Dr Kerekere and the toxicity of wounded woke feelings in a micro aggression policing outrage olympics hashtag culture

Universal Class Leftists of the World Unite! You have nothing to lose but middle class woke activists canceling you on Twitter!

Elizabeth Kerekere quits Green Party, takes aim at co-leaders

Elizabeth Kerekere has resigned from the Green Party, but not before taking aim at its co-leaders as she’s investigated over bullying claims.

Kerekere broke her month-long silence at 8pm Friday night, speaking to Green members about those claims and the “crybaby” text which sparked her investigation. Around the same time, a Green Party spokesperson said Kerekere sent a letter of resignation to the caucus.

She intended to become an independent MP and then retire from politics at the election, party co-leaders James Shaw and Marama Davidson said in a statement. The co-leaders said they would not try to oust her from Parliament with the waka jumping law.

During the meeting, Kerekere didn’t reveal she’d resigned. But she hit out at Shaw and Davidson, saying they made it very difficult for her to continue as an MP.

In Collaborators, Episode one, Season 3 of Battlestar Galactica, those who have collaborated are secretly rounded up and sent out an airlock.

Once the scale of the uberwoke identity politics faction soft coup against the current Green Party Leadership was established after the posting of the provisional candidate list, the Green Leadership pushed their disloyal into an airlock too…

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Left-wing Green Party members lose leader Nicole Geluk-Le Gros

A left-wing group within the Green Party often seen as being at odds with the current leadership has had a leadership change of its own.

The Green Left Network (GLN), a group of Green members that “works to promote an explicitly anti-capitalist” vision for the Green Party, according to its website, has lost one of its co-convenors, Nicole Geluk-Le Gros, following the Network’s online AGM last week.

Geluk-Le Gros was ejected from her co-convenor position on the GLN’s executive under a process known as Re-open Nominations or “RON”.

This occurs when a person is trying to reapply for their position and at least a quarter of voting members vote to “reopen nominations” to other members, rather than endorse that person’s reappointment. It is the same process by which party co-leader James Shaw lost the party co-leadership last year, before regaining it.

there could be a wider issue at play, which is a shift within the party away from networks like the GLN towards what are known as “lived experience networks”.

These are groups organised around people’s lived experience as part of the rainbow or disabled communities, for example.

A recent constitutional change in the party gave lived experience groups more power within the Green Party’s organisational structure – power that is not given to networks that organise along more ideological lines.

…the uberwoke faction had gerrymandered the new rules on voter collaboration within the Greens and once established had hijacked them.

This is an identity politics tactic we have seen at the Pride parade and the Student Strike for Climate Auckland, woke activists seize control of the organisation to establish their purge.

Within the Greens this uberwoke faction considered Marama Davidson as not woke enough, combine that energy with the inflated self importance of MPs powered on nothing more than the low hanging fruit of visible diversity and you had a soft coup that only got as far as it did because Marama and James are such weak Leaders who have delivered very little in terms of meaningful change.

The game was up when Dr Kerekere’s group chat message went to the wrong group chat. Her claim is she sent it accidentally about herself to her wife which requires 7 bends of the space time continuum to accept, despite one of her collaborators replying to her mistake immediately with ‘wrong group’.

A soft coup by the uberwoke was quickly put down and airlocks used, but it does highlight the danger of the toxicity of wounded woke feelings in a micro aggression policing outrage olympics hashtag culture.

The Woke Identity Politics clique argue for an intersectionist power system of Critical race and gender theory where the voice of the most oppressed is the only one that matters. Where everyone more mentally ill than you is toxic and everyone less mentally ill than you is privileged.

The Holy Trinity of Woke Dogma is that every white person is an irredeemable cross burning racist, B-E-L-I-E-V-E every woman that ALL men are rapists and any supplying free speech is a uniform wearing Nazi who hates the Trans community.

Every act is a genocide,  every rolled eye a war crime, any behaviour that can be taken as the most wounding insult known since civilisation founded while painting the other as a vampire Nazi sex offender has combined to become a cultural cacophony of wounds holding their scars to the sky in competition for social hierarchy.

I think we have become a brittle people with the stoicism of frightened lambs shivering in a bleak baron winter.

