Luxon’s foreign buyer ban u-turn is appeasement to Property Speculators and China after already declaring adoration for Beijing – Did Winston just hit 8%?


National Party under pressure to reveal foreign buyer policy

First-home buyers will be outbid by foreign investors if a National-led Government reverses a law which stops them buying existing homes, Labour Minister David Parker says, but an expert warns there is scant evidence the policy made houses more affordable.

National Party leader Christopher Luxon is being told by Labour to reveal his party’s policy on foreign buyers, after hinting he might reverse or amend the law put in place under by Jacinda Ardern-led Government in 2018.

The policy only applied to houses which had already been built, but Parker said it had made a difference.

National should be “really drilled” on its stance, because it was obvious it wanted to scrap the law.

The National Party are little more than a front for Chinese Business interests!

After John Key’s jaw dropping acquiescence to China every time he opens his mouth, plus the fact that the Blue Dragons (NZ-Chinese National supporters) are one of the most powerful factions inside National..

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…plus Luxon’s recent comments on taking Chinese money to build our roads all add to  the criticism that National is little more than a front for Chinese Business interests!

Jenny Shipley, Don Brash, Ruth Richardson and Chris Tremain were/are Director’s of the China Construction Bank, Judith Collins interaction with Chinese Officials to help her husbands Chinese Company, Oravida, to gain more Chinese money  and Maurice Williamson’s love affair with  Donghua Liu saw him become Liu’s personal handyman when doing up Liu’s batch and heavying the Police to drop domestic violence charges.

There was also the wee issue of a Chinese Spy inside the National Party as an MP.

National are the Political Party of Corporate Dairy Farmers and the Corporate Dairy Farmers  who followed John Key’s ‘All-our-Cows-in-one-Beijing-paddock’ strategy’ have ended up becoming indebted to our Chinese Economic Overlords…

Fonterra’s milk price chop predicted to hit tax take and GDP hard, big farmer losses ahead

A deep cut in Fonterra’s milk price forecast will wipe $5 billion off the country’s GDP and most dairy farmers will make significant losses this year, according to a leading agri-economist.

It will also impede the ability of New Zealand’s exports to pay for imports and put a dent in the Government’s tax take.

Veteran rural economist Phil Journeaux said that, even before Friday’s sharp reduction of $1/kg of milksolids in the mid-point of Fonterra’s forecast price range for the current season – from $8/kg to $7/kg – modelling had shown that the downturn in global milk prices and soaring cost increases meant the average Waikato-Bay of Plenty farmer stood to make a loss of $54,000.

For Fonterra farmers that loss was offset by the Fonterra share dividend and a scheduled capital return from the company. But Friday’s announcement had turned the loss into $80,000, Journeaux said.

To break even under today’s economic pressures, the average dairy farmer needs $8/kg, according to modelling.

…while our Chinese Economic Overlords build their own mega Dairy Farms that will utterly undermine our dependent industry…

Going bigger! Big scale dairy farming a main trend in China

China’s dairy farming industry has transformed over the last 2 decades and today the main trend is big scale farming.

In 2019 the annual milk production in China was 32 billion kg and according to the ‘China Dairy Industry Statistics 2020’ the 25 largest farming companies of milk delivered 9,4 billion kg of the country’s production or contributed 29%. These farming companies had 1.7 million dairy cattle or on average nearly 68 thousand animals each.

…they will overtake us and undermine us and National with their Corporate Dairy mates have set us up on a conclusion course for geopolitical tensions!

Let’s be clear, we have no issue with the Chinese people or China, our problem is with their authoritarian régime who are committing a cultural genocide against the Uyghurs, however National seem more concerned with Chinese business interests than they are with our national interests!

National’s devotion for China is not safe and neither is the coming Dairy death spiral.

We have put all our cows in one Beijing paddock and it is coming back to bite us in the arse and it seems Luxon’s grand plan is to remove the foreign buyer ban so National’s Real Estate pimp mates (who are donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to National) AND National’s Chinese Business mates get to have a free for all orgy on our Housing Market.

