Political Caption Competition


Education under National and Labour


  1. More likely it is

    Today we start with a Karakia.
    Followed by whanau time. (free time)
    Followed by exploring your identity and family iwi.
    Followed by exploring a revised woke version of NZ history that cuts out any bit woke don’t like, like the musket wars.
    Followed by a lockdown drill.
    Wow an entire woke day of virtue signalling!
    Followed by mental health crisis in NZ schools and huge truancy!

  2. TEACHER: Now students if I have $45 million in one bank account(untaxed) ,$73million (untaxed) in another bank account and $19 million(untaxed) in a third bank account. What do I have?
    JILL JONES: masses of untaxed revenue, stolen from Kiwis, and hidden in offshore bank accounts miss?
    TEACHER: That is quite true Jill but it is not actually the answer in Lord Luxon’s government approved textbook. The answer here is ‘” admirable entrepeneurial skills'”.

    • Apparently nobody is allowed to complain about the kids being forced into compulsory Karakia each morning, when the government in NZ is supposed to be non secular! NZ schools are supposed to be non political and non religious.

      • There are government orgs who start their team meetings with both a karakia and a waiata. It is inclusivity. Ditto littlies in day care centres.

        • No problem with Karakia in Te reo or Maori studies which is compulsory in schools, but seriously the extreme levels of karakia is starting to look like political officer chants with ‘woke’ speak as their way of controlling kids, public, events, government and businesses in NZ every day.

          When NZ already has low productivity and the courts, councils and many other public services are already full to the brim with problems and delays, not sure how derailing public business every day with 30 mins+ of political propaganda is helping… no freedom of speech, because if anyone objects, then is is now deemed racism by woke who have nothing else to do.

          Noticed, skills based firms are getting sick of it all. NZ is not a big market so government might find that only expensive wokesters, that deliver nothing firms are taking over the government contracts, with the inevitable failures when woke virtue signalling and lack of skill at huge prices, becomes more obvious.

          Disaster Capitalism on it’s way!

  3. Children, it’s not your fault that govt is child averse and abolished your Commissioner, it’s for the greater good, aka themselves.

  4. Children, Lesson Four, How To Burn Books in lieu of Bookkeeping, and Counting the Cost of Imperialist Colonialist William Shakespeare.

  5. Children, Lesson Eight is Gender ID indoctrination, which can encompass all academic subjects, as well as great hunks of the Public Service, and public spaces.

  6. Children, Lesson Nine is Hate Speech, and why you must hate feelings, opinions, facts and truths which are not approved of by the government and it’s backward advisors.


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