In the words of the great Logan Roy…

…the Greens with Dr Kerekere and Riccardo as co-leaders would have been a 3% Party, the Greens current focus on the inequalities of free market capitalism has every chance of seeing them gain 10% + 2 electorates.

All the Greens have to do is be slightly less cowardly, ball-less and spineless than Labour, and Labour are currently making that very easy for them.

If Labour need the Greens + Māori Party to govern post election, the Greens and MP should immediately hui and negotiate as a united front.

We are going to need a lot more airlocks after that.


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  1. Identity politics, micro aggression policing outrage, uber woke, ober woke, woke, woke minor, brittle, snowflake. Its hard to believe but this forms anywhere from 7 to 12 % of voters of the Green polling results are to be believed.

    University has an awful lot to answer for!

    • Ban gender studies and critical social justice at University – they are a toxic hellhole of marxist bullshit.

    • They get brainwashed in school to think this way. Rachel Zegler (the latest woke Hollywood acress) trying to promote her Snow White reboot by saying saying it’s going to be exactly not like the classic says everything you need to know about where current generation politics is heading.

      • Nitrium. I gather that the ‘ Snow White ‘ reboot features the heroic Prince/ Huntsman of children’s folk lore as a stalker. I may stop singing, “ Some Day My Prince Will come.”

        The Meghan Markle remake of Dicken’s ‘ Great Expectations’ apparently, surreally, portrays Miss Faversham as a feminist icon. I am seriously pissed off on behalf of Charles Dickens, and pray that the writers’ strike in Hollywood lasts forever. Tolkien borrowed wonderfully from Norse mythology, as did magnificent Wagner, and now the ghastly wokesters are wrecking more than they have the wit to realise – or perhaps they do.

      • Nitrium. Oops. It is Miss Havisham who is being morphed into a feminist icon -Faversham being a nearby small town in Kent.

  2. It the exact same tactic trotskyist groups used last century repurposed for this one.

    Filthy, degenerate and destructive.

    • Ignatius “ Degenerate”. A word for which I have been searching. It’s good that Kerekere has gone. Her “maiden” speech was revealing and disappointing, but the Greens have been much too divisive.

    • Someone does not know their Trotsky/Lenin doctrine from Stalin/Moa thought and actions.

      Trotsky and Lenin fought against the secretarial class (toda’ys PMC) taking over the soviet (peoples parliament) government from the people. Stalin manipulated to secretariat to be all powerful. Purges consumed some 300K people from the bolshevik ideology that Marxs espoused.

      Lenin was incapacitated by three bullets from a lady assassin and Trotsky killed with a pick axe in the head.

      The woke are more influenced by Stalin and the secretariat, not Trotsky and Lenin.

    • Can you imagine what its going to be like when all the current school kids get out of rainbow indoctrinated schools and head into workplaces and local and central govt jobs?
      This needs to be cauterized now.

  3. Another self obsessed, ideological, thicko, wokie gone, thank goodness.

    Green Party hardly recognisable these days from when previously MP’s cared about the environment and helping woman and had practical policy.

    Bradford would have been a lot better than Marama, she would have got the homeless housed and had the greens on 30% by now.

    Insecure leaders always surround themselves by flawed people as it makes them feel better. Good leaders surround themselves by people better than them and that drives good policy and change.

  4. The next new faction is the LNGTLLEUNICORNs.

    They haven’t worked out what that means and what they stand for but it’s important to someone.

  5. Martyn – National – ACT just needs to remind NZers about Dr Kerekere, Michael Wood, and Kiri Allan in order to gain more votes

  6. The most disturbing aspect of this whole affair is that Kerekere used the word “crybaby”. Number four on the Green Party list and this is the level of political critique. The last time I used that word I think I was in Standard 4.

    • Peter I know! I think that her abrasive chairing at Select Committee should have made it clear that she’s not equipped for positions of leadership. I think Kerekere was giving the Greens a bad name.

  7. The national party are deliberately tanking agriculture leading into an election with Labour as the government because they don’t want to run the risk of being found out for having brutally and mercilessly exploited farmers for the last 140 years to build their fortunes to fortify their Remuera fiefdoms. Hence, as the saying goes ” When the belly’s full, all else is art. ”
    ‘Dr Kerekere and the toxicity of wounded woke feelings in a micro aggression policing outrage olympics hashtag culture’ … won’t be pondered while you’re adding salt to your pet Kitten and Puppy stew.
    Want a view of an ever encroaching future then watch this.
    Mr Jones.

