The incredible changing Winston Peters on the antivaxx issue


Winston is sucking up to the antivaxxers now because he thinks he can trick them into giving him the votes to cross the 5% threshold, but let’s remember Winston was very anti the anti-vaxxers back in 2021 when he called for anyone on the benefit and parole refusing the vaccine to lose their benefit or parole!

The fact the antivaxxers are so desperate for a champion that they are refusing to remember Winnie was only calling for them to lose benefits less than 2 years ago is as insane as NZ First fielding actual candidates who believe there were nano robots in the vaccine!

This is wilful and graceless ignorance.


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  1. Peters is the master at this. Remember when NZFirst was essentially two separate parties. A Maori party that won all five maori seats and an Old White People party that bought another twelve MPs into the House.
    But this is not 1996 anymore and if you live by the tweet you can die by the tweet.

  2. Totally correct.

    I have trouble respecting anyone who votes for Winston. Even if I disagree with other parties policies I respect those who vote for the Greens, Labour, National,Act etc as at least they’re doing so with some ideological intent.

    Winston’s only intent is to be in govt come hell or high-water. He seeks out the disaffected weak and massages their egos. He’s broken so many promises and lied so often but people keep going back to him, like abused partners telling themselves “it’ll never happen again, Winston’s changed”

    But just like a bad smell, it just won’t go away

    • Cry me a river BG , you are so far down the Winston hating hole !
      The only policies in the first Ardern government that actually worked were NZ first policies, and since Winston’s been out the woketards have produced nothing but a shit show .

      NZ first will be back and in government this time around so suck it up buttercup

    • Dead right BG.
      If Winston gets over 5% it just shows what a pack of idiots we have in this country. As you say he is a liar, as the Aussies say he is an opportunistic liar.
      Add in the 10% or more voting for fascists Seymour and we are in deeper shit than anything I can imagine. Both of them will grab Luxon by the gonads and between them absolutely force us into a civil war. America will look absolutely peaceful.
      With Peters and Seymour controlling the judiciary as they intend, roll on Italy and Germany of the 1930s.

  3. It’s not like people can’t change their position on things but I would say in Winston’s case it’s just more self serving flip flopping

  4. The left suddenly have woken up to:

    1). Peters’ grudge against the Labour party (and specifically Willie Jackson) mean if he gets in and holds the balance of power he ain’t going with them
    2). Sucking votes off Labour left, right and center and this will only accelerate in the next couple of months. Added to the anti vax vote 5% is becoming more of a surety.
    3). Eliminates the Left’s only chance (Coalition of Chaos) in the election.

    Let’s face it when NZF starts (as they will) tracking > 5% of the vote consistently then the Left’s slight hopes for this election are dashed.

    Start praying for Te Reo being caught in a compromising situation with a farm animal team left.

  5. If Peters recognises the rights of those who think differently from the powers that be, then that’s fine by me. Better than a “two-tier society”. Even better, Mr Peters is going to keep men out of the girls’ lavs.

  6. To quote a Marx (Groucho) (not the Marx Martyn idolises)
    ‘I have principles, and if you don’t like them I have others’
    Rather apt for Winston!

  7. So someone becomes aware of new information and changes their position on an issue according to their analysis of this new information and somehow that makes them a bad person?

    I say good on Peter’s for getting with the times and he has my vote

    • I absolutely have no problem with that, in fact it should be commended.

      But that’s not what Winston does. He sways one way, then suddenly sees votes the other way so sways the other, while looking you directly in the eye telling you that he always felt that way.

      His own diary confirms he was in the cabinet meeting when he puapua was discussed (Tracey Martin confirmed this) and yet he’s convinced enough people that he knew nothing about it and it was raised behind his back.

      He is either lying or he was asleep during the meeting.

    • “Aware of new information”. I would wager that information is polling data. You can almost hear him throwing in complimentary floor mats. He’s that cliche car salesman with a dash of Ron Burgundy.

  8. Opportunistic. Popularist. Call it as you like. Fact is this is what politics has become. Perhaps always has been. Winston is certainly opportunistic and panders to the popular vote, in this instance according to MB, ‘sucking up to the anti-vaxxers’. There’ll be more supporters than these, I suspect. But enough? Times have changed. But we’ll see soon enough. But how different to the Labour Party, the National Party, ACT (not so much the leaders but the party itself) pandering to the popular vote, introducing opportunistic promises? Tunnels, bridges, tax relief in one form or another. Tangibles you might say. But they all want YOUR vote and they go to any lengths to get it, not short of outright deception (and some may say that’s been an option also).

