David Seymour and Winston Peters gloriously despise each other: How a Minority National Government needing them both would actually work or wouldn’t

The Alliance of Arsholes

The reality is that Winston and David hate each other so much that they refuse to give National the Supply and Confidence votes and instead force another snap-election.

The Governor General gives the Election to whatever Political Leader can assure Supply and Confidence, if no Party Leader can do that, we could be forced back to a snap-election.

David and Winston hate each other so much that they won’t concede anything to the other.

If National need ACT and NZ First (which they will) ACT and NZ First will sprint to the Cross Benches and refuse point blank to co-operate with each other.

If Labour, Greens and Māori Party are the ‘Coalition of Chaos’, ACT, National and NZ First are the ‘Alliance of Arseholes’ and their naked hatred towards each other will be glorious for 3 years of policy gridlock.

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  1. Martyn – Interesting point…Might be a long negotiation period between those 3 parties to form Government

    • Just asking – is there any time-limit for settling and signing coalition agreements in NZ?
      Do they have, for example, the equivalent of penalty-shoot-outs if it still remains inconclusive after 90 minutes of playing games(figuratively speaking)?

  2. This is the funniest thing I have read all week. If the government does change to these 3 wallies , talk about the coalition of chaos. this would be the coalition of egos . Nothing would get done , it’s funny but also disastrous.

    • +1
      The boring theatre of our 3-yearly “your-choices-are-what-we-allow-you-to-have” pantomime could actually be fun this time around if Martyn’s Alliance of A-holes eventuates.

    • In this one upmanship Nactfirst would be a coalition of chaos on steroids. How many of the MP’s that Winston tried to sue, are still in National now? If Luxon had any spine, he should have ruled out Winston like months ago. Or is it time for Nicola to make that captains call? Get on with it or get out.

  3. Couple of White Ngapuhi’s having a tiff, just sparring at present, those Ngapuhi hapu’s have been squabbling and fighting since the arrival of the first canoes. It will be a right royal bunfight Luxton, Seymour Butt & Winnie trying to get any policy through, will he hilarious to watch IMHO.

  4. Winston hated the Greens but the country survived. 3 years of Labour has put us back years in so many fields .
    Both Act and Winston want the best for the country so while I rather not have Winston on board they have a common enemy in labour so will work things out .Luxon will be a good navingtor

    • Trevor, After Ardern, New Zealand’s ageing demographic may be less inclined to trust young upstart extremists and may prefer an experienced elder statesman of the sort currently sorely lacking.

    • Trevor is what you get when you’re deprived of oxygen at some point.
      Trevor? Please. You’re looking silly.
      Peters is the very embodiment of the Machiavellian Confederate. He’s in there stirring up dust. Take no notice.
      There’s an infamous photograph of peters and brash doing tea and biscuits outside a cafe with an unrecognised other fellow in what looks like Wellington and I’m fucked if I can find it on the Net.
      The Natzo’s are the neo-liberals. Not labour. Labour was merely used by Labour’s two term finance minister roger douglas and derek squiggly to Trojan-Horse their treachery into our politics. Not even Prime Minister David Lange, a defence lawyer and a one time friend of roger’s saw that coming.
      Meanwhile, in the background, there was winny. A little weasel sniffing and huffing in bold rudeness and arrogant confidence. I remember watching whinny in his hay day. A pompous fool but yet less foolish than his followers. Trust me. Any public ructions between Whinny and Chrome-Head is a play. You’re being suckered. Again.
      In the real world Winston Peters would be before a Royal Commission of Inquiry and White Hall would have installed a temporary government to keep the gears turning until the Royal Commission of Inquiry was finished with him and his National Party neo-liberal traitors.
      I do a lot of writing. I write elsewhere other than here and I’ve discovered one important psychological advantage in getting one’s narrative across the finish line. To create a narrative, one must be first out of the starting block. Then, it becomes almost impossible to be de-railed. Because… you created the narrative and all you have to do is add to it. It’s quite a powerful consideration when pondering the lunacy of our warped and corrupted politics. That’s one of the reasons why I keep banging on about a Royal Commission of Inquiry. They’d come in to our abusive house and sweep the floor clean to allow us to start again. This time, with a far greater advantage over the vile privateer rich who exploit our primary industry. This time, we’d be writing the narrative. We’d be empowered by experience.
      If you started a political vector then no matter who tried to come along to derail the direction of that narrative the writer’s always got the advantage because the writer was first in with the idea. They were first out of the starting gate.
      The National Party were first out the gate to unleash, through roger douglas and derek quigly, a Far Right and bizarre fascist autocracy aka milton friedman’s neo-liberalism on AO/NZ’s urban working people and our primary industry farmers thus rendering them defenceless and to keep them fractionated thus powerless.
      MMP was introduced and picked up by jim bolgers National government and from that time downwards we’ve sunk.
      Why? That’s a good question Countryboy. Let me answer with a few stats.
      14 multi-billionaires. 3118 multi-millionaires, each with a personal wealth in excess of $50 million. Four foreign owned banks taking $180.00 a second from our pockets in nett profits while we’re now struggling to pay mortgages. Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty five days a year. And that’s what we know! What don’t we know!
      Watch this. Are you sitting down? Try lying down.
      “After nine months of secret collaboration, a global team of over 380 investigative journalists released the findings of one of the largest troves of leaked documents in history last week: the Paradise Papers.”
      This traitor prick is what our farmers must be constantly on the lookout for.
      ‘Farmers to blame for crossbred wool slump’
      The real scumbags to blame are the scumbags between the farm gate and the Urban Ferrari’s parked outside mansions in Auckland’s leafy suburbs. Aye jonky?
      Neo-liberalism was introduced to make a few people ridiculously rich and that was forty years ago. What’s it going to be like here in another forty years? You got wee pre-school kids buggering around with toys on the lounge floor? What are you going to tell them in time to come?
      “She’ll be right mate? Well, turns out She wasn’t right mate.”
      Whatdaya reckon then Trev’? Kick ‘er in the guts?

