Ugly religious fanatic feral anti-Vaxxers counter protest Prime Minister


Chris Hipkins heckled by protesters at Auckland market walkabout

Labour leader Chris Hipkins was heckled by protesters during a campaign trail walkabout in South Auckland this morning.

Hipkins was greeted with chants of “no more Labour pains” as he visited Otara Market.

Many market-goers wore red and held up signs for the Labour Party, cheering as Hipkins arrived, but others were holding up signs for Vision NZ — led by Hannah Tamaki — and Freedoms NZ, co-led by controversial Destiny Church pastor Brian Tamaki.

Vision NZ is a component party of Freedoms NZ, which was registered in February this year.

These feral antivaxx Christian lunatics are using loud and intimidatory protest action to harang political opponents because that’s all they have, spite and resentment.

Rather than enter the market place of ideas and make their pitch to voters, these feral antivaxx Christian lunatics are simply following around the Prime Minister and screaming their demented conspiracy world view at him.

These are flat earthers protesting a geography conference.

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However New Zealand is a liberal progressive democracy and every citizen has the right to legally protest how they wish and if all the feral antivaxx Christian lunatics have this election is unhinged anger and conspiracy theories, so be it, just remember to shout back and point out how unhinged these feral antivaxx Christian lunatics are.

They deserve our contempt.


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  1. Martyn – South Auckland was ignored by the Government during the Covid emergency, despite being ground zero for Covid…no visits by Jacinda, Dr Ashley Bloomfield, Chris Hipkins…I hope South Auckland kicks out Labour this election

  2. Those big hefty protestors, whoever they are, were very full on and intimidating, so the Tamakis had better know what they’re doing here. This was the sort of raucous bullying behaviour which can slip out of control and erupt into the primitive thuggery inflicted upon the women at Albert Park. PM Hipkins handled it well, but Brian’s mob shouldn’t be throwing their weight around among innocent people peacefully going about their business.

  3. Yes, they deserve our contempt.

    And so does the man who turned our education system into an indoctrination system, and who doesn’t know what a woman is.

    • Idiotic hyperbole otherwise known as bullshit.

      Own your ideology – you’ve got feral fanatics willing to rip society apart based on a billionaire driven fantasy of fascism. And that’s just the Act party.

      • I don’t own any feral fanatics, and I think you need to look up “fascism” in the dictionary. I happen to work in the education system, so I do know what Im talking about.

        • No you don’t.Your comments are silly…’ Who doesn’t know what a woman is’.. and ‘ I happen to work in the education system, so I do know what Im talking about’ What meaningless comments.

    • my kids are at the forefront of this so called “indoctrination” system – they are not stupid and can make their own life decisions based on all the options presented to them. They are certainly not afraid to accept those of others, however they present themselves. I am proud of my children (and their friends), they all present themselves with humility, honour and respect. Not sure what you’re going on about but their liberal state education has served them well in this regard.

  4. Yes they do deserve our contempt but change the sentence -“ These feral trans right lunatics are using loud and intimidatory protest action to harang political opponents because that’s all they have, spite and resentment” deserve the same contempt!!

  5. Exactly the same tactic’s used by the militant left -antifa, anti anti co governance, trans activists et al.
    They are as repugnant as each other in their suppression of free speech, democracy and selfishness.

  6. Turnabout is fair play. How about a very large group of lefty protesters turn up at every church service of Destiny Church with air horns, loud drums and trumpets for the next four weeks.

    • Richard Tempting, but no, it’s descending to the Tamaki’s level, and some of their followers may be people who don’t deserve it. They’ll achieve little behaving like hooligans and Brian looks loopy IMO.

  7. Hipkins has brought it all upon himself. He was one of the Master Chefs in the previous PMs kitchen.

    Like Hipkins said it’s part of democracy having robust debate and protest.

  8. Damn. Chipkins should be confronted with the current economic hardship he and his colleagues are responsible for including lack of any action to ease the suffering of so many.
    He is getting free publicity thanks to these idiots.

  9. You have got to give it to them! They’ve come up with the best slogan for this 2023 general election, “No More Labour Pains!” It’s a beauty mate!

  10. If Chris Hipkins addressed the inequality in our tax system that benefits the rich.

    If Chris Hipkins gave people some real relief from the cost of living and housing crisis.

    Then, and only then, will these feral far right fringe groups fade away,
    As the dark fetid conditions that formed them, fade away.,to%20provide%20their%20earnings%20information.

    • Problem is Pat, religious organisations are the last group that want a fairer tax system. Ask those tax dodging Brethren what they think. Tamaki is basically running a corporation with thugs that are not earning what he is. Kind of a budget Wagner group

  11. Great apposite illustrative sentence. about mouthy protesters.
    Martyn –
    These are flat earthers protesting a geography conference.

    What about ‘All mouth and no trousers!’?

  12. This is the best Bible reference for this situation:
    1 Corinthians 13 1
    If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.
    If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.

    Bible Gateway 1 Corinthians 13 :: NIV › jywang › www › cef › NIV_Bible

    • You could add the “love your enemies” text as well to show that those protesting are not real Christians.

    • So right and that sums up Labour perfectly.

      Notwithstanding all the tax earners in Otara have been fleeced so those in New Lynn can get their EV subsidies, that they probably blow on a Fiji holiday.

      Labour…taking from the poor to give to the rich

      • Labour…taking from the poor to give to the rich

        You obviously haven’t been to one of Tamakis churches. Because that’s exactly what he does.

  13. Well given the publicity that this very small group of protesters got, along with the exaggerated numbers, my guess is we will be having more of these clowns protesting ,probably against the government because that’s their mandate. I wonder if tithing gets taxed or is it shoved into Tamaki’s back pocket every Sunday.

  14. I’m sure Hipkins can handle it – he’ll cut through it like a hot knife through butter. One thing I’ve noticed about him – he isn’t easily riled and has a logical answer for most things. – lets see how Luxon deals with a shouty mob of “bottom feeders”.

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