    In the end we’re faced with party allegiance, the protest vote (or non-vote), a coin toss, or tempted by the sweet words of willy politicians, often words we want to hear. A mate of mine – a Labour supporter all his voting life and a long time professional in a job where he truly walks the talk – thinks he has the answer: he’s been through the policies of all parties online to get a feel of what they’re about, and he’s been to hear all the leaders speak. And guess what? Winston’s high on the list. On the day? Well, that’s another puzzle.

  9. The path of the two larger parties is towards the Globalisation of NZ and we will be gobbled up and become “serfs” to the corporate towers (akin to feudal castles ) of the world. The opportunity to be self employed is vanishing, just look at what lines the business/shopping streets of your cities and towns and compare them to what they were 30 yrs ago, to see what I mean. NZ First for some will be the “Protest” vote this time.

  10. winston peters is a national party doyen with a pin striped suit habit so we can only imagine his fetishes.
    He likes to smoke and say mean things so perhaps he’s luxon’s Dom Mistress once he’s in drag?

  11. What I don’t understand is why people vote for Winston Peters in the first place. Because IMO a vote for Peters is a vote for the unknown! NZF as it stands at present, is unlikely to be the main governing party in any coalition. That will never happen until Peters is gone. It’s a pity other NZF members don’t take the bull by the horns and remove him as leader, installing a younger, fresh new leadership, which is what the party badly needs!

    As far as I’m concerned Winston Peters is a devious, power hungry old scrote, playing the power game for him and him alone, rising out of the ground every three years in an attempt to look relevant!

    • Your welcome to a view but interested to know how you vote?
      He has my vote because he knows what is required to grow the economy. The rest play at it and talk. I am sick of the dithering of the major parties over past 30 years and the others are just not there.
      We have slipped parity with Australia over 30% and folk are leaving in droves.

    • For my part Mary I have always voted for the party whose stated priorities most closely align with my own at the time. irrespective of the likelihood of that party being in a position to implement those policies. It has always seemed like the most honest way to vote, and it gives some impetus to the issues whoever is in a position to act.
      So it might just be that Winston chases the fashion of the day but he is often calling the most important shots at any time. Following the fashion when it is dictated by a majority of public opinion might be dismissed as ” popularism” but that should be how a democracy works.
      Incidentally I have only voted for NZ first once , and national ,labour , green or act never though I must have voted 18 times by my calculation.
      Cheers D J S

  12. Yep and it will never not be funny seeing him rage about things he signed off and defended as pm from the gun laws to the covid response on as deputy PM.

    The second he gets his 5% he’ll ignore the antivaxers like every other group he’s ever pandered to, the second he’s in parliament they will be invisible.

    He doesn’t care if 95% of the country see through his bullshit, as long as 5% of the country believe him he’s got a job for three years and can ignore that 5% for 36 months.

  13. The party vote appears Winston’s’ best chance not the repeat of his win in the Northland byelection of 2015. I may be mistaken. Maybe Shane Jones will win that. Under 5% on the party vote, well, that’s curtains. Just over 5% and he’s back and will bring a few more in on his coat tails but, probably not enough to make a difference in any coalition. A grumpy back bencher? Except, that won’t be his imagined future. But a repeat of 2017 where circumstances saw NZF hold the balance of power, despite Winston losing his Northland seat? With no single party able to form a government alone, NZF’s 7.5% was enough for Winston to be the kingmaker. His legacy? History is the judge. History repeats? Or a new set of dynamics at play?

    Anyway, a bit of water to go under the bridge yet.

  14. Winnie is a joy. An icon of the last 40 years of politics. The ‘art of the possible’, as Trotter surrenders.

    So clever. I’d like to see him in the same room as Seymour gathering votes from the numbnuts they share in common, mostly crime.

    Still astounded the media didn’t take up Seymour’s ‘subhuman actions’ comment about the gangs in Opotiki. It makes me wonder, with subsequent information, about their lean.


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