    • Bullshit Trevor. 9 years of National has completely destroyed NZ and its now beyond repair despite Labours attempts.

    • The economic downward spiral was exactly the same when the Tories last had multiple terms. It has been all downhill since the mid-1980s.

    • Whatever you are taking it must be good, maybe you should do a deal with Chris Fowlie for another option in the imagination-expanding drug market, either that or an antidepressant as you manage to see good in a fraught situation..

  5. Have been saying this for more than a year.

    It’s what happens globally that will change NZ’ders minds about what the next political system we should have because MMP has shot its load and so has FPP.

    Government by Public Referendum is the obvious next choice. ‘Innit?’

  6. The reality is that Seymour and Winston worked together successfully and that both will work together if they must.

  7. Jeeezzz Winston always hates someone, it’s his nature as an egotistical narcissist.
    The type of person who not only carries a grudge for real or perceived slights but makes his decisions not on ‘what’s best for the country’ but ‘how can I get the best revenge’ and of course we can’t forget the ‘what’s in it for me’ ego he has.
    The sooner he retires from politics the better….

    • I’m Right Peters isn’t a hater, he’s not that intense, but if any New Zealand politician is capable of feeling anything “ gloriously,” then surely that would be occasion for dancing in the streets. Mallard’s petulant wee attempts hosing down Parliamentary protestors is the biggest display of strong emotion since somebody called Marama Davidson a cunt.

  8. At the start of every palimentry question time. The deputy speaker or colleague sais something like
    ‘ we shall put all personal interests and disagreement s to one side to conduct morally ethically correct behavior and make decisions in the best interests of the country’

    & That’s what Peter’s and Seymour or the LEFT have to do. No if s or buts. Be adults in a functioning work place.

      • Labour haven’t attempted anything except ill thought through silly policy all of which is quickly coming home to roost.
        I agree with Trevor both Act and NZF also National want what’s best for New Zealand.
        This current Labour Government seem to treat the serious business of Government like a game similar, to student politics.
        It’s not a game playing with the lives of 5 million plus people.

      • Well it’s certain no one in the Labour Government including Ardern received the memo or they did and ignored it like everything else.

    • My, how things flip flop.

      National want the Chinese and Labour wants Blackrock from the US.

      The world has truly gone mad.

      • Did you have to say ‘ flip-flop’ ? Luxon was the geezer photo-opted using power tools to assembly an el cheapie barbecue wearing flip flops. Even if Bill English still drives wearing them – groan – anyone who doesn’t know how to protect his own two feet, cannot be entrusted with the defence of the realm.

