The way the mainstream media are framing National’s Tax Plan as anything less than the manifesto of the greedy rich is truly outrageous!
National are funding this tax cut (that will benefit rich landlords most) by taking away 20 hours ECE for 2 year olds, mutilating public transport and stealing from climate funds.
It is an outrageous transfer of wealth to rich landlords.
National claim it’s for the ‘squeezed middle’ when it’s far more destructive than that.
Matthew Hooton’s analysis of National’s budget is scathing…
National concedes savings alone won’t fund its tax cuts, so also announced four new taxes. None applies to tax-exempt “charities” such as Go Bus, Shotover Jet, Sanitarium and Mission Estate Winery.
The first new tax, which National developed with assistance from Auckland’s Sky City Casino, is on offshore gambling websites. Labour says it already taxes them, collecting nearly $40 million a year in GST.
The second new tax is charging foreigners higher visa fees.
These two would raise a few hundred million dollars.
The third is bigger, which is reversing Labour’s Covid-era tax break for commercial property investors, forecast to raise just over $2b over the next four years.
The fourth is the proposed tax on foreign buyers purchasing properties worth over $2m.
The tax won’t apply to Australians, Singaporeans and perhaps citizens of other countries with which New Zealand has tax and trade treaties, but National says it will bring in $3b.
For that to be true, foreigners from countries other than Australia, Singapore and so forth would need to buy around $20b of houses over the next four years.
That’s more than 6000 houses with an average value of $3m. That assumption seems heroic, even if encouraging people to sell houses to foreigners to fund tax cuts is a good idea.
…National’s budget is bullshit, based on wildly crazed assumptions which fundamentally rely on cutting services to the poor so their rich Landlord mates get a tax subsidy of $250 a fortnight!
When you consider how much money the Real Estate Pimps have poured into National, we don’t have a democracy, we have an auction.
We have an undeclared class war occurring right before our eyes, a naked manifesto of self interest at the deficit of the poorest and voters will give National and ACT this driven by a sense of vengeance against Labour for navigating us through Covid.
3283 – NZ (population 5m)
24755 – Sweden (10m)
9162 – Ireland (5m)
191211 – Italy (59m)
Those are the numbers.
That’s how many died from Covid and the population of each nation, compared to Ireland we are talking about 6000 lives difference.
That’s the price we sacrificed to protect as many people as we could, to leave no one behind.
What National are arguing for is to leave us behind.
To fund tax cuts from the poorest while raiding climate change funds isn’t a tax policy, it’s political vandalism!
This country is about to plunge into steep economic crisis, taking from the poorest to shield the richest is obscene and there is a price to pay for this.
Labour and the Greens have been woeful, but sweet Jesus them on a bad day is better than National and ACT on a good day.
Any day.
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The Cult of our COVID Saviour is not strong enough to save the government from itself.
ada and the rat. Same thing.
ada and the rat. Same thing.
Countryboy and Battlefield Earth. Same thing.
ada and the rat. Same thing.
Ohhh Sinic too! Lol….how many names you got Countryboy?
Sinic’s an earthy city slicker IR, not a farmer, fyi
No Nicola told us they would go after the non compliant gamblers….not the property speculators who even under our old legislation really intend to “trade” in property.
These are the people who claim to be better managers of the economy. The numbers don’t stack up at all. That doesn’t matter because they will campaign on this, win and then say they can’t afford the tax cuts because trade is dropping faster than we thought ( though they actually gave more than a hunch). They’ll do the property bits but watch the rest disappear. It will be their “I won’t put up GST” moment
It’s just what you wanted, plus Labour & the Greens can go back to what they do best, whine from the opposition benches.
But they can never beat the AmDram Queen of whining and whinging – Trickola Willis herself!
Just listening to her has me cowering and looking for cover. So little wonder Mr Luxon is in awe of her.
Though you’re not too bad yourself but, as a caged rat, you can almost be excused for your ridiculous rantings.
I know Verity. This was their nod to diversity. Find the female version of Simon Bridges. Granted it should not be about how people sound, but now she had confirmed the words are as bad as the sonic presentation it’s hard not to point it out
Tax cuts for the ‘squeezed middle’. On come on National. Can’t you think of something new to attract dumbass swing voters? And as for funding it all. Surely the Nats considered the possibility it would come under close scrutiny. Got the maths right, eh? Nah, Luxton and Willis are simply being misleading, at best. You can see it their faces.
Whomever we vote for, we still lose.
@ Bark
Ah… Well, that’s a bit fucking weak isn’t it? ” Whomever we vote for, we still lose.” Oh poor us, boo hoo hoo! ‘Sniffle’ I’m going home to mummy…” Well, of you go then. I, however , will fight until the last noun, adjective and fuck word.
The reality is, and one must take really good hallucinogenics to come to understand just what is real and what’s not, is that it doesn’t matter who we vote for because the decisions that our politicians make must be at OUR behest and in our best interests, not some fat cunt in a fat-cunt car driving to some fat-cunt office to fuck about with his fat little diddle and call it $six,fig,ure,00s.00 a year plus entitlements and expenditures.
They do what we say, remember that. The moment they say ‘Jump!’ and we go ” Oh, ok then. How high?” we’re fucked. And we’re becoming well and truly fucked at this point.
RNZ aka ‘Reactionary Neo-Liberal Zeitgeist’
‘A primer on Asian representation in New Zealand’s Parliament’
“What is IndoNZ? ”
I don’t know. Where is Aotearoa/NZ?