  8. Hammers & nails,, torches pitchforks. Eh! fir the first time, goin to vote Green,, my son!s Te patie te Maori, why, simple, split the vote. In house fighting, within a Political Party, has a house full of superior ego!s, not all who think shine, fade, as others outside polish the glimmer.
    I PICKED THIS ELECTION A WHILE BACK TO REMAIN THE SAME, not now. Winston, back again, his old monied friends,aged and populisted now, swing not so much a care, but old money health care home.

  9. There’s another little thing…
    Years ago @ around 1990 I was involved in a direct-action farmer movement with a fellow called John Mc Casky. I think this is the same guy. It was a long time ago. https://nz.linkedin.com/in/john-mccaskey-4309a131. We got some interesting media coverage etc.
    At about that time jimbo the Himbo bolger was waddling about spouting self-aggrandising gusts of hot air.
    Here he is again. Still at it.
    Reactionary Neo-liberal Zeitgeist. AKA RNZ. ( One of mine. What do you reckon? )
    “Jim Bolger accused of bias and being ‘abrasive’ at Kāpiti Coast meetings on managed retreat”
    Jimbo the leader of the National party farmer came to the Ch Ch town hall and puffed out gasses in cahoots with pete elworthy. Sorry. SIR pete elworthy, president of farcical federated farmers to denounce our direct action, Farmers Union movement. Instead of our growing strength, we lost out to the now foreign owned banks. Thanks Jimbo. Thanks a fucking lot.

  10. Country boy. I enjoy your musings, but perhaps for other reasons than you imagine. But how is the national party deliberately tanking agriculture leading into the election? Are they the government? What have I missed?

  11. ” The co-leaders said they would not try to oust her from Parliament with the waka jumping law ”

    Of course not the Greens are all piss and wind and another reason why LINO uses and abuses them and will again despite Shaw wanting a cabinet position and then when he is asked how little he has achieved he can point to collective cabinet responsibility by allowing himself to be silenced and captured.

  12. My daughter and her friends (under 20) were full blown Green lovers 1-2 years ago.
    They are now Act or more precisely David Seymour junkies. It’s bizarre, they love his humour-social media. It’s got them interested in politics and converted their support.

    I do wonder if the Geens pushed them out as much as DS pulled them in?

    • If you cancel white straight men, biological woman and think that punching and fracturing a face of an older woman, throwing liquids at speakers and stopping speakers having their democratic right to free speech at protests or that this is ‘trans love,’ then no wonder functioning youth are turning to another political party that seems to be more inclusive.

      It’s god damn weird how the trans nutters keep going on about how everyone needs to be inclusive, but not themselves who seem to be some of the least inclusive, most aggressive, and canceling group in our society.

      That the greens identify with this approach is why ACT seems to be taking the youth.

    • Mick. Don’t like Seymour, but I did have a giggle about him saying Guy Fawkes should be brought in to put an end to a spendthrift government commission, and the oh so serious utterly humourless
      media girls reporting on it as apocalypse pending. Stern. Stern. I could almost vote Nat if the candidate gave an undertaking to re-instate Guy Fawkes Day as part of our colourful historical heritage. Almost.

  13. I’ve the decades I’ve watched the Greens gradually migrate away from actual, tangible, green issues and turn into a festering cesspit of narcissistic sociopathy. It’s all sharp elbows and “Look at Me!” in a race to appeal to that childlike few percent of the population who are vulnerable to their BS.

    None of the current crop have any green credentials. All are technical illiterates in a field of discourse that is by its very nature, is highly technical. Meanwhile it’s all very obvious from their ‘TV manner’ that they’ve done their communications degrees. Horrid people!

  14. The only problem I have is I don’t understand a word you said. Like the sov cits I like to watch on utube.

    You’ve been hurt , we’re all odd-bods on the Left, Orwell noticed how we were cranks. Yet we brought wealth to the people. ‘Woke’, as you say, is over-particularity about speech at best. At worst, asking minorities to wait. Which is not a possibility in the modern media age, thankfully.

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