MEDIAWATCH: Will Andrea Vance be examining Tim van de Molen’s threatening behaviour or is she just fixated on Kiri Allan?

National Party MP Tim van de Molen or 'Basher' to his mates

You know when some women go after other women in a very critical way and you kinda wonder if it’s personal?

That’s the way I feel about Andrea Vance’s bewildering hate campaign against Kiri Allan.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a huge fan of Vance’s journalism, but she was the one who was leaked high level Wellington Bureaucrat gossip, she was the one who followed it up with Kiri not at the car, then Vance brought in the story about dogs and now she is claiming more multiple high level Wellington Bureaucrat gossip that Kiri yelled at other useless Bureaucrats.

This feels less like journalism and more like harassment.

So when will Vance bring her laser beam to Tim van de Molen’s threatening behaviour???

National MP Tim van de Molen referred to Privileges Committee for alleged ‘threatening or intimidating’ behaviour

National MP Tim van de Molen has been referred to Parliament’s Privileges Committee.

It followed a complaint by Labour’s Rachel Boyack, relating to van de Molen’s conduct towards the chairperson of the Transport and Industrial Relations Committee, Shannan Halbert on June 2023.

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Speaker Adrian Rurawhe said versions of events differed, but if the allegation made was correct, “the conduct complained of could amount to threatening or intimidating a member acting in the discharge of their duty or threatening a member on account of their conduct in parliament”.

”The Speaker’s role as such matters is to determine whether the facts alleged could, if true, amount to a breach of privilege or contempt of the House,” Rurawhe said.

Surely an MP who actually attempted to physically intimidate another MP is a bigger story than a Cabinet Minister who yelled at unaccountable and incompetent Wellington Bureaucrats?

Will Andrea Vance be examining Tim van de Molen’s threatening behaviour or is she just fixated on Kiri Allan?


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  1. Of course there won’t be the same attack on The Mole. N.Z. media are right wing and this is already out of the media. it doesn’t condone the fact that the N.Z. National party for bullies should go scot free. The Mole must resign immediately. He won’t because his leader Lex Luther said he knows The Mole well as he does Bed Legs Uffindell and they are fine upstanding gentlemen.

    • This Labour Government holds a mortgage over incompetent Ministers.
      How many have they lost?
      It’s a disgrace to realise these dreadful people are telling us how to live our lives.

      • All parties have incompetent team members. But National have a plethora of violent ones, Maggie basher Barry, Sam Bed Legs Uffindel and The Mole are just the tip of the iceberg. You sugar coating your bias for the right wing bloc is nothing new as many on here will attest too. Yet the silence in your protest of these appalling and dreadful people is blissful in its ignorance, given you’re okay having them telling you how to live your life. But again, we see your ignorance daily.

    • NZ media are right wing??!! I just spit my coffee.

      You did catch the journalism survey that showed over 80% of journalists in NZ leaned left and of those a significant amount described themselves as far left.

      • You spitting in your coffee is a sign of your arrogance.
        It doesn’t alter the fact the NZ right wing media are like a pack of rabid dogs and defending them only makes you part of the pack.

  2. Probably not because, on the surface sounds like a delicate petal and another backbencher who are about to get the arse card stirring the pot. Shannan and Rachael probably are struggling to put their cvs together.

    • Frank you are a total hypocrite, which just about sums up the blindness of the right wing zealots on this page. You bemoan crime, violence ram raids etc all the time, but when it comes any wrong doing by right wing MP’s its OK! . How can you sit there “holier than though” and make excuses for bad behavior.

      • LOL. Go back and read posts on Kiri Allan and Mike Wood. Pot kettle Black.

        Not my fault the left wing empire is combusting due to a combination of incompetence, poor execution and poor ideas.

        • Frank the hypocrite you should call yourself. Kiri Allen had a mental health issue and Michael Wood was lazy they both paid the price. Lets not forget the homeless man, a Labour woman MP on a toilet seat raffle plus the unexplained acquisition of health files, now who would that be smugly smiling daily in parliament Michael Woodhouse (still there ), Barbara Kruiger bullying MPI staff
          ( still there ) Lets not forget snapchat Bishop ( still there ) Do you. know who I am security breach Brownley ( still there ). Even Judith Collins is still there . Lastly but not least Uffendell and the secret report ( still there ) he was elected by an unsuspecting public who didn’t know they were voting for a bully. That was Luxon’s responsibility and guess what he’s still there

    • Frank I seem to recall you legitimising Sharma, despite him being a whinging bullshitter, or perhaps a delicate petal. I believe at this point you recommend removing fan girl underwear?

      It also must be rather awkward that gang types are running around shooting each other in Sydney at present. I suppose that’s Coster fault.

  3. I was accused of intimidating “staff” and my supervisor was instructed to record this on my service record.
    When I challenged the charge I was told that I seen standing in a menacing way over another person that I reported to. I was standing “over” that person in order to explain the content of correspondence that he was responding to, at his request! The man was at senior management level (taller, larger and a few years younger than me) and I was employed as a subject expert.
    The incident followed after I reported an elevated risk of potential of fraud within a specific business activity.

    I encourage TDB to investigate this and update us on The Mole, his victim and the accuser. Pfffff. Trevor Mallard and Tua Hanare.. now that was a story. And a minister of justice (with form) avoiding justice…. That is a story.

  4. No- nothing tops the Justice Minister needing the police dogs to track her down after fleeing a car crash and then the Minister threatens the Police officers with the sack if they take her in!

  5. No- nothing tops the Justice Minister needing police dogs to track her down after fleeing a car crash and then the Minister threatens the Police officers with the sack if they take her in!

