Two Māori Women just beat the snot out of Two Māori Men live on TV!
Last nights Newshub Nation Powerbrokers Debate was easily the best Political Debate to date and it was flattering watching Newshub Nation copy The Working Group’s pub politic debates and hilariously steal our last panelists…
…it’s good to see the Newshub Producers watching our show. I’ll send an invoice.
I’ve been very critical of Marama Davidson over the last 3 years, but sweet Jesus, she and Debbie knocked this debate out of the park last night and as far as I’m concerned, all is forgiven because if she can pull a performance like this out of the hat, she deserves the co-leadership!
I tuned in to expect a blood bath by Winston and David, but Marama and Debbie were head and shoulders above both of them and it’s funny how it took two strong wahine to make David look like a silly boy and Winston a grumpy old man!
Rebecca Wright, who has to date done the best political interview with her absolute destruction of Luxon last week was a brilliant MC who wasn’t putting up with any shit from either David or Winston.
“Confidence is not competence’ – what a line!
The first round of questions was over cuts.
ACT want to amputate the Ministry’s of Women, Māori, Youth, Pacific Peoples and Ethnic Communities.
David attempts to claim they cost money and do nothing but that’s bullshit.
Those Ministries are constantly reviewing legislation and ensuring their opinions and their voices and their concerns are heard as law passes.
NZ is a liberal progressive Democracy we acknowledge that there are power imbalances in society and these Ministries are fundamental filters to ensure we are not simply slaves to majoritarianism because representative democracy requires more than that.
David knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing, these Ministries aren’t supposed to make money, they are supposed to ensure people in society with less power are heard!
Winston’s position that Maori aren’t indigenous is so grossly simplistic it hurts and at one point Winston attempts to counter Marama by suggesting he’s a white cis male and that she’s trying to silence him.
Everyone’s eyes rolled!
David was criticised for race baiting and pretended he wasn’t burning crosses while holding the matches.
He worked so hard to claim he was ‘moderate’ it was hilarious.
Winston wants to make gang members terrorists and intends to put all 9000 gang members into prison. It’s fucking insane.
ACTs desire to spend a billion on prisons and pretends it only costs a dollar a day to try and minimize the cost is bullshit.
Tough on crime and soft on poverty – Debbie had the line of the night and the Māori Party wealth tax was their bottom line!!!!
David trying to justify his confidence threat to National, it didn’t sound convincing.
David couldn’t actually name his bottom lines which is weird because the referendum forcing a new treaty on Maori is their only bottom line but clearly he didn’t feel like he could try that shit on while Debbie and Marama were standing right there.
Winston was grumpy.
Marama made the point she and Debbie could work together while claiming David and Winston couldn’t work together.
In answering the criticism that David and Winston couldn’t work together, David attacks Winston.
I know, I couldn’t believe it either.
Marama and Debbie were just so much better than David and Winston who both looked out of touch, flustered and a little intimidated by Marama and Debbie.
Their fans who tuned in would have been shocked and it suddenly makes the Right look far more shaky and far more flakey than they ever have.
An Election Campaign takes on a life of its own and right now you could not have watched that Debate and thought Winston or David were the winners.
It could be that the Right have peaked this election and as voters ruminate, they are willing to change their minds.
This election is not over yet, no matter how much the mainstream media want to convince you it is.
We have 3 weeks this Saturday till the election.
If NZ First slips below 5, if TPM create an overhang, if the traditional overpolling and underpolling bias is taken into account – Luxon is NOT Prime Minster.
If the Left votes – the Left wins!
Our next The Working Group live-streamed simulcast Freeview TV debate is 7pm Tuesday, and it’s the Auckland Central debate with unique polling.
It ain’t over until the fat blogger sings!
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I’ll probably have to early vote since I work on Saturday but I’ll hold out as long as I can since I still can’t decide between Greens and TPM for my party vote, and I’m even less sure after this debate since Debbie and Marama both killed it!
LUXON: With the better than expected GDP figures, and inflation coming off it’s peak, and comparatively low govt debt, yet continuing near record low unemployment, and reductions in green houses gases for the third year in a row, and tourism bouncing back, I feel the tide may be slowly turning against us.
We’re trying to say we want to get the country back on track, when it’s already getting back on track, after the biggest health pandemic in 100 years.
ADVISOR: Nonsense, we’ve still got our gem of a tax package.
LUXON: But every man and his dog is calling for me to release our detailed modeling, but I simply can’t because it will show there is a huge shortfall fiscal hole in the calculations, which means I will have to just lie and bluster my way through it.
Obviously if I had good modeling, I would release it immediately, but you know I’m lying, and I know I’m lying, and Nicola knows I’m lying, so I have to keep doing what I’m doing.