Those with property will love this because it will push up their house prices as National sell the country to their rich foreign millionaire mates.

You may be pissed off with Labour’s feckless incompetence and you may be really pissed off with the Greens alienating woke tantrums, but sweet Jesus, be VERY AWARE that the Political Right will sell the Shire right out from under your feet to Mordor in a second you sleepy hobbits!

Winston may well have found his issue to get 8% if National and ACT open the floodgates to their rich property speculating mates if Labour and the Māori Party don’t get there first.

Mark Wyborn and Trevor Farmer applied for consent to take 71 million litres of water a day out of the Waikato River for their 26,000ha dairy farm. The Ministry for the Environment declined their application.

Since then, they have donated $750,000 to National, ACT and NZ First.


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  1. She’s cooked mate! House prices have doubled under Labour.

    Labour have spent all the money, now when the government borrows money, the NZD just declines in value.

    Sell all the houses to foreign buyers, who cares? It’s not like Kiwis can afford them.

  2. Ok. Now that I’ve stopped vomiting…
    RNZ. Short for : *Reactionary Neo-liberal Zeitgeist .
    Crown vs Cow: The inside story of how we failed to regulate our worst climate polluter
    *RNZ? Can you ask national why some farmers had to devolve into dairying? Was it because you naughty little Blue Boys squandered family farmers in preference for corporate profits and the advancement of your greed?
    What’s your opinion Mr Thumbs Up The Traitor, The Double Dipping Dipton Dribbler? If I ever meet you in person I’m going to show you how not to smile.

    • In Canterbury dairy farming was an exercise in greed, the National party supplied the water by bypassing the environmental process & the extra income compared to traditional farming supplied the demand. As the RNZ article points out big business is unwilling to consider social costs as applicable to them so refuse to pay anything to cover them. Normal people know that taking a job where it costs you more to get to work than the job pays is not sustainable but big farming seem to believe that their income is the important thing & someone else can pay for any problems caused.

  3. Well, capital and finance capital, who the natzos represent first and foremost–always–despite cuddling up to the SMEs, working class aspirationals, and petit bourgeois elements have obviously put the pressure on Baldrick.

    Industrial scale Dairying was always going to crash and burn for three reasons:
    • environmental degradation, unsustainability, animal exploitation and cruelty
    • global changes in production, markets and consumer choices (Fonterra failed in its attempts to be an international force)
    • plant based food developments side lining animal products

    Sad no doubt for all those true blue kiwis who got sucked in, sad for democracy like ECAN in Canterbury, sad for our filthy waterways. A major change is a coming.

  4. How can they be more affordable if Kainga ora is going around buying up all the new houses and they let an extra 90,000 people of whom apparently 70% are know low income earners into the country this year, in spite off growing affordable housing, education and health shortages here.

    Even if migrants have a skill, it becomes pretty questionable how valuable it is, if they bring spouses and kids into NZ that need looking after. Look at the Dickason case. 3 murders and she had a history of depression. We see low income workers on minimum wages such as support workers and bakery assistants , who can bring in more spouses and kids – huge drain on our social systems constantly with bad immigration policy that needs more workers and skills to cater for the families dependants. It is a Ponzi.

    They they complain that there are no affordable houses!

    More fraudster criminals coming too with never-ending recruitment.

    Why wouldn’t you steal huge amounts of money if you know there is a low chance of discovery, hundreds of thousands if not millions to be made and worst comes to worst and you are caught years later, you get home detention in NZ system of enablement of fraud. Our courts haven’t even banned Joanne Harrison – she was free to come back to NZ after a couple of years in the UK!

    The cake decorator turned 7 million wastewater council contract got 10 months home detention and was not deported immediately.

    Our pathetic immigration especially the migrant protection lawyers and justice system literally encouraging criminally minded people to make their fortunes in NZ with criminal activities or take up health care places.

    All these people need housing! And justice costs! And more jails and mental health facilities built!

    Immigration in NZ seems that the priority is to bring in those who need looking after and more taxes spent on their families than a positive effect on NZ.