    • And she has and will pay her dues Ada loss of job and let down many people who were depending on her including her party.
      We all have to pay the piper bully Van de Molen has to and this needs to be given the same attention others have received. Kiri didn’t kill anyone.

  6. The timing of the complaint stinks to high heaven. Five weeks after the alleged incident that apparently did not worry the victim. A Desperate attempt to show the Nats in a bad light in the lead up to the election.

  7. He seems an NZ version of a South African yarpie. Big country boy menaces smaller urban gay boy. Not a good look. Is bed leg basher Sam his advisor…

    This story will last 5 minutes because he is a Natzo and they have media immunity in 2023, particularly at election time. It was a little different in 2020, still mid COVID so some Natzos did get pinged–Ms Boag for seriously breaching medical privacy, Mr Woodhouse for the “homeless man”, fake talkback guy “Merv” from Manurewa, Andrew Falloon the dick pick guy and the Queenstown racist among various others.

  8. And she has and will pay her dues Ada loss of job and let down many people who were depending on her including her party.
    We all have to pay the piper bully Van de Molen has to and this needs to be given the same attention others have received. Kiri didn’t kill anyone.

  9. TimVM is probably on good talking terms with DR Sharma who has been trying to tell him what his former Labour colleague s are like.

    Now seeing up close just how useless the Labour party back benches are probably through him into a rage.

    Hey but at least he is now under rated. And not a Who or overrated .

  10. Martyn – Fair point…Kiri was a Cabinet Minister/Crown Minister, and knew better…while Tim van de Molen also knows better…yet, has Shannan Halbert (the victim) laid a complaint against Tim, or is it still Rachel Boyack behind the complaint?

  11. ” So when will Vance bring her laser beam to Tim van de Molen’s threatening behaviour??? ”
    Not going to happen.
    The right have the MSM as usual in the bag as this story unlike Allan has been effectively buried.
    If there is a chance that the Nasties are on track to form the government it will all be good news and cover up stories from now and beyond October , its just a re run of the Shyster ,Double dipper almost legal government of 2008-17.
    Its all good news from now with even less scrutiny in case that results in negative coverage.
    Wait until they start to spend the paper in the war chest thoughtfully donated by the Kiwi aristocracy.

    • Millsy perhaps you should do some research before you write something about someone .
      Molen was born in 1985 in NZ and brought up in Matamata .I dare say any little brown people he stood over would have been Maori who would have hit him.
      I do not know who was at fault but I do wonder why it took 8 weeks for the issue to be raised .Could it be 8 weeks ago Labour was doing well in the polls .

      • Trevor. I thought he sounds Dutch, good hard working people. Ethnically, tohe Dutch and New Zealand Maori, were the most generous donators when I worked charity fundraising. Back in Christchurch in the 1950’s, the post WW11 Dutch immigrants were unpopular in some workplaces for being so diligent and hardworking, not unlike the Asians further along the track.

        This is all too grubby, but dumping on Vance now is bloody ridiculous. Blue Moon Syndrome.

        • Snow white, she dumped on Kiri Allen from a great hight while she knew Kiri was unwell. We have had the whole Kiri story right left and center. What sense of dignity she tried to retain was taken away by Andrea Vance and co. We all know Kiri was unwell but to kick a person when they are down and keep on kicking is no “Blue Moon “ its bullying .

    • More stories Millsy?!!

      The Mole was born and bred in the Waikato and as a former Cambridge native I can tell you there are many dutch agriculturalists in the region.

  12. van de Molen –
    He has a degree in social sciences with a psychology major…It seems he knows everything about how to be a wealthy, material person. Was in a position to buy a farm at 29; parents who were primary school teachers. Golden bootstraps? Has a background almost perfect for a good political CV.
    Van de Molen has farmed dairy, sheep and beef, and grown asparagus and has worked as a rural banker. He has a degree in social sciences with a psychology major, and drives a hybrid SUV. He says he wants urban people to understand that farmers aren’t all about polluting rivers and keeping pigs in crates. He’s very vocal about this.
    About 80 percent of New Zealanders live in urban centres, he says.
    “So many of those people in urban areas receive their information from, or base their understanding of rural New Zealand on, what they see in the media. What we have seen, unfortunately, over the last couple of years, has been quite a strong focus on sensationalised images and stories that don’t accurately reflect the current state of rural New Zealand.”…

    Once he was picked to run for the electorate, there was little chance of failure – Waikato has been held by National since 1938, and he won by 15,452 votes. The aspiring MP’s wife, Hilary, was able to give up paid work to become a full time mother (he says she’s amazing and is able to take a lot of this in her stride), and both sets of grandparents are around to help out.

    A Waikato MP is in hospital with a fractured spine, rib, and two broken arms, after falling from a platform.

  13. PS: I cant stand Andrea Vance. As a journalist, she is on top of her craft but as a person (if we can read anything into her subject matter) she doesnt seem particularly nice. Shades of Julie Burchill in her work.

    • What an excellent bird you are Fantail. I met two yesterday in my garden, so trusting, busy with their task of looking for fodder – delightful to get to know. I am very ready to work with such worthy creatures!

      • Sadly my brethren dont often visit. Too many noisy Tuis, Mynas and Magpies but pine season is nearly upon us so maybe they will drop by then. Very rare to see any of your ilk here which were always always my favourite growing up, delightful little birds.

  14. what about the kiwi throw out dan wotton in the uk, usually it’s front page news if a kiwi farts overseas with extensive interviews with those who smelled the fart and was it better than a euro-fart…is it because he’s a gay predator I do hope not sexuality doesn’t sanctify

    k’mon TDB do your job

  15. still waiting for something on wooton a kiwi journo who has done well for himself in the uk and is a shining example of a successful kiwi….no? me surprised nope


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