ADVISOR: But many voters will simply want to believe the lie.
LUXON: Of course you’re right, and it’s probably why so many more people trust Chippy, than me. What about our lie about caring about climate change. I mean, we want to exempt agriculture from the emissions scheme, and plunder funding for emissions mitigation, and rev up the fossil fuel industry again.
All while saying, we want to meet our carbon reduction targets, is logic that just doesn’t add up. We want to stop doing what will make a difference, and start doing what will make the situation worse.
ADVISOR: And I say again, that many voters will simply want to believe the lie. I guarantee they’ve all forgotten about cyclone Gabriel already.
LUXON: Well, if you’ve got the climate change answers, then what the heck am I supposed to say about the state of emergency caused by the flooding in Gore?
ADVISOR: Nothing.
LUXON: And what am I supposed to say about the bushfires in Canterbury?
ADVISOR: Nothing.
LUXON: And what am I supposed to say about the flooding in Queenstown?
ADVISOR: Nothing.
LUXON: And do you think the Criptosporidium outbreak in Queenstown has anything to do with climate change?
LUXON: Retreating glaciers and Antarctica melting?
ADVISOR: Fake news.
LUXON: Wait a minute, I saw some footage from Coromandel, of some brown people wearing gang jackets, fighting among themselves outside a pub, as they commonly do.
ADVISOR: Send in Mark Mitchell and the local National candidate to stir up as much sentiment as they possibly can, and get themselves on TV. And call for a public meeting to try and instill all the panic they can manage.
I want a full court press on this, to keep it on the front pages as long as possible.
LUXON: Consider it done, because I’m a can do kind of guy, and I proved I was a can do kind of guy, when I showed what I could do, running the state carrier AirNZ. Of course, it helped that it was a virtual monopoly.
ADVISOR: You’re certainly better that that low rent version of Winston who’s stealing our votes.
LUXON: Don’t worry, I’ve told Goldy to put up a fight against him in Epsom, and this time it’s personal!
Absolutely brilliant Countryboy.
Stop arse licking CB Squeaky, ITS. NOT.A.REAL.CONVERSATION!
keep to just stalking Bob’s posts it’s what we all know you both for…Squeaky/Bert = same person!
Im right, are you even a real person?
You seem angry, probably why your post and grammar read like a 5-year-old.
I appreciate a good trolling, thank you for that.
Stalking Bob’s posts?, you two should get a room, he’s very much your type although you’d both be sharing the far right of the bed.
Good heavens.
I knew someone who was scammed by the Nigerian scam about 10 years ago, when it was one of the main scams going around. Even after they were told it was a scam, they still wanted to believe that the scam just might be true, and it took some time for them to come to their senses, and realise it was a scam all along. It shows that when you really want to believe something, and the person telling you about it, wants you to believe it, then logic and good judgement can fly out the window. Even when you have experts like economists telling us their doubts, and accounting firms not being able to add up the numbers, and no one who knows what they are talking about, agreeing with the person scamming you, if you want to beleive in it enough, you will, despite what experts may say. And that’s exactly what the person trying to scam you wants. And shows the tough position Banks are in, when they are expected to be more responsible and block these scammers, yet the cutomers being scammed will beleive in it so much, that they may want to even ignore the advice from the Bank. Puts the Bank quite in a dificult position.
Watching the current government MPs up against the wannabes is like watching a proffessional up against an amateur.
We saw it in the rural debate last week where the engaging Damien O’connor was more than head and shoulders above the slogan totingTodd McClay and the hapless triple chinned overfed Act guy who just talks vacuous rubbish.
We saw the same again last night….
Marama and Debbie being on-point and much sharper than the hapless Seymour who looked and behaved more like a cartoon character and
Winston who looked more interested in playing up to the crowd.
It’s like watching Federer up against a mouthy club player who thinks he’s better than he is.
What they highlight is that a change of government would be a disasterous regressive step…
All in the eye of the beholder I suppose but I know which pair I would rather help lead the country
The good news is Winston is going to wear trousers. ‘it’s time to put on trousers, it’s time to dress up right, it’s time to meet the Muppets on the Muppet show tonight’
Wheel The good news is that Winston’s going to keep blokes in frocks out of the girls’ toilets, while Grant wails, Spoilsport, Marama welcomes them with open arms, and Hipkins wishes that he was there too.
Think about what you just said. He will do no such thing, or will someone be doing a physical examination to allow someone to enter a bathroom? F’ing ridiculous.
His real support comes from the largest collection of fossils outside the American Museum of Natural History, not including you of course.
No. Being a slick performance artist doesn’t equate to being a good representative of the people. Davidson’s hostility, animosity, and aggression towards large sections of the electorate should preclude her from even pretending to represent them. Plus she doesn’t know her history, IMO.
