I have no idea who either of the hosts are.

The NZ First prat claims he will put the K back into Iwi.
Like the KKK.
Arena Williams is funny and smart.
Brooke was awful. Which is weird because she’s normally way better than this.
Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke from TPM is incredible for the youngest candidate in the debate! Her performance gives hope that we will win the future with fierce candidates like this.
Erica Stanford is a smug condescending piranha.
Best answers on cost of living crisis were answered by Labour, Greens and Maori Party, the Right had bullshit talking points.
It was nice watching the Right squirm in front of a younger voting block who clearly didn’t believe their answers.
Brooke goes on some weird story about how she ate tuna to buy a house. Is she stoned?
I think Brooke is really stoned.
NZ First has no housing policy. The NZ First Lee Donoghue candidate is awful. So awful.
National’s bullshit idea to let students use KiwiSaver as bond gets explored but because Erica is such a stuck up rich shore girl she has no idea that Landlords use bullshit excuses to withhold your bond.
Arena Williams is such a star, she could be a future leader of the Party.
Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke is so staunch and cool. Made a great point about the Ghost House Tax.
I’m pretty sure Brooke is really, really, really, stoned.
Or jet lagged.
Or jet lagged and stoned.
Watching Erica defend her awful party policy is so great because she’s so insincere.
Free Dental Health is such a smart move because every dollar spent now saves 3 dollars.
Teenagers working 25 hours a week on top of schooling should be a nationwide shame.
ACT will fine parents not going to school when many teens are working 25 hours a week just to keep the family bills paid.
Brooke is baked.
Is she smoking her pink jacket?
The host I don’t know hounds Brooke on why fining children who are working 25 hours a week will help.
Chloe points out why are we punishing people for being in poverty.
Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke goes to the mountaintop on the poverty and inequality in this country.
Lee claims we are ‘hating on the wealthy’. He’s such a red neck banjo twanging arsehole.
Brooke is a Cheech and Chong movie. She’s so slow and flat, I think she’s had edibles.
Arena goes to the mountaintop on fighting against the Right by organising.
Lee defends Toilet Police to check genders in public toilets. He’s such an arsehole.
Chloe smashes Lee in the face for his scaremongering and it’s great.
Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke puts Lee in his place as well. Love it.
Mental health is discussed – no real solutions offered.
Brooke seems to be coming down now and starts making sense.
Quick fire round and environmental policy. ACT, National and NZ First had very little to seriously offer.
The NZ First candidate really is a poster boy for Heterosexual panic crimes.
This was a really good debate.
Arena, Chloe and Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke are the future hopes of the Left.
Erica, Brooke and Lee are the right wing fears of the past.
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” Brooke goes on some weird story about how she ate tuna to buy a house. Is she stoned ”
No probably not but she should be !
My goodness isn’t Erica Stanford a stuck up b**ch !. Also is she the best they can doand youngest person in the National opposition !! This actually speaks volumes about the National party. Also the man and Brooke what a mess. The other 3 youngsters were fabulous, so why can’t the country see how fabulous they are and why can’t NZ see that all 3 of these young women from the left leave the others from the right in the dust.
Why?…because they are a superficial, ignorant and simplistic bunch who are lured by the fakeness and falsity of blingy marketing and rhetoric over ,(what they perceive to be), boring substance…
That’s why…
maybe its because the bright ones are Maori and the white folk wont listen to them because of race
Hearing Chloe, a lesbian, shoot down Lee’s talking point about lesbians feeling threatened by the existance of trans women was the highlight of the debate.
These ghouls aren’t going to divide the queer community in Aotearoa, united we stand divided we fall!
The Rainbow ‘community’ (not really a community) is divided over this because of the ‘no-debate’ stance and extreme abusive rhetoric taken by gender ideologues, including the Green Party. They opened the way to making it a wedge for the right wing parties to jump into it.
As a lesbian, I am very unhappy with the underlying homophobia of current leading transactivists and their self-ID , sex-denialist approach.
Those of us who understand that sex is set at conception and can’t be changed, are unhappy that transwomen are being enabled to define themselves as lesbian. they now see gay and lesbian as ‘same-gender’ attraction, rather than the biological reality of it being same-sex attraction.
See here: https://www.speakupforwomen.nz/post/media-release-ministry-staff-told-don-t-use-male-or-penis-when-referring-to-male-lesbians
In Aussie lesbians are being prevented from meeting in public spaces because they want (female) lesbian only events. Lesbians are being driven underground by this approach, meeting in private.
