as attractive as the broken sewer pipe polluting Auckland harbour.

  4. NZF will not be part of the next Government imo. They might however be needed for Supply and Demand in the coming National/ACT coalition (similar role as Greens that have also never been part of a NZ Govt ever).

  5. Looks like there will be a change of government…….how will they remove the Maori seats……?? there was some talk of this being part of MMP when it arrived….The Maori seats were to be phased out over time as they were not needed, as Maori could start their own party , the same as any group in society….No doubt someone far more knowledgeable than myself will have some information on the subject….

  6. “Yes”, David Seymour “finally replied the fourth time he was asked if he still thinks Winston Peters is the least trustworthy politician in NZ.” (Source: Tova podcast/Stuff, 28 September)

    Stability apparently doesn’t matter if you’re in opposition on the far right. Same with credibility, even remotely appearing to tell the truth, or just plain not lying!

    A Labour opposition would have been laughed out of the building if they had said even just one percent of the kind of statements National, ACT and NZ First have made recently.


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