Condescending Erica Stanford nothing more than an undeservedly smug born to rule Tory


Election 2023: Erica Stanford slams Davidson, Ngarewa-Packer as ‘two silly schoolgirls’ during Newshub Nation debate

Erica Stanford has cringed at Greens co-leader Marama Davidson and Te Pāti Maori’s Debbie Ngarewa-Packer’s teamwork during Newshub Nation’s Powerbrokers debate, calling them “two silly schoolgirls”.  

Davidson and Ngarewa-Packer backed each other through Thursday night’s debate, where they high-fived and encouraged one another.  

On Friday, Stanford, who was on the AM panel with Labour’s Ginny Andersen, said of Te Pāti Māori and Greens’ teamwork: “I mean for goodness sake, you had these two silly schoolgirls high fiving each other every five minutes.” 

The worst thing about Erica’s smug condescension is just how undeserved it is!

She is a nasty social climbing grasper with the normal born to rule Tory sensibilities grown well beyond her ego.

Slagging Debbie and Marama off as silly Maori schoolgirls is a patronising arrogance that could only be generated by someone whose sense of self importance has been blown beyond producing the low rent TV shows she started out on.

Noise Control, Last Chance Dog and Piha Rescue are her North Shore cultural sensibilities and slagging off two women so much deeper and credible than her existence shows you can take the girl out of the North Shore, but you can’t take the North Shore out of the girl.

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Like most of the North Shore, she reeks of privilege and white fragility.

She has all the false confidence of a tall man.

Marama and Debbie showed they can work together while Erica’s coalition partners David and Winston ripped each others throats out, that’s why Erica was shitting on Marama and Debbie!

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    • White fragility. Maori victim hood. BS.

      Had a situation yesterday at work where a group of customers had to wait together in a car park for an hour. Maori, Saffa, Pom, Pakeha all got a long well and said they hadn’t minded waiting cause they enjoyed the conversations. Kiwis.

  1. Agree 100% MB.
    Stanford behaves like a silly, excited schoolgirl, especially when incessantly – and exaggeratingly – nodding affirmatively and smiling excessively behind her leader in a stand-up So sycophantic.
    And she was beside herself with false, almost orgasmic excitement when announcing the details about the reading, writing and arithmetic that the Nats will force teachers to teach for one hour each a day to primary school students.
    Not very classy at all, yourself, Erica.

    • Hmmm. She’s pretty woke actually. I think of her as a business-friendly version of Jacinda Ardern, with 5 points more IQ and better teeth.

    • Anker So I googled Erica, and see that she’s the daughter of Dutch immigrant parents. Not much born-to-rule or white privilege there; the continental European immigrants helped build this country in so many ways – skill, hard work,innovation- apparently Erica’s on to the damaging school genderID ideology beloved by Labour and the Greens – a reason I’m party voting Peters and NZ First.

  2. She is sooo Northshore ….
    Shallow as a puddle, bland and glib.

    She regularly has ‘meetings’ with Joyce at my local cafe..and has been doing so for the past few years.

    Joyce is usually doing the talking while she sits there furiously taking notes.

    Make no mistake…the people directing National still, are Key ,Joyce and English.

  3. Tory women like Stanford and Willis somehow bring the intrinsic cruelty of right-wing ideology into a sharp and painful focus. The same feeling doesn’t occur when listening to an inane, blokey blatherer like Luxon. Perhaps we just mistakenly expect women to be somehow better than all that, and so apply an unfair double standard?

  4. Have to admit, I agree with Bomber on this. Stanford was sent out on damage control to mitigate what Seymour did by blowing up the right at the debate. Pure politics.

    The Nats have a few creeps and the more I see of Erica, the more I have to add her onto the list that features Brown and Bishop. Annoys me that people compare her with Brook van Velden Chalk and cheese if you ask me – purely political vs conviction politician.

  5. This practice of nodding behind the speak…ingperson is ubiquitous and annoying. They are all doing it.
    Obvioisly they all believe we are too stupid to understand anything and need someone to show us how to react to the verbal diarrhoea produced by the speaking organism.

  6. Well put Martyn. ‘Shore Girl’ priv, visibly exudes from Ms Stanford. Reality TV? Excellent qualification for a Natzo MP. Similar attitude to working class people as Melissa Lee “the South Aucklanders are coming to rob you…” etc.

    My feminst partner says, “what a bitch” whenever she sees one of the two featured Natzo women of the moment–Stanford and Willis.


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