    • Don’t forget the two $9 million chinese property fraudsters being 501d to NZ because we were dumb enough to give them citizenship, they’ll need a place to stay while they work on their next scam

  5. Disgusting policy from National party, but then Labour gets kainga ora to buy up new housing and 90,000 new residents in NZ many of them on very low incomes this year that need low cost housing.

    While not minding if government need funds to get housing for existing Kiwis, but then bringing more low / no income people into NZ and telling taxpayers that they need to pay more for their housing, health care, pensions, kids education and tax top ups?

    Worth people looking into sites of Kiwis going to Aussie for what people are saying. Everyone knows that this is a big problem aka constant low paid workers into NZ while no advancement here for real skills. They also know that National are going to do the same thing aka grow poor quality immigration – thus they are moving to OZ. And these are the migrants saying it to!

    Literally the migrants are saying the above and then, “I am getting NZ citizenship this month, what do I need to do to go to OZ”.

    How is NZ winning by being a sieve to keep the useless criminals minded migrants and dysfunctional people while not bothering to retain the good migrants and good Kiwis!

    Disgusting that NZ politicians are so encaptured by their donors and ideology that they no longer seem to care about the dysfunctional society they are creating with their useless policies that could be easily changed.

  6. Would not surprise me if Labour get a boost in polls from appalling bad policy ideas from National.

    I thought change of government is in the bag but maybe not with Nationals dual “Tired Ideas Resurrected but Do Not Work” along with Labours “Tired Ideas Resurrected but Do Not Work”.

    Tie election!

    • ” Would not surprise me if Labour get a boost in polls from appalling bad policy ideas from National ”

      And that is what shows how rotten the two party system is that LINO would benefit when they are just as culpable for this situation and so much more and that this policy by the Nasties would encourage people to vote for Chipkins and his in it for him crap.

  7. Who said money can’t buy everything it appears it can by NZ and votes and water the water no one owns because you can’t own water right!

    • Does anyway know why then Maori party voted against 3 Waters (pushed through under urgency this week) which is now 10 Waters? Did they know it would be a disaster?

      • sinic going by the aussie wilfires a few years ago less than 3percent where arson, a much bigger share – discarded fag ends…though it could well have been the famous jewish space lasers

  8. When all the bullshit is stripped away we essentially have a choice between a govt that is committed to representing the interests of the wealthiest 1% and / or China or one that is obsessed with any kind of minority they can identify and in particular anyone they can label Maori / dudes dressed like your nana (often the same dude).

  9. The reality of the situation is that in order to avoid a deep recession in the property sector, we need foreign buyers to be able to buy property here, including existing homes. It is not a particularly palatable concept. It’s not nice. It does not appeal to voters. But it is necessary given our economic situation and the recent global situation due to the pandemic.

    Property is about the only investment that isn’t being adversely affected by inflationary pressures. In fact, property prices are falling. With other investments skewed in their value due to inflation, we need property to remain strong. This includes foreign buyers being able to purchase some existing homes, but of course there ought to be restrictions involved here.

  10. Bla bla bla….all people are hearing is FFUEL TAX GOING UP UNDER LABOUR…that’s all they hear. Labour have lost the election right there. A beautiful day.

    • How the would you know what people are “hearing”. I am hearing a ridiculously self interested god botherer tell me he’s in it for his portfolio

  11. When all the bullshit is stripped away we essentially have a choice between a govt that is committed to representing the interests of the wealthiest 1% and / or China or one that is obsessed with any kind of minority they can identify and in particular anyone they can label Maori / dudes dressed like your nana (often the same dude).

  12. He is a property speculator! Simple question would, in the case of China, we be able by land in Shanghai? You can bet the answer is NO.

  13. Better we take the Overlords money than some one else. Isn’t that how economy s work….a big money go round.

  14. build up the co-operatives – make everyone pay for the privilege of eating our produce. nz needs to show the world up for arrogance. the gauche ole luxon slug will just slither around leaving an hideous trail.

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