Agree there is so much hate from the 2 females for white males it is scary
That supposed hatred is all in your own head Trev. You are so used to having your opinions taken seriously and treated as “common sense” when they are nothing of the sort, that any challenge feels like a personal attack.
Man up ya pussy!
Trevor But the thing here is, two leaders being lionised as Maori women, ie playing the tawdry race and gender card again, rather than focusing on facts and issues.
It was actually David Seymour who couldn’t keep to the question “David, you have lost me”.
Snow White but the thing here is they were responding to a question asked and a retort to a partially white leader using race baiting rather than facts and figures.
” Agree there is so much hate from the 2 females for white males it is scary ”
Actually you mistake anger with passion and realism.
Only the Greens and TPM talked about poverty and wanting to attack its causes and by asking for our money back from the tax the wealthy don’t pay and avoid.
There is anger out here in the world of poverty and economic injustice its just never recognised and largely ignored as an acceptable cost of making money and doing business and hidden away from the upper two tier classes. We are seen as expendable to your parties of choice and the NZLP who stopped articulating the anger and suffering of the people it once represented.
Its disappointing that Marama and her colleagues has been silent on economic injustice for so long.
Well said
It’s over red rover.
More doom posting? Yawn.
Martyn is insane .. that’s all I have to say… oh also that Winston won.
Winston won what? Judging by his campaign adds, do you mean Badminton Horse Trials, or John Wayne impersonator of the year?
Here’s the video:
Seymour Butt showed us he is still a privileged little Auckland Grammar School Boy representing the sodomites from Epsom and Remuera. He has a very warped view on things and a weird world view, definitely does not respect his whakapapa. Winston middle of the road nearly past his Used by Date, however will be a balancing act and cheap insurance in a NACT First Coalition Government IMHO.
Agree with you Snow White
I have to disagree with you. Voters learned nothing new. It was an absolute shambles of a debate.
You’re right Sam the Man. These kind of “debates” have become the norm now but really do they bring anything new? A tired format for the initiated but possibly food for thought for muddle NZ who still cant make up their mind. But really, ya gotta ask, anyone ticking the boxes on the outcome of one of these sideshows needs a reality check. That said, imv a far better production than the TV1 borefest earlier this week and for that reason more entertaining. More wider shots capturing the dynamics between the four. And RW did ok I thought.
Race baiting doesn’t go so well when you have the ethnicity right there challenging your BS. And Seymour is an accident maori, why wasn’t this a thing when he first started out in politics?
The only good thing imo that came out of Winston’s mouth was that Maori & Pacific Islanders suffer more from crime in this country than others, as I’ve stated in the past when the PI who immigrated here for cheap labour were housed in poor marginalized areas where Maori are the majority than challenging social issues arise.
Tipene – All 4 are Maori …check Whakapapa — a bit sad to see them arguing
Two Wahine Toa whipped the White Ngapuhi’s Arses.
Vote early & often.
Nah, wait until the 11th hour. Surely Seymour will shoot himself in the foot by then.
Labour are on their knees, having blown off both feet with their poorly aimed fire.
More doom posting? Yawn.
Winston know s where the political bodies are buried.
Seymour a Maori? Don’t make me laugh.
White Ngapuhi same as Winston.
I think the one-liner of the night came from Rebbeca Wright “I’m beginning to pity Christopher Luxon” – brilliant and so relevant.
Where does Martyn get his weed from, I want some
Both of these ladies have blamed colonialism for all the Maori problems and Marama is famous for her white men being at the heart of all problemsThe problem today is that common sense is not so common .
Given our country’s history maybe there is some validity in their view, just like many pakeha see all our problems as being created by Maori.
James Shaw’s comment about the level of abuse that women MPs, especially Maori, are subjected too is very pertinent.
Well that’s it then! Greens and TPM have just won the election by high fiving each other. God, the left are clutching at the thinnest of straws.
ACT is a serious danger to New Zealand’s democracy.
“Create a minister and ministry of regulation to evaluate … all new regulation”; “carry out an inquiry into all current regulations”; “Implement a four-year parliamentary term”.
As well as “Impose electronic income management” on every beneficiary under the sun!
You literally can’t be a full citizen if you fall on hard times under ACT. The only way to stop them is to vote Labour/Greens/TPM.
Considering the two ladies in the middle will be just observing MP’s after the election, powerless opposition members, overheads, ….and the men will be movers and shakers as usual, the debate was rather pointless ….a laugh really…..
” .and the men will be movers and shakers as usual, the debate was rather pointless ….a laugh really….”
Governments come and go even the next NACT administration but the inequality remains,
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