        • meh – I DIYed a cpl of houses in havianas. only dimwits hurt themselves via mistakes and accidents. my appraisal of luxon just went up. from -1 to -0.9

    • Fortunately Luxton was navigator of Air NZ when we had calm weather and clear skies, not sure how good he will be when the going get’s tough.

  9. Labour needs to return to core values, and distance itself from the Green’s woke gender nonsense and climate change bullshit. With “cost of living” being by far the biggest concern for voters, waffling on about ridiculously expensive green initiatives that will have at most 0.1% impact on climate change (that is all NZ contributes!) is the last thing people want to hear (and let alone vote for).

  10. ACT, National and NZ First are the ‘Alliance of Arseholes’

    An alliance, of an ‘Alliance of Arseholes’ would be an accurate description of New Zealand First and ACT backing National to govern.




    NZFACTN a collection of alliances of arseholes.

    • yep – and I’m voting for the biggest asshole of them all – Winston is the brown eye vote to the so called right in this country. ACT far right – give me a break – ACT are pussios

      • Yes you state a problem. There are too many pussies roaming our country
        and many things precious to us are being decimated. They feel soft but have sharp teeth.

  11. What is a misalliance of a,,,,holes (they don’t deserve a capital letter)? Perhaps a dunghill which means a refuse heap when used generally.

    Diplomatic language! The reason that this two could never get on as they
    don’t understand the meaning in French or even if the message was in Maori!
    Comment se manifeste l’esprit de corps ?
    Dans son sens négatif, l’esprit de corps pousse ses tenants à se coopter dans un cercle fermé, à tolérer voire couvrir les abus de leurs camarades, à tricher dans le sens de leurs intérêts, ou à « se faire justice eux-mêmes ».
    Esprit de corps – Wikipédia wikipedia.org
    https://fr.wikipedia.org › wiki › Esprit_de_corps

    • Greywarbler Arseholes are people who visit the elderly in care pre-election and pretend to listen to them, hug babies, tell schoolboys that they’re Samoan chiefs, pull a waitress’s ponytail every Sunday lunchtime, organise a photographer to see them on their knees -praying – pre-election – tell the elderly not to talk to the neighbours, refer to bereaved Pike River whanau as feral, ascend in big shiny German cars because their feet are too small and weak to step up Bowen Street, celebrate shutting women up as moments of pure joy, try to shut everybody up, have unresolved family issues which blinker reality concerning gender, race, age, money, and just about everything else, tell schools how to do their jobs despite being incapable of doing them themselves, detax fruit and vegetables only, flog the family cutlery, leave people languishing in pain all over the place, haven’t a clue what it’s like to be cold in winter, hungry and homeless, nor care, and are friendless apart from enjoying the company of people just as ignorant and boring as each other, would take one bottle of beer to a neighbourhood barbecue if anybody ever invited them, and are aka politicians, who tax us, to represent our interests, but in reality, their own. They get their stomachs stapled instead of their mouths, don’t read books, probably watch television, pay people to do their thinking for them and blame somebody else whenever things go wrong, which is quite a lot. These are their good points.

  12. ” David and Winston hate each other so much that they won’t concede anything to the other ”

    Looks like a lot of pissed off LINO voters are going to have an insurance policy against Seymour’s attempt to launch the third neo liberal revolution backed by some serious donations. No wonder Seymour and the financial elite so used to getting whatever they want under any main party LINO or the Nasties are getting a bit agitated not that there wealth is directly threatened or their personal safety because Winston is a hand brake not a revolutionary he is a conservative ex National party MP.

    If Luxon is in a position to govern all of his yet to be discovered managerial skills will be needed and this is not like running an airline and getting well paid for it.

    There will be trade offs and Seymour is clever and arrogant and will be prepared to accept the baubles of office with his view on the next election cycle. Any disruption will be blamed on Winston.

    It is going to be a doozy as entertainment value goes while the many will still be languishing as the new government will have no answers or policy to remedy the many crises we are currently experiencing.

    Only the wealthy and the corporates have a place in their own economy.

  13. Oh no what will we do? Without Labour and the Greens who will tell me what to say and think? Without National and Act who will sell my country out from underneath me?

  14. as always winston will go with the biggest bribe….he has supporters but the morals of a 5dollar whore

  15. I love Seymour’s ‘glorious’ hatred of Winnie. Winnie at 77 can strike out at any Right enemy. And Seymour is feeble waiting to be shot down.

    That no Lefty politicians can fire like that is our tragedy.

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