IndoNZ is a dedicated initiative producing content for and about the diverse Indian community in New Zealand supported by the Public Interest Journalism Fund through NZ On Air. Radio New Zealand is an independent public service multimedia organisation that provides audiences with trusted news and current affairs in accordance with the RNZ Charter. Contact the team by email at
What? Like the RNZ charter that ONLY promotes neo-liberal agendas while homeless people line up for the warm vents over city hotel air-con units? Is that the charter which promotes money over people living in cars?
Like our primary industry farmers suiciding because they never made enough net income from their wool clip to pay their rates, taxes and basic living expenses?
RNZ is a liars rag and the fuckers are up to no good.
@countryboy, sometimes we all need a bit of hope. Your post encourages me. I think Cluxon is imploding. I think the centre left just might make it over the line, but it’ll be a filthy fight. I’m glad to hear of others willing to stand up for all of us and “Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” (Dylan Thomas). We have the light on our side so we vote “them” out come October. One by one we clean up the garbage that has accumulated in OUR halls of power. One by one in one foul swoop! No need for power to the people – we already possess it, but it is time to weild it wisely. We send a powerful message to these self-serving criminals, one vote at a time. Then we get busy renewing our society, the way WE choose. Before we shuffle off…
Labour let the poor down bigtime.
They let lots of people down
Not as much as Natand ACT have though.
National’s tax plan, as announced this week, won’t happen. It is an exercise in messaging, not a blueprint.
We were told we would have to wait until after the next PREFU announcement (12 Sept) to see the plan because National wanted to work with the most up to date figures and avoid a repeat of Goldsmith’s fumbling performance in 2020. Now it has arrived before PREFU, during Curia’s next polling period, with promises of giving you more than Labour will if you tick enough boxes and are not affected by what is taken away. Most importantly, the plan arrives with the parallel message of how bad the books will be when National take office.
Because tax cuts would likely prove inflationary, and because National has overhyped being able to deliver a meaningful tax cut, National has to make it’s promises now, knowing that the coming PREFU can give them an out from actually having to proceed. They would have loved to have given you tax relief, but it now might be smaller or delivered later if only Labour hadn’t fucked everything up.
The main messages are tax cuts and “the books are in a mess!”, but National also gets to put a toe in the water by signalling that foreign buyers will return, with provisos for now.
I’m just glad our dirty media is not at the stage where they are claiming Luxon is a nice bloke who would be good to have a beer with ….
In reality a Nact win will be the re-birth and rise of the “rat fuckers”, as those National party stalwarts called themselves (Judith Collins press secretary from wikipedia).
Set the rats free …….
I must ask? Where the fuck ARE Labour? I see natzo hoardings up everywhere while I know of one in town, a sad wee thing in someone’s front garden.
What the fuck’s going on? Could it be because Labour has yet to renounce far-right roger’s neo-liberalism?
What might roger runt have on our broader politics that no one dares to debate? Like where’s our fucking money and how come 14 multi-billionaires, 3118 multi-millionaires with in excess of $50 million each and who was it who back door’d the foreign take-over of what was our four trading banksters who rort us of $180.00 A FUCKING SECOND 24/7/365 !
Labour don’t want to win, they are obviously Nat supporters.
We’ve got them up around our neighborhood, it’s a safe Labour seat (unless things go very, very wrong).
Don’t worry about it Martyn, this petty, nasty little Nation is getting the Govt they deserve with the NACTS, it doesn’t matter that their Tax plan is just smoke & mirrors bullshit with ENRON accounting errors with billion dollar holes in it? This Party is all about massive immigration to drive down wages & keep Houses prices high creating demand by reducing Housing availability to drive up those prices? Its more Tax cuts for Elites, bashing the poor & working poor, rundown Education, Welfare, Social services & Social Housing & Healthcare as they bring back the same destructive Policies that got NZ in the shit the last time National were in power over 9 yrs of incompetence! NZers have the memory muscle of a dementia patient & don’t remember the havoc they previously caused in Govt, the bullshit & phoney Rockstar Economy that was just a marketing jingle, not a real achievement! This is a Class War between those who own Houses & those who Rent Houses & it’s going to end in tears & Blackrock will be there to swoop in & buy these overpriced assets at bargain basement prices like in the US when the eventual crash comes! But the Renters will pack their bags & drive away while the Landlord will hold a bag of shit asset like a albatross around their neck that’s worth less than the Mortgage & a debt that isn’t covered by Bankruptcy laws so you can’t discharge this debt! NZ is fucked, it’s a Neoliberal testing & proving ground & has been since the 1980’s under Roger Douglas, the scumbag Thatcher clone but the weasel David Seymour makes Douglas look like a saint compared to him? NZ is a hellhole of greedy bastards buying & selling Houses amongst themselves based on fake fiat currency, generating phoney wealth creation! So go on NZ, vote for more of the same & get the scumbags you deserve!
Shamubeel and Fran telling it like it is:
Coz we care about each other. It’s our country. We run it. Vote wisely. Let’s send all self-serving arseholes a crystal clear message. There are more kiwis who give a damn about each other and the younger one’s coming up behind us, than there are of the filthy self serving kind amongst us. Don’t forget that hope is powerful. As are we, together.
The Team of 5 Million we can do this !!!!
National: Let’s get our country back on sale
Whinnie the Pooh of Winston First looking good for 5-6% !!!
What worries me in all this bullshit is that journalists are actually praising Willis for a con job, nothing more nothing less. It’s obvious she’s no economist has no financial nous ,she reads off papers in parliament no real questions about real figures. These journalists are promoting a fictional minister of finance based on rhetoric and ignorance.
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