Chloe referred to research that doesn’t show what she claims. While transactivists talk up suicide as being high among trans people (referring to online self-completing surveys among already primed trans networks), the stats on actual suicide show the opposite – see Michael Biggs’ research in the UK: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8888486/
Plus, it’s more likely for many people these days, mental illness causes them to incorrectly self-Id as trans, thus avoiding getting support for their underlying issues.
The transactivist (including in the leadership of the GP) over-reach is creating a backlash that is damaging to those most likely to benefit from transitioning, while the homophobia that influences some to transition goes unacknowledged.
Chloe said the rhetoric needed to be wound down in order to have a reasoned debate. Yet, a few years back, many of us on the left want a clam, respectful discussion about women’s rights in relation to the current transactivist agenda re self-ID, and the GP leaders, and others said, ‘no-debate’ and proceeded to deplatform and censor anyone who questioned their ideology. They also used over-blown rhetoric to smear and verbally abuse us, while trying to get some people removed from their jobs.
The talking points about “protecting the kids” and “protecting womenhood” against trans people are near identical to those used 40 years ago to keep you and other gays and lesbians in the closet.
You’re aligning yourself with a group that want to put your rights on the chopping block next
We can and should have discussions in within the rainbow community about the distinctions within categories like “lesbian” such as same sex attraction between cis women, same gender attraction between trans women, same gender attraction between both cis women and trans women and so on.
To me everyone’s identity and sexuality is their own and should be respected
What should concern you most however is that this division within the rainbow community is being weaponized by the very groups who fought 40 years ago to keep you and other gays and lesbians in the closet, and make no mistake they will come for your rights one they’re done with trans and gender non-conforming people!
We can go back to having these discussions once our common enemy has been defeated
We can and should have discussions in within the rainbow community about the distinctions within categories like “lesbian” such as same sex attraction between cis women, same gender attraction between trans women, same gender attraction between both cis women and trans women and so on.
To me everyone’s identity and sexuality is their own and should be respected
What should concern you most however is that this division within the rainbow community is being weaponized by the very groups who fought 40 years ago to keep you and other gays and lesbians in the closet, and make no mistake they will come for your rights one they’re done with trans and gender non-conforming people!
We can go back to having these discussions once our common enemy has been defeated
A “young” Erica Stanford fronting up for the Natz!
Don’t they have anyone remotely connecting with the youth demographic?
Oh yes, Simeon, but at 12 he’s perhaps too young.
Nicola Grigg (MP for Selwyn) but she’s an absolute idiot.
So, in answer to the question above – no, there’s no depth in the Natz at all!
Thanks for confirming my suspicions about Nicola as she is my local MP. Unfortunately the country overall is full of people with limited reasoning ability so being an idiot is no barrier to popularity it seems.
Best political ‘debate’ so far!
Chloe starred (what common sense from that woman). Hysterical Erica should take Lee’s advice and ‘calm down’ occasionally – apparently, she was the stand-in for the younger Simeon Brown (probably because Simeon is so one-dimensional). Arena had a tough task but was forthright and confident. Hana-Rawhiti very impressive. But the woman host was brilliant and could teach the mstv hosts a thing or two. Stood no nonsense, got on with the job .
But, oh dear, Brooke babbled inconsequentially on and on and on… Lee was a younger, whiter version of his septuagenarian Leader, and like him, was taking us back to the dark ages. Get a life, boy!
Erica Stanford is forty-f’n-five!
The fact that the landed gentry born-to-rule boomer club who run / fund National send her to a youth debate tells you all you need to know about how they view the concerns of the youth!
Most people when young and stupid were left wing only to mature and turn right.
There are so many sayings about this all of which are true.
I’m further left at 24 than I was at 18
That’s ok Raijin wait until you are 30.
Most people who mature and turn right are narcissistic types.
There are so many sayings about this all of which are true.
Older people drift more to the right, maybe because progressive causes become less important than getting the best return on their investments. But people who are at the extreme end of success like Bill Gates or Warren Buffet, often drift left again, with their philanthropic foundations, etc.
Thanks sooo very much Martyn! Belly laughs! Hearty as! OP of my year. You’re the best 🙂
Here’s the YouTube link, enjoy!
Brook, unfortunately, obviously popped a Xanax or three. No wonder act want pseudoephidrine more accessible! Tsk tsk. Take care of yourself Brook
Imagine the level of chauvinism that NZ First candidate has to have to proclaim “I’m speaking up for women!” while arguing with women as the only man on a debate stage…
*pure wtf bro?*
Gold